Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 61: End (Part I)

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"Wei-er... Wei-er... Wei-er..." Xiu Ying mumbles between his sniffles.

Looking at his wife's weak state sobbing in pain, it feels like his heart being stabbed thousand times. Wu Zhang Wei secured Xiu Ying in a tight and secure embrace.

"I'm here, baobei. No one will hurt you anymore. Shhh... I'm here. I'm here." He gently caresses at the back of his head while peppering Xiu Ying with light kisses.

When Xiu Ying became calmer and stopped sobbing, Wu Zhang Wei breaks the hug and scans him. Starting from his face, sickly pale and bruised cheeks. Wu Zhang Wei clenched his jaw. Down to his neck, he squinted at the sight of the blood.

He looks around the chamber. He walks to the bed, cuts the quilt into a small piece of cloth using his sword. Using the cloth, he wraps it around Xiu Ying's neck. It's best to stop the bleeding before they could find a physician to treat it properly.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?"

Xiu Ying just shakes his head and buried his face into his husband's chest again.

"Baobei, tell me honestly. Where else did you get hurt?"

"When he tried to drag me, I hit him then he accidentally pushed me down. Then, he got mad so he slapped me on both cheeks." Xiu Ying's muffled voice still can be heard clearly as they are basically plastered to each other.

Wu Zhang Wei takes a deep breath trying to calm the raging storm in his heart. Just one thing for sure, soon, Yu Zhougong himself will wish to die instead of living.

Releases a heavy sigh, Wu Zhang Wei sheath his sword. He puts his hand on Xiu Ying's back and his thigh. Carrying him in a princess carry. Xiu Ying in reflex wraps his hands around Wu Zhang Wei's neck and snuggle. Wu Zhang Wei's lips curved.

The royal couple walks out of the chamber. The soldiers and elite army, Group 1 and Group 2, already waiting for them outside. The royal couple is in the center and those men guard them at every angle.

"How's the situation?" Wu Zhang Wei asked.

Group Leader Team 1, 01 answers, "Under control. They can no longer fight off our soldiers but still, they won't give up and some of them still fighting outside."

Wu Zhang Wei scoffs. "Tie that old man at the pole or wherever. Make sure they could see it."

01 cupped his fist. He and 02 immediately did as they were told. 01 who knocked Yu Zhougong out before hid him somewhere no one can save him.

They drag the unconscious old man to the staircase before the battleground. Finding the most exposed and nearest pole, they tied the old man and let him be beheld for the South Empire's soldiers.

When the South Empire's soldiers notice it, they froze. Their knees went weak and unconsciously all of them dropped their swords. They hang their heads low, admitting defeat.

After all the South Empire's soldiers knelt on the ground, Huang Fei Hong raises his sword up high. "Long live the emperor! Long live Wu Empire!"

"Long live the emperor! Long live Wu Empire!"

"Long live the emperor! Long live Wu Empire!"

"Long live the emperor! Long live Wu Empire!"

Wu Empire's soldiers chanted proudly and happily.

Meanwhile, Wu Zhang Wei heads to the main hall of the imperial palace of the South Empire. He directly sits on the throne with Xiu Ying on his lap.

"What about 'them'?" Wu Zhang Wei asked after checking on his baobei that has already fallen asleep in his arms.

"We got them." 06, the leader of Team 2 answered.

"Bring all of them here."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I've sent people to bring them here."

All the South Empire's soldiers who were still alive were captured and gathered outside. Once everything has settled down, Huang Fei Hong leaves the job of watching out the prisoner of the war to the commander and then he went to the main hall.

While waiting for their guest to arrive, Wu Zhang Wei keeps checking on his sleeping beauty. Xiu Ying was safe and secured, so he immediately fell asleep, unbothered by his surroundings.

Wu Zhang Wei pushed the hair that hiding the beautiful face behind the ear. Patting and caressing Xiu Ying's back, pecks on Xiu Ying's forehead and rubbing their heads. Xiu Ying felt disturbed, he nestled deeper into the crook of Wu Zhang Wei's clavicle.

