Transmigration To DxD

Chapter 12: Ch 12 Hunting a Stray

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Author Note: Sorry for the lack of releases. My health hasn't been great the last few weeks. But I'll try to release it when I can.


Sora made his way to school and found Rias as soon as he could. The two went to a darkened staircase where Sora told her about the nun he met, and the ominous feeling he got from her and the church.

"You must never go near that church again Sora." Said Rias, her arms folded under her breasts as she leaned her back against a wall. 

"Why?" Sora asked, confused.

"For devils like us the church is enemy territory, simply setting foot inside could cause major problems for both angels and devils alike." She said as she walked closer to him. "Surely you felt your instincts telling you to be careful."

Sora thought back to the feeling he got when he caught a glimpse of Asia's cross and then again when he looked at the church.

"So that's what the dark feeling was."

"Yes, that was your devil instincts telling you that danger was near. Being in close proximity to someone from the church is very dangerous, also some of the exorcists associated with the church wield sacred gears. They could kill you."

Sora thought back and remembered the green ring-like power Asia used realizing that it must be a sacred gear.

"Sora" Rias said, her voice gravely getting his attention.

"Yeah I'm listening." He replied.

"Just know that when a devil receives a devil purge their soul is completely annihilated, that's the end of the line." She said her tone was dead serious. "You can never come back from that do you understand?"

"Yes," He responded, looking her in the eye. "I promise I'll be careful."

Rias studied Sora's face for a moment before exhaling. 

"I'm sorry I've gotten too worked up." She said turning away from him. "I just want you to be safe alright?"

"I already promised, didn't I." He responded as he walked past her leaving her alone in the dark balcony.


Inside the ORC room

Sora was preparing some fliers that Rias wanted him to hang out around the town. He was thinking back on his talk with her and his encounter with the kind nun.

"Sorry Asia looks like I won't be able to keep that promise after all." He said that with a solemn tone.

"She's not mad at you she's just worried that's all silly boy." Said a feminine voice in his ear.

Sora turned to see Akeno leaning down looking at him with a kind smile. Suddenly Rias opened the door and came into the room behind both of them.

"You're still here? I thought you would have gone home for the day?" Asked Rias confused.

"Yes we've just received an urgent message from the archduke." Akeno responded.

 "The Archduke?" Rias asked, confused.

"A stray devil has been causing trouble nearby." She said in a serious tone.

Ria's face immediately became serious as she called for her other servants.


Outside an old abandoned building.

The five club members teleported outside the old abandoned building.

"Stray devils start out as devil's servants." Said Kiba explaining to Sora the nature of strays.

"So like what we are?" He asked 

"No not exactly, once in a while a servant rebels and kills their master and then they become strays."

"According to the report this stray has been tricking people into that house and eating them." Said Akeno. "This job shouldn't be too hard, just find the beast and kill it."

"These monsters are pure evil, they don't care about anything except their own selfish desires, and that always ends bloody." Kiba continued.

The group made their way inside the building as they continued their discussion. 

"Sora" Rias called for his name.

"Yes princess?" He responded.

"Do you remember what I told you about evil pieces resembling the game of chess?" She asked, ignoring his princess comment.

"Yeah" He responded a bit confused.

"As the master I'm the king, my empress is the queen, my cavalier the knight, my tank the rook, the clergy the bishop, and my foot soldier the pawn." She explained "Devils of nobility grant these titles to their servants."

"Sounds simple enough so I'm your foot soldier right?"

"Correct, I want you to watch how the others fight together tonight." Rias said.

"Alright, fair enough." He said, shrugging his shoulders. He was completely fine hanging back.

"It's here," Said Koneko in her usual emotionless voice.

"Now what could that foul scent be." Said a female voice. "Hmm something smells quite delicious as well. I wonder if it tastes sweet or bitter?" It said coming into view.

Soon a well endowed woman came into view. Well she was a woman from the waist up, from the waist down she had four legs the front being humanoid hands with red claws and a snake tail.

"Viser you wretch you betrayed your master to fulfill the lustful wants and desires that have consumed you, your sins are worthy of a thousand deaths. In the name of the great house of Gremory begone or meet your death." She proclaimed.

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"Oh save it you little slut you've always had it in for me." She responded by licking her lips. "You're just jealous that your breasts will never be as lushes as these." She said as she openly fondled herself in front of the group.

Sora just looked disgusted. "An exhibitionist huh." He thought to himself.

"This is your final warning: go back to your master now." Rias said as the other besides Sora prepared for battle.

