Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 7: Huo Long, the Ring Grandma Protagonist, Xue Feng’s suspicions

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Huo Long, the Ring Grandma Protagonist, Xue Feng's suspicions

Placing his ink quill down, Xue Bai stood up and started stretching. He had just finished planning for the near future.

His Plans consisted of two things besides his potential Martial Veins. He had written down key opportunities that would be available soon. And individuals he needed to build relationships with before they rose to stardom.

The southern continent where he lived was the only one that housed two protagonists. Both of them started with humble beginnings, but they both had different struggles.

The protagonist he decided to meet first was someone who also lived in The Great Xuan Empire. Coincidentally he was a part of a subordinate clan under his father as well. His name was Huo Long, the eldest son of a Fallen Marquis Family. His plot was a standard fallen genius with the soul of a newly deceased powerhouse in a ring.

His family, the Huo Clan 100 years ago, was a newly rising clan led by Huo Long's grandfather to great heights in The Great Xuan Empire until one day after breaking through to the Xiantian Great realm, he vanished. Without his grandfather's lead, the Huo Clan suffered a steep decline, with the second generation unable to live up to the clan founders' potential. And to make things worse, his grandfather's old enemies started kicking them while they were down, bringing the Huo Clan into a decline.

The decline lasted until Huo Long's Martial Vein Awakening, where he awakened a Low Black Tier Martial Vein with a fire attribute. With such high potential, Huo Long was quickly made the clan hope and was given the entire clan's focus as they saw him as their rise back into the upper ranks of The Great Xuan Empire. However, the old enemies of his grandfather would never let him rise peacefully, and one day unable to fight back, Huo Long was crippled and lost the Martial Veins that had given him his potential.

After the news of his accident was spread, Huo Long was quickly expelled from his sect. So he returned home saddened until he saw something fall from the sky.

Curious, Huo Long stopped his carriage and followed it to see a ring. Assuming it to be a spatial ring, he picked it up, hoping to sell it to relieve some of his clan's financial problems, only to find it too heavy to be picked up.

Unconvinced, Huo Long tried picking the ring up until he exhausted himself. Then, tired and still depressed from his expulsion, he was about to return to his carriage until he noticed a silhouette rising from the ring.

It ended up turning into a Jaw-dropping Beauty. With red-colored hair that seemed to emit flames and phoenix-like eyes, she looked like a goddess who had descended to the mortal world. However, the Beautiful woman was almost transparent, as if she would disappear in the next moment.

The woman, who seemed like she would dissipate in the next moment, looked at Huo Long with eyes that seemed to see through him entirely and then announced herself.

She was a Genuis, Feng Huang, from the Immortal World who, after the death of her senior brother, was ambushed and died. Unresigned, she left her soul in a ring to preserve her life, and that ring had coincidentally fallen into the Baishen Plane. Now weakened, she needed a host to supply her with spiritual energy to keep her soul stable. Since she was on her last legs, she chose Huo Long, and under her teaching, he began to rise again.

If Xue Bai wanted to become close with Huo Long, he would have to make contact before establishing himself as a genius. Since after Huo Long's rise, he began to be surrounded by fake friends who sucked up to him because of his potential and would leave him after his accident. If Xue Bai had made contact with him before his Awakening, it would show more sincerity.

However, at this moment, the Huo Clan was in the middle of mass migration. They had just lost their fief and were being kicked out to the outer regions of the Great Xuan Empire. If he went now, he would look like he was laughing at them from their eviction. A Marquis family losing its fief and being banished to the outer region was something that had never happened before in the history of The Great Xuan Empire.

The Marquis rank was second only to Dukes in the hierarchy, so being banished to the outer regions where either peasants or commoners lived was a great humiliation.

So after some thinking, Xue Bai decided to give it a year before meeting the protagonist. A year was long enough to allow the Huo clan to adjust to their new environment, and since Huo Long was only nine, there was still a year before Huo Long would awaken his Martial Veins.

During this year, he would try and gather information about the second protagonist living on his continent, but as she lived outside of The Great Xuan Empire, it would be hard to find traces of her.

As Xue Bai was stretching, he yawned. Then, feeling exhaustion sweep over him, he decided to end this long day and sleep. But before he went to sleep, he slipped the scroll into the geography book, hiding it just in case his father checked his room. Then after blowing out the candles in his room, Xue Bai covered himself with his quilt and slept.