The soldiers and the elite army guarding at the front and side can only throw their sight to the ceiling, ground or windows.

'Soon, we'll be fed with dog food again.' All the soldiers and elite army have the same thought.

Huang Fei Hong who was just arrived smirks. 'Now you look like a human.'

As the main hall door wide opened, the smiles on Wu Zhang Wei's face ceased. His menacing stare makes all captives tremble in fear.

"Kneel to the emperor!" said Huang Fei Hong.

The servants, eunuchs and ministers feeling weak in their knees and dropped to the ground. However, the Empress Dowager and the young emperor of the South Empire who stands right in front of the throne still didn't bend their knees.

When they are about to go down, all the people of the South Empire cried out asking them not to do it. It was such an insult for a royal family to kneel.

Wu Zhang Wei is getting impatient watching their drama. He leans back on the throne and clears his throat. But his right hand still didn't stop caressing the sleeping beauty's back.

The captives instantly shut their mouth. But the Empress Dowager and the young emperor still didn't go down.

Wu Zhang Wei scoffs.

"What else are you trying to protect? I've won this battle so you have lost your country. You're no longer an emperor or Empress Dowager. Right now, you guys are on the same level as those people behind you."

The royal mother and son felt humiliated and wanted to retort his words, but they knew that what Wu Zhang Wei just said was right. Due to an old geezer's perverted idea, the whole country faced the consequences.

"Yo- Your Majesty. Allow me to speak." The young emperor suddenly spoke. Wu Zhang Wei just wiggles his eyebrows, signaling him to proceed.

"All that happened, from the beginning was planned by the regent. He was the root cause of this dispute between the South Empire and the Wu Empire. I, as the em- emperor..."

He could barely call himself an emperor due to his incompetency.

"Hope and wished that we could negotiate and find a better solution together. Innocent people shouldn't be involved." The young emperor lowered his self-dignity as an emperor, as long as he can save his country.

Wu Zhang Wei hums.

"Well, it is not my problem. You, as an emperor has the higher and larger power to stop him, a regent. But you're too weak and such a scaredy-cat. Don't involve innocent people? Then, when that old geezer kidnapped my wife, he already involved innocent people due to his lust. He hurts my wife and endangering the life of my unborn child. You, an emperor, the Son of Heaven, with great power comes great responsibility. The one that was kidnapped was my wife, the Mother of the Nation. Do you think I could let this go just like that? Dream on."

Wu Zhang Wei's nonstop ranting, plus his loud voice awaken the sleeping beauty in his arms. Xiu Ying squirms and lightly moans. Wu Zhang Wei was a bit surprised when he heard it. He immediately turns his head towards his wife, ignoring the shock on everyone's face when he mentioned about the baby.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" He whispers.

Xiu Ying hums. He sighs and then opens his eyes and looks directly into his husband's eyes.

"Your Majesty, don't blame them. They got nothing to do with that man. That man holds the power in the court, even in the military. That young emperor was sick that is why South Empire needs a regent to help him rule this country. He was powerless to fight against that man as the ministers also sided with that man."

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The main hall was silent so Xiu Ying's voice echoed and all of them could hear what he told the Wu Empire's emperor. Not only them but Wu Zhang Wei was also shocked by Xiu Ying's words.

"He was sick? But he doesn't look like he was sick to me." Wu Zhang Wei glanced at the young emperor with eyes squinted. He scanning him up and down, the person who was defended by his wife.

"That's because I have helped him so he could get better."

"Ohhh... I see. You helped him..." Wu Zhang Wei scoffs. "The regent kidnapped my wife and the 'helpless' emperor took advantage to use my wife to cure himself. Is the South Empire that pitiful? No physician could heal the sickly emperor? Only my wife can do it? Is that right?"

The young emperor hangs his head even lower. He was ashamed when Wu Zhang Wei put it into words like that. He regretted not helping Xiu Ying get away from South Empire and asked Xiu Ying to heal him instead.

