Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 48: Being Yu Zhougong's First Wife

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Xiu Ying squinting. His lips slanted. "If Emperor Wu dies, I'm going with him. Do you think I'm gonna stay in a world where my husband is no longer there?"

Xiu Ying huffs. "I'll follow him wherever he goes, be it this world or the hereafter."


"I rather die than stay with you." Xiu Ying smirks.

Hearing Xiu Ying's rejecting words, Yu Zhougong snapped. He roughly grabbed Xiu Ying's face and hold it tightly. Normally Xiu Ying can just slap it away but in his current state, it is futile to go against him.

"Oh really? Then, I'll make sure you're going to live in hell. I won't let you die easily. Willing or not, your place is with me." He released his grip and pushed Xiu Ying's face away.

"Guards!" Yu Zhougong shouted and immediately two imperial guards come into the chamber. They were quite surprised with the presence of a beautiful ger in such a state but they quickly cast their glance away from Xiu Ying.

"Take him to 'that room'," Yu Zhougong stands, brushes off the dust from his robe then turns to leave.

Xiu Ying just let the two imperial guards drag him away. After walked around for a while, they arrived in front of a grand-looking bedchamber.

The imperial guards take him inside the bedchamber but then one of the guards pushed aside a shelf, revealing another chamber inside it. Xiu Ying looks around the chamber.

It was fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe and a small dining table. But if Xiu Ying wants to take a shower, he needs to use the same bathroom as the owner of the grand-looking bedchamber.

"From now on, you're going to stay here. You're not allowed to leave without Lord Yu's permission. If there is anything you want, just call the servant or the guards outside," one of the guards said. Afterward, both of them leave, but after stealing a glance at Xiu Ying's beauty.

Right after they left, Xiu Ying slumps onto the bed. He caresses his little bump and his eyes start to become watery. He misses his husband so much. Now they're even further apart.

"Wei-er... I miss you... Please... Come and pick me up faster." Droplets of tears start to fall down his nose bridge and side-eyes.

[A/N: Xiu Ying is lying sideways so his tears moving horizontally]

Xiu Ying's eyelids tremble when tiny light rays that pass through the holes on top of the chamber fall on his face. He didn't even realize when he falls asleep.

Xiu Ying didn't know the current time but he guesses from the slightly cold breeze and bright light outside, it is still in the morning. Maybe between chen to si hours (7-9 am). Xiu Ying rises from the bed.

His stomach growls. The last time he ate was yesterday evening. It has been more than 12 hours and he didn't even get a cup of drink. Xiu Ying slowly gets off of the bed. He walks towards the door but before he could pull it open, someone pushed it from outside.

It was an imperial guard. He brought along a tray of food and drink. Xiu Ying steps back, giving a way for the imperial guard to enter and put down the tray. Xiu Ying didn't even try to make an attempt to escape because he knows it is useless. He is so weak right now, alone, in an unfamiliar place.

Even if he tried to escape, it won't be long until he was caught again. So, rather than wasting his time and suffer after that, Xiu Ying thought it is better to save his energy first. When he is back to health and in a better condition, he'll think of his escape plan.

"Eat this. Lord Yu will come and have lunch with you later on," the guard said.

When the guard is about to leave, Xiu Ying calls him. "What time is it?"

Without turning around the guard said, "It just passed si hours (9-10 am)." Then the guard immediately leaves the room. He was not trying to be rude but he already being reprimanded.

Not only him but all guards and servants who are responsible to attend Xiu Ying are not allowed to talk with him or look at him more than necessary. They are obligated to do their job only and not to say anything unrelated.

The person who did that is no other than Yu Zhougong. He doesn't want to expose Xiu Ying to others. In his mind, Xiu Ying is for only him, to be admired, stared at, touched and everything. Other people are not allowed to do that.

That is the reason why he locked Xiu Ying in the secret room inside his bedchamber. If one day, Wu Zhang Wei came to look for Xiu Ying, Yu Zhougong will make sure he won't find him, even if Wu Zhang Wei turns the palace upside down.

