Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 64: Side Story II: Wu Zhang Wei X Li Xiu Ying

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A year has passed, the crown prince of the Wu Empire has been born. Wu Gui Ren is already one year old. The cute crown prince already could stand and walk on his own, but still fall most of the time. Everything was taught to him by the Empress himself.

Xiu Ying won’t pass the responsibility of educating his son to another person. If it’s academically, he will allow Qiu Li Jie, the Chief Eunuch to teach him everything he needs to know. But if it is real-life experience related, he will teach his own son.

After Wu Gui Ren was born, he was placed in a crib and the crib was placed inside the main bedchamber, where his parents sleep. Xiu Ying won’t let his son being taken care of by wet nurses.

Even though Xiu Ying already adapted to this new life and he accepted the fact he could give birth. But the fact he could produce milk and breastfeed is another shocking news to him. Ger can produce milk just like any other woman after giving birth. However, their milk was not so much as women.

Even so, Xiu Ying still wanted to breastfeed his own baby. It is one of the ways of mother-baby bonding. Due to that, Wu Gui Ren is inseparable from his mother to the point it makes his own father annoyed and jealous.

Wu Zhang Wei had persuaded Xiu Ying to let their baby sleep with the nanny. He wanted to have some private alone night with his wife but how can they do that when the baby is basically inside the same room. For sure the baby will be awoken by his mother’s loud moans.

No matter how many times Wu Zhang Wei persuaded his wife, Xiu Ying won’t listen to him. He keeps saying the baby is still so small and needs to be observed all the time. Plus, the baby himself was reluctant to be apart from his mother.

In the morning, when the emperor thought of having some morning cuddle and kissing time, the cries make the empress get off of the bed in a flash. The emperor who was left in the middle of the morning kiss can only sigh heavily.

One month, four months, ten months…

Xiu Ying still has no intention to let their baby sleep with the nanny. The emperor who has lost to their own son now always spends most of his time in the imperial study room.

Early in the morning, he already went for morning court even before Xiu Ying woke up and then return at night after Xiu Ying has fallen asleep. But still, he will return during lunch hour to have lunch together with his little family.

Empress Dowager noticed his son's despairing state. A few times she tried to ask Xiu Ying to let her take care of his grandson but Xiu Ying’s answer was still the same.

“It’s okay, Muhou. Xiu Ying can take care of him. Plus, Xiao Ren will cry all day if he didn’t meet me when he woke up.”

And so, the topic was never mentioned again.

Sitting in the garden, watching his son exploring everything, Xiu Ying’s lips curved. He was jerk out of trance when Jing Yi asked him a question.

“Your Majesty, where is His Majesty? I think it’s been a while since I saw His Majesty. Usually, His Majesty will be all over Your Majesty all the time,” Jing Yi lightly laughs.

*Jing Yi now is no longer Xiu Ying’s personal servant. Since he got married to Huang Fei Hong he was dismissed from his position. But their friendship still going on as usual. Jing Yi always came and visited Xiu Ying in the palace.

When Jing Yi mentioned Wu Zhang Wei, Xiu Ying’s smile faded.

“Your Majesty? What’s wrong? Did you… have problems with His Majesty?” Jing Yi can’t help but asked when he saw his former master's dejected face as he mentioned the emperor.

Xiu Ying shakes his head. “We don’t have problems. It will be better if we’re fighting.” He mumbles.

“Then, what’s the matter?”

“I think these past few months, he seems like he is avoiding me. He went early so early in the morning and return very late at night. I don’t think his love is fading because during lunch he still makes an effort to have lunch together and we’re still talking like usual. But the sweetness is lacking. He no longer pestered me like before and was no longer clingy to me. Even the kisses were just little pecks and we haven’t done it for so long.” Xiu Ying mumbles the last part.

Jing Yi who still can hear it just blinks repeatedly. ‘That’s a little bit too much information.’

