Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 62: End (Part II)

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The next morning, only the Royal Court members and the Royal family of the South Empire were called to the main hall. The other captives were left inside the cell.

Without any delay, Wu Zhang Wei directly speaks up his plan. "It is a rule. South Empire has lost. This means the South Empire fall under Wu Empire. You, young emperor, got no rights left to rule this country."

The young emperor grits his teeth. It was an expected decision.

"After this, no more South Empire. This country will be named the State of Zhou."

The young emperor lifts his head, looked surprised. State of... Zhou. Zhou is the family name for the royal members of the South Empire.

When Wu Zhang Wei decided to take over South Empire, he thought Wu Zhang Wei would destroy any traces of the South Empire. But, he never thought the emperor kindly use the name "Zhou".

"I will leave the matter of handling this matter to you, Regent Zhou. But, at the Royal Court, some of them will be people of Wu Empire that I will appoint later. Before you make any decision, consult with the people from Wu Empire that I will send later. They'll decide whether to go for further discussion with me or not. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Yo- Your Majesty." The young emperor stuttered. Never once had he thought of calling another person with the title 'Your Majesty'.

But at least, Wu Zhang Wei decided to let him rule South Empire, no, it's the State of Zhou now. If it was another emperor, he's sure all the royal family of the South Empire will be killed.

The young emperor glanced at Xiu Ying who is sitting beside the intimidating man. He remembered how Xiu Ying's always beaming whenever he talked about his husband.

Now he sees, why Xiu Ying loves Wu Zhang Wei so much.

Xiu Ying noticed the gaze from the young emperor but he pretended not to notice it. He doesn't want to make Wu Zhang Wei jealous again. He scoots closer to his hubby.

Wu Zhang Wei felt a warm arm plastered on his arm. Without turning to Xiu Ying, Wu Zhang Wei snakes his arm around Xiu Ying's waist, holding him in place.

Wu Zhang Wei continues explaining what changes will be made after this. Appointing new Royal Court members, officially change that name of the country. They also need to inform the people who were residing in South Empire.

They'll leave for Wu Empire in another three days after the soldiers from the State of Shu return.

After the announcement has been made, all the citizens of the South Empire were sad. They can't believe right now they have been subjugated by Wu Empire. It hurts them more when they heard their emperor now became second in command.

However, they can't rebel against Wu Empire and they even lost for words when they knew their previous regent kidnapped an empress from another country just to satisfy his lust.

Anyhow, they're grateful Wu Empire didn't bring any harm to all citizens and they didn't intend to make any changes that will trouble those citizens.

The troop from Wu Empire leave after three days.

As soon as they met with the soldiers who return from the State of Shu, Huang Fei Hong and Wu Zhang Wei together with Regent Zhou (previously young emperor) having a meeting with all the soldiers.

Shocked, of course, they are. They hope to celebrate their victory once they arrived but instead they received such unexpected news.

This indirectly means Wu Empire also gained the State of Shu as one of their territories.

Basically, nothing much changes. It's just that, Huang Fei Hong keeps reminding them that right now they're serving another emperor. Always remember who is their true emperor. Any disobedience won't be tolerated.

Huang Fei Hong also noticed the weakness in their soldiers when they were against each other. Thus, he somehow will help to train them. But of course, he won't reveal every secret of their training drill. He will just help them to improve their basic stance.

In the afternoon, Wu Zhang Wei and the troop depart to Wu Empire.

Xiu Ying once in a while glanced around. Feeling happy but he keeps a poker face.

"What are you looking at?" The guy on his behind whispered at his left ears.

Wu Zhang Wei insisted they ride on the same horse. He wanted to show to all the people, they are the monarch, emperor and empress of the State of Zhou.

Wu Zhang Wei also has an ulterior motive. He wanted to show them this is HIS WIFE, HIS EMPRESS.

Anyone who dared to make a move on what's his should prepare a wooden plaque with their name written on it.

Some men were fascinated with Xiu Ying's beauty, some women were charmed by Wu Zhang Wei's handsome face. But most of them, can't help but admiring the heaven-made couple.

It was such a rare sight to see a royal couple being so sweet with each other in public. Plus, it is even rarer an emperor treats his empress like a precious gem, unlike other typical womanizer emperors.

After smile like a love-fool, those curved lips immediately formed a thin line and their palms form a fist.

That is because Wu Empire didn't forget to bring Yu Zhougong along with them.

He was put inside the prisoner carriage and paraded along the market.

