Transmigration To DxD

Chapter 11: Ch 11 Meeting a Nun

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The next day after school.

Sora was currently getting his ear talked off by Rias as the other members stood by.

"I understand that you were ambushed and you had to fight back, but still you should have called for one of us to help." Rias said sternly.

"I know I understand." Sora replied, compliantly looking down.

"I just want you to understand just because you have activated your longinus doesn't mean you can fight them alone." She continued. "It's disrespectful to the rest of us."

"I understand now I'm tired so I'm heading home." He abruptly ended the scolding as he turned to leave.

He then walked out the door and began making his way home leaving Rias and the others behind. As he walked he kept thinking back to his fight with the fallen angel. That he had plenty of opportunities to escape but he couldn't. He felt compelled to stay, to fight, and to kill her. Because for some strange reason he was certain he was going to win.

"Why did I talk like that?" He wondered to himself remembering his sadistic overconfident words to the maimed woman.

"Why did I feel that way?" He remembered the bliss he felt watching the crow drag herself in a futile attempt to survive. As he basked in her pain and fear.

"Why was killing her so easy?" He thought as he remembered shoving his sword through her heart. He felt like he had done that same motion a thousand times before.

All of these questions plagued his mind leaving him frustrated. Every time he got a clue about his identity he felt like he took a step forward only to take two steps back. These thoughts continued to fill his mind as he made his way home for the night.


Rias POV

   Rias watched Sora's back as he left the club room and she wanted to reach out to him but stopped herself. She looked down at her desk with a slight disappointed look.

"Maybe I was a little harsh." She wondered to herself.

"A little harsh, don't you think." Said Akeno as if reading her president's mind. "He's still new, why do you have to scare him?" 

"I'm not trying to scare him." Rias said sternly, quickly regaining her composure. "I just don't want him to overestimate himself, that's all."

Akeno turned and looked at Rias, giving her a sympathetic look as if she could read her true thoughts.

"Plus I will not let any of those angel rejects take my new favorite servant from me." She said, biting her thumb.


Sora POV 

Sora woke up and was currently making his way to school. On his way he was contemplating the annoyance that sunlight had started to give him. He wanted to discuss with Rias when he could begin his lesson on learning magic and mastering his new devil abilities. He decided he would talk about it with her after school today.

As Sora continued to walk he heard a sudden crash and turned his head.  The sight before him made him blush slightly. A young girl was currently lying face down on the ground with her butt in the air. Her long skirt was flipped exposing her white panties to the world.

"Oh no I fell down again I'm such a klutz." she said as she continued to lay on the ground.

"Hey are you alright?" Sora asked as he approached the girl.

The girl turned over and was sitting on her butt. She was a pretty blonde girl with green eyes. She was wearing a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents and a white veil over her head. The girl was rubbing her head before she looked up toward the sound of the voice.

"Oh yeah I'm fin-" She stopped mid sentence as she looked at the handsome boy's face, a slight blush appearing.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, ah no no everything is fine." She stuttered her words embarrassingly.

"Well you're just gonna sit in dirt all day?" He asked, giving her a smile as he reached her hand out to her. 

"Oh right." She said, taking his hand and standing up.

Sora looked at the girl with an inquisitive look. She was pretty sure but that wasn't what mesmerized him for a moment. It was her scent; it was so serene. Like he was staring at a sunrise or a clear blue sky, it was gentle and warm, something he had never felt before. Unlike the crows that gave off a rancid rotting stench. Or the devils that gave off a dark night sky feel. Hers was new and if he had to sum it up in one word it would be pure.

Sora continued to hold her hand as he felt these feelings and the girl started to blush. 

"Oh sorry about that." he quickly said as he released her hand.

"It's fine," she said, looking down sheepishly.

"Are you sure you're ok?" he asked.

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"Yes I'm fine actually could you help me?" She asked. "You see, the thing is I'm kind of lost." She said as she pushed her two fingers together.``

Sora began to walk side by side with the young girl as they made their way through Kuoh town. Sora continued with his inquiries trying to learn more about the young girl.

"So are you a tourist or something?" 

"Oh no," she said with a smile. "As a matter of fact I was just assigned to serve the church in this town."

"Ah I see so you're a nun right guess that explains your outfit."

"I'm so glad I ran into a nice person like you." She said smiling. "I guess someone is looking out for me huh."

"Well I wouldn't think that much of it I'm just giving you directions." He shrugged it off. "Also I'm not really that nice." He thought to himself.

He then got a look at her cross on her neck and got a sudden uncomfortable feeling.

"Is everything ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine." He replied as he tried to understand that weird feeling.

Suddenly the pair heard a little boy crying in the distance. The blonde girl immediately ran in the sound direction while Sora followed behind her. The two came upon a little boy sitting down crying with a bloody knee.

"A big boy should cry." she said gently to the boy patting his head. "Don't worry you'll be fine."

She then held her hands over the boy's cut and a green light was emitted. The cut and blood suddenly disappeared and the knee was good as new.

"Wow, she can heal." Sora thought then got pain in his chest again.

"You see there is no need to cry." She said as she helped the boy up and turned to face Sora. "All done now, sorry." she said as she stuck her tongue out playfully.

The two continued their way through town and talked about what just occurred.

"You must be surprised."  She said,

"No, no that's one nifty trick you got there though." He said.

"Thank you I consider it a gift, as well as a blessing." she said with a smile. "Truly it's wonderful." She said as she looked down with a sad smile.

Sora was about to question it when a giant church came into view.

"Hey there it is." She said excitedly.

"Yup, that's the only one we have." He recounted his vessels' memories.

"Thank goodness I've found it." She said as she breathed out.

Sora was suddenly struck with an ominous feeling again like when he stared at the cross but much more intense. As if the church was warding him away and his whole body was screaming danger signals.

"You know I've never seen anyone up there." Sora said, trying to play off his discomfort.

"Let me thank you properly, would you mind coming inside with me?" She asked sweetly.

"I can't," he quickly said. "You see I have places I have to be."

"Oh that's too bad." she said looking down a little disappointed. "Well I guess I should head off too. Thanks for helping me. It was sweet of you. My name is Asia Argento." She said with a smile. 

Oh my name is Sora Azuma." He said "And you're very welcome." He said, giving her a smile.

"Sora huh it was very nice meeting you. I hope we will see each other again." 

"I'm sure we will." He said, giving her a smile before turning to leave.

"If your ever bored or in the neighborhood feel free to stop by the church, that's where I will be." She said to him as he walked away.

Sora just waved back at her without turning around.

"I think that girl is the nicest person I've ever met." He thought as he continued his way to school. "But what was that feeling?" He wondered.

He decided he would ask Rias about it when he got to school and just continued walking down the street.

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