Trying Something New

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Peter began pacing up and down the upstairs hallway. He finally heard the shower shut off. He knew Christine was drying off Sara’s body. She was on the other side of the bathroom door, completely naked and wanted to fuck. He paced faster. He kept this up for 20 seconds, when finally, Sara called out, “Mark, I can hear you pacing. Please go wait in my bedroom.”

“How much longer do I have to wait, Mom?” Mark groaned.

“Painting toes takes time, sweetie. And then I’ll have to dry them. Why don’t you go busy yourself picking out something for Mommy to wear. I forgot to bring anything in here with me, and I’d just hate to expose my naked body to you again so soon. Please pick out something from my top middle dresser drawer.”

Peter was off like a shot. When he got there, he saw that it was familiar to Mark. He had gone snooping through it once, to see what a bra looked like. He had marveled at how soft and silky they were. There were plenty of bras and panties, but nothing too terribly scandalous. That would have to be remedied soon. Peter took the time to sniff a few of the undergarments. They smelled like Sara. He longed to smell her skin directly instead of this material that had held up her boobs or rubbed against her pussy. 

He finally decided on a red, lace bustier that he thought would display her boobs perfectly. It also went with the only thong she possessed. He took them and stood outside the bathroom door. He heard a blow dryer running. He knocked loudly. 

“Yes sweetie?” 

“I picked out some clothes for you, Mom.”

“Thank you so much. You can leave them on the floor and I’ll get them shortly.”

“How much longer?”

“Don’t rush me young man, or I'll break out the nail polish remover. Now go and wait in my room.”

Shortly after Peter went back to Sara’s room, he heard the bathroom door open and close. Christine had retrieved the lingerie. She’d be putting it on, then coming to the room. Why did this turn him on so much more than anything he’d ever experienced before as a bodyhopper? Was it the incestual nature of it all? It must be. But the wait was driving him mad. He lay sprawled out naked on his mother’s bed for what seemed like hours, absently mindedly stroking his meat every few seconds. And then finally he heard soft footsteps padding towards the room. He moved to the end of the bed and sat there, waiting expectantly for the door to open.

As Sara opened her bedroom door, she said, “Mark, I’m not sure you picked out something that’s appropriate for me to wear around her son.” And then she saw her son sitting on her bed, naked and staring at her with wide eyes. “Mark, please cover yourself!” She chided, and then bit her lip.


“It is not okay to be naked in my room, Mark. Were you masturbating again? Was it because you got to go through Mommy’s underwear drawer?”

Peter could see the outline of Sara’s nipples. They were hard and pointed in his direction. Obediently, he reached back and grabbed a pillow to cover his crotch. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop myself. I, I sniffed your panties and now I can’t get it to go back down. Sorry, Mom.”

Sara gave him a knowing look. “Well, you are still a teenager. I’m sure you get turned on by so many things. I just didn’t think it would be from sniffing your Mom’s panties.”

“Do you think I’m a pervert?”

“No. Well, maybe a little. I have seen your internet history, you know. I was surprised by some of the things you searched for. Your fascination with feet for example.”

“It’s not a fascination, Mom. It’s a fetish. I get off on looking at them. I think about touching them, and…and more.”

Sara cocked her head inquisitively. “Like what?”

Mark looked away. “I…can we not talk about this anymore, Mom? It’s embarrassing.”

“It’s okay, Mark. I’m your mother, and I love you. You can tell me anything. Why don’t you start by telling me what kind of feet you like?”

“What kind?”

“Yes, sweetie.” Sara lifted a leg and placed her delicate foot onto the pillow positioned over her son’s crotch. “Take mine for example. Do you like my feet?”

Peter couldn’t have cared less about feet when he woke up this morning. He was always a boob guy. But as he saw Sara’s feet through Mark’s eyes, the clean skin, the toenails with bright red polish, he knew these were exactly the kind of feet that got him off. “I do Mom. Very much.”

“Well thank you, Mark. Now tell me, what else would you do?”


“If you could do more than look, I mean. Would you touch them? Would you like to touch my feet?”

