Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 62: 62

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Chapter 62: Burning

Hearing this voice, Chang Qing was so frightened that his whole body jumped up. Damn, isn’t this Lu Zheng’s voice!

Chang Qing instantly had a guilty conscious and felt nervous about being caught. He and Qiao Zhenran glanced at each other and he found that this guy’s eyes also had a flicker of guiltiness in them.

It seems that Qiao Zhenran was not so bold either.

Lu Zheng opened the bamboo curtain, and that handsome face appeared in front of Chang Qing and Qiao Zhenran.

“Qiao Zhenran!” He pronounced Qiao Zhenran’s name with clenched teeth.

It’s a pity that he thought Qiao Zhenran was good. He didn’t expect him to try and pry the corner of his house!

Lu Zheng came earlier than Chang Qing and Qiao Zhenran. He recognized Chang Qing and Qiao Zhenran as soon as they spoke, but he didn’t say anything. He just wanted to see what kind of relationship they had.

The first part of the conversation was fine, but the second part wasn’t right. It wasn’t until Chang Qing’s last words that Lu Zheng realized that it was Qiao Zhenran who had the first thought. He was so irritable and annoyed that he couldn’t help speaking out.

Qiao Zhenran was still calm: “President Lu, why are you here?”  

Lu Zheng smiled gloomily, “If I hadn’t come, I wouldn’t have seen this good show. You go on.”

Chang Qing saw a young man in a suit and leather shoes through the gap that Lu Zheng opened. That young man had a panicked look on his face as if he wanted to hide but didn’t know where to hide.

Qiao Zhenran was, of course, dumbfounded. After a while, he said, “I like Chang Qing and I’m pursuing him, but he didn’t agree. He rejected me.

In the end, this wasn’t a glamorous thing. Even if Qiao Zhenran is thick-skinned, he can’t be too righteous.

Lu Zheng sneered: “You pried my corner? Pried into my place? You don’t want to stay in the company anymore, do you?”

Qiao Zhenran calmly said: “I haven’t succeeded yet. If you want, President Lu, it’s also possible for me to marry into the Lu family instead.”

Lu Zheng: “…”

What the fuck, is this man speaking human words?

For some reason, Chang Qing actually wanted to laugh. Then, as he thought it, he couldn’t help laughing.

Lu Zheng’s gaze immediately fell on Chang Qing. “What are you laughing at? How dare you laugh? This guy is pursuing you, but you didn’t tell me?”

This was also an unreasonable anger, Lu Zheng didn’t realize how strange his words were.

In fact, if Chang Qing wanted to find someone, Lu Zheng, as the younger brother-in-law, had no reason to stop him. Maybe Chang Qing wouldn’t be worthy of his older brother but there was no reason for Chang Qing, who was still alive, to stay by his older brother’s side.

At first, Lu Zheng thought that it would be good for him to stay for a year or two. This was also a time that Lu Zheng could accept. However, now that his relationship with Chang Qing was getting better, he had adopted a family-like way of getting along with him. For his sake, he naturally wants him to be happy.

However, there was no need for Chang Qing to tell Lu Zheng everything, such as who was pursuing him.

This was not something that a brother-in-law can ask.

Chang Qing didn’t understand this point at the moment, so after being questioned by him like this, he was still a little overwhelmed and guilty. He cleared his throat and said, “It’s not a big deal.”

Lu Zheng spared him temporarily. He grabbed Qiao Zhenran, grit his teeth and said, “Get your ass over here.”

Turning to Chang Qing, he said, “Sit tight and don’t move around.”

With that, he carried Qiao Zhenran back to his own compartment.

Chang Qing had just guessed that Lu Zheng wouldn’t hit Qiao Zhenran, and then he heard Qiao Zhenran’s muffled groan.

He couldn’t sit still anymore. He stood up and opened the bamboo curtain. He saw Lu Zheng holding Qiao Zhenran onto the ground and bending his arm back. He spoke in a low voice, ”What did I tell you? I told you to take care of him, and you turned around to pursue him. Don’t you understand human language? How dare you lie to me, you bastard, how dare you!”

This was a completely one-sided crushing. Qiao Zhenran was originally quite decent looking, in a suit and tie but now Lu Zheng had completely messed him up. He grit his teeth, that was painful. And very sincerely said: “I also want to take care of him from the bottom of my heart.”

Lu Zheng said angrily, “Take care of my ass!”