“Have you tried to talk with His Majesty? Maybe if you ask, His Majesty will tell the real reason. I don’t think His Majesty will act like that out of no reason. There must be something troubling his mind.”

Xiu Ying sighs. “We only have time during lunch hour. It was so short. Before this, we always make time to consult or seeking advice from each other before sleeping. But now, he will only return to our bedchamber after I have fallen asleep. How can I talk to him?”

Xiu Ying was about to say something but a voice from behind interrupts, “Did you really not realize what have you done?”

Huang Fei Hong is approaching them with one hand on the hilt of his sword. The way he spoke might sound rude but both of them already discarded the formality between them, except when they are in public.

“What do you mean?” Xiu Ying’s eyebrows knitted into frowns.

Huang Fei Hong sighs. He shamelessly pulls his wife to stand, takes his seat then pulls Jing Yi back on his lap. The latter was surprised and about to push him away but the shameless general won’t let him do so.

He circles his arm around Jing Yi’s waist and his palm rested on the bump on Jing Yi’s tummy.

“Let me say it straight to the point. When is the last time you guys did it?”

His question caused him to be hit by his wife. Jing Yi’s face totally shows, ‘How can you ask something like that to Her Majesty?!’

But the person who was being questioned pondered for a while, “A m- month ago… I guess.”

“You guys really did it all the way or just helping out each other?”

Only Jing Yi gets red after hearing it. The empress and the great general look unbothered. Huang Fei Hong managed to pinch his wife’s cheeks.

“W- We didn’t go all the way. Well… we’re about to but Xiao Ren suddenly cries and we had to stop halfway…”

Xiu Ying bites inside his mouth. ‘Why am I consulting my s*x life with this guy?!’

Huang Fei Hong heaves a heavy sigh. “Your Majesty, you still didn’t get it?”

Xiu Ying tilts his head. A look of puzzlement crossed his face.

“You see, Your Majesty, I know you really doted on your son. If it’s possible, you want to do everything for him. But as you can see, usually any prince or princess will be taken care of by wet nurses. Well, I understand you want to breastfeed him on your own. You can still breastfeed him but at least, at the fifth month the most, His Highness should be placed in another room, not staying together with you and His Majesty. If His Highness is around, how could His Majesty touch you?”

Seeing that Xiu Ying didn’t agree with his statement, Huang Fei Hong continues.

“Fine, I’ll be frank. His Majesty is easily turned on whenever he is around you. But, at the same time, you’re not paying attention to him and focusing on His Highness. So, he decided to distance himself from you. This is because His Majesty is afraid that he cannot hold himself back from pouncing you in front of your baby. Plus, he is a little bit jealous as you didn’t pay attention to him. Got it?”

Xiu Ying scoffs. “Are you kidding me, General? Is it because of this my husband stop being clingy to me? How can he be jealous of our son?” Xiu Ying rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief.

Huang Fei Hong sighs. “Fine. If that’s what Your Majesty thinks. I can’t force you to believe what I just told you.”

Both Huang Fei Hong and Jing Yi rise from their seats and holding hands. “I’m taking my wife with me. As for Your Majesty, keep playing with His Highness. I think tonight His Majesty will be back late again. Tomorrow, we have delegates from Byzantine Empire are coming over for trade delegations. Just so you know, their princess is coming along.”

Xiu Ying squinted. “What are trying to say?”

Huang Fei Hong turns around, “Nothing. Just want to inform you, His Majesty might be busy this week. He needs to entertain our guests, especially the princess. I heard she is the most beautiful in her empire and she kinda interested in His Majesty.” He waves and leaves with Jing Yi.

Xiu Ying bites his lips. ‘So what if she’s the most beautiful person in her country? That’s in her country not in Wu Empire. And what’s wrong with that princess? Interested in someone else’s husband? Does Byzantine lacks of men?’

Xiu Ying grumbles in his heart. He flinches when he felt two tiny hands touching his knees.

