Troll Immortal

Chapter 3: Chapter 3. Bonding

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"Young master is awake. Quickly prepare the diapers and heat the water."

"Young master it's bath time."

"Young master, it's time to drink milk."

"Come quick! young master has wet his diaper."

"It's nap time young master."

"Look how cute our young master is!"

"Young master, time to drink milk again."

"Young master, it's sleep time."

'Ahh~ this is pure bliss.' Su Chen moaned as he enter dreamland.

Su Chen was obviously enjoying his new life. 


Six months flew by like a gust of wind.


Six months!

It's been six months since Su Chen was transmigrated into this world.

The question 'What should I do next?' always bothered him, after carefully pondering on this question for six months Su Chen finally concluded.

'My System is as useless as it can be. But this family seems to be rich, if I can prove my worth and get the backing of my clan, I will have all resources at my disposal.' As a huge fan of web novels, Su Chen had read about many situations like this before. so he wasn’t too distressed by this development

Now finally it's my time to surprise everyone. Su Chen said in a firm tone. Don't those protagonists get their 'genius' title after they start walking early and even start talking before their peers? 

I also want everyone to call me 'Genuis'. He was already tired of everyone calling him young master.

'Every time they call me young master, I always recalled those arrogant young masters who only serve as stepping stones for the protagonist'.

'I will no... I must become different than normal young master'. Su Chen steeled himself.

'I will start by walking toward my mother and then speak some words like 'mamma' in gibberish. I have already practiced some words when everyone was asleep. hehe, I can't wait to see my mother's shocked face.' Su Chen Planned.

But before that.

"Ahh~ young master, please slow down"

"Young master I said slow, not faster "

In a luxurious room, the sounds of a woman's mumbling could be heard. Upon close observation, one could see a young woman in plain green ropes which were slightly loosened, breastfeeding a baby. She was Su Chen's wet nurse.

After listening to the woman mumbling, Su Chen who was sucking the erect nipple started sucking even more intensely.

"What's going on there?" his mother's voice startled Su Chen, who was in midst of enjoying the milk. He gave an involuntary jerk, nearly causing his milk to spill out of his mouth.

'Su Chen what are you doing? you are now an infant. You don't need to fear these small things.

Due to his mentality of 21 years old, he almost thought, he was caught red-handed doing something that should be done in secret.

I need some more time to adjust to this body. 

"No...Nothing madam, It just young master was so sucking hard.." Wu Ying quickly realized her words were hinting at something else, unable to hide her embarrassment she quickly hand over Su Chen to Ning Qian and tightened her robes while looking down at her toes with a red face.

Ning Qian chuckled in response and gestured for her to leave. As he watch her leave the room, Su Chen began to recall how every day she took care of all his 'needs'.

Watching her baby looking at the back of the nurse, Ning Qian asked curiously "Do you miss Wu Ying".

"" Su Chen could only reply by speaking some gibberish.

 'It's time for my plan.' Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up. He quickly motion his hands towards the floor and shouted some gibberish words, clearly indicating for her to put him down.

"Aww...ww, do you hate being in mother's arms?" she said in a sad voice but still squatted down and gently place Su Chen on the floor.

She watched her child feebly crawl towards the wall with gentle eyes.

'huh..' Suddenly she stared at him with wide-eyed shock. She had not predicted that Su Chen to stand up with help of the wall. He then slowly turn around and began to walk towards Ning Qian with unsteady steps. 

"" while she still digesting the scene before her. Tears couldn't help but form in her beautiful eyes when she heard him calling 'mamma'.

'Seems like my plan is working' Su Chen thought inwardly, before he could enjoy his mother's shocked expression, his legs, which were already unsteady, began to tremble as he lost his footing.

'I am not even halfway.' Cursed Su Chen

'Shit, my nose is going to break' he immediately closed his eyes before toppling towards the floor. But instead of anguishing pain, he was met with a soft sensation.

When he opened his eyes, he finally understood why the pain he had anticipated was replaced with a soft and soothing sensation. He was tightly hugged by his mother like he was some precious jade.

"Don't worry my baby, mother is here" Ning Qian said while patting his back.

Su Chen was even more surprised to notice that, she had to cross over more than 3 meters in a flash.

What am I even surprised about? This is a world where people could reach incredible heights of strength, becoming mighty enough to cleave entire seas with a slash of their swords, or leap beyond the horizon in a single bound.

Ning Qian then gently pull Su Chen from her arms and supported him to stand up.

"You want to learn to walk? Mother will help." 

Time passed by as Ning Qian was teaching Su Chen how to walk by supporting him. Whenever he lost his footing she will immediately intervene and embrace him.

The laughing sound of Ning Qian and Su Chen echoed through the spacious room.

When evening came Su Chen was already asleep in his mother's arms.


screech screech screech.

