Transmigration To DxD

Chapter 10: Ch 10 Rematch

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The fallen angel stopped some feet away from Sora as she held her yellow spear of light giving Sora the chance to get a good look at her. She appeared older than the first one that tried to kill him but she wore a very revealing outfit. She was a tall and buxom woman with long navy blue hair that covered her right eye. She wore a maroon trench like top with a wide collar, a matching mini skirt and black shoes. The top was opened rather far leaving very little to imagination.

"Geez do all supernatural women dress so brazenly?" He wondered.

Kalawarna made the first move throwing her spear of light at Sora's head who simply jumped to the right avoiding it.

"She was supposed to have already dealt with you, why are you still alive?" She asked, annoyed.

"Who knows, maybe you crows are just incompetent." He said with a sarcastic smile.

"Why you insolent litt-" She started to say but Sora raised his hand silencing her.

"Your appearance does pose a great opportunity." He said as he stretched his arms. "You see I've been wanting to test the limits of my new body, and you are the perfect playmate to help me do it." 

Kalawarna just summoned another spear fed up with the insect's arrogance treating her like she was insignificant. She launched another spear at him but he quickly disappeared a few yards away.

"Huh strange I only meant to move a little." He said aloud to himself, surprised by his new physical abilities. "Alright, let's give this a try." He said as he moved toward the fallen angel.

He decided to let his body move on its own. He still didn't understand how it knew what it knew but just decided to let his body do the thinking for him. After all, it had kept him alive twice already. Sora jumped forward, appearing right in front of the surprised woman. Before she could react Sora hit her with a right punch to her face. It sent her flying into one of the stone walls leaving large cracks in the concrete from the impact.

"Nice" he commented clearly, happy with his new strength.

Kalawarna looked at him with a shocked expression as her head felt dizzy from the punch.

"You, you're not a human what are you?" She asked before seeing the red seal on Sora's palm. "Is that the Gremory family crest?!" She said growing even more shocked.

"Oh so you know the red haired princess huh." He said with a sly smile.

"So you're that girl's pet that Dohnaseek went after huh." She said as she stood back up. "Well whatever the fact that you are a part of the Gremory household only means it's even more important to eliminate you!" She shouted as she spread her and took to the sky.

Sora lost his smile and stared at the angel seriously. She materialized another lance and dive bombed toward him. Sora didn't stand idly and made a full sprint toward the flying woman.

"What a moron." She thought as she closed in on the running human.

Then Sora did something completely unexpected and pushed off the ground. He jumped into the air, appearing in front of the fallen angel.

"Huh?" she thought confused before Sora drop kicked her with both feet right out of the sky.

Both landed far apart with different landings. Sora backed flipped off of the kick and managed to catch himself and land on one knee on the street. Kalawarna wasn't so nimble and hit the street hard on her back coughing out some blood. Sora then stood up and slowly started to walk toward the still lying woman stopping 10 ft away.

"Is that it? Geez when Rias mentioned how you guys hunt devils I got to admit I was a little wary. But seeing how pathetic and weak you are against just a low level devil it's a wonder how anybody is scared of you." He said with a mocking smile looking down on the blue haired bitch.

Kalawarna managed to roll over and despite the pain got back onto her feet. She stared at the smug boy with pure hate. Not just for the injuries he had caused but him also insulting the fallen angels as a whole.

"You shut your mouth brat!" She yelled "What the hell would you know about the fallen angels!"

"Not much admittedly." He said "But this is the third time you guys have tried to kill me and this is the third time you will fail." He shrugged with a mocking tone.

"Who said I have failed." This fight isn't over yet." She said as she formed another spear.

Sora just gave her an amused expression as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well I have finished with my experiment. If you turn tail now I won't pursue you."

"Like Hell I'd run from a worm like you!" She shouted as she took a fighting stance. "You devils crawl in the shadows but we are the chosen ones." She said confidently.

"One day we will regain his favor and on that day we shall retake our rightful place." She said proudly.