“Xiao Ren, are you done playing?” Xiu Ying picks him up.

The little crown prince nods.

“Then, let’s go back to our room and take a bath.” Xiao Ren giggles, showing his gummy teeth and hugs his mother’s neck happily.

In the night, just like Huang Fei Hong said, Wu Zhang Wei returns so late at night. It is almost chou hours (1 – 2 am) and Wu Zhang Wei still didn’t return to their bedchamber. Xiu Ying was about to go out and ask Guo Wei or Chang Ming about him but the door was suddenly pushed open. Xiu Ying contemplated whether to ask why he was late or continue pretending to sleep.

And so, he decided to keep pretending to sleep. He can hear the rustling sounds when his husband takes off his robes and then enter the bathroom for a quick wash. A little later, Wu Zhang Wei came out wearing his night robe and lays beside his wife.

Wu Zhang Wei stares at Xiu Ying with a faint smile plastered on his face. He gently caresses the sleeping beauty’s face and pecks on his temple. But instead of pulling Xiu Ying into his embrace like usual, Wu Zhang Wei turns around with his back facing Xiu Ying.

The empress slowly lifts his eyelids. He feels a little bit empty when Wu Zhang Wei didn’t hug him tight during their sleep. The night suddenly feels colder than usual.


The next day, around sì hours (9-10 am), the delegates arrived at the imperial palace. Around 70 people came, including the emissary, the princess, a few other officers, guards and servants.

Li Shizen and Huang Fei Hong welcome them at the palace front gate and lead them to the main hall.

The envoy and the officers who came along already mastered the old Chinese language so they have no problem communicating.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. This servant is named Aurelius. I was trusted by Byzantine's emperor to come here to discuss about the increment of trade goods between our countries."

The emissary turns slightly on the left, "This is our princess, Princess Anna. She is interested to learn about this beautiful country."

The young lady beside the emissary slightly bends her knees and nods to greet Wu Zhang Wei. She flashes her smiles and most of the men in the main hall are mesmerized by her beauty.

Wu Zhang Wei just nodding with a faint smile.

"Alright. You guys can take your place." Wu Zhang Wei spreads his right arm, appointing at the seats provided for them.

Right after took their seats, the emissary didn't waste any time and directly speaks up their main objective for this visit.

The discussion went on smoothly. The Byzantine Empire wanted to increase the silk and high-quality cloth trade while Wu Empire demands glassware and silverware from them. It's a win-win situation.

The meeting was adjourned during lunch hour and will be resumed the next day. All the delegates were asked to wait in the main hall as the lunch will be served soon. But the princess and the emissary were lead to the imperial garden, together with Wu Zhang Wei and Li Shizen.

On their way there, the architecture and decoration inside the palace capture the emissary and the princess' attention. They can't help but awing.

Their lunch was served at the biggest pavilion in the imperial garden. Various kinds of dishes were served and the princess was delighted to try it all.

Since it was hard for them to use chopsticks, both of them bring along a set of silverware with them.

Princess Anna pokes at the dish nearest to her. " delicious. What is this call?" She turns to Wu Zhang Wei, who is on her right side.

"It is stir-fry chicken tofu. We fried the tofu first then we mixed it with chicken, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil and some veggies." The Emperor kindly explains.

"Then, what about this one?"

"That's spicy braised beef noodle."

The princess keeps putting all the dishes into her mouth. Her easygoing character makes Wu Zhang Wei feels comfortable with her.

The emissary fidgets when his princess forgot to be poised when facing the Wu Empire's emperor. Li Shizen was also a little bit surprised when he saw the princess. She kinda reminds him of his youngest son.

Wu Zhang Wei pushes two plates towards the princess. "Here, have a taste."

Princess Anna's eyes beam again when she saw the mouth-watering desserts. "What is this? It tastes so good. Hmmmn..." She slightly moans.

"That's lotus root stuffed with glutinous rice. One of the most popular in this country. And this one," He points at the next plate, "water chestnut cake."