A screeching sound flared in Su Chen's head. He struggled to open his eyes but everything in front of him was grey. He had no idea where he was at all. It was like he was confined in a square grey room without any doors or windows.

What is this place and where I amdidn't I transmigrate into another world? 

Looking down at himself, Su Chen noticed that he was not an infant but his original body before he was transmigrated.

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" AHH......AURGH " He suddenly grabbed his head and screamed in agony when the screeching sound exploded to an unbearable level.

As Su Chen was in a state of agony, a vagued figure shoot out of the grey floor and started wrapping its arms around him. Soon another figure followed and started wrapping arms around him. Moments later he was wrapped by dozens of unknown figures.

“Heeeelp! HEEELP!” Su Chen's screams echoed. 

Another small figure appeared in his eyes, he could vaguely figure out the body belong to the infant. A horrifying thought appear in his mind.

"G-Give me .... back ........ Give me back my body" the infant wailed.

Su Chen was horrified. His earlier speculation was now confirmed. His body turn cold, he even ignored the screeching in his ears.

"N-NO..noo..." Su Chen opened his mouth to speak but couldn't speak straight.

"Give me back my body" the infant wailed again.

"No......Your body...... I don't have your body." Su Chen said as he shrink in fear,

The infant was still walking toward Su Chen, repeating the same phrase with every step.

"No... Go Away..... don't come near me...go away" he said while crawling backward, but the arms wrapped around him didn't bludge.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Somebody help, please, please..." Su Chen Begged, tears pouring from his eyes. His face was marred with tears and mucus.

Su Chen's screams grew louder and louder with each step infant took.

Just as the infant's small hands were hair-breadth away from Su Chen the whole grey room started shaking, and the screeching noise was replaced with a worried voice.

"Chen'er, Chen'er wake up" A familiar worried voice filled the entire room.

Shortly the grey room began to crack bit by bit before crumbling down into dust.

Soon Su Chen opens his teary eyes and was greeted by Ning Qian's worried face.

'So it was a dream.'

Unexplainable emotion surged within him when he saw his mother's worried face. Scenes of the infant from dream began to appear in his mind. His thoughts astray. Emotions surged within him like tides, from sadness to grief, to guilt, throwing his state of mind into turmoil. His eyes brimmed with tears.

Am I really a murderer?

How can I face this woman in the future? can I really call her mother?

"It's okay Chen'er, mommy is here and will never leave, don't cry. OK?" Ning Qian embraced him as she patted his back gently.

Su Chen's mind slowly calmed down, and all his raging emotions also relax. He didn't know why but his entire body also relaxed. He rubbed his tear and mucus-stained face on her ropes, and tightened his small hand around to embrace his mother closely. He felt more relaxed the closer he was to his mother.

Ning Qian didn't feel the slightest bit of disgust when she look at her son rubbing his face on her ropes, rather she found it cute. She took him in her arms and pointed her slender finger on his glabella, transferring a strand of ki into his body.

Su Chen could feel a warm current enter his body. The warm current then spread out into several finer ones that filled his entire body. It was a strange but pleasant feeling. It's actually quite nice and relaxing.

Because he was relaxed, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his mother whose finger was pointed between his eyebrows. Ning Qian's eyes were completely shut; she seemed to be focusing on controlling the endless current of ki to check his body.

She opened her eyes and sigh in relief.

Looks like there is no problem.

Ning Qian put Su Chen beside her and started patting him. Su Chen's mind was also tired and quickly fell asleep.

Su Chen didn't know if he could get accommodated in this new world, new family, and new friends but he was sure one day he will.


Su clan manor.

In a spacious room, sat a handsome middle-aged man. Behind him was a giant painting of a phoenix. There were poems and couplets calligraphed at each side of the painting. The man was bearded, but his face shone like jade. He was the perfect image of a handsome, gentle scholar. The handsome middle-aged man was naturally Patriarch Su Yichuan.

He was listening to reports from his subordinates.

"There were no reports of any casualties during ......"

"The auction went smoothly, all the items were auctioned."

"This time taxes from northern may be lower due to beast tide..."

All the subordinates began reporting one after another. After attending to all the reports, Su Yichuan nodded "Good Work". The subordinates all bowed.

Su Yichuan dismissed today's session and left the room. All the officials only left after they could no longer see any sight of Su Yichuan.

Su Yichuan walked out into the corridor with his hands behind his back, Suddenly he stopped and wave his hand and a shadow emerge from the corridor.

The shadow bowed respectfully and called out, "Greeting, Master!"

"Any news about Four Petal Lotus?" asked Su Yichuan.

"No Sir, but there are rumors about it being in hands of the Shi clan"

"hmm, Shi clan" said Su Yichuan in a somewhat mysterious tone. He waves his hand again and the shadow disappears into the darkness.




[Author Note- Sorry I published this chapter before editing, now fixed. Be sure to like and comment. Also, don't forget to check the glossary. Again sorry for the inconvenience]









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