Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 47: Leaving Wu Empire

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The missing of the empress caused a huge commotion in the palace. Lord Li Shizen and Madam Feng almost got a heart attack when they were informed about their son had been kidnapped. Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying was worried sick and immediately meet up with Lord Shizen.

Both of them reached a final decision to close all the gates and border, preventing anyone from going in or out of the country.

Besides the problem of finding the empress, they got another huge problem.

That is...

How and who should go and inform the emperor about this matter.

Everyone in the nation knows how the emperor truly doting on his wife. No one dares to have a look on the empress in the presence of the emperor if they wished to leave unpunished.

And now, the emperor's beloved has been taken away. All of them didn't dare to imagine how the situation will be when the emperor is informed about this. They can only pray for the safety of Guo Wei, Chang Min, elite guards and also the person who informed him.

In the end, two guards reluctantly stride to the border.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the fire has been successfully put out after more than one hour. Wu Jiaying ordered all of them to keep aside that matter first and focus on finding the empress.

Every entrance and gate is tightly guarded by imperial guards. Soldiers also spread out to find any hidden passage that might be used by the kidnappers.

However, two hours passed and Xiu Ying still couldn't be found. No one coming in or out of the gate and even every two meters along the wall is guarded by imperial guards. It is almost impossible for someone to sneak out unnoticed.

It is almost the break of the day but the empress is still nowhere to be seen. Both Li Shizen and Wu Jiaying didn't fall asleep. They keep walking back and forth in their own room, waiting anxiously for any news about the empress.

Unbeknownst to them, the empress that they were struggling to find is still inside the palace ground. He is lying unconscious in someone's bedchamber.

Man 1 : "I think we can leave soon."

Man 2 : "But we must wait for that lord to come first. Who knows the guards are still patrolling out there."

Man 1 : "How long we have to wait? We should get going soon. Master is waiting for us."

Man 2 : "Just for a little while. We can't risk it. We are taking THE EMPRESS, not some mere palace maid. Do you think they'll stop looking for him after just one night of searching? Even if it's one year, they won't stop until they found him."

Man 1 just side-glancing at Man 2, then he rolls his eyes.

While they are contemplating to make their move or not, the sounds of someone unlocking the door make them turn their head immediately. They take out their blade and stealthily approached the door with defending stance.

They are ready to attack but when they saw the familiar face walked into the room, they retract their blade and kowtow.

"My Lord," both of them greet.

The noble person in the blue silk robe just nods then he tilts his head to take a glance at Xiu Ying who is still lying unconsciously on the bed. He smirks.

"Wait for a little while. The imperial guards are still patrolling outside. And change into these..." The nobleman passes three sets of clothes.

The two men look at the sets of clothes then they frown when they found a woman's robe at the bottom.

"That's for him. If we dressed him up as a man, it will be more obvious. Let's just dress him up as a woman. Takes off any accessories on him."

The men nod. They immediately change into new clothes and it makes them look like a normal citizen with top knot hair. Then they walked towards the bed. Both of them didn't dare to take a step further and undress the empress.

"What else are you waiting for?!" Shouted the nobleman.

The two men immediately did their work. Man 1 untie the outer robe, leaving only the thin inner robe. With Xiu Ying's long loose, silky smooth hair, he looks extremely alluring. Both men swallow their saliva.

It is such torture to see a pretty and sexy ger in front of them but they cannot do anything.

The nobleman who noticed it immediately said, "Never touch him. He belongs to your lord."

Man 1 and Man 2 grunt in their heart. After Man 1 took off the outer robe, Man 2 helped to put on the new outer robe on Xiu Ying. It is light pink in color. Xiu Ying's hair was tied in a simple style, makes him look like a young lady of a rich household.

"Soon, it is time for imperial guard's shift changing. Go towards the west gate. The imperial guards there usually come in for work late. You have ten minutes maximum to make your escape. Be fast. Then, go to the Beauty House. A carriage has been prepared for you and also a lady will lend a hand. Remember. He is a young lady from the Hui household. Both of you will act as his servant and the lady is the lady-in-servant. She knows what to do in case you guys came across any imperial guards or soldiers." The nobleman explains while sitting idly and puffing out smokes from his pipe.

The two men bows, "Yes, My Lord. Thank you so much."

When it is time to make their move, the nobleman going out first, ensuring no one else is out there.

"Now, go!"

The two men in a flash running out of the bedchamber with Xiu Ying on one of their backs.

As the nobleman said, no imperial guard is guarding the west gate at the moment. They take this chance and successfully make their escape from the palace.

Not far from the west gate, they ride a carriage to go to the Beauty House. It is safer for them to go by a carriage than running here and there while carrying the empress.

As soon as they reached Beauty House, they saw a big and nice carriage with a woman sitting at the coach seat waiting for them at the alley beside the Beauty House.

When the woman saw them, she gets down from the coach seat and opens the carriage door. The man who carried Xiu Ying put him inside the carriage.

"If anyone asked, just say our lady suffer from unknown diseases for years so we're taking our young lady for treatment in the suburb area. If they wished to look inside just let them be. I know what to do," the woman flatly said.

Even the two men were a little bit surprised with how well-prepared she is. Without further delay, they start their journey.

Return to South Empire.

Their journey went on smoothly except for one time. They were stopped by a group of imperial guards who were strolling around, looking for anyone suspicious.

"Stop!" One of the imperial guards said. The other four guards followed and circle around their carriage.

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"Who are you and where are you going?"

Man 2 answered, "We are from the Hui household. We're going to the suburb area looking for a physician that can cure our young lady."