“Mom, please. We don’t have to.”

“They’re your mother’s feet, Mark. I don’t mind. You’ve seen them before. You can touch them if you want.”

Mark put a hand on her foot and began to caress it, letting his palm slide up and down and feel its smoothness. He loved the dark red color she had used on her toenails. It really made them stand out. “It’s so nice, Mom. Would you let me feel the other one too?”

“Of course dear, but why don’t we get more comfortable first.” Sara crawled onto the bed on all fours, and gave Mark another great view of her ass in the thong. She propped herself up against the headboard, and then waved one of her feet invitingly at her son. “Come on. Touch them. Touch them both as much as you want.”

Mark got on his knees at the end of the bed and reached for his mother’s feet. He lowered his face to them and sniffed. They smelled of her rose scented body wash. “They smell really nice, Mom.”

“I’m glad you think so. Is there anything else you’d like to do to them?”

“Uh, well, I’d like to, uh…”

“It’s okay, Mark. Spit it out. You don’t have to be shy. You can do anything you want to Mommy’s feet.”

“I’d like to suck your toes.”

Sara feigned shock. “Oh my. You…you want to put your mouth on my feet? To lick my toes with your tongue?”

“Yes, Momma.”

Sara licked her lips. “Well, I guess it’s okay, if it’s just this once.”

Mark smiled, lowered his mouth, and kissed her big toe. Then he put it into his mouth and let his tongue swirl around it.

Sara began to squirm. “It kind of tickles, but it feels nice. How about you? How does it make you feel, sucking Mommy’s toes?”

Mark didn’t answer right away, but continued to lick and kiss his mother’s feet. Then he showed her how it made him feel, as he raised his upper half, pulling her forward a little to keep one foot near his mouth. Sara saw that his dick was fully extended and rigid. A bit of precum dribbled down the front. 

“My feet did that?” Sara gasped. 

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“They did.”

“Would it feel good if Mommy did this?” She lifted her free foot, and pressed it against her son’s cock. She was rewarded with a moan. She pulled her other foot free, and he looked at her like a child that had been deprived of their favorite toy. But his expression changed when it joined the other foot touching his dick. She let both feet encircle Mark’s engorged member. Then ever so slowly, she began to stroke it with her feet. She’d never done anything like this before. Her late husband and few other sexual partners had never requested anything like this. Still, by the way her son was moaning, she’d say she was a natural. “I believe I saw the term, footjob, in your history. Is that what this is?” she asked innocently.

“Oh fuck,” Peter said in his voice. “This kid’s always dreamed of something like this. Too bad I’m the one that gets to enjoy it, and with his mother’s feet at that.”

“Peter!” Christine’s voice snapped. “Stay in the moment!” And then to shut him up, she brought a foot back up to Mark’s lips. In Sara’s voice, she said, “Did I get them clean enough for you, Mark. I gave them so much attention because, well, I thought you’d like to look at them up close. I didn’t intend for it to go this far though.”

As the other foot encircled his dick, Mark opened his mouth and began licking the bottom of her feet, from sole to toe. “”Oh, they’re clean alright.”

“Oh, Mark,” Sara’s voice moaned. “This is turning me on so much. I haven’t been treated like a woman for so long. We should stop before it goes any further.” Her words didn’t match her actions, because even as she said them, she spread her legs at the knees, and shoved the front of the thong to the side. This gave Mark an unfettered view of her glistening snatch. She began to rub it slowly. She wanted to quench the burning ache she felt there. “We should stop, right Mark?”

Mark fervently shook his head side to side.

“Well if you get to put Mommy’s toes in your mouth, I think it’s only fair that you let your mother put something of yours in hers.” She withdrew her feet and kneeled facing him on the bed. Her hands lightly gripped his penis and squeezed. “You're such a big boy. I don’t know if I can fit it all in, but I’m going to try.” 