A reward should be received after doing a good deed. But the young emperor asked Xiu Ying to cure him first. Only then he'll help Xiu Ying to escape. It was more like a threat.

"Your Majesty..." Xiu Ying whines. Wu Zhang Wei sidely glares at him.

Wu Zhang Wei pinches the skin between his eyebrows and sighs. He looks at outside and it was already dark. It is now chén hours (7-8pm).

"We will continue this tomorrow. Guards take them all to the prison. As for those two, let them be grounded in their own chamber. And for the kitchen people (cook/chef), do you want to sleep in crowded with all of them or sleep in your previous chamber and help to prepare food for my men? But don't think of poisoning them as you guys will have lots of company."

About eight kitchen people look at each other and nod. The kitchen leader says, "We will help to prepare food. B- But c- can we feed our emperor and Empress Dowager?"

"Sure. Suit yourself."

All the kitchen people bow repeatedly, feeling grateful.

Wu Zhang Wei abruptly rises and still carrying Xiu Ying in his arms. He is strutting in the middle of the crowds and heads towards Daxing Palace, the place where Yu Zhougong used to reside.

In Daxing Palace, besides the main bedchamber, there are also another two large chambers. Wu Zhang Wei who already ran around the palace when he looked for Xiu Ying before, went directly to one of the chambers as if he already lived there for a long time.

Once he and Xiu Ying entered the bedchamber, the guards closed the door and left the royal couple alone. Huang Fei Hong is busy handling those captives and divided every one to fit in the cells.

He sits on the bed and Xiu Ying is on his lap. He gently caresses his wife's cheek and stares at Xiu Ying's face. It almost feels like a dream that his beloved in his arms.

"Ying-er, why are you trying to speak up for that boy? Did you made a deal with him or something?" Wu Zhang Wei asked out of nowhere.

Xiu Ying swallows his saliva. From his low tone, Xiu Ying can detect the annoyance, jealousy and anger in his voice.

"No. Of course not. How could I made a deal with him?" He awkwardly laughs but it makes Wu Zhang Wei even more suspicious of him.

"Then, why would put a good word for him? He is a stranger. You don't even know him. He is not even our people and he was the emperor of the South Empire. If it wasn't for his incompetency, you won't be kidnapped and we won't be separated for a long time. I was deathly worried about you and our baby." Wu Zhang Wei slightly raises his voice, startling Xiu Ying.

Xiu Ying fell speechless. He does not know what to reply. They were just reuniting but he dared to defend another guy. Xiu Ying can see the disappointment in his husband's eyes.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and both of them straight away turn their head towards the intruder. Wu Zhang Wei's eyes twitched when he saw the 'intruder'.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty barely sleep in the past weeks. Every day, he would sleep for three hours at most. Never once he stopped worrying about you. I know, if it's possible he would directly attack South Empire but he didn't do that. He doesn't want to kill off that old man just like that. He wanted to repay what they did tenfold. He wanted to show everyone that no one could mess up with his beloved, his family. His Majesty cares about you so much. While you were gone, some ministers even suggested electing a new empress. If it was another emperor, I'm sure they will agree to it right away. His Majesty just wanted the best for you. When both of you met again, His Majesty would hope you would back into his embrace and be his again. So how could you carelessly and nonchalantly cared about another guy? Don't you know your words before really hurt His Majesty?"

Huang Fei Hong ranting as soon as he entered the bedchamber. He heard their conversation from outside the chamber and he thought of letting them settle up on their own but when he remembered Wu Zhang Wei's pitiful state before, his foot just moving on its own.

Wu Zhang Wei was slightly embarrassed when Huang Fei Hong said that. How could that guy expose his unsightly image to his wife.

He clears his throat. "Aren't you supposed to handle those people at the cells? What are you doing here?"

"I'm the Great General. Those trivial matters, I got my men to handle it."