She stuffed the water chestnut cake and muffles, "So fragrant and taste so sweet!"

Wu Zhang Wei feels delighted their country's cuisines are well-liked by people from other countries.

Meanwhile, inside the imperial bedchamber, Xiu Ying is playing with his food. He lost his appetite when he heard his husband can't accompany him for lunch because he needs to entertain their guest.

What's annoyed him more when he heard the servants keep saying the emperor is treating the princess well. They are having fun chit-chatting during lunch.

After lunch, the whole envoy was brought to Yanxi Palace, the palace where late consort Yu Li Na resides. Since no one occupied that place, Wu Zhang Wei has instructed all the servants to clean it up so it can accommodate the envoy.

Wu Zhang Wei didn't return to his bedchamber but heads to the imperial study room to have some discussion with Li Shizen and other ministers. Once again, Wu Zhang Wei returns to the bedchamber late at night.

But today, he was surprised when he saw the light is still on and his wife is leaning on the bedhead, reading a book. He went to the crib near the bed and caressing his sleeping son. Then, he went to Xiu Ying's side.

Wu Zhang Wei leans forward and kisses on his temple. "Why are you still awake? It's already late. Can't you just continue to read tomorrow?"

"You do know it's late, then why you just return at this time? Is there too much work that needs to be done today? Can't it be done tomorrow? Too busy until you don't even have time to eat together with your wife and son. Is that it?" Xiu Ying slightly raises his voice, making his husband a little bit shocked.

"I'm sorry. It's just so many things that need to be handle. Tomorrow, we'll continue the meeting with the delegates, so a lot of preparation needs to be done. I'm sorry." Wu Zhang Wei holds on to both Xiu Ying's hands, gently caressing them.

Seeing his husband's apologetic look and his dejected voice, it makes Xiu Ying feels like he is the bad guy. He also doesn't know what possessed him just now. The thought of his husband, who is usually cold to other people, having fun with the princess makes him mad.

"Ying-er, I'm sorry okay? As the host, I need to entertain our guests and give them the best experience during their stay here. Tomorrow, I promise I will have lunch with you, okay? I'm really sorry." He started to feel anxious when Xiu Ying frowns at him.

He doesn't know his wife is thinking something petty. 'Why does he keep saying Ying-er? Isn't he used to call me baobei? Especially when I'm sulking. But since just now, never once did he calls me baobei...'

"Ying-er... are you still mad? Tell me, what can I do for you to forgive me?"

"Then, tomorrow let me accompany you to the meeting."

"Yo- You want to go to the meeting? Re- Really?"

His stutters only raise the doubt level in Xiu Ying's heart. "Yeah. Why? Is there any reason I can't go? Or maybe you don't want me to see anything?"

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Wu Zhang Wei shakes his head vigorously. "No! Of course not! I'm just surprised you wanted to come with me. Who is going to take care of Xiao Ren? We can't bring him to the long hours meeting."

"Ohh... I'll ask Muhou to take care of him for tomorrow. Muhou will be glad to do so."

"Hmm. Alright. If Ying-er already thought like that, tomorrow we'll go to the meeting together."

Xiu Ying just hums.


Xiu Ying wears his best robe and lets his hair falls down loosely. His presence surprised the envoy. They were dazzled by his beauty. All of them thought finally someone could rival their princess' beauty.

However, both of them got different types of beauty. Princess Anna is an innocent and pure beauty, while Xiu Ying is a charming, alluring and kinda sexy type of beauty. Of course, if they were given a choice, they would choose someone like Xiu Ying.

"Lord Aurelius, Princess Anna, this is my empress. He didn't get the chance to come along yesterday because he has to take care of our prince." Wu Zhang Wei introduced Xiu Ying to them.

Princess Anna stares at Xiu Ying in surprise. She was told since she was a child that no one could compete with her beauty. But now, looking at Xiu Ying, she feels inferior. She glances between Wu Zhang Wei and Xiu Ying. She bit inside her mouth.

