Transmigration: One Among the Many

Chapter 4: Chapter -2part1

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*Author has something to say-  hello fellas(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)! How have you been?! This author for yours is really a baddy i know that ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^.

Please forgive me for not updating, PLEASE.Things aren't really going as expected on my part I swear!But enough about me and let's not keep you guys waiting!???? Enjoy the chapter ????!

Chapter -2 part-(1)

The rest of the meal went on smoothly during which the Emperor asked a few random questions to the leads. 

He also didn't forget to remind Jean to take good care of his wives at which Jean couldn't help but glance towards them and sure enough, they had looks of pure disgust hidden behind their masks of calmness.Though this remained unnoticed by the Emperor Jean was the only one who saw this.

Later at the end of the breakfast, Gerhard alongwith the crown prince Leon went about their respective businesses, leaving Jean alone with the two leads in the empty dining hall.



'...Uh, should I just... sneak out?.'(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) Why aren't they leaving yet?

 Well, maybe they are waiting for their attendants ah~'

Coming to this conclusion Jean turned to leave the room when a soothing mellow voice sounded from behind, "I beg your pardon, Your Highness.Since we are meeting each other for the first time I would be like to introduce myself.My name is Emile Albrecht from the 'Albrecht' clan.And I hope that Your Highness will be considerate and kind enough to take good care of this lowly servant from today onwards".

Turning back Jean saw the blonde youth bowing towards him with his hand on his chest as he said the words. 'Ah!~what a sweet tongue he has eh?', raising a brow Jean thought.If it was someone else without the prior knowledge of the future they would have already been mesmerized by such words.

But unfortunately, he is the one who has now replaced the original, and he definitely will not sit still while waiting for the so-called fated doom.

After all, which person would be willing to spend the rest of their lives in a dark prison cell counting the days for their death?

 No.He refuses to be sent to prison.Absolutely not! (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

Nodding his head slightly towards the youth Jean said, "Mhmm...It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Albrecht.Now that you are here I hope you will co-operate with me".

Maybe he wasn't expecting such a reply so when he spoke Emile looked quite stunned.Looking at the youth with brown smilling eyes directed towards him Emile suddenly felt a little lost.

Pleased with his own performance Jean couldn't help but feel happy which despite his willingness was reflected in his big brown eyes.As the two youths followed him out of the room Emile and Justus inadvertently met their gazes seeming to urge an answer out of the other for the former's unexpected behaviour.

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Jean oblivious to this short exchange thought, 'As long as they don't send me to prison or kill me it is best to maintain a minimum distance for all of us.'

After exiting the dining hall Darrion too joined the entourage with Jean now leading the way towards his residence.Upon reaching the entrance Jean instructed the maids who were most likely waiting for their return to properly serve their two new masters after which he bade his farewell to them.

What the protagonists will do from now on he has no time to think of right now.His main concern at the moment is to mend the ways of the original.

'Yes, strive for a better life ! ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠¤⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠¤⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ'

Ancient clothes are cumbersome.Lossening his collar Jean dived straight into his soft bed, now rolling on his back without any distractions he pondered over his next series of actions.Since he already knows that bothering the protagonists will lead to his demise it would be better for him to stay away from them.The lesser the interactions the lesser the chances of screwing up.

'Let's just keep our interactions to the minimal', he thought.

Letting out a breath Jean turned his head towards the open windows from where he could hear the chirping of the birds at a distance.Even though he never lived in the city Jean didn't get the chance to listen to the bird songs earlier back home.The area where they lived was a very busy one with the constant whizzing of vehicles passing through the roads every now and then.

Now in a place without any cars and much technical advances he can finally enjoy the bliss of being a salted fish.

But this so-called bliss didn't last for long as the thought of being under the same roof as the two very people who would make his life a living hell surfaced his mind.Ruining his own mood Jean got out of the bed deciding to take a walk in the garden that he had caught a glimpse of in the morning to lift his spirits.

Walking through the corridors he could see the servants going about their chores.Whenever they saw him they would immediately stop what they were doing and greet him, heads lowered, refusing to even take a look at him.The further he walked the more he observed that the servants would slightly tremble whenever he would be near them.'Was the former owner really that scary?'

Thinking about how terrible the original might have been Jean couldn't help frowning.His already unpleasant mood worsened as he made his way towards the gardens in large strides leaving the servants sweating behind him.

It was only after coming out into the gardens did Jean felt a bit better.The lush green reflected by the warm sunlight and the soft breeze that eventually teased the leaves of the surrounding trees would make anyone feel at ease let alone Jean.Strolling along the narrow path he could smell the sweet mild fragrances of the flowers in bloom.He doesn't know what these flowers are but he can tell that these are of some rare species.

Noticing a spot under a tree he quickly sat down in the ground while opening the little sketchbook that he had found in the small study.Maybe the original owner of the body did have some talent because when he opened the sketchbook the sight that greeted him was surprising.From various flowers to the sketches of people in different postures filled more than half of the book.Jean himself was good at it and had some knowledge about paintings and sketching so he could tell that these sketches were really awesome.

When he was a kid Jean remembered that he more than often used to take his crayons and paint the walls of his house with various random stuff.He would draw houses, trees, flowers, humans, everything that he could come up with on his mind.His parents were free minded people so even when he dirtied the walls they didn't discourage him.Instead they were more ecstatic than him when they found out that their child was interested in painting.They would buy colour books as well as crayons and stuff for him.

Finally when Jean reached the age of four his mother took him to the art school near their community.The head of that school when he saw Jean refused to get him admitted in his classes due to his young age but his mother was adamant and at last she finally succeeded.So from that day onwards he would tag along the older students and attend the classes on sunday afternoons.

Thinking about his parents who were in a place faraway from him his eyes turned red.Holding back his tears Jean tried distract himself but failed to do so.He doesn't even know if he will ever be able to leave here...

When he returned it was already time for lunch.Darrion asked him to change his clothes as he led him to the dining hall.The table was filled with all kinds of foods and the desserts too looked delicious.As a foodie Jean was of course instantly delighted at the sight.He couldn't wait to gobble them up.

Its just that when the servants asked him to take his seat he was at a loss as to where he should sit but realising the fact that he was the master of this part of the house he went straight to the head seat at the end of the table.

As he looked at the food with sparkling eyes the originally silent room went up in a sudden commotion, and to this Jean doesn't even need to look up to see that it was due the entrance of the two protagonists.

As soon as Emile noticed Jean he greeted him with a 'Your Highness' followed by a slight bow while Justus remained as taciturn as ever except that this time he decided to bow a little towards him.Jean nodded and gestured for them to take their seats.

To tell the truth, Jean was a little curious to see as to where they would sit.So when Emile sat at his right followed by Justus at his left he became a little flustered.Glancing left and right he sighed feeling a bit helpless as he ordered the food to be served.

'Seems like the rest of my days are going to be very stressful from now on huh?'.

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