Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 65: Side Story III: Huang Fei Hong X Jing Yi

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[The side story started from Chapter 4]

Huang Fei Hong's POV

I was called by my best friend, the emperor of Wu Empire, Wu Zhang Wei together with the Prime Minister, Li Shizen to have a small discussion inside the imperial study room.

I know the emperor has trust issues towards Royal Court members. Not all of them are rotten but it is hard to know the sincere ones.

That is why, besides morning court, the meeting or discussion will be held in the imperial study with only three members. The Emperor, Prime Minister and me.

When the meeting ends, the emperor suddenly mentioned his concubine, Li Xiu Ying, to the Prime Minister. I can't believe he really dares to ask about his well-being when he didn't even visit the concubine when the concubine was in a comatose state after being poisoned.

The evil emperor even dared to blatantly said he didn't go to visit Concubine Li because he might raise the risk of the poor concubine being poisoned.

When the Prime Minister turned around to leave, I could the bulging veins on his forehead and the clenching fists. If only his son-in-law wasn't the emperor, he was already being killed by the Prime Minister.

I advised him to go and see the concubine at least once. The concubine was annoying for keep pestering him, with his weird face and clothes, but still, he need to properly reject him or told him what need or doesn't need to be done. It was just too cruel and unfair for Concubine Li as he never receive even the littlest time of the emperor.

"Can't help it. He's annoying with the way he acts. For God's sake! He's a guy. He's trying so hard to act like a girl. I've seen a few other gers, but they're not like him. Plus, he looks so scary! I hope he won't walk around with that kind of face at night or else somebody is gonna die of a heart attack."

I just laugh out loud with his statements. But a few days ago, my men mentioned that they saw Concubine Li and he seemed different from before. He looked prettier than other concubines.

Of course, the emperor won't trust my words. Well, it is not my problem anyway. I'm sure, the one who will beg the other to stay, that person will be him.

A little later, I and the emperor went to the Zhongcui Palace, the place where Concubine Li resides. Well actually, my presence was not needed because the matter has nothing to do with me. But, I was tagging along just to enjoy a performance.

[Performance here means a drama. Early days no drama. There is Opera performance which is considered as ancient drama]


I and the emperor were surprised to see the "new" Concubine Li. He is truly different. Just like his men said he is prettier than other concubines, might be the most beautiful person in this country.

Of course, it was nice to see my best friend's appalled look. Not only his face, but his attitude also changed 180 degrees. If he is not a ger, a true man, I bet he will have a lot of admirers. He is way too charming!

His cold manner only doubled his charms.

Concubine Li asked to leave the place since the emperor need to talk to his father. As he turned to leave, I just noticed he only has this one manservant with him.

Since before, whenever Concubine Li tried to approach the emperor, this guy stands a little far away so I never noticed him.

He kinda looks... pretty. I just saw his side-face but something attracts me to him.


As usual, I just spend time inside the imperial study I'm done training my men in the morning. Spend time doesn't mean I'm sitting doing nothing. Well, I am sitting while fiddling my swords but still I'm having non-stop discussions with the emperor.

As I stepped out of the imperial study room, I bumped into Concubine Li... and also his loyal manservant.

Concubine went to meet the emperor alone, leaving his manservant outside. He is fidgeting and uneasy. I guess he was uncomfortable when I stared at him. Can't blame me. He looks frail but somehow the face and the body were not matched.

I walked a little bit closer to him until we are facing each other.

"Y- yes General? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Why is he stuttering? Am I too scary?

"Ahem...hmn... I need to ask a few questions regarding your master. Can I?"

Truthfully, I feel like I want to chat with him but we don't have any topic that we could talk about. Sorry Concubine Li, I have to sacrifice you.

"Okay, before that.... your name?"

"I- it's Jing Yi, sir."

Jing Yi... what a good name. Gentle and harmony.

After I asked him not to be on alert towards me, he slowly relaxed his nerves and stop fidgeting. But still won't raise his head and looks at me.

All my questions were about his master, Concubine Li. How can Concubine Li survive a deadly poison, did he notice the changes in Concubine Li, what with the sudden change in attitude and appearance.

Jing Yi told me everything he knows and I'm sure he was telling the truth. I guess only Concubine Li himself knows why would he decided to have a change.