For sure, he'll receive a lot of groceries.

Eggplants, cabbages, eggs, tofu and others. With those things on all over his body, he could even make lunch and dinner. It is also spiced up with curses and insults.

As for the royal couple and Wu Empire's soldiers, they could care less what happened to him. They only need to make sure he'll stay alive until they reach their country.

The troop didn't rush their journey. They were being leisurely in their moves as ordered by their emperor. Wu Zhang Wei didn't want to wear his wife out. Xiu Ying is already in the middle of the fifth month. Even the bump has become more visible.

Every Xiu Ying's need was fulfilled by the emperor himself. Even if there is a servant who can serve him, Wu Zhang Wei will offer himself to serve his wife.

The soldiers know that their emperor doted on their empress so much but not to this extend. Prepare their bed, brings his food, accompany him to take a bath at the nearest river and dress him up. It looks like the emperor has become the servant for the empress.

Only after Xiu Ying has fallen asleep, Wu Zhang Wei went to the main camp to meet Huang Fei Hong.

Huang Fei Hong who was playing around with his sword when Wu Zhang Wei came into the tent, smirks. He sheathed his sword. "He's asleep?"

Wu Zhang Wei hums. He leans on the table and crosses his arms. "He's still alive?"

"Don't worry. I just came back from watching him. We gave him water and gagged him. If not, he'll keep trying to kill himself."

Wu Zhang Wei just keeps silent.

"What are you going to do to him?"

"Well... we have to test out which punishments are the best. I got plenty of ideas in my mind."

When Wu Zhang Wei showed his devil look, Huang Fei Hong knows, Yu Zhougong will suffer.

"Then, what about those who were hidden?"

"Bring them back to the capital. Let those bastard family reunited."

Huang Fei Hong just nod. Since nothing else can be done, Wu Zhang Wei heads back to his tent but before saying, "We'll depart early in the morning."

Considering last night they all went to rest quite early, around hài hours (9-10 pm), so this morning at mǎo hours (5-6 am) they already continue their journey.

Wu Zhang Wei asked Xiu Ying to sit in the carriage but being cooped up inside the small space for such a long time makes him feel stuffy.

Xiu Ying wanted to ride a horse but Wu Zhang Wei cannot let him ride alone due to his condition so the royal couple once again fed dog food to all the soldiers.

Leaning back on his husband's sturdy chest while riding the horse, smiles never ceased from Xiu Ying's lips. Even the cold breeze hits him, being engulfed in an embrace warmed him up.

"Are you okay? Tired? Should we take a break?" Wu Zhang Wei keeps asking the same questions.

Xiu Ying shakes his head. "No. I'm fine. It's okay if we go a little bit faster. Can't wait to arrive at our home."

Wu Zhang Wei chuckles. He planted a kiss on top of Xiu Ying's head. "We'll arrive in one and a half-day. We can't go too fast. Or else, our baby could get hurt."

Xiu Ying's lips curved. "Our baby had gone through something worse. This kind of riding won't hurt our baby. Just like his mother, this one is tough. No need to worry."

Wu Zhang Wei's eyebrows knitted. "No matter how tough both of you, I won't let anything hurt any one of you. In my presence, in my care, both of your safety is my priority, got that?"

"Fine, my husband." Xiu Ying just rolls his eyes hearing his over-protective husband's babbling.

The journey went on smoothly. One and a half-day later, all of them arrived at Wu Empire. Their arrival was welcomed by a joyful celebration by the citizen.

The street was cleaned and decorated beautifully. All the citizens waited by the streetside and some of them carried a basket of flower petals. When the troop walked past them, they scattered those flower petals above them.

"Long live the emperor! Love live the empress!"

"Long live the emperor! Love live the empress!"

"Long live the emperor! Love live the empress!"

The chant keeps going on until Wu Zhang Wei and Xiu Ying are almost out from the market.

And for the second time, Yu Zhougong who is laid lifelessly inside the prisoner carriage was hit by the people of Wu Empire. He doesn't even have any energy left to care. This kind of treatment was nothing compared to what he will face later on.

They arrived at the imperial palace right on lunch hour. Wu Zhang Wei wanted to have lunch with both families so he already sent a carrier message to Li Shizen to bring Madam Feng to the imperial palace.

Wu Zhang Wei, Xiu Ying, Li Shizen, Madam Feng, Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying and Princess Wu Xiaoqing, all of them having lunch together at the imperial garden.