Wu Zhang Wei rolls his eyes. Meanwhile, Xiu Ying looks between Huang Fei Hong and Wu Zhang Wei.

He just said what he felt because he knew that the young emperor was truly incapable of stopping Y Zhougong. He himself might be poisoned by that old geezer until his health declining. When they first met, Xiu Ying even thought the emperor won't have much time left due to his sickly pale complexion and paper-thin body.

Xiu Ying faced his husband and stares intently. He wraps his arms around Wu Zhang Wei's neck and snuggles on his clavicle.

"Wei-er... I'm sorry. I don't know that. I'm really sorry." He mumbles.

Wu Zhang Wei sighs. He pats on Xiu Ying's back and leans his head on Xiu Ying's. He eyeing Huang Fei Hong and the latter got the sign. Huang Fei Hong left the couple alone.

"It's okay, baobei. You're not wrong. Actually, I don't intend to let you know about it. It was a shameful act of mine. I know my baobei is so kind. You don't want to involve innocent people. I'm sorry. I was being selfish and arrogant. I want other people to know that no one should try to harm you if they don't want to face the consequences. But I guess, my decision was a bit too much." He awkwardly laughs.

Xiu Ying abruptly lifts his head and cupped Wu Zhang Wei's face. He shakes his head vigorously. "No. It's not your fault. I know you care about me so much, you want to protect me. So, you're not wrong. It is wrong if you intend to let them go just like and won't care to avenge on me. If you ever dare do that, that's mean you don't care about me anymore!" He pouts.

Wu Zhang Wei's lips curved. He takes one of the hands on his cheeks and brings it to his lips.

It left a tingling sensation on Xiu Ying's fingers.

"I'll never do that. Up to me, I'll destroy everyone in this country but I know it will be too much for you so I just decided to destroy everyone in this imperial palace."

Xiu Ying's eyes widen. "Y- You want to kill them all?"

Looking at his wife's frightened expression, Wu Zhang Wei can't contain his laugh. He leans forward and plants a peck on those pink lips.

"No, baobei. Destroy doesn't mean I will kill them all. What I want to do is take over this country and the reigns over it. Before I came here, I have discussed this with your father and Huang Fei Hong, this country will be one of the Wu Empire's states. I also will take over the State of Shu. The young emperor will no longer be an emperor but I can let him rule this state but under my watch and every decision can only be made after he got my approval. So, he'll be like a regent."

Xiu Ying's lips form an 'O'.

"Why you didn't say it earlier?"

Wu Zhang Wei lifts his right eyebrows. "Did you even give me chance to explain? Out of nowhere, you woke up from your slumber and the first thing you did was defending him. Did you even ask for an explanation from me? Did you let me finish my words? No, right?" He said sarcastically.

Xiu Ying lowers his head. He bites his lower lips, feeling embarrassed.

"Are you mad?"

"How can I get mad at you? I'm just... disappointed. I'm your husband. Shouldn't you at least trust me?"

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't ever do that again. Whatever happened, you're my priority."

"Glad you realize that." Wu Zhang Wei smirks triumphantly.

A little later, two soldiers came and brought their dinner. After having their dinner, Wu Zhang Wei and Xiu Ying wash up together and it was a normal wash. No matter how impatient Wu Zhang Wei is, he held himself back because Xiu Ying is still unwell. After a good shower, Wu Zhang Wei called the physician soldier to check on Xiu Ying.

Bruises on his cheeks and just fatigue. The baby is just fine and healthy. The physician just put an ointment on Xiu Ying's cheeks and gave him some concoction to make Xiu Ying sleep better and ease the pain in his body.

Done with his job, the physician soldier went out of the bedchamber as soon as possible. As a single man in his late 20s, watching the royal couple being lovey-dovey in front of his eyes hurts his feeling. During the whole checkup and treatment, Xiu Ying sits on Wu Zhang Wei's lap. Not once Wu Zhang Wei's hand be apart from Xiu Ying's waist.

The poor physician soldier can only complain in his heart.

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