Xiu Ying sits on the small stool at the dining table. He stares at the steamed rice, chicken soup, stir-fry veggies and steamed buns. He doesn't feel like eating but thinking of his baby, he picks up a steamed bun and takes a bite. Then, he sips on the chicken soup, leaving the steamed rice and other dishes untouched.

Wipes his mouth using the handkerchief that was put at the corner of the tray, Xiu Ying then walks towards the small bookshelf at the corner of the room. He picks the book one by one.

There are poems, Arts of War, the Analects and Confucius. There are also a few books about diseases and their cure. Xiu Ying decided to take a few of them and bring to the bed. As there is nothing else to do, Xiu Ying read those books to pass time.

Right at lunch hour, the creaking sounds of the door being opened make Xiu Ying stay on alert, but he remains calm and continues reading.

As the door opened, three eunuchs walk in while bringing along a tray with them. Behind them, Yu Zhougong tagged along and watch them served everything on the dining table. He quickly dismissed them after they have done with their work.

Xiu Ying just steals a glance at the table that is full of various kinds of dishes. Chicken, fish, meat, veggies and even desserts and teas. But Xiu Ying has no intention of eating it, especially together with the old man.

Leisurely take a seat at the dining table, Yu Zhougong said, "What else are you waiting for? Come here. There is a lot of food here. I know you must be starving, so let's eat." He picks some dried-fried green beans and fish and puts them into Xiu Ying's bowl.

Xiu Ying ignores him and flips to another page of "Fundamentals of Acupuncture".

Yu Zhougong feels irritated being ignored for the second time by Xiu Ying. He was admired, respected and feared by all people in South Empire but now, a mere ger treating him like air.

Yu Zhougong grips on his chopsticks tightly then slams them on the table. "You gonna come here or you want me to force you? And I'm sure I won't be gentle and considerate."

Xiu Ying sighs. He closes the book and puts it aside. He gets off of the bed and walks towards the dining table. He scans everything on the table before taking a seat.

Seeing Xiu Ying behaves and being obedient, Yu Zhougong's lips slanted. He tried to pick up a piece of meat and put it into Xiu Ying's rice bowl but he was stunned when Xiu Ying in a flash, grabs his bowl and pull it away from the table.

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He won't let Yu Zhougong gives the meat to him. "I can eat on my own. No need to bother," said Xiu Ying.

Feels like he was splashed with cold water, Yu Zhougong awkwardly retracts his chopstick.

Xiu Ying only eats vegetables and a little bit of steamed fish with ginger. The others, he didn't touch it. Even though he has passed the morning seasickness phase, but still he doesn't want to eat anything that might trigger the nauseousness to come back. It will arise suspicion.

The lunch hour going on with the one-sided conversation. Yu Zhougong keeps on trying to initiate a conversation with Xiu Ying but as usual, his voice was treated like a buzzing sound of mosquitoes flying near his ears.

Right after Xiu Ying finished his meal, he went back to bed and continues reading. Yu Zhougong grips his fist tightly. He rises and flicks his robe. "Anyone out there?!" He shouted.

A female servant running into the room, "Yes, Sire?"

"Dress him up. Make sure he covers his face." Then he slams the door, leaving Xiu Ying dumbfounded.

The female servant immediately carried out the order. No matter what Xiu Ying asked, the female servant won't answer him. She shuts her mouth tightly and did her work unbothered by the bombarding questions.

In half an hour, Xiu Ying was dressed up in a purple white robe. His hair was combed and let loose on his right shoulder, revealing the left part of his neck. He also wearing a light purple veil to match his clothes.

Soon, two guards came to pick him up. They were stunned and couldn't help but staring at Xiu Ying but immediately lower their head.

Both guards escort Xiu Ying to a big garden. It is an imperial garden. The guards lead him to a gazebo near a fish pond, where Yu Zhougong is sitting while sipping his tea. But, next to him, another two guys are standing, looks like in his late 30s and the other one in his early 40s.