"Who is inside?" The imperial guard tried to take a peek inside.

"Our young lady and her servant. Our lady is asleep due to exhaustion from the long ride."

"We're going to need to take a look inside," The imperial guard pointed at the carriage while glancing at other imperial guards.

Two imperial guards stepped forwards while others take out their swords and stealthily followed, in case this is some kind of sneak attack.

However, right after the two imperial guards pull open the carriage door, they immediately slammed it closed back when they saw a fair and flawless shoulder blade. Their face flushed.

The servant said from inside the carriage, "I'm sorry, sir. My Lady is sweating a bucket so I was trying to change her clothes. Really sorry for the inconvenience."

"Ne- Never mind! Sorry. W- We didn't know you're changing your lady's clothes." The two imperial guards shake their heads vigorously.

Thinking that there's nothing suspicious about them, those imperial guards let them walk through.

That is the only nerve-wracking time for the two men. After that, their journey went on smoothly without any problems. In just five days, they almost reached South Empire. They chose to go by carriage as it was easier and fewer problems compared to go by ship.

If they decided to travel through the sea, they can only board a large ship which is impossible for them to do so without being interrogated for looking suspicious, carrying an unconscious person. So, using the land is safer.

Only when they have passed the border of the South Empire, the two men finally heave a sigh of relief. No matter how much experience they have, it will never be the same as kidnapping an empress, an emperor's wife. If they were caught, a fast and simple death is never gonna happen. For sure they'll be tortured until they willingly beg to end their lives.

Now, they can't wait to give the empress to the person who is waiting for their arrival, take their payment and leave the country for a few months or maybe a year. If they stay in the South Empire, sooner or later they'll be dragged back to Wu Empire to receive punishments.

They arrive at midnight but they have no problem going inside the palace as they got a special plaque that gives them permission to go inside or leave the palace wherever they want.

Stopped in front of an abandoned empty bedchamber in the most secluded area of the palace, the two men look left and right, in case someone is tailing them. When they think no one else is around, the two men quickly bring Xiu Ying inside the bedchamber.

It was only called a 'bedchamber' because it looks like it from outside. However, on the inside, there's nothing like a bedchamber at all.

No bed, no wardrobe, a little bit dusty and spiderwebs here and there. There are only a few crumpled old clothes on the floor.

They put Xiu Ying on the dirty clothes and leave him there with his inner white robe only.

When Xiu Ying was awake during their journey, he was terrified. Sitting in a carriage with a stranger, going somewhere he doesn't know where hands tied at the back until it leaves bruises.

He was given food and drinks when he's awake but soon after he ate, he'll fall asleep again. Because his food was drugged.

Xiu Ying knew about the drug but he can't do anything with his hands and he was spoon feed by the stranger woman. He's really worried about is his baby.

However, he needs to care about his safety too as his baby is still far from the due date so if something happens to him, it'll affect his baby.

Luckily the drugged that they gave him is just like sleeping pills or tranquilizers in the modern world and they gave him in low quantity because the effect of the drug took a long time to make him fall asleep. So, Xiu Ying hopes it won't affect his pregnancy.

Xiu Ying had been awake for a while and his hands had been released but he was too weak to move around and he knows, even if he tried to escape, it was futile with his current condition.

Xiu Ying decided to stay still and wait for what is coming to him. He brushed off the specks of dust on the crumpled clothes and cover his body.

Xiu Ying was about to lay down again but then someone's unlocking the door, makes him half-laying, with one hand supporting his upper body.

Xiu Ying immediately scoots backward when he saw a middle-aged man in a silky black robe, smiling like a pervert and staring at him with lusty eyes.

The black-robed man slowly approaching Xiu Ying but Xiu Ying keeps moving further from him.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!" Xiu Ying shouted.

He intended to sound domineering and brave but it backfired. The black-robed man turned on with his angry but soft voice.

The black-robed man turned around at the two men. "Well done! Here."

He throws two big pouches at the two men.

"I've added some more for both of you. Now, you guys can go." The two men left with a big smile.

The black-robed man locks the door and turns back to Xiu Ying. He's drooling at the sight of the loose thin robe, draping from Xiu Ying's right shoulder, revealing the fair neck and legs, untied loose hair.

Xiu Ying keeps moving until his back meets the wall of the chamber. He pulls the dusty cloth on the floor, covers up his body.

He flinches when the black-robed man squatting in front of him. The black-robed man lifts his hand, trying to touch Xiu Ying's face but Xiu Ying immediately slaps it away.

"Feisty aren't you? But I prefer this type more. It's quite intriguing." The black-robed man eyes-feasting on Xiu Ying's body.

"Who the hell are you?! And what do you want from me?!" Xiu Ying asked again.

"Language, beautiful. But, since you still don't know me, I forgive you. I, Lord Yu Zhougong, the Regent of the South Empire. What do I want? Simple. I.want.YOU."

Xiu Ying raises his left eyebrow. "What do you mean you want me? I'm not a thing you can simply steal or buy. Plus, don't you know who I am? I, solely a WU EMPIRE'S PERSON and my everything belongs to Emperor Wu."

Yu Zhougong chuckles. "Then if I take Wu Empire as a part of South Empire and after Emperor Wu died, the throne is given to me, that's mean you're going to be mine, right?"

Xiu Ying squinting. His lips slanted. "If Emperor Wu dies, I'm going with him. Do you think I'm gonna stay in a world where my husband is no longer there?"

Xiu Ying huffs.. "I'll follow him wherever he goes, be it this world or the hereafter."

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