I wanted to talk some more but Concubine Li walked out of the imperial study room. The loyal manservant immediately runs towards his master, leaving me. I can only watch those two figures walking away and away from me.


Since that day, I keep trying to meet with Jing Yi. When the emperor said he wanted to meet with Concubine Li, I will find any excuses to tag along. Just so I can see him.

But... see... is how far I can go.

Jing Yi never leaves his master's side unless he was ordered by his master or the emperor. Even after he was asked to leave, he will go away from that place and did his work.

Thus, I have zero chance of initiation a conversation with him.

As of now, he always stuck to his master at the imperial pharmacy. Concubine Li is busy making all kinds of remedies.

At the same time, the emperor is sulking after being rejected by Concubine Li. Can't blame Concubine Li. He went through so much before this so I bet his heart is not easily tempted.

I offered to the emperor to help him out repair his image in Concubine Li's eyes. But instead, he's accusing me of wanting to steal the chance to meet Jing Yi.

Well... He's not totally wrong. Killing two birds with one stone. I help the emperor and also I'm helping myself.

After going through so much, the emperor and Concubine Li are finally could taste the happiness.

Even so somehow, I regretted helping my best friend. He already got his love but for me, still going nowhere with Jing Yi.

Concubine Li, soon-to-be Empress Li was kind enough to create a chance for me to go out with Jing Yi. I brought him to ride the horse. Jing Yi looks happy when he is touching my horse, Zhurong.

It might sound a little bit selfish but I kinda hope Jing Yi didn't know how to ride the horse. And I guess God listened to my wish. We're riding on the same horse!

Only God knows how nervous I was. Even when I went for my first war at fifteen years old I didn't feel nervous like this.

Jing Yi is sitting frozen in front of me. But his body slowly relaxes when the strong winds hit his cheeks. His corners of lips curved. Then I brought him to the waterfall. Just like a child, looking so excited. Jing Yi folded his pants to his knees.

What fair flawless legs...*gulp*

"Thank you, My Lord. For bringing me here. I like it so much!"

"Ehem. No worries."

Phew...almost got caught.

I don't know what possessed me but I suddenly got the urge to ask him. "Don't you ever thought about...getting married? Or having a partner?"

"A low-life like me doesn't deserve to think about marriage and so on. Even if I want, no one would want someone like me. A servant, ordinary look, no money, no nothing. I could never give happiness to someone else."

Most people would wish to live a better life. Especially servants. I bet all servants wished to climb into someone else's bed if they could as long as they can change their fates.

But the guy in front of me always looked down on himself and all day he was thinking of serving his master. He thought someone like him didn't deserve to feel happiness in life.

"I like you, Jing Yi. I seriously like you."

He was shocked. Totally shocked. He avoided my eyes. "Can you let me think about this? This is the first for me so I need to think thoroughly."

I gave him time as much as he needs. He is someone worth to wait.

The next two days, I got another chance to go on a date with him. Again, thanks to Concubine Li. More surprising it was Jing Yi who asked me out.

Oh God... My time has finally arrived.

We went to the market to find some clothes, herbals and sweets. Our interaction and conversation feel so natural. I feel glad Jing Yi didn't show any discomfort.

I brought him to meet my old friend. He was a physician army but later on, he retired and opened up his own pharmacy and became an apothecary. His pharmacy was the most famous in the capital city. So naturally, he'd have rare herbals.

The whole we were at the pharmacy, Jing Yi looked strange. His eyelids are trembling and he's biting his lips. And seems like he's glancing between me and my old friend.

It can't be...

No way...

Later on, we went for a meal at the nearest restaurant. I was just thought of easing the dark clouds but the waiter, which I was familiar with, spouting nonsense.

"Jing Yi, no need to listen to him. He's just talking nonsense. No girls ever set their eyes on me."

"But it seemed like he's not wrong. When we walked in the market, I noticed that many women are looking at you."

Wa- Wait... Wait... Why are you acting like you're jealous? Please don't get my hopes up.

"Then, what about Yuan Jin?" He is pouting.

He is really jealous!

"Are you jealous?"

His face flushed. Oh my, God. Thank you so much.

"You really... jealous of Yuan Jin?"

This cute guy in front of me didn't answer and turned his head away, hiding his blush. But I can still see his reddened ears.

I told him the truth about Yuan Jin. We did have some history. An arranged marriage by our family but both of us disagreed. Even if Yuan Jin was not in love with someone else, I still won't accept a marriage without love.