Xiu Ying was bombarded with hundreds of questions from his mother and mother-in-law. When Xiu Ying can't answer, he will turn to his husband with his puppy eyes, asking for help. Wu Zhang Wei holds back his laugh.

"Muhou (Empress Mother), Niang (mother), let Ying-er takes a breather. He just came back and still didn't get enough rest. Both of you can keep other questions for other days, okay?" Wu Zhang Wei gently caressing Xiu Ying's head while looking between his mother and mother-in-law.

The two grandmother-to-be smile sheepishly. Li Shizen and Princess Wu Xiaoqing watched from the side calmly while eating their food.

The harmonious lunch somehow makes all the servants and guards unconsciously smile. It has been a while since the palace was filled with laughter and not the dark aura emitted by the emperor.

After lunch, Madam Feng and Li Shizen returned to Li Mansion. Wu Zhang Wei brings Xiu Ying back to their bedchamber and asked Xiu Ying to take a rest.

After changing to a simple and thin robe, Xiu Ying lays on the bed and Wu Zhang Wei waits at his side. As soon as Xiu Ying fell asleep, Wu Zhang Wei leaves.

The previous smile immediately ceased and his jaw tightened. He eyed Xiu Ying's personal guards, Guo Wei and Chang Ming who are waiting at the door. In a low voice, he says, "Zhen will deal with both of you later on."

Guo Wei and Chang Ming lower their heads and fold their fist to the front. "Yes, Your Majesty." Their clear answer hid the unspeakable nervousness in their nerves.

Wu Zhang Wei directly heads towards the underground prison. When he arrived, Huang Fei Hong is already waiting for him.

Wu Zhang Wei wiggles his eyebrows, asking Huang Fei Hong to report. "We haven't done anything to him. We're waiting for Your Majesty."

Wu Zhang Wei side glance at the unconscious person inside the cell. "Drag him out and wake him up."

Huang Fei Hong turns to the prison guards and points at Yu Zhougong with his chin.

Yu Zhougong was tied to a large wooden beam cross and left hanging there. A prison guard carried a pail of water and splashed on him.

Yu Zhougong suddenly felt like he was drowned open his eyes. He tried to move his hands but it was futile. He scanned his surroundings and when he met the flaming eyes. He hangs his head low.

Another prison guard carries a scalded branding iron and puts it on Yu Zhougong's chest. The burning skin produced hissing sound and Yu Zhougong shuts his eyes tightly and grits his teeth. He didn't let out any screams.

"Yu Zhougong-ah... How dare you try to steal MY wife from me? I guess you still didn't know me." Wu Zhang Wei scoffs.

Despite his condition, Yu Zhougong smirks. "Can't help it. The moment I saw him, I got the urge to make him mine. His pink soft lips, fair skin, flawless and unblemished body. What a scene if I can see him panting heavily under me." He laughs.

Yu Zhougong feels satisfied when he noticed the emperor trembled with rage.

Wu Zhang Wei pressed down his anger. He takes a deep breath and exhales. "Yeah. It was really nice but too bad only I can see that. I bet you must feel regret for not touching him earlier. Well, I guess I thanked you for that."

Huang Fei Hong and the prison guards didn't know what to do. These two guys were bickering like kids fighting over a toy.

Without turning around, Wu Zhang Wei orders, "General, bring the other guy too. He must be missing his cousin so much."

A frown flashed Yu Zhougong's face. But his eyes immediately widen when he saw Yu Chenyi was dragged by the prison guards. These two cousins were speechless.

Yu Chenyi also was tied just like Yu Zhougong. Hanging side to side.

Huang Fei Hong takes over the interrogation. "Yu Chenyi, what was the reason you accomplice with Yu Zhougong to hand over Her Majesty to him? Are you holding a grudge towards His Majesty for what His Majesty did to your niece?"

"If you already know, why do you want to ask?" He answered nonchalantly.

"But as far as I know, you don't really care about your niece? If you do, you must be pleading for mercy from His Majesty before your niece was punished. But instead, you act like you didn't care at all."

Yu Chenyi stays silent.

"Oh, by the way, thanks to you that we managed to conquer the South Empire and the State of Shu at once. It saves us a lot of trouble."

Yu Zhougong instantly turns his head to Yu Chenyi. "Y- You betrayed me!"

Yu Chenyi shakes his head vigorously. "N- No! When did I betray you?! I have no idea what was he talking about."