As Xue Bai fell to sleep, unannounced to him, a shadow quietly snuck into his room. The shadow crept up to his bed, and after making sure Xue Bai was asleep, the shadow started to search the room. First, it swept through the entire room until it noticed the two on Xue Bai's desk.

Walking up to the desk, it skimmed through the books, checking if anything was hidden between the pages. And it was right. In the second book, a scroll with somewhat fresh ink fell out from between the pages.

The shadow picked up the scroll and began to read the contents. After reading the scroll, the shadow recognized the handwriting that belonged to Xue Bai, and it started copying the scroll's contents. After a few minutes of copying it, the shadow put the scroll back and took one final look at Xue Bai before sneaking out of the room again.

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In Xue Feng's office, the shadow once again appeared. And under the light showed itself to be Xiao'er, Xue Bai's usually cheerful and naive maid. However, at this moment, Xiao'er had a completely different temperament, revealing herself as a cold-blooded assassin instead of her usual self.

Xiao'er handed Xue Feng the copied scroll and stood at his side, waiting for his judgment.

"Celestial Void Fruit, Spatial Martial Veins, Huo Clan, Huo Long…"

The more Xue Feng read the scroll, the more his eyebrows furrowed. The scroll consisted of two main things, where and when to find a treasure and a person to contact. However, they didn't make sense to Xue Feng. A Natural Treasure worth looking at for him would never grow in such a remote region, let alone a legendary Low Heaven Tier one. And Huo Long, while Xue Feng knew of his existence, his life was something that he could end with an order to a guard. So why would his son want to build a friendship with him?

However, what confused Xue Feng the most was that both of these things would only come into value in the far future. So how did his coarse-mouthed shut-in son know all of this?

However, even after thinking for a long time, Xue Feng still couldn't reach a sound explanation. He was only sure of one thing, Xue Bai was hiding something. While he was completely healthy after the fall, somehow, the fall gave him some future information. Whether the information was accurate or not, only time would tell.

"Xiao'er, continue to stay by Bai'er. If you reencounter things like this, bring them to me, but unless anything important happens, don't do anything that could raise his suspicions." Then, with a hypothesis in mind, Xue Feng ordered Xiao'er before leaving the office.

"Yes, Master!" Accepting his command, Xiao'er quickly left the office, returning to the maid dormitories to maintain her image.

Surprisingly the naive and Cheerful maid was a cultivator herself. While not as strong as Xue Feng, she was definitely strong enough to elude the still mortal Xue Bai.

Xue Bai only woke up until the dawn of the next day. Then, after stretching and wiping his eyes, he climbed out of bed. Going back to his desk, he pulled out his poorly hidden future plans from the book and planned to hide them. Xue Bai then took the scroll and hid it under his mattress.

While he had access to spatial rings without any Spiritual energy to activate them, they were just hunks of metal to him. So until he awakened his Martial Veins, he had to resort to this basic form of hiding.

After making sure, there were no abnormalities in his mattress Xue Bai left his room.

In Xue Feng's office, two people stood silently across from each other. One a burly two-meter-tall general, the other a child so delicate and beautiful you could've mistaken it for a porcelain doll.

After a minute of silence, Xue Feng broke the silence, "So you're telling me you want to learn how to use the sword."

"Yes, I am your child. So it should be without question I have to use a sword. And I think now is a great time for me to start." Xue Bai replied.

Looking at the frail 7-year-old in front of him wanting to learn how to use a sword, Xue Feng didn't know what to say. However, wanting to become stronger in such a brutal world should never be laughed at.

But, it was his own son, and he naturally didn't want any harm to come to him, so he did what any father would do, deflect the problem. "Go ask your mother. If she says yes, we'll start tomorrow."

Unwilling to be sent away, Xue Bai asked, "You're the man of this household. Shouldn't you have the power to make such a simple decision?"

"Your mother has always been overprotective of you. If I let you train and she disagrees, I wouldn't hear the end of it for months." Xue Feng waved his hand, indicating that the conversation was over.

Xue Feng did have a point there, but from what he knew about his mother, even if she agreed, it would be very tame training from guards. Xue Bai didn't want to be coddled during training. Instead, he wanted to be trained by his father, a true swordsman who earned his Duke title through battle and bloodshed.

However, seeing his father's face, Xue Bai knew he wouldn't get through to his father, so he left the office and started to make his way to where his mother lived.

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