There was another round of bending and Qiao Zhenran couldn’t help but cry out in pain, “Stop, stop, my hand is really about to break!

The young man who came with Lu Zheng acted as a gatekeeper at this time. Once someone came over to watch the commotion, they were all turned back by the youth. He was so intimidating1 that he chased away all the people who had originally rushed over, even the waiter couldn’t get into the compartment.

Lu Zheng was still strangling him. Perhaps he knew that Qiao Zhenran, a scholar, couldn’t stand his fists, so he treated Qiao Zhenran in a more ‘gentle’ way. However, the threat was no less powerful. Joint pain is also one of the most unbearable pains of the human body.

Chang Qing had seen Lu Zheng break Fatty Wang’s arm with his own eyes. He doubted that Qiao Zhenran could keep his mouth shut. His arm was really going to be broken by Lu Zheng.

So Chang Qing boldly stood up and said, “Lu Zheng, let go of Qiao Zhenran.”

When Lu Zheng heard what he said, he raised his face. Those long, narrow eyes were now bubbling with a deep, dark light, and a touch of anger, “Do you still feel sorry for him?”

Chang Qing let out an “uh” sound. “I don’t feel sorry…”

Qiao Zhenran’s twisted face forced a smile after he heard Chang Qing’s words, “I’m not in pain, don’t worry.”

Lu Zheng: “…”


Lu Zheng was so angry that he grabbed his head and knocked it on the ground. Startled, Chang Qing quickly came over to pull him up. “All right, if you keep going he’ll really die!”

Lu Zheng was pulled up forcefully.

Lu Zheng kicked Qiao Zhenran and scolded, “What the hell! You swore that you wouldn’t have an office romance then you turned around and messed with my people?”

Qiao Zhenran seemed to be happy to touch the tiger’s butt, “…My love is so deep that it’s difficult to control. I only now known that I’ve never met someone I really like, otherwise…”

Lu Zheng kicked him again, his voice became cold, “Shut Up!”

Qiao Zhenran was still afraid of  pain, so he didn’t continue to provoke Lu Zheng, and he obediently shut his mouth.

Lu Zheng was indescribably irritable and angry. He shouldn’t have reacted so much, but he just couldn’t control his emotions.

Lu Zheng turned around and asked Chang Qing, “Why did you come here with him?”

Chang Qing said frankly: “He invited me to dinner, so I came.”

Lu Zheng: “Does he often look for you?”

Chang Qing glanced at Qiao Zhenran’s miserable look, paused, and said, “Not really, just recently.”

Lu Zheng wasn’t much taller than him, maybe it was because he was so angry but the change in his aura was astonishing. Chang Qing inexplicably felt that he was much shorter than him, to the point that he had to raise his face to see Lu Zheng’s expression.

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In fact, he could actually understand why Lu Zheng was so angry, probably because he felt that he shouldn’t have come into contact with other men so soon. But understanding was just understanding. If he really met Lu Zheng he was a little uncomfortable.

Does he really think he’s such a casual person?

Forget the beating before, but now, if he had been here just now, he would have known that he wasn’t warm to Qiao Zhenran, and then finally rejected him. But he still lost his temper, which made him a little uncomfortable, not to mention that there were bystanders next to him.

Lu Zheng said to Chang Qing, “Come home with me.”

Chang Qing glanced at Qiao Zhenran and said, “I’m going back.”

Qiao Zhenran had already sat up, his arms still hanging limply at his side and his hair was messy. When he heard what Chang Qing said, he smiled at him and said, “See you tomorrow.”

Lu Zheng suppressed his emotions and sneered, “You don’t have a tomorrow.”

Qiao Zhenran was a little empty, but he was still calm, “President Lu, I won’t see you off.”

Lu Zheng gave him one last cold look and said to Chang Qing, “Let’s go.”

He seemed to have forgotten the young man who had come with him and left with Chang Qing.

Qiao Zhenran adjusted his tie and smoothed down his hair. When he saw the young man his lips pulled up into a smile and he said, “I’ve made you laugh.”

The youth gave a dry laugh before saying, “You’ve got a lot of nerve.”

Qiao Zhenran paused and said, “This is also a legitimate pursuit.”

The young man couldn’t understand his youthful feelings. The food had arrived but before he’d even started to eat it Lu Zheng had started fighting. He didn’t want to waste the food so he sat down and began eating.

Qiao Zhenran sorted out his clothes and thought hard about countermeasures. After thinking about it, he got over the encounter. He was in a better mood and a smile appeared on his face.