Xiu Ying noticed the heated stare from a certain person. He boldly returns the gaze but with a big smile. The delegation went on without realizing these two persons is fighting mentally.

At lunchtime, Li Shizen decided not to join and prefer to have a meal with the other ministers from Byzantine Empire. Therefore, the lunch in the imperial garden is only for persons, Wu Zhang Wei, Xiu Ying, Princess Anna and Aurelius.

Princess Anna sits on Wu Zhang Wei's left side while Xiu Ying is on his right side.

Wu Zhang Wei puts on the dishes into Xiu Ying's bowl out of his habits. But it makes the Princess unconsciously grips her spoon tightly.

She saw a new dessert being serve so she turns to Wu Zhang Wei and ask coquettishly.

Wu Zhang Wei didn't feel any different in her voice but not the empress. Wu Zhang Wei just answers what he was asked.

"This is sweetheart cake. Actually, there is a tale behind this cake. A couple that lived a very poor life. They loved each other and lived in a small village. Suddenly, a mysterious disease spread and the husband's father became very sick. The couple spent all of their money in order to treat the man's father. The wife sold herself as a slave in exchange for money to buy medicine for her father-in-law. Once the husband learned about what his wife did, he made a cake filled with sweetened winter melon and almond. He dedicated this pastry to his wife whom he could never forget and sold it on the street. His cake became so popular that he was able to earn enough money to buy his wife back. That's why it is called sweetheart cake." Wu Zhang Wei gladly tells the whole tale.

Princess Anna stares at Wu Zhang Wei the whole time. She smiles sweetly at him, ignoring the death stares from the empress.

"That's so sweet. *sighs* How I wish I could find a sweet and loyal husband like that." She said while glancing at Wu Zhang Wei.

Wu Zhang Wei made no comments on her statement. Xiu Ying smirks.

"Your Majesty, I wish I can walk around the market. Can you...go with me?"

Aurelius choked on his food. Xiu Ying almost broke his chopsticks and Wu Zhang Wei just raises his left eyebrow.

Wu Zhang Wei's words were cut off by his wife. "Princess, MY HUSBAND is an emperor. He won't know every nook and crook of the market because he has never been there. Even if he has been there a few times, it is not appropriate for an emperor to go by himself. How about I go with you? I came from a normal family so the market is like a playground to me. So, let me take you to walk around the market."

"Yeah. I think that's the better idea. My wife knows the market better than me. So about Princess go with my wife?"

The princess grits her teeth. She fakes a smile, "Ohh... I think it's okay. I forgot that my father, the emperor reminds me that if I want to go out, I need to stay low and don't let other people notice me. So, if go out with Her Majesty for sure it will attract many attentions."

"Ahh... I see. That's absolutely correct. But if you really want to go out, we can lend a few soldiers for you. Don't worry, our soldiers are top-notch. You'll be safe." Xiu Ying before sipping his tea.

Princess Anna smiles stiffly.


After lunch hour, Wu Zhang Wei sends his wife back to their bedchamber. However, his heart feels uneasy. Xiu Ying frowns and his walking steps are too fast as if he is running. For a tall guy like him, no problem for him to catch up. But the servants were out of breath.

"Ying-er... what's wrong? Why are you so mad?" Wu Zhang Wei tried to grab his wrists but his hand was yanked away.

"You really don't know what makes me mad? Or you just pretend not to know?"

"I seriously don't know. Wife, please tell me. What did I do wrong?"

"Fine. I'll tell you. Are you dumb or what? Did you not notice how that girl tried to flirt with you?"

'Girl...Girl...ha!' "You mean the princess? No way. That's the way she is. She didn't try to flirt with me. You're just overthinking."

Xiu Ying laughs but he doesn't mean it. "I, overthinking? Someone tried to covet my husband openly in front of me and you dare to say I'm overthinking?"

