Trying Something New

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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She pressed against him, feeling his hardness on her skin. “What can I say? I felt like being a couple decades younger this morning.” And then she kissed him. She felt his hands grip her, then begin to travel over her body. Before they could get very far, she broke off the kiss and pushed him back. ‘Nuh uh, mister. Now it’s your turn to feel frustrated.” She retrieved the egg carton from the refrigerator, being sure to put a little extra sway in her hips as she went. She gave them to Peter and said with a smile, “Why don’t you take those back to the Missus.”

“But, we could just…”

Sara gave him the look, and even without seeing her actual face, he knew his wife wouldn’t allow him to push. He dutifully took the carton. He was backing towards the door, slowly, so as to drink in as much of Sara’s body as possible, when he heard Mark yell from the adjoining hallway. 

“Mom! What’s going on?”

Sara quickly reached for the towel and covered herself. She turned sheepishly to Mark and said, “Oops, sorry. I dropped my towel. Very clumsy of me. I’m so sorry for flashing you both. You’re welcome for the eggs Peter.”

Mark turned away from the sight of his barely covered Mom. Peter retreated quickly, but held the door open for his wife to follow. Mark didn’t see the mist that escaped from his mother and flew back across the street.

When Peter came back into his house, he found his wife naked, sitting on the table with her legs spread wide. Nobody got eggs that morning, and they were both late to work.

When they got home later that day, they were both very quiet for the first hour. They drank wine and gave each other nervous fleeting glances. Neither wanted to voice what they really wanted. Peter didn’t because he thought his wife would still turn the idea down. And Christine didn’t because she didn’t want to admit how much she had come around to the idea. 

Finally, Peter asked. “So, it’s Friday. Shall we go out to eat?”

In way of reply, Christine opened the curtains that faced the street. They both looked towards the neighbors house. A shirtless Mark was outside mowing the lawn. “How about we order in?”

Peter nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

“I’m beginning to think it is.”

“What should we get?”

Christine gave her husband a winning smile. “I think I’d like to try something we’ve never done before.”

“Oh really.”

“Yeah. Who knows. Maybe we’ll discover something that will become our new favorite.”

“I’m glad you’re open to trying new things.”

“As long as I get to try it with you.”

“So should we, uh, do it right now?”

“Probably. Every place takes about an hour to get here.”

Peter’s shoulders sagged. “Oh. Right. Of course. For a second there I thought maybe we were talking about something else.”

Christine tore her eyes away from the neighbor boy and walked towards her husband. She put a hand on his cheek, and gave him a passionate kiss. Then she said, “I can talk about two things at the same time, dear.”

For the second time that day they made love in their own bodies while waiting for food to be delivered. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.

Afterwards they poured more wine. By the time the food arrived, they had a nice buzz going. After eating, they talked about next steps, as they climbed the stairs to their bed. They fell asleep in each other’s arms earlier than they’d anticipated. It had been a long week, but they were looking forward to tomorrow. 

When Peter awoke that Saturday morning, a thrill went through him. He rolled over to see if his wife was awake, and saw that she was. She had been waiting for him. The expression on her face told him that she was just as excited.

“Shall we?” Peter asked.

Christine winked. “Let’s shall.”

Peter got up and opened the window a crack. After a few moments, their bodies dissolved into mist, and zoomed across the street and through the neighbor’s keyhole. They drifted room to room, and grew more impatient as they came up empty. It was taxing to be in this form at their age, and they both wanted to find their desired hosts soon.

After coming to the conclusion that no one was home, they went back outside. They verified that the car was in the driveway. They drifted higher over the house, looking to and fro, and finally spotted their neighbors. They were jogging, about half a block away. 

Peter and Christine’s ethereal forms raced towards their marks. Peter outpaced his wife and got there first. He took a moment to watch mother and son as they ran together. He admired the way Sara’s ponytail swung back and forth. He admired even more how her ass looked in the light blue lycra running shorts. They were tight and rode up the crack between her cheeks. He turned his attention toward Mark and shot forward. He hung in the air a few paces ahead, and allowed Mark to run into him.

Mark was briefly aware of running into a patch of fog as mist hit his face. But the condensation quickly started flowing into his mouth and nose. Something wasn’t right. He felt his mind clouding, as if something were trying to make him go to sleep. But it also felt like he wasn’t alone. Like someone else was there with him in his mind. Fear gripped him, but only for a moment, then everything went dark. 

Peter instantly felt the power of strong legs and a youthful physique. He hated running, or jogging, or even a slow walk in his older body. But this body seemed like it could run for miles with no complaints. But he wasn’t here to win any races.