"Is this mean, you feel the same way I feel for you?"

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He stays silent. "Can I take that as an answer?"

"Does this mean, from now on we're together and I can claim you as mine?"

Jing Yi stiffly nods.

And so... my love life started.


Being with Jing Yi is quite hard. Hard in a good way I mean. Both of us are new in a relationship. There is still a lot of things that we need to learn together.

Jing Yi is afraid of being caught with me in the public. Not because he was ashamed of me but he's afraid that my reputation will be tarnished.

I could care less about all that. The more he refuses, the more I'll show my love to all those people who dared to bad-mouthing my love.

It has been two months since they were officially together. And anyhow, it is harder to keep my hand to myself. We have kissed a few times. From a gentle soft kiss until an intense deep kiss. But whenever I tried to go further, Jing Yi pushed me away.

As an understanding lover, I just smile to stop him from feeling guilty.

"It's okay. I know you're not ready yet. I'll be waiting for you."

That's what I said. However, this little guy keeps tempting and seducing me!

In order not to make me feel bad, Jing Yi often steals a kiss from me. Who won't get turned on when his lover kissed him while hugging each other tightly?!

As if understand I'd tried to take another step further, Jing Yi will break the kiss, smile cutely then ran away.

What an irresponsible guy!

Therefore, I decided to not accept his kisses. Rather than have to suffer the aftermath, it is better not to get a kiss at all. At least I won't have to take cold shower frequently.

The cute little lover was dissatisfied when I covered his lips as he wanted to kiss me.

"Then you know how I felt when I wanted to do with you but then you ran away just like that? Leaving me in that condition? Aren't you crueler?"

Jing Yi lowers his head. He plays with his own fingers.

"Th- Then... what if... I got pregnant? What to do?" He asked timidly.

I pulled up his chin making him look straight into my eyes. "So what's wrong with you getting pregnant? What? You don't want to pregnant with my kids?"

Jing Yi shakes his head vigorously. "No. I didn't mean that. "It's just... we're not married yet. What if one day, when I'm pregnant you suddenly leave me behind? What am I gonna do?" His voice trembles.

I laugh out loud at his statement, making him glares at me. I pulled his head onto my chest. "That will never happen, my Yi-er. I love you to death. Leaving you is never and will never cross my mind. Got it? Can't you trust your lover a bit more?"

Jing Yi hugs me. "It's not that. I just thought, even a family could turn against each other, hated each other. What's more, people who didn't have blood relations. Anything can happen in the future."

I cupped his face and leans my face forward, cover his lips with mine. I licked his lips and he instantly open his mouth, letting me explore inside his mouth. Our tongues were fighting for dominance.

Of course, he could never beat me.

Slowly, I pushed him onto the bed, hovering over him. I break the kiss and saw he is panting under me with his misty eyes looking at me.

"I swear in the name of my dead parents, I will never leave you. If I ever did that, I will be struck by the lightning on the spot. I also will ask His Majesty to make a decree for me to marry you. If I disobey, I will be beheaded."

Jing Yi is about to retort but I put my finger on his lip. "Don't say anything. This is my promise. I promise that this body and soul solely belongs to you."

Jing Yi blushed. He turned his head away. "H- How could you say that. His Majesty will be sad if he heard you say like that. As the Great General, you should use your body to protect His Majesty."

I lean down and kiss his clavicle. He shivers. "No need to worry. That guy won't care. He only cares about his wife. Plus, he is strong enough to protect himself. I only win once when I fought against him. The other hundred times, I was beaten badly by him."

I continue pecking his neck, down to his collarbone. Jing Yi clenches on my shoulder. I hold onto his hand and plant my lip there. "It's okay. Leave everything to me." He nods.

Patiently, I unbuckle his belt and loosen his robe. His palms were slightly rough and have callouses due to his work all these years. But his body is flawless.

Just like Concubine Li told me before. Jing Yi wanted to hide his ger body so he wore thick layers of clothes. After I took all three pieces of clothes, I finally meet his slender body. His buds are pink-colored, slim waist and smooth skin.

So nice to kiss on.

"You're beautiful. So beautiful... Why are you hiding this under so many clothes?"

I continue teasing his body.

"But that's fine too. At least, I will have fewer rivals."