Wu Zhang Wei takes a step closer but Xiu Ying takes a few steps back.

"At first, you avoid me. You went out early and return so late. You stopped being clingy to me. You didn't pester me like always. The only time we have together is during lunch. And now, you're being so familiar with that princess that you just met yesterday. You, once a cold emperor being so friendly with a princess. If I'm not thinking you guys are flirting with each other, what else can I thought?"

Xiu Ying's chest moves up and down, breathless for talking too fast.

Wu Zhang Wei grabs Xiu Ying's arm and pulls him into a tight embrace. Xiu Ying tried to push him but he won't budge.

"Baobei... listen to me. Listen and carve this into your mind and heart. I love you. You and only you. In this life and even in the next next life. No one else can replace you in my heart. I'm sorry if was being oblivious. Since I only have you in my mind, I already forgot about other women. Whatever they did to me means nothing. Please don't doubt my love for you."

Xiu Ying stops struggling. Burying his face in his husband's chest, he muffles, "Then why did you avoid me these past few months. I miss you. I miss your warmth, your touch." He sniffles.

Wu Zhang Wei heaves a heavy sigh.

"I- I... I desire for you too much. It's been a while since we did it so whenever I'm near you... I... get hard."

Wu Zhang Wei means it. As of now, he is already hard just from sniffing Xiu Ying's scent. Xiu Ying blushed when he feels something poking his thigh.

"I want to touch you so bad but we can't do anything when Xiao Ren is around. When I asked you to let Xiao Ren sleeps in the next room, you insisted to keep him in this room. That is why I can only avoid you. Even if you let me do it, but then if we suddenly have to stop in the middle of it, that will be a hell for me."

Xiu Ying slowly raises his arms and wraps around his husband. "Then... right now Xiao Ren is with Muhou, so... let's do it."

Wu Zhang Wei's eyes bulge. His heart beating loudly.

"'s still bright outside. A- Are you s- sure? You do realize I won't stop once I've started?"

Without saying anything, Xiu Ying tiptoes and kisses his husband. Wu Zhang Wei gladly returns the kiss. The kiss slowly turns intense. Wu Zhang Wei probes the soft lips with his tongue, asking permission to enter.

Wu Zhang Wei grabs on the buttcheeks and lifts Xiu Ying. The latter wraps his legs around Wu Zhang Wei's waist. He gently puts Xiu Ying on the bed. Tongue still didn't stop tangling, in one swift move, Xiu Ying's three layers robe was now left with one only.

Wu Zhang Wei sucks on the nipple. He smirks when he can still taste milk flowed down his throat. His left hand pinches hard on the left bud.

"Delicious." He whispers.

"Baobei... can you turn around? I wanna lick back there."

Xiu Ying's face flushed but still, he obediently went on four. Wu Zhang Wei kisses on the plump ass.

"Ahh!" A sudden pleasure and pain hit when the emperor bites on the buttcheeks.

Wu Zhang Wei spread open the buttcheeks and his tongue started to lick all over. Xiu Ying can't hold back his moans when the tongue invades his hole.

"Nghh...haa... g- good..hmmm...."

His tongue skillfully moving in and out of the hole. At the same time, Wu Zhang Wei's hand busy strokes the front part.

"Hu- Hubby...stop...I- I'm gonna cum...s- stop..."

"Then, come baobei."

"No... I w- want you... Let's cum to- together..."

In a flash, Xiu Ying turned and lied flatly on the bed. Wu Zhang Wei takes out the ointment from the drawer and smears it over his crotch and also at the back entrance.

"'s been a while so it might hurt a little bit."

Xiu Ying shakes his head. "It's okay. Just come inside now..."

Wu Zhang Wei covers his wife's lips with his. He kissed intensely and at the same time, his crotch is already poking at the back.

"Hmmphhh!!" His moans were muffled but still, it is loud enough to be heard by the guarding imperial guard. Actually, they already heard the noises when they started kissing.