The first thing Peter did was slacken Mark’s pace. This allowed him to have an excellent view of Sara’s tight butt. He could watch those cheeks move up and down all day. He wanted to spread them, to stick Mark’s dick between them.  The more he looked, the harder it became to run, because of the monster growing in his running shorts.

He looked up and saw his wife’s mist keeping pace over Sara’s head. What was she waiting for? Then he realized that she was probably enjoying his new problem, as his boner was easily viewable as it tented his shorts.

Peter stopped running and began a leisurely walk. “C’mon,” he said Mark’s voice. “Just do it already.”

Sara was twenty paces ahead, and didn’t quite hear what her son said. She turned around. “What did you say? And what are you stopping for?”

“I said I’m tired already. I feel like something’s slowing me down.”

Concerned, she walked back towards her son. “Are you feeling okay?”

He smiled at her. “It’s just hard to run when I’ve got this problem down here.” He gestured towards the tent in his shorts.

Sara looked down and gasped, then began to sputter, “Um, okay. That, uh, that doesn’t usually happen when we run.”

“I know. But this time I couldn’t keep myself from looking at your butt, so now I’ve got this massive boner.”

She was about to admonish him, when a mist flew into her face. She flailed as a presence hit her consciousness like a wrecking ball. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but a moment later, they reappeared with a lustful gleam. She smiled and said, “Do you like looking at mommy’s butt?”

Peter found that Mark was so hard it was almost painful. “I sure do.”

“Well maybe I’ll walk ahead of you on the way back home. Would you like that? Would you like to see my sexy ass sway back and forth?”

“I sure would?”

“And maybe when we get home, you can take those constricting shorts off and let that massive pecker free.”

Mark looked at his mother and asked, “Is that something you’d like to see?”

“I just might.”

Peter and Christine walked briskly in the direction of their neighbor’s house. It took a supreme effort by Peter not to reach out and slap or grab Sara’s ass. It took plenty of willpower for Christine not to turn around and reach down the front of Mark’s shorts to touch his throbbing member.

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“They expecting anyone?” Peter asked in his voice. “The boy’s pretty clueless about what’s happening.other than helping Sara”

Christine easily rifled through Sara’s thoughts and memories. “Nope,” Chrstine replied in her voice. “They were going to focus on setting up the house this weekend. Then Sara reports to her new job on Monday.”

“So we’ve got the weekend then.”

Christine quickened Sara’s pace. “So it would seem.” 

Christine began perusing Sara’s mind for other details. All of Sara’s life was an open book for Christine. It was the thing she loved most about bodyhopping, to have complete and utter access to another person’s deepest wants and desires, and be able to act them out in the way the real Sara never would. 

Christine thought about the last time Sara had had sex. The hardworking mom hadn’t dated in two years, and that relationship hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks. She rarely pleasured herself, opting to put her time into work and raising her son. But now, faced with sudden and intense arousal, it was apparent that the woman was a little more than pent up. By the time they got to the front door, there was a growing damp spot on the front of Sara’s shorts. The woman desperately needed to get laid. Thankfully she had a stud in close proximity.

As soon as the door was closed, Peter grabbed Sara. The sweat of their bodies intertwined as mother and son’s mouths met. Mark’s hands began to grope and squeeze. He was so horny. Peter knew the kid had only ever had sex once, and he didn’t think he had been any good at it. But his body was now touching a beautiful, experienced woman, who just happened to be his mom, and it was sending his hormones into overdrive.

He stopped kissing after a few seconds, but spun Sara around. He shoved her up against the wall and cupped her butt. As he let a hand slide along the fabric buried between her cheeks, he let her in on Mark’s recent thoughts. “He hasn’t been able to get the picture of you naked out of his head. It really did a number on him, seeing his hot mom without a stitch on her in the kitchen. He feels ashamed, because he can’t stop thinking about it, and was turned on by it.”

Christine moaned in her voice, then turned back around to kiss Mark’s lips again. They stayed connected that way for a minute. Christine was content to let her husband paw greedily at the tight fitting sports bra. She also busied herself by letting a hand snake down Mark’s front and feel the length of him. Chrstine had seen bigger, but Sara hadn’t. Right before being hopped, Sara’s thoughts had been surprised by the size of her son’s penis. And unbidden, the thought of what it would feel like to be stretched out by a dick that big had flitted through her head. It was quickly replaced with fury over her son exposing himself to her, and in public. But there was no fury now. Only need. The need to know what a dick like that could do to Sara’s very neglected pussy. 

As Peter tried and failed to remove Sara’s sports bra, Christine gently pushed his hands down. In her own voice, she said, “Peter, they’re both hot and sweaty. Why don’t we go make use of the showers in this house before we have our fun?”

“We could shower together,” Peter said hopefully.

“No. It’ll build up the anticipation, and give us a chance to learn about our hosts more. You know I like it when we play out a couple’s fantasies.”

