Turbulent soul’s second chance

Chapter 5: 4. New destination

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I clean my face with magic and put my phone in storage, it seems like using a cellphone takes a lot of aura, I feel my aura is not more than half now

Spending 3/4 aura just by reading chat is very wasteful, well it's a very useful item with my cell phone can communicate like on earth, what is distance? I do not recognize

I'll try to unlock my phone when my aura is fully recovered, maybe my friends haven't got their phones either because I can see their contacts are inactive

"Blurgg blurgg"

Ohhh the slimes will wake up soon, all the puddles are starting to form again and there are a lot of slimes here with various colors, maybe more than 300 slimes now

'How did he manage to put all this together, so scary'

I see there is a slime that is very different from the others, it has a different color from all the slimes here, there are red, blue, green, yellow, black and the last one is the only color that is different, namely purple

Heck is this handsome boy planning to invade another world? I'm sure if he's serious about invasion then he'll be a troubling opponent

The slimes are still busy shaping themselves, their bodies are like transparent jelly every movement also makes them vibrate violently and I'm tempted to touch them

'Well it might be fine if you just touch it'

I took the purple slime and sure enough the sensation was very squishy, ​​I picked it up and carried it it was so slippery that I held it a little tight

Playing it is so much fun like I can play this forever and never get bored BUT I can proudly say when compared to my boobs it's still far behind

'Ha if playing with slime feels like its softness makes everyone never get bored, then my boobs will ensnare everyone and pull deeper'

I'm not bragging because I'm talking about facts, well I don't know if it's a fact or not because it's just my opinion when I touch my boobs, maybe it's one of the effects of the goddess of beauty's divine protection?

"Blurgg blurgg"

Ah he's awake, I'm too busy with my very unimportant thoughts to forget the situation around me

"Hello sir slime my name is Ezra Elfrida, maybe you already know who I am but your master passed out followed by all of you, are you feeling well?" -Ezra

'Ehh wait a minute does he understand what I'm saying'

"Blurgg blurgg"

'Hmm he seems to understand, it's a bit strange talking to slimes but he looks very smart and wise'

All the slime groups wake up one by one. Such a scene is also very amazing, looking to the side I still see the peaceful face of a handsome boy lying down

Maybe it will take a long time for him to wake up and what will I do now?, I don't feel hungry or sleepy and my body is clean even though I don't shower

And do slimes need special treatment? , they look like they are so well groomed I don't know what I can do to help them

"Blurg Blurg Blurg"

"Eh what's up sir slime is there something you need?" -Ezra

I looked at the slime I was carrying and noticed it slowly turned pink? Hmm is he nervous to be around me, so cute fufufu

I brought him close to my face, he flinched and now the color is completely pink

'So cute!'

"Is there a problem sir slime? if there is a problem then I will gladly help" -Ezra


'Hmm it seems there's nothing to worry about seeing how relaxed he is, well even though he looks really nervous in front of me he looks like he's really enjoying it'

Looks like I need to process the information I just gathered while waiting for the handsome boy to wake up, the slime army will be more than enough to protect him

"Okay sir slime I will be patrolling for a while while you guys will keep it safe, are you guys okay?" -Ezra

The slime army gathered and answered in unison like 'blurggg! ' can slimes only speak blurg? it might not be a kind of talking but more like air in water bubbling

'Wait how come they can be so obedient to strangers do they consider me a comrade? '

Judging from the moves the slime troop made it look like it thinks I'm one of them or more? It's a bit strange to see all the slimes looking down and escorting me out of the camp that was just set up just a moment ago

Can they read someone's intentions? I really want to be friends with him and don't have any bad intentions, maybe he knows my intentions

Or do they think of me as their potential employer's partner? if they think like that then it will be very confusing I'm confused what will I do if they are like that

'Too pretty can sometimes cause some trouble'

Well I hope I just misunderstood the behavior of the slimes, there will be many partners who are better than me and more sincerely love him because of course he is an overpowered isekai MC there will be many women who stick to him

That's when I will shine and find my own harem haha ​​what a perfect plan

Thinking about my requirements about making my super cool background also finally known

I just need to go to Gehena city right? is my family there, if i have a previous family why didnt god give information about it

Am I the hidden princess who had a rare disease and ended up being dumped in the forest? Or is it like the novel I read about a sibling bickering who betrays his sister