Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God

Chapter 8: CH 8

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Looking at the small and skinny figure sobbing in front of the river, Qin Fei could not help but sigh. The desolate moonlight spilled over the little boy’s incomparably thin body, carrying a fragility that seemed about to break. Whether this child was Sa Lei’s flesh and blood or not, a child was innocent and should not be treated like this. nFKlzV

Qin Fei stepped forward and wrapped the tiny body tightly around him. The little boy’s body stiffened and lifted his watery eyes to look timidly at Qin Fei.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qin Fei touched his small and bright red nose briefly as the boy cried. He handed over a few pieces of roasted sweet potatoes that he had wrapped in leaves, luckily he had hidden some, otherwise it would have been wasted (trampled on) by Sa Lei. rNeS3P

The little boy stared at him blankly, not daring to take the leafy bundle. Qin Fei sighed again, opened the leaf bag, picked up a piece of roasted sweet potatoes and shoved it into the little boy’s hand, “Eat it! If he comes after you again, looking for trouble, we’ll put him in the river and feed him to the tortoise.”

The boy took that piece of roasted sweet potato. Although he didn’t know what a tortoise was, he knew that the ‘he’ Qin Fei was referring to was the man who had always been mean to him; he subconsciously shivered. However, he also generally understood that Qin Fei was helping him and speaking for him, so he did not refuse the sweet and fragrant piece of roasted sweet potato. He timidly stretched out his hand to take it and ate it in small bites.


While watching the little boy eat, Qin Fei said in a low voice, “My name is Qin Fei, what’s your name? Let’s be friends!”

The little boy obviously didn’t understand what ‘friend’ meant but seeing Qin Fei’s friendly eyes, he swallowed the food in his mouth and replied in a low voice,”Bu, my name is Bu… I don’t like this name at all, but I don’t count as someone from the tribe, so I can’t use two-byte and three-byte names.” MoRkhg

“There’s that kind of rule…” Qin Fei pursed his lips disdainfully as his eyes rolled, “Then Xiao Bu, I’ll give you a name okay?! Let’s call you BraveStarr (Bresta), how about that?”


Wljb De’r fsfr ila eq, rbbc joafg atja la vjgxfcfv j ilaaif, “C obeg-ysaf cjwf?”

Hlc Mfl ragbxfv tlr veii jcv vgs ilaaif mtffxr jcv ijeutfv, “Gb sbe xcbk ktja DgjnfVajgg wfjcr?”


Wljb De rtbbx tlr tfjv yfobgf atfc Hlc Mfl mbcalcefv, “Pa wfjcr ragfcuat, qbkfg jcv ygjnfgs. Pa gfqgfrfcar tjnlcu atf fsfr bo jc fjuif, atf fjgr bo j kbio, atf rqffv bo j ifbqjgv jcv atf ragfcuat bo j yfjg.”

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Xiao Bu was puzzled, Qin Fei asked him again, “Do you know an eagle?”


Xiao Bu shook his head again, Qin Fei also didn’t expect him to know as he continued to explain, “Eagle is that kind of big and fierce bird that flies in the sky. Once its prey is in its sights, there’s absolutely no way to escape. What about the leopard? Leopard is the kind of beast that could run fastest among all of the wild beasts. Wolf is also a wild beast but his ears are very sensitive, no sound is too small for his ears to detect. The bear looks a lot like the ‘giant hairy beast’ we hunted the other day, but is much tougher and stronger than the giant hairy beast. You have heard of it, right? It takes fifty strong males to win against a ‘giant hairy beast’. Think about it, a bear is more fearsome. What do you think, is this a good name or not?”

Looking at the increasingly bright eyes of Xiao Bu in his arms, Qin Fei’s eyes shifted, “If that’s not a good name, then let us change it… let me think about it…what should it be…”


“No, no, no, let’s call it that, let’s call it bu lei si ta…” Xiao Bu quickly said.

Qin Fei almost spit out his laugh and patiently corrected him, “BraveStarr, Bra, ve, starr…”


While he was talking, footsteps came from behind him, Qin Fei turned over to see that it was Ruma. As soon as Xiao Bu saw Ruma, he immediately and obediently moved himself out of Qin Fei’s arms. Qin Fei shoved the sweet potatoes in his hand and gave it to Xiao Bu. He didn’t refuse it, hugging it tightly as he walked over to Ruma.