And also another teen sitting, that looks like in his thirteen to fifteen years old. That teen looks so pale and weak. He was skin and bone. Even when Xiu Ying came, he just looked at him with a blank face.

In contrast with the other three. When Xiu Ying has come into their sight, they were jaw-dropping and Yu Zhougong almost drooled when he saw Xiu Ying's alluring appearance.

Yu Zhougong clears his throat when he noticed the other two ministers beside him still staring at Xiu Ying.

"Your Majesty, here, I introduce to you. This is Physician Li. He is a great physician."

Xiu Ying squinted when he heard Yu Zhougong called the teen as "your highness" but he immediately eases his expression when the teen looks at him.

"Physician Li, I need you to check on His Majesty's health condition and tell me your diagnosis," said Yu Zhougong.

It's not like Xiu Ying would obey Yu Zhougong's words but he can't help but worried looking at the young emperor.

"Please excuse me, Your Majesty." Xiu Ying bows before taking a seat at the empty stool beside the teen.

The teen holds out his right arm. Xiu Ying puts two fingers near his wrist and closes his eyes, concentrating on reading the pulse.

Xiu Ying can't help but knitted his eyebrows when he feels the irregular pulse. It was scattered and a little bit faint. Xiu Ying opens his eyes and leans forward to have a look closer at his tongue.

It was swollen and pale in color. This could be an indicator of heart or digestive problems. But both of them won't cause this young emperor to have such an unreadable pulse.

"Pardon, Your Majesty. Seems like Your Majesty is not in a good condition. There might be some problems with your heart or stomach. But if Your Majesty allows me to take care and observe Your Majesty for a few days, I may help Your Majesty to recover," Xiu Ying said to the poker-faced young emperor.

Yu Zhougong secretly glances at the two ministers. Both of them return the glance then their lips curved a little bit.

"Never mind, Physician Li. His Majesty got an imperial physician to take care of him. I asked you to check on him just to make sure that the imperial physician is not making a false report about His Majesty's health. So, you don't have to worry about His Majesty," Yu Zhougong immediately rejected Xiu Ying's offer.

"Your Majesty, I will ask the imperial physician to give you the right medicine based on what Physician Li said. Make sure you drink your medicine every day, alright?"

Xiu Ying's eyes twitched. He could sense the hidden meaning behind those 'caring words'.

"By the way Your Majesty, I'd like to ask permission from you to allow me, to take Physician Li as my first wife," Yu Zhougong said nonchalantly.

Xiu Ying shot a deathly glare towards Yu Zhougong. He crosses his arms, "Excuse me, sir, since when did I say I want to be your first wife? I think I mentioned that I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

The two ministers turn to Xiu Ying, the second time shocked. They were surprised by the way Xiu Ying talk to their regent. Regent, that is known for his ruthlessness.

Yu Zhougong scoffs. "Agree or not, in the end, you still going to be mine. Just accept the truth. You can go nowhere else. Your place is here."

Before Xiu Ying could retort, Yu Zhougong continues, "For the meantime, just stay at that room. Later on, after we're officially married, I'll prepare another house for you. But still, you're going to live in the same room as mine. That house is just a betrothal gift from me to you."

Xiu Ying huffs. "Listen up, OLD MAN. I rather died than marrying a perverted geezer like you," Xiu Ying smirks.

But everyone flinches when the teacup was smashed to the ground.

"Mind your manners, Physician Li. Just because I like you, it doesn't mean I will tolerate everything you said and did. My patience has its limit and I advised you not to test it," Yu Zhougong grips his fist tightly. His bloodshot eyes make Xiu Ying unconsciously takes a step back.

However, Xiu Ying won't allow himself to look weak, especially in front of someone like Yu Zhougong. He loudly said, "Should I remind you, Lord Yu Zhougong? I'm not Physician Li but I'm EMPRESS LI, wife of EMPEROR WU ZHANG WEI."

The young emperor who looks unbothered since the beginning suddenly turns his head and stares at Xiu Ying.. There is fear in his eyes when he looks at Xiu Ying.

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