"So this is a stray huh." Sora commented unconcerned but a bit surprised.

"Hey handsome, you don't mind if I take a bite, do you?" The stray asked as she raised one of her front leg hands, its claws glowing red.

"See what I mean." Said Kiba to Sora. "When I said it always ended bloody I wasn't joking."

Soon Sora noticed something happening to the monster's breasts. Two small red seals appeared around her nipples soon yellow beams were fired out of them. The group quickly moves and avoids the strange perverted beams. They hit the walls behind them and melt the steel like hot butter.

"Seriously I feel like I popped into one of those he**ai comics Sora used to read." Sora thought annoyed.

"Please be careful Sora, now Kiba!" Rias Shouted. 

"Right" Kiba responded as he grabbed the hilt of his sword then vanished.

Sora was surprised by the blond boy's speed.

"Kiba is my knight." Rias said as she stood up from the ground. "His attribute is his speed and his best weapon is a sword."

Kiba suddenly appeared in front of the monster's body and severed both of her hand feet with one swing. The stray howled in pain after the loss of her limbs. Koneko then steps forward to face the angered beast. Viser's face distorted with rage as a huge maw of teeth opened at her waist. She dives forward, swallowing Koneko whole.

Sora stepped forward to do something when Rias reassured him.

"It's alright." She said calmly.

Suddenly Visers body shakes in pain as Koneko forces open her waist maw from the inside. Sora is shocked by the petite girl's monstrous strength.

"Koneko is my rook and her attribute is simple; she has unparalleled physical strength." She explained.

"Gross." Said Koneko as she punched the monster's teeth, shattering them all and sending her crashing to the floor.

Koneko examined her partially dissolved uniform covering her small breasts.

"Akeno you're up." Commanded Rias.

"Ara ara is it my turn now." She said cheerfully with a smile. "How exciting I love this game." She said as she walked toward the stray.

"Akeno finish her off please." Said Rias.

"I've got news for you, you're not the only one who likes to play rough around here, so how about the two of us have some fun." Said Akeno with a sadistic tone as yellow lightning began emitting from her hands.

"Akeno is my queen, her attributes are a perfect combo of all the other pieces." Rias explained. "She is simply unbeatable." She said as Akeno torture the stray with her lightning.

"Tough girl you haven't given up yet? Oh goody that means I get to play some more." She said cheerfully as she brought more lightning down.

"Her weapon is a dark magical power and that is not all." She continued.

"Oh your screams! This is making me so wet." Akeno exclaimed as she began licking her finger tips.

"She is really into S&M." Rias finished as Akeno continued to torture the defeated stray who screamed in pain.

"Is this as good for you as it is for me?" she asked.

Sora smirked at the young woman's personality. Without any of them noticing one of the stray's severed hands began to move. It then shot off the ground and made a straight line for Ria's head. Sora turned first and saw what was about to happen, and without thinking summoned his sword.

"Watch out!" He shouted as he got between the hand and Rias.

He deflected the hand away smashing it back into the ground.

"Thanks for that." Said Rias, surprised sitting on the floor.

"Don't worry about it." He said facing her but then something strange happened.

Sora was filled with dark emotions and impulses flooded his mind. His eyes began to glow purple and a sadistic smirk appeared on his face. 

"Kill her, Kill her, Kill her, Kill her, Kill her." The words continued to echo through his mind as he single mindedly approached the severed arm.

"Sora?" Rias asked, concerned as he walked toward the hand as both Koneko and Kiba watched.

Soon he was standing over the arm and with one fluid motion pierced the hand with his black blade. Soon the stray devil began to scream in all kinds of new agony as Rias and the other looked on in shock. The hand he had stabbed broke down into black and purple particles and absorbed into the blade. But soon the rest of the devil followed suit, her body dissolved into black and purple and were sucked into the blade.

All the while Sora looked down with a satisfied sadistic smile. Soon the dark feeling passed and Sora looked around confused.

"What?" Sora asked Rias confused while the other members stood around shocked.

"So that's what you meant when you said the sword ate the fallen angel?" Asked Rias confused.

"Yeah why?"

"No it's just I've never heard of a longinus that acts like that." She said bring her hand to her chin as if thinking about something deeply. 

"Well, are we done here?" Asked Sora. "Can we go?" He really didn't want to stay in an old building stinking of death all night.

"Yeah we've taken care of the stray so we can leave." She said coming out of her deep thoughts. 

“I have got to research the sword's origins as soon as possible.” She thought

The group quickly left the old abandoned building after cleaning up any traces of the devil and made their way back to the ORC room.

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