Trials As A Teenage Human In A Sexy Space

Chapter 5: 5

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“Hi Dad.”

“Hey Mikey. How are you?”

“I’m doing great, dad. Did you know that the school is actually the planet itself, not a city or building, but the whole damn planet?”

“... Seriously?” Said my father with skepticism.

“Yeah. It surprised the hell out of me. Also, did you know that almost all the aliens here are taller than me? Heck, some are even taller than adults back home. Like 2.1 meters as average.” I said to the screen while emphasizing the height by moving my hands over me.

“Damn boy. That’s surprising.”

“Yeah, I’m practically the same height as the children here. Although, there are those few rare aliens that are around my height, but even then, practically everyone here is tall.” My envy showed as my father chuckled at my jealousy.

But are you having a good time?” I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at him changing language.

Yeah, it’s nice. Also, my classes are about to start in an hour.” Replying in the same language.

Alright, have a good day son. Don’t forget to send me a ‘letter’ some time later.” Referring to something that I suddenly realized.

“Will do, bye dad.” Nodding to him.

“Okay then, son, stay safe. Love you.”

“Love you too, dad.”

Before I could turn off the call, Bianca decided to introduce herself. “Who’s this?”

Bending down, I could feel her massive titties rest on top of my shoulders as she leaned in forward to look at the screen. Thankfully, she was fully clothed this time

“Hey Bianca.”

“Michael? Who’s that next to you?” My father asked with curiosity. Funny enough, I was able to catch my dad staring straight at Bianca's wonderful cushions for a moment before returning to the call. 

“This is Bianca.”


“Basically my caretaker during my stay here.” I said, before checking the time and noticing that I had to leave soon. “Sorry dad, I have to go right now. Bianca, I have to go right now if I want to make it to class.”

“Okay Michael. Do you know where you have to go? What streets and public transportation do you need to use to get to class?” Said Bianca as she sat down on the place I was once sitting as I grabbed my new phone and backpack.

“Yeah, thanks Bianca. Got to go!”

“Bye son! Have fun.” Yelled my dad through the screen.

“Will do!”

As I ran out of the front doors, I was able to see the vehicle slowly floating down in front of the small group of people waiting to get on board. Thanks to my sense of timing, I was able to get there on time. As everyone began to get on, I noticed that most of the seats at the back were empty. Sitting down, I was glad to see that I was able to hide from the looks that everyone was giving me. After all, I was the first human there.

Ignoring their stares, I turned on my phone to look at the classes I had to take today.

“Intro to Galactic History? That seems like an interesting class to go in. After that is … cultural introduction? So it’s pretty much intro classes. Seems easy enough.” I muttered to myself before noticing that someone was coming to the back where I was sitting. What greeted me was an alien that I for sure thought of a dinosaur for a moment.

“Hey, is this seat taken?” She asked me with a smile.

“Nope, there are seats available everywhere, so sit where you’d like to.” Shrugging at her before my mind went back to my phone reviewing the lesson plans I had today. Only to get a bit uncomfortable at the fact that the large dinosaur-like female alien decided to sit right next to me.

“Name’s Reeda.” She said as she leaned back into the chair, “Is it correct to guess that you’re that new rumored species that applied to the institution?”

“Yeah, we’re new and all.”

“Humans right?”

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The two of us were left in awkward silence for a while. Looking out the window, I could see the sun shine on the busy city as we neared closer to the center.

“... Sorry for the awkward silence. Just a bit nervous.” She muttered with enough sound for me to hear.

I couldn’t help but relax, “It’s fine. You’re not the only one with this problem, you know. I, too, have my first jitters. Especially when I’m the only human here.”

“Humans. You know, I honestly expected you all to be taller.” She said before her eyes widened in surprise, “S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude!”

Chuckling, “Heh, don’t worry about it. I already know our species are shorter than the average height here.”

“Oh, thank raptor Jesus.” She sighed in relief.

“Wait what?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?” She jumped in surprise at my response.

“D-Did you just say raptor Jesus?” I asked her.

“Yeah, it’s the thing we started saying a few years ago since there was a picture that looked exactly like our god. I think you humans called it Raptor Jesus, and everyone thought the humans and our species had the same religion. Hence we started accepting Raptor Jesus the same way your species accepted Jesus Christ, I believe.”

“... Damn.” Surprised at this knowledge, “But Raptor Jesus is something we made as a meme.”

“I know that, but some still think humans have the same religion as us. But either way, Raptor Jesus sounds like a fun replacement for the name we used to have for our god.”

“And that is? The old name I mean.” I asked.

“Rajamun.” She said with a bit of pride.

“I see.” Before we once again got into a now comfortable silence.

“... My name is Michael. Nice to meet you, Reeda.”

She gave me a huge smile at my response.

“Nice to meet you too, Michael.”

That’s when I noticed the vehicle finally floating downward, telling me and everyone that we had arrived.

“Looks like I have to go to my first class.” I told her.

Suddenly, I could see her begin to panic. “W-Wait!”

“Huh? Something up?” I asked her.

“C-Can I get your contact information?” She asked nervously.

“Sure,” Giving her my phone as she began typing something on the phone before giving it back to me. “Thanks.”

“Thank you, Michael. Hope to see you soon.” Giving me a smile before she left first. A slight skip in her steps as her tail wagged side to side.

“Guess getting new friends will be much easier than back home.”

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