Transmigration To DxD

Chapter 8: Ch 8 A Rowdy Morning

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In a black space as far as the eye could see Sora was lying in complete emptiness. Then suddenly his mind was bombarded with visions.

Of swarms of locusts consuming all in their path.

Of seas of blood.

Of mountains being reduced to rubble.

Of rains of fire coming down from a crimson sky.

All the while screams of agony and death flooded Sora's head.

Then he saw a man standing in the middle of a battlefield with dead bodies surrounding him. Mangled corpses watering the ground with their blood as far as the eye could see. The man had shoulder length gold silver hair wearing pitch black knight like armor and dark purple robes. Holding a helm in his left arm and a bloody sword planted into the ground. As Sora's vision drew closer and closer the man was turning his head to face Sora. 

But just as he was about to see the man's face the dream ended and he woke up..

"Ahh!" He screamed as he awoke. Sitting up covered in cold sweat.

"What was that?" He thought frightened, holding his hand against his forehead as he continued to breathe heavily.

He looked around and realized that he was currently in his room. He tried to think back on what happened yesterday but couldn't remember anything after taking hold of the weird crystal.

"They must have brought me back home huh." He thought he then turned and found a familiar crimson hair beauty laying down asleep in his bed.

"Huh?!" He thought. "What the hell is she doing here and why is she naked?!" He thought it was then that he realized that he was butt naked as well. He was starting to panic and was desperately trying to slow down his racing heart and cool his head.

"We didn't cross that line did we?" He wondered, his face beet red. He then looked down at the crimson haired demoness and her naked peaches and cream skin. "She truly is beautiful isn't she." He said aloud.

"Oh, why thank you." She responded by giving him a smile and revealing she was awake.

Sora became stunned for a second at the girl's words and desperately was trying to regain his cool.

"How does your body feel? You gave us quite the scare yesterday." She said as she sat up next to him. The bed sheet then slid down past her shoulders revealing her enormous naked breasts to him.

"I feel fine thank you for bringing me back home." He responded calmly. 

On the inside he was embarrassed and was red as a tomato by the girl's brazen attitude. But he refused to show such feelings on his face and kept a straight stoic expression.

"Oh my." Rias thought she had been surprised by the boys's calmness despite the current situation he was in.

She had grown used to the lustful gazes of teenage boys that always lingered on her body, especially a certain part of her body. Truth be told she was rather confident in her sex appeal, but the boy in front of her wasn't showing any of the reactions she was used to. He looked at her naked figure and didn't seem the least bit bothered by it.

She felt a little bit of disappointment as she was hoping to have the chance to tease her new cute servant. But she was also glad that the boy was treating her with some respect. Little did she know he was burning up inside like a star about to go supernova. He just had an impeccable poker face.

"Ahem, if I might ask you something." Sora asked calmly.

"Yes, what is it?" She responded.

"Why are you in my bed and why are you naked?"

"Silly," she said, poking his nose playfully. "It was just a healing procedure. Your body took quite a lot of damage yesterday activating your sacred gear." 

"That's right, that did happen didn't it." He thought back on the moments before he lost consciousness. He remembered the strange voice and the crystal as well as the pain but then just drew a blank. 

"Sora are you ok?" Rias asked gently, having grown concerned by his sudden silence caressing his cheek.

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Sora was growing more and more embarrassed by the moment. "Y-yes I'm fine just trying to remember what happened that's all."

Rias then told him everything that happened including the black sword he had summoned. She described it to him in detail and told him how menacing the power coming off of it was. Sora then did as she instructed and called forth the blade. A small black portal appeared above his hand and the blade slowly came out.

Just as she described it had a pitch black blade. It was about 121cm in length with a single edge slightly curved blade. The cross guard was golden with a round purple gem in the middle. It had a two handed hilt wrapped in black and gold. And a round golden pommel with another purple gem in it.

"Now that you've activated it you can summon it at will." She said with a smile. "I'll have Kiba help you with sword practice until you get the hang of it."

"Yeah that sounds smart." He agreed, making the sword vanish.

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice calling for him.

"Sora You've got to get up you'll be late for school." Shouted Maia from downstairs. "You ignored all my calls yesterday, now you're sleeping in too?"She said as she started to climb the stairs toward his room.

Sora started to panic. He can't have his sister see him like this, especially with Rias here.

"Nee-san wait I'm up you dont have to come up stairs!" He shouted in a panicked voice.

Maia either ignored or didn't hear him and continued to come towards his room.

"Seriously Sora you're old enough to get up on your own why do I-" Maia stopped after she opened his door and found both him and a red haired beauty naked in bed.

She just stood there with a shocked expression, her mouth hanging open at the scene before her. 

"Good morning how are you today." Rias said completely calmly as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

Sora and Maia both looked at her both shocked but for different reasons.

"Sorry for intruding!" Maia said as she quickly closed the door.

Her screams could be heard as she ran down the stairs.

"It's rather energetic here, isn't it?" Rias said with a smile.

Sora just facepalmed himself at her comment but decided they needed to get up.

"Don't worry about your sister, I'll tweak her memory a bit." Rias said in a reassuring voice.

"I'd appreciate that or I'd never hear the end of it."  He then stood up out of bed and stretched his sore muscles a bit.

He began to examine his changed body; he appeared to have grown from 175cm to 185cm. He now had a muscular but lean physique. As he was getting ready to look at his face he heard Rias call out to him. 

"Oh my quite the bold one aren't you." Rias said in a teasing voice.

It was then Sora remembered he was naked as well and his Excalibur was currently out of its sheath. Rias was just sitting on the edge of the bed observing it and all its glory making Sora squirm with discomfort.

“There's no need to be embarrassed.” She said with a smile as she got up from the bed with the sheet still on her and approached him. “Your body is rather beautiful.” She said with a teasing smile as she caressed his cheek.

"Anyway it's time for us to get ready." She said throwing the sheet aside and approached her folded clothes.

  She then slipped her black panties on and had Sora help her with her bra. They both got dressed in their school uniforms and made their way downstairs for breakfast. After eating and Rias working her magic on Maia's memory the two made their way out the door.

"Let's do our best today my cute servant." She said smiling as both her and her pawn made their way to school.

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