"Oh, don't worry Yu Zhougong. Your cousin didn't betray you. He was detained before he could say anything to you. We just fool you using his handwriting. But we didn't expect you to believe the letter sent to you. Even though it looked like it was written by him (Yu Chenyi), shouldn't you at least check or analyze the content first?" Yu Zhougong huffs.

"You put too much trust in him."

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A look of great bitterness swept across Yu Zhougong's face. "Y- You faked that letter?"

Yu Zhougong wiggles his eyebrows.

Wu Zhang Wei observes his reaction in satisfaction. He says, "What? Angry? Isn't that your trick? I just learned from both of you. Don't blame me for being such a great student. What has been taught, I will apply it."

"What do you mean?"

"You create a disturbance at the port, you burn down the herbal farm, you used the State of Shu, all of these just to distract me so you could take away my wife."

Yu Zhougong grits his teeth and glares at Yu Chenyi. The chaos at the port was his idea. But the damage at the herbal farm and liaison with the State of Shu, he got no idea about that matter.

"Well, thanks to you. It saves me a lot of time to take two countries under the rule of Wu Empire."

The two prisoners keep their mouths shut. There is nothing they could retort as all the allegation mentioned by Wu Zhang Wei is true. It only wastes their time if they tried to pledge for forgiveness.

Wu Zhang Wei turns his focus to Yu Chenyi. "Yu Chenyi, why would you go this far, accomplice with him just to kidnap my wife? What is your real intention? Did I perhaps do something to your family before?"


Even after a good minute, Yu Chenyi won't spit out anything.

Huang Fei Hong wiggles his finger and the prison guard walk forward.

"Arghh! Ughh...Ahh!"

Yu Chenyi trembles after suffered from three whiplashes across his body.

"Not that I care, but just so you know, not only you who will suffer. The whole Yu family line is going down with you."

This sentence got his attention. Yu Chenyi shakes his head in fear. "N- No... They got nothing to do with this. Why would you involve them?! Just kill me if you want!"

Wu Zhang Wei tilts his head, unamused. "You hold a grudge against me or the royal family, then why would you involve my wife and unborn baby? Did they ever do anything to you? Did they hurt you? Kill any of your family? Stole your silver and golds? Did they do that?!"

Wu Zhang Wei's deafening voice booming in the whole prison. His pulse raced and he breathed heavily, almost as if he would burst. His muscles grew tense and he cracked his knuckles. His body temperature rose, and he could feel his blood boiling. A vein from his neck popped out and he yelled directly at Yu Chenyi.

"And you! You can get hundreds or thousands of women or ger in South Empire, but still, you want to take away my wife, huh? Since your crotch likes to stab any hole, I'll let you taste how it would be to be stabbed in the back." Wu Zhang Wei's smile is scarier than his poker face.

"Untie him!"

Yu Zhougong starts to tremble. His hands were untied and he was dragged back to his cell. A moment later, four prisoners were brought to his cell.

"Your Majesty, they are the offenders who were sentenced with three years of penal servitude. All of them got one year left." Huang Fei Hong explained.

Wu Zhang Wei nods in satisfaction. "Two years imprisoned and did a hard labor every day, all of you must be pent up, am I right?"

The prisoners blink repeatedly and look at each other. They didn't understand what the emperor tried to say. Pent up? Of course, they are. Even if there are some good-looking and frail men or ger around, with the tight security how could they fool around?

"Today, Zhen will allow you to blow off your steam as many as you want. Feel free to use that guy inside as you wish. If Zhen is happy with the result, the remaining one year will be canceled anytime."

Those four prisoners beam in happiness. Being able to fuck without restraining, without being punished and even their sentenced can be reduced, what else they want to wish for.

All four of them steal a glance inside the cell but they immediately frown.

An... old man.

Wu Zhang Wei understood their expression. He holds back his laugh. "Don't worry. He's actually not that old but being confined and lacks of energy makes him look ten years older. Don't worry you might kill him in the middle of business. He still got a lot of energy. If you guys feel really uncomfortable just don't look at his face."

The prisoners nodding like a chicken pecking its food.

"Now, get in. Do as you're told."

The prisoners bow to the ground repeatedly, "Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Right after the cell door was unlocked, those four prisoners entered. Yu Zhougong tremble so hard. He keeps sprawling until his back meets the wall.

His clothes were torn off. He is stark naked and on his four.

Without any mercy and preparation, the first prisoner takes out his length, strokes it a little bit and plunges directly into the hole. He groans.

"Gosh. Guess he never uses his back. Even an oldie like still quite tight." The first prisoner said. He pushes and pulls his hardened length into Yu Zhougong.