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Ruma pulled Xiao Bu and said to Qin Fei, “On your first day going out, you’ve gone so far, it’s time for you to go back and sleep early too!” After he said that, he led ‘Xiao Bu who couldn’t stop looking back’ to leave.


Qin Fei stretched out his body. He was about to stand up and walk towards the direction of the tent when a tall, big and dark figure suddenly appeared in the corner, startling him. Using the light of the moon, he realized that it was the cloudy-faced Sa Lei.

“Why are you standing there and saying nothing?” Qin Fei glared at the heavy faced Sa Lei, although this guy was also pitiful, it was still unforgivable to abuse a child just to save face.


Sa Lei walked up to Qin Fei with only a few steps. With one reach, he lifted Qin Fei onto his shoulders.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Barbarian, put me down …!” Qin Fei struggled, kicking and hitting him whenever he could.


Sa Lei raised his hand and slapped Qin Fei on his PP a few times, his strength was not light, making a ‘pa pa’ sound, the warning (as a disciplinary measure) implication was obvious. Qin Fei was furious and struggled even more violently. Sa Lei stopped and carried the man on his shoulder back to the tent. He threw Qin Fei down on the animal’s skin and then lay with his back to him. Qin Fei felt wronged and acted impetuously as he rolled over and turned his back from Sa Lei. After lying there for a while, Sa Lei suddenly turned over and locked Qin Fei tightly in his arms. Qin Fei pushed him a few times but Sa Lei put more strength on him.

“You, you want to strangle me to death!” Qin Fei was unable to catch his breath from his tightened embrace and kicked him twice ruthlessly.


Sa Lei loosened up his strength a bit, still holding Qin Fei and not letting go. Qin Fei rolled his eyes at him, too lazy to care about this wild and primitive guy.

“What did Ruma say to you?” Sa Lei asked in a low and deep voice as he wrapped his arms around Qin Fei.


“You should have guessed it.” Qin Fei muttered in reply.

Sa Lei didn’t say anything for quite a while and just when Qin Fei thought he wouldn’t speak again, Sa Lei suddenly said, “Bu, indeed is my son.”


Qin Fei was startled as he looked up at Sa Lei, “Then you still mistreat him? Even a vicious tiger will not eat its cubs. Is your heart made of stone?”

Sa Lei did not understand what he meant by ‘even a vicious tiger will not eat its cubs’, but he understood the next sentence. His arm around Qin Fei tightened slightly as he whispered, “Qiura is the mate I got back in exchange for food. I remember how happy my mother was when she saw her and how kind my people were to her. Actually… our tribe would be attacked by a migrating tribe was not an accident at all. The tribe that attacked us was the same tribe that I had traded food for Qiura in the first place and at the time when all of the males were out, the person who delivered the message to that tribe was Qiura.” KuQhvs

Qin Fei sighed and patted Sa Lei’s shoulder comfortingly. He didn’t expect there could be such cunning traps among the simple and primitive people.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Sa Lei rubbed against Qin Fei, as if he was trying to grab more warmth from him, “It is okay for them to take Qiura, but they should not have killed my mother and my clansmen… The male who took Qiura was the warrior of their tribe. He was also the man Qiura loved as well as the enemy who killed my mother and our people. I killed that male in front of Qiura, even if she knelt down in front of me and begged for mercy, I did not hesitate at all to kill him. Qiura thought the child in her belly was that male’s child so she struggled to survive. It’s too bad that she was wrong, the child is mine. However, I can’t forgive Qiura, she brought calamity (disaster) to my tribe, killed my dear family and the people from my tribe. She is my enemy, I will not want a child borned by my enemy.” IPyZLt

Qin Fei reached out and embraced Sa Lei’s somehow trembling body. All human hearts were made of flesh, it was certainly a torn question (problem) that the murderer who had caused the death of his mother and the people from his tribe was actually the mother of his own child. He hated Qiura but at that time, he did not kill her; perhaps because he was in love with her or maybe he was concerned about his own flesh and blood in her belly. Although Xiao Bu had not lived well, he had endured the eight long and cold winters under such difficult circumstances. Sa Lei may not be a well qualified father but he didn’t reach the point where he would want to kill his own flesh and blood. It would take some time for him to accept his own son. However, only if Xiao Bu could survive the rest of the winter safely before there would be a chance for these father and son to recognize each other (in the future).


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