She lowered her head, put her elbows on the bed, and slowly took her son’s cock into her mouth. At first, it was just the tip. Her tongue greedily lapped up on the pre cum. There wasn’t near enough of it. She longed to taste more of him. More of her son. She crawled forward, and took inch after inch of him into her mouth. And then she began to slide her lips up and down his shaft. While she did, her tongue never stopped moving. She was on a mission now. She wouldn’t stop until she gave her son release.

“Uh, Christine. I mean, Mom. That feels really good. Too good! This body isn’t going to be able to-to…oh, here we go!”

Christine had sucked a lot of cock in many bodies. Some couldn’t take it, others faired better, but Sara took her son’s spunk like a pro. She didn’t lose suction as it spewed into her mouth, and quickly and efficiently, she swallowed it down her throat. When she finally relinquished his cock, it was as clean as her feet.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve never had a girl go down on me before.”

Sara sat up and stroked his cheek. “That’s okay. As hard as you were, I didn’t think you’d last too long. I hope you recover quickly though.”


“Because I’d like you to stick that hard dick into more than just my mouth.”

“Really?” Mark asked excitedly.

“Really. I’m afraid you’ve got mommy very hot and bothered. But I can’t wait for your dick to recover. I’ll need you to tend to Mommy right away.”

“I’ll do anything you say, Mom.”

“I know you will, son.” She unfastened the bustier, and took it off, then pulled down the red thong. She lay back down on the bed fully naked, and spread her legs. “Have you ever eaten a woman out before?”

Mark shook his head no.

“Well I’ll teach you.” She used her fingers to spread her pussy. “You see this?” she asked, as she pointed to her clit. “It feels very good when I rub here. I’d like you to put your tongue there. Move it up and down, and side to side, and every so often, I want you to stick it way up inside me right here. Can you do that for your very horny Momma?”

“Yes, ma’am.” 

A new wave of moisture coated her pussy as Mark began licking her. The way he did, it certainly seemed like he was lying about never having done it before. “That’s it Mark. You’re doing so good, baby. Oh, bring a hand up here and squeeze Mommy’s tits.”

A strong arm reached up and began groping and pawing at her boobs. “Do you like my tits, Mark? Have you ever thought about them before?” She thought she heard a muffled yes. “Of course you have. They’re amazing, aren’t they? They got so much bigger after I had you. It’s only natural to want to sneak a peek at them. To want to put your hands and mouth on them. You did it when you were little, and now you’re doing it again. Feel them. Grab them. Pull at them. Yes. Yes! That’s Mommy’s good little pervert. You are a pervert, aren’t you, Mark, with your face buried in your mother’s pussy. You love it, don’t you? Oh right there. Right there! Oh, fuck! Yes. Yes! Harder! Use that long tongue of yours. Yes!”

Her hips began to buck and writhe. And then Mark’s tongue went deep inside her as she came. 

She let out a few longs breaths, then said, “Oh, sweetie. That was-”

Before she could finish, he had lifted a leg onto his shoulder. He spread her other leg just a little bit, and then he stuck his rejuvenated penis into her and began thrusting for all he was worth. 

“Oh!” she screamed with pleasure. “Oh fuck! What are you doing Mark? Oh, I was wrong about you! You are a damned pervert, fucking your mom’s pussy like this! Please, please lick my foot while you pound mommy’s pussy!”

Mark did. His tongue was a blur on her foot. His dick was a blur in her drenched pussy. Peter was able to go on for longer this time, and he loved every second of it as he watched Sara come again and again and again. Finally, he erupted in her a second time. His strength left him, and he flopped onto the bed next to her.

After they lay there for several minutes, Peter’s voice mumbled. “That was amazing. Should we…should we clean them up and go back home?”

“We’re in no rush,” Christine’s voice panted. “We could stay inside these bodies for the night. Or the weekend.”

Peter chuckled. “I think you really liked it this mother son roleplay. You might be one of those bodyhopping degenerates I’ve heard so much about.”

“Oh be quiet. This was a one time thing.”

“Was it?”

“I mean…well. I suppose now I’m more open to trying something new.”

The end?



Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by Kripto, reposted with permission. 

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