I suck on his left pink bud and pinch on the right. Jing Yi covers his mouth with the back of his palm and clenches on the bedsheet.

I move downward. Pulling down his pants, revealing semi-hard length. I peck on the tip before swallow the whole thing. It wasn't so big so it was not hard for me. While my mouth was busy pleasuring his front, I took out a bottle of oil from the drawer. This oil was given by Concubine Li. He said I must use this every time I wanted to do it, if not, it's gonna hurt Jing Yi.

I smear it on my fingers. Not forgetting the front, my fingers slowly work on the back hole. I rub on the entrance before carefully pushed my finger in.

Jing Yi bends his knees in reflex. "Ho- Hong-er... it's hu- hurts..."

I release the thing in my mouth and moves upwards, kissing his neck. "Shh... it will be fine soon. You trust me, right?"

He stiffly nods.

I pushed another finger in. Jing Yi bites his lips and grips my arms tightly. After the fourth finger, he started to relax. His whines turned to moans.

I take out my fingers as my hardened length can't take it anymore. I lead my crotch to the hole, "Relax. Take a deep breath. I'm coming in, okay?"

Jing Yi nods repeatedly.

As I pushed my crotch into the warm and moistened wall, Jing Yi curled his toes.

"Ughhh...." I groan. I almost came. I never felt like this before. This sensation. Even winning a war won't feel this much of pleasure. It is a whole new level of pleasure.

I keep pulling and pushing my crotch into Jing Yi. The guy under me is panting messily. His hair was scattered all over, his legs hanging on my waist, his head arched up and his hands gripping tight on my shoulders.

And little mouth never stops moaning.

"Hmm...ahh...haaa... H- Hong-er... we- weird... I feel weird..."

I lean to his ear and whisper, "This is not weird, baobei. This is called extreme pleasure. Anyone would like this when they're doing it."

"Nghh...ahh! B-'s...ahh...too much...feels like my heart....hmm...going to burst...ahhh!"

I didn't stop moving my hips. I know what Jing Yi meant. He feels happiness. So much happiness to the point of his heart is jumping a leap. That is what I'm feeling too right now.

"G- good...ahh...Hong-er it's good... more..."

I would do more even if you didn't ask me, my beautiful baobei.

We keep doing it until Jing Yi passed out. And I haven't got to release for the fourth time when Jing Yi lost consciousness. This guy is selfish! He cum for the sixth time then leave me hanging again.

Guess, I still need to have a cold shower.


One and a half-year later

Jing Yi is officially my laopo and we were blessed with twins. A complete package. The cute little guy was named Jian Jun (building the army) and the cute little girl was named Jia Ying (good and clever).

That was what my wife got if he gave me the chance to name our babies. I chose something similar to his name and with good meaning.

Our babies were obedient. Maybe combining with my strict character and my wife's docile character, caused our babies to be the most obedient babies in the world.

They barely cry, only if they fall when they tried to walk. They won't make any ruckus or caused any problems to us. Which saves a lot of trouble for my wife who has to take care of both of them when I'm not around.

Our babies were a few months younger than the crown prince. But they are good friends.

The crown prince always treated them like brothers. But more like, the crown prince was jealous of our babies because they have each other while he's alone.

Thus, the emperor and the empress were forced by their son to give him another baby brother or baby sister.

Well, it's not my problem.

Now, my responsibility has increased. Before this I would think, I need to protect this country because this is my home ground, my birthplace.

But now, I want to protect this country because I want my family to be safe and I want them to have a better place to stay.

Only when this country is peaceful, my wife and my babies can live happily.

"Laogong, what's wrong?" My wife tap on my chest, jerk me out of my daze.

I pulled him into my arms, hugging him tightly. "Nothing, laopo. I just feel so happy. It feels unreal. Like a dream to have you with me. With our babies too."

My wife chuckles. He tiptoes and pecks on my lip. "See? It's not a dream, right?"

I lean down and kissed him. Not too intense but intimate enough.

"I love you, laopo. Please be together with me till the end of our times."

"Love you too. I will always be with as long as you need. Even if you didn't need me anymore, I will keep clinging to you." He pinches on my nose bridge.

"Me leaving you? Not gonna happen."


With this, Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine is officially end! I can't believe I managed to finish this story despite the writer's block and the struggles and hurdles in my life. THANKS ONCE AGAIN! LET'S MEET AT ANOTHER STORY!

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