Yu Zhougong can't even let out a scream as his mouth was filled with the d*ck of the second prisoner.

The other two won't let their members keep the fun to themselves. They forced Yu Zhougong's free hands to stroke their d*ick.

Yu Zhougong's back is bleeding but they could care less. They continue until they cum and then exchange their place with the others. Moans and groans filled the underground prison.

Wu Zhang Wei observes from outside the cell. Looking at the pathetic sight being fucked at the front and back, contentment tiptoed into his heart.

"So, what about the other guy?" Huang Fei Hong asked.

"Beheaded him in the public. Hang his head at the gate. Banish whole of Yu family to the north."

Wu Zhang Wei turns to leave the underground prison but halts his step and says, "Just keep them inside the cell together. Put an aphrodisiac in Yu Zhougong's meal. Give extra meals and drinks to the other four. Keep them energized."

Wu Zhang Wei passed by Yu Chenyi who is still tied. His face paled, hung rigid in terror. His shoulders jumped every time he heard the screams. He gaped, uncertain whether to breathe or beg for forgiveness.

Wu Zhang Wei ignored. He leaves in haste and returns to his bedchamber.

The next day, right outside the palace, Yu Chenyi is kneeling in front of the crowd with hands tied on the back.

All of Yu's family members, his wife, two sons and other relatives were present to see him for the last time. He only has two sons and no daughter. For that reason, he kinda dotes Yu Li Na, his niece who has died.

Wu Zhang Wei came alone to witness Yu Chenyi's death with his own eyes. Xiu Ying wanted to come along but Wu Zhang Wei insisted on not letting him go out. Plus, watching a bloody scene is not good for a pregnant person.

When the officer read out all the crimes Yu Chenyi did, the citizens gasped. They never thought a minister who was never involved even in the smallest scandal actually one of the heaviest crimes ever happened in the country.

They also started to distance themselves from Yu family who came.

As the wooden plaque with Yu Chenyi's name written on it was thrown to the ground, Yu Chenyi looks at his wife for the last. He shuts his eyes tightly.


The huge blade was let down and cut off the head. The body without a head fell.

Yu Chenyi's wife's knees went weak and she slumps onto the ground but managed to be caught by her sons.

Before she could mourn over her husband's death, the officer announced that the whole Yu family line will be banished to the north and won't ever be allowed to step into Wu Empire. They are also not allowed to bring all of their wealth with them. Only basic necessities such as clothes, food supply for a few days and 100 taels of silver can be brought along.

Wu Zhang Wei stands in front of the crowd with hands at the back, looking down at Yu family. His intimidating's stance and menacing gaze make the crowd unconsciously lower their heads, even though those threatening eyes are not for them.

But they know, the emperor is sending a warning to whoever dared to touch the royal family, especially the empress, will receive the same fate as Yu Chenyi and his family.

Done with Yu Chenyi's matter, Wu Zhang Wei went directly to the underground prison. From the entrance of the underground prison, he could hear skin slapping and moans.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth turned up.

Yu Zhougong is still begging those four prisoners to f*ck him. He looks even worse than a prostitute.

Two of the prisoners looked exhausted but Yu Zhougong still sucking on their crotch. They feel like they'll be sucked dry if they keep staying with him.

"Don't rest. Keep going. Didn't you guys see how badly he wants your balls? Give them to him. If not, say goodbye to your freedom." Wu Zhang Wei reprimands.

The prisoners who were rested just now instantly kneeling. They mumble, "B- But... Your Majesty, this man is insatiable. Even when we're sleeping, he rode us and moved on his own. We tried to take turns and let one person satisfy him at one time so the others could take a rest but he can't accept it. He wanted all of us a- at the s- same time..."

Wu Zhang Wei stifles his laugh. Without saying anything, Wu Zhang Wei whispers to the prison guard who is in charge of taking care of Yu Zhougong.

The four prisoners were allowed to take a rest and only need to do their task at night. During the day, any prisoners who wished to let off some steam are allowed to do it with Yu Zhougong.

After the third day, aphrodisiac was stopped from being put inside Yu Zhougong's meals. He slowly regains his sanity. His body trembling nonstop. His mind cannot accept what he was doing but his body is already used to the pleasure so he keeps craving for it.

On the fifth day, Yu Zhougong was left alone inside the cell. No 'visitor' is allowed. He was suffering from withdrawal symptoms. He keeps having erection regardless of time. A simply jerking off is no longer enough to subside the heat.