"Maybe" Sora said indifferently. "But if we continue I promise that you won't be alive to see it." He gave her a slight sadistic grin.

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"You devils are all the same arrogant and proud." She said while Sora looked at her amused.

"Look who's talking." He thought as she continued her rant.

"But we fallen ones are far above you." She continued. "In comparison to your dark race we are demigods."

Sora just stared at her. "Really?" he asked.

"Yeah really" she replied.

"Really?" he asked again.

"Yes really!" She shouted.

"Well then let's put it to the test." He said with a grin as he held out his hand and summoned his longinus.

The sword came out of the star filled black portal hilt first. Sora grabbed it with his right hand pulling it out and behind him. Kalawarna was a lot less confident now that he had materialized his sacred gear. She had never heard of a black sword sacred gear before but she could feel the power coming off of it.

"Now shall we continue with our dance." He said, swinging the sword. "Or do you feel like running now?"

Kalawarna really didn't want to fight now that the boy was wielding a sacred gear but her pride wouldn't let her retreat. She dove forward aiming her spear right for his heart, planning to expand it if he jumped backwards. Sora brought his sword up and held it in a defensive position, with both hands in front of his chest as he moved forward to meet her.

Everything seemed to slow down for Sora's eyes and his hands seemed to move on their own as if they knew exactly what to do. He moved the handle up and tilted the blade downward. When it clashed with the spear it completely deflected it, then in one fluid motion changed the angle of the blade and brought it down. 

The next thing both Sora and Kalawarna saw was a yellow spear of light flying through the air with an arm attached to it. With a single swing he had cut her arm off just below the shoulder. Blood immediately started spurting out from the wound as Kalawarner looked on in shock.

"AHHH!!!" She screamed in pain as she slid down to her knees holding her new stump.

Sora just looked down at the woman without an ounce of pity in his eyes as he approached her. Kalawarner was in too much pain to notice the boy coming up to her side until he was standing right next to her.

"Wha-" She started to ask before she was silenced by a left round kick to her jaw.

She flew a few yards away before sliding to a stop. The kick had completely broken her jaw bone. She looked back and terror filled her eyes as she saw the monster in the form of a boy slowly walking toward her. She tried to drag herself away fear and panic had completely destroyed her pride. All she could think now was her life choices and how to get out of this situation alive.

Meanwhile Sora slowly descended on the helpless woman with nothing but cold indifference in his eyes. Like he was looking at trash that he had to throw in the bin.

"Oh what's the matter, don't have any more boasts?" He asked her mockingly with a sadistic smile growing on his face as he enjoyed the woman's fear.

"What's wrong demigod bitch you were talking all the shit a second ago what happened?" He continued his verbal assault as he approached her as she dragged herself.

"Oh yeah thats right then I cut one of your fucking arms off!" He yelled, laughing sadistically.

Kalawarner turned over from her stomach to face the boy after realizing escape was impossible at this point. She didn't have the energy to form any more spears and she didn't have the energy to fly. The boy's sadistic smile grew as he saw the signs of resignation fill the woman's terrified eyes.

"What are you?!" she shouted. "Just what the hell are you?!"

"Simple" He replied calmly to the dying woman's questions as he went down on one knee until he was eye level with her.

"Im your death." He answered as he shoved his sword through the fallen angel's heart.

The woman spewed blood out of her mouth with wide eyes. Then her whole body started to break apart into purple black energy that was consumed by the blade. Her whole figure disappeared leaving no trace of her behind even her severed arm vanished. Sora was surprised by the development but quickly regained his composure and put it in the back of his mind for the time being. After the angel died the purple bluish barrier disappeared.

Sora quickly called Rias and told her what had happened. He had to listen to her yell at him over the phone before promising to give her all the details tomorrow. After making sure he was alright she hung up after ordering him to go home. As Sora resumed his destination towards his house he couldn't get something off his mind.

"Why did it feel so natural?" He thought a little unnerved. "Killing things is supposed to be difficult but why did it feel so easy?" He continued to ponder these feelings his whole walk home.

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