He moved the congee and vegetables in his compartment to the young man’s compartment. When he saw the young man looking up at him, Qiao Zhenran let out a long sigh and said, “We’re both pitiful people so let me accompany you to have dinner.”

Young man: Only you are pitiful.

He glanced at Qiao Zhenran, and the corners of his lips raised up. He seldom sees such a confident and calm person prying someone’s corner. He thought it was a bit interesting.

Chang Qing followed behind Lu Zheng. He felt a rare sense of nervousness as though he’d had some great secret discovered by his parents.

He followed Lu Zheng to his car and realized that his car wasn’t too far away from Qiao Zhenran’s car. It was only two parking spaces away and it was near the exit. He was too blind to notice it before.

Shang Shu had gone somewhere for a stroll just then. Lu Zheng called him, and while waiting, he kept staring at Chang Qing.

Chang Qing’s hair stood on end when he saw him looking at him, and he couldn’t help saying, “Why do you keep looking at me?”

Lu Zheng said coldly, “I’m trying to figure out what’s so attractive about you.  People keep coming up to you.”

Chang Qing said in a witty tone: “Everyone likes the fair-skinned and beautiful little brother.”

Lu Zheng grit his teeth, “Are you still pleased with yourself, still proud?”

Chang Qing saw that his expression was indeed not very good-looking, and he forgot about joking with him. However, he also didn’t want to quarrel with Lu Zheng. He said calmly: “I’ve already rejected him.

He raised his face again, and scrutinized Lu Zheng’s face, “Why are you so angry, anyway?”

After a pause, he licked his dry lips and said, “I’m angry with Qiao Zhenran.”

Chang Qing said, “Are you going to fire him?”

Lu Zheng lowered his head slightly and looked at him condescendingly, “You don’t still feel sorry for him, do you?”

Chang Qing looked at him, “That’s not true, he deserves it.”

When Lu Zheng heard him say that, his expression lightened slightly. However, Chang Qing immediately added, “However he’s doing a pretty good job, otherwise, it’s better not to fire him.”

Lu Zheng: “……”

Who was it? Who told him earlier that Qiao Zhenran wasn’t good?

Lu Zheng’s heart was blocked. He took a few deep breaths, and turned his head.

Chang Qing wanted to see his expression, yet he couldn’t see it, but he intuitively felt that he was angry again. He had an indescribable feeling of irritability. The source of this emotion was Lu Zheng’s exaggerated expression of emotion.

He understood, but still felt a little irritated, because the feeling of being tightly controlled and being questioned wasn’t very good.

Now that he was sober and calm, he felt that Lu Zheng didn’t need to control him so strictly, not to mention that he has already rejected Qiao Zhenran.

No matter what Chang Qing thinks in his heart, he won’t get angry. Once they are both angry then the slightest problem would be made bigger and bigger by their irrational words until things got out of hand. So he was quite used to keeping a calm state of mind when facing an angry person.

“Lu Zheng, calm down. Keep your work and personal matters separate. It’s true that Qiao Zhenran is very capable at work. It’s not good for Tianxing if you want to fire him,” Chang Qing told Lu Zheng softly.

Lu Zheng turned around and looked at him quietly, his tone actually calmed down, “What do you think of him?”

Chang Qing said, “I have no ideas about him. Doesn’t my refusal of him speak volumes?”

Lu Zheng said: “In your eyes, he’s a good worker and a good-looking guy, and you don’t like him at all?”

Chang Qing remembered Qiao Zhenran’s eagerness to entangle him, and thought for a while, “I just think he’s very smart. Everyone admires strength, right? I think he’s quite powerful.”

Lu Zheng was speechless for a while, then asked, “What about me?”

Chang Qing made an “ah” sound and looked at him, “What about you?”

Lu Zheng said, “I’m better than him, right? With me as a comparison, do you still think he’s powerful?”

Chang Qing couldn’t figure out what he meant, so he had to follow his words: “You’re also amazing, Qiao Zhenran is just average compared with you.”

Lu Zheng’s mood calmed down a little bit, and he returned to his previous appearance. He glanced behind Chang Qing and said calmly, “Shang Shu is here.”

Chang Qing looked back and saw that it was indeed Shang Shu.

The two of them were finally able to get into the car, but Lu Zheng didn’t speak any more along the way.

The atmosphere of the two inexplicably dropped to freezing point again.


1.I唬人 this can mean to scare people or to bluff, lol

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