He needs the penetration on his backside. If not, his hardened shaft won't go down and he can't even ejaculate.

Yu Zhougong tried to use his fingers but it was not even nearly enough. He tried to rub his hole at the prison bars and still it won't make him released.

The prison guards on duty watched him in horror. They didn't feel turned on but disgusted with his shameful acts.

On the seventh day, ten prisoners including the previous four were put inside his cell. Upon seeing those men, the horny Yu Zhougong pounced on them and takes off their pants and targeted at their crotches.

As he didn't get to have sex for a few days, Yu Zhougong acted like a real sl*t. He took two d*cks at one time, with mouth moving from one d*ck to another and hands being real busy satisfying the others.

With the sudden extreme and too much pleasure, caused Yu Zhougong to have unusual circumstances surrounding the carnal act. His heartbeat rhythm also started to beat irregularly.

Unaware of Yu Zhougong's condition, those men keep penetrating him front and back. However, out of a sudden Yu Zhougong stops moving and turns rigid. He fell to the ground with eyes wide open.

This scares those ten men. They immediately take a few steps back. "Guards! Guards!" They shouted in fear.

"H- He... suddenly s- stop moving..." One of the men told the prison guard.

In haste, the prison guard enters the cell and check on the frozen body. He puts two fingers on his wrist.

He sighs. "He is dead."

Those ten men gasped. They keep mumbling, hoping that they won't be charged for killing another prisoner during sex.

This news was informed to Wu Zhang Wei and Huang Fei Hong. They look at each other without saying anything. But even just for a few seconds, Huang Fei Hong noticed a smile creep across Wu Zhang Wei's face.


[One year later]

In the imperial garden, two tiny feet struggling to stand and walking. After four to five steps, he keeps fall to the ground. But then, he'll raise on his own.

"Xiao Ren, come here. Your favorite cake is here." Xiu Ying spread his arms while calling his son, Wu Gui Ren (valuing benevolence).

Xiao Ren heard his mother's voice, giggles and fasten his little steps, heading towards his mother's arms.

"Up you go. Our Xiao Ren is smart." Xiu Ying peppering his baby with kisses. Xiao Ren receives his mother's love happily.

Sitting on Xiu Ying's lap, Xiao Ren clutches on his mother's robe while Xiu Ying feeding him the osmanthus cake.

Xiu Ying is focusing on his baby, didn't realize someone is sneaking behind him. He flinches when he felt a pair of arms wrapping him and his baby and lips touching his nape.

"Stop creeping like that! You scared me! What if I accidentally choked on our baby?" Xiu Ying lightly hits his husband's arms.

Wu Zhang Wei chuckles. He pulls Xiu Ying onto his lap. So now, a family of three is sitting together on one stool.

"Sorry, baobei. Did I really scare you? You were too focusing on our baby until you didn't notice your hubby."

Xiu Ying rolls his eyes. Even their baby won't be spared from his husband's jealousy.

Xiu Ying ignores Wu Zhang Wei and keeps feeding the cake to Xiao Ren. The young crown prince happily eats from his mother's hand.

The emperor who has been ignored sighs heavily. "I guess, we're gonna have one kid in this lifetime. Even one already steal my wife from me. I can't imagine if there are three or four more. Sighs.. "

Xiu Ying grunts. "Can you stop it? He's your son. Are you going to bickering with him?"

"Can't help it. Since we have him, you rarely pay attention to me. Every day, you always care for Xiao Ren only. You pampering him and not me. You took bath with him and not me. He's clearly taking your attention away from me." The emperor whining like his favorite toys were taken.

The elite army who watched from a hidden place, jaw dropped.

"I take care of him because he's still a baby. I pamper him because he needs a bonding with me, his mother. I took bath with him because at least he won't take advantage of me and being such a pervert. I pay attention to him because someone else needs to focus more on his work and stop pushing all the work to the general or Prime Minister."

Wu Zhang Wei smiles sheepishly.

"Hehe. Okay, okay. During the day, you can keep your attention on our baby. But at night, you're fully mine, got it?" Wu Zhang Wei whispered the last part near Xiu Ying's ear.

His breath hits the earlobes and it tickles. Xiu Ying's ear reddened instantly.

"Not only at night. Any time and anywhere, I'm always yours. Forever." Xiu Ying lowers his head, hiding his blush.

Wu Zhang Wei pulls his chin and their face is just an inch apart. "Yup. Forever. In this life and even in the next lives.. I'm forever yours and you're forever mine."

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