“But they’re not a couple?” Peter pointed out before he could stop himself.

“That didn’t stop Mom here from fantasizing about her son’s big dick.”

Mark’s jaw dropped. “Really?”

“Only for a split second. And she’d never act on it in a million years, but the thought was still there. Her body is hungry for sex, and when it saw that hard young dick, it’s thought of little else. She’s got a wild side her son knows nothing about, until today.”

Peter reached for her again, but Christine swatted him away. “Nope. No more until you’re all clean.”

Knowing there was no sense arguing, Peter nodded Mark’s head. “Whatever you say, dear.”

Sara’s mouth burst into a smile. It was the same one she had used when greeting them the first time on their front lawn. She put a hand on Mark’s shoulder and said with genuine warmth and affection in Sara’s voice, “Call me Mom.”

Mark’s dick found a new level of hard. In Mark’s voice, he dutifully replied, “Yes Mom.”

She patted his cheek. “That’s my good boy. For right now, there is no Peter and Christine. Only Sara and Mark, a mother and her son.”

They went their separate ways, Mark to the smaller bathroom on the ground floor. It had a shower that Mark had to stoop slightly to use, but Sara had already claimed the upstairs one as hers. Sara always liked to have her own personal bathroom. It was about the only thing she didn’t share. 

Sara climbed the stairs and entered her much larger bathroom. She turned on the shower to get it to the temperature she wanted. Then she slowly began to undress in front of the large vanity. Chrstine was thoroughly impressed by what was underneath. She had been in such a hurry yesterday, she hadn’t gotten much time to appreciate it. Sara had a tight body with ample boobs with barely any sag to them. “Oh, to be young again,” Christine said aloud. 

As Christine stepped into shower, she began a thorough examination of the inner workings of Sara’s mind.She looked at how Sara saw herself. She was a woman who liked to stay professional at work, and carefree at home. She hadn’t really dressed up or pampered herself since that last date two years ago. She also didn’t think much of her body, which Christine thought was ridiculous. As she brought a hand up to pinch a sensitive nipple, she said, “If you only knew how hot and bothered your son is right now for this body, you’d think otherwise.”

As Peter showered in Mark’s body, he let his thoughts blend with Mark’s sexual preferences. The kid liked porn, what teenager didn’t. He masturbated almost every day. He recognized that his mother was attractive, only very recently though for obvious reasons. He hadn’t stroked it to her yet, but it was probably inevitable that her face popped up the next time he stroked it. Before yesterday, he had got a brief side view of her tits while she was changing. She thought she had the door closed, but it was open enough that he saw her without a bra. He had never told her about it. He had been too embarrassed to ever tell her about it, and had buried it in his memories. 

But Peter saw, just below the surface of tits and ass, there was another kink that really got him going. It was in almost every internet search he did these days. He realized he’d need to clue Christine in. He got out of the shower and toweled off. He saw no need for clothes, so he bounded upstairs naked. He heard water running, so he opened the door.

“Is that you, Mark?” his mother’s voice called. “I’m in the shower.”

Peter began in his voice, “This kid really likes-”

“I’m sorry, Mark. You don’t sound like yourself. Could you try again?”

Peter nodded. He’d forgotten to stay in character. “Right, sorry Mom. I was wondering if you could scrub your feet like, really well. And when you get out of the shower, maybe like, put some toenail polish on them.”

The top part of the shower curtain popped to the side and Sara’s face appeared. “Ooh, does my son have a foot fetish?”

“I believe I do. A big one. Did you suspect at all?”

Sara’s lips pursed as she thought. “Yeah, oh, actually very much, yes. You forgot to close out a browser once. And I’ve seen your search history several times, young man.”

“Yeah,” Mark nodded. “I remember getting a lecture from you recently. You said it was natural for me to masturbate, but you didn’t want to ever see the kinky stuff I jacked off to.”

A little bit more of the curtain moved, and Sara revealed the top half of her body. “Do you still like looking at kinky stuff, Mark?”

Mark gulped. “Yes, Mom.”

She noticed his penis begin to rise. “Oh my. Does looking at your mother in the shower count as kinky?”

“I think it does, Mom.”

“I see,” she said, as she began to soap up her boobs. “Well since it’s about your mother and not some random internet hussy, I suppose we can make an exception this time. Why don’t you run along now, so I can give my feet some special attention.”

“Seriously. I’m going to get blue balls here,” Mark pouted.

“Tsk, tsk. It’ll be worth the wait. I promise. Now go on.”

As Mark exited, Sara chuckled to herself, then grabbed the loofa and resumed scrubbing between her toes. “I’ll make sure these feet are squeaky clean for you, son.”


Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by Kripto, reposted with permission. 

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