Skin slapping and schlopping sounds filled the entire chamber. The vigorous thrusts almost make Xiu Ying lost his mind. The pleasure was too much for both of them. A moment later, both of them were released at the same time.

Xiu Ying pulls his husband's neck. They are eating each other's faces. A string of saliva falls from the corner of Xiu Ying's lips.

"More... Hubby, I want more..."

Wu Zhang Wei smirks. "As you wish, baobei."

And so, the couple went on hard like animals in heat. When they stopped after the 15th round, it's already dark outside. Xiu Ying can no longer move. His energy has been drained.

Wu Zhang Wei picks him up and brings him to the shower. Another session of kissy-kissy plus two rounds inside in the bathtub. Meanwhile, the servants who were asked to change the bedsheets tried to do their work as fast as possible.

After the shower, the couple cuddled on the bed. "Are you hungry? It's already dinner time." Wu Zhang Wei rubs his head on Xiu Ying's forehead.

"Hmm. Quite hungry."

Wu Zhang Wei shouts from inside the bedchamber, asking the servants to prepare their dinner.

"Then, what about Xiao Ren? You... want to take him back?"

Xiu Ying buries his head in his husband's chest. He shakes his head. "Let's Muhou take care of our baby. Tonight, I want to be alone with you."

Wu Zhang Wei chuckles.

"Hubby, I think starting tomorrow, we'll put Xiao Ren in the next room. Is it okay?"

"Up to you, baobei. You're the one who didn't bear to be apart with our baby. It's not like he was sent to another region or country. He is just next room. Only a wall separating us."

"I know I was being insensible. But I guess, I also can't be apart from my husband. When my husband stops hugging me, I keep missing him. What can I do..."

Wu Zhang Wei pulls Xiu Ying onto his lap. "If you miss him, then you try to take the first step. Sometimes, your husband also wants you to hug him first, kiss him first. He also needs as much as the love he gave to you."

Xiu Ying leans forward and snuggles on Wu Zhang Wei's clavicle. "Okay, hubby."


The delegation was successful. Wu Zhang Wei brings Xiu Ying along wherever he went. He also stopped paying attention to Princess Anna, which disheartened the princess.

She even tried to talk with Wu Zhang Wei privately and confessed her feelings but she was immediately rejected before she could say that she's willing to be a concubine. The princess ran away while crying.

"My hubby is such a heartbreaker." Xiu Ying came out from his hiding. He saw the princess took his husband to a private place so he decided to eavesdrop. Luckily, Wu Zhang Wei's answer satisfies him.

"Can't help it. I got a beautiful wife and he easily got jealous. I need to care for his feelings." Wu Zhang Wei stands at his place, waiting for his wife to come into his arms.

"Well, isn't my hubby is also the same? He always bring me along to the meetings but asked me to wear a veil to cover my face. SO PO.SES.SIVE!" Xiu Ying pokes Wu Zhang Wei's chest with his finger.

Putting one hand on the back and another hand behind Xiu Ying's thigh, the empress was lifted and carried in a bridal style.

"Of course. Your beauty is only for me. No one else can see it. Every part of you belongs to me. I'll gouge their eyes if they dare to land their sight on you."

"Then, just lock me in the room. Let me be your exclusive property."

"You're not property, baobei. You're my life, another half of my heart. Without you, I can go crazy. But I won't take away your freedom. I'll let you be free because I know you're still gonna return to me."

"Glad you know that."

And so, the royal couple lives happily. In another year, they were blessed with a cute princess. The emperor decided to pass the throne to his oldest prince when he reached 20 years old.

The emperor decided to spend time with his beloved empress. Traveling the world, just the two of them.

The empress died at the age of 75. The next day, the emperor followed his beloved empress and they were buried right next to each other.

The love story of the royal couple went down in history. True love, live and die together.. They're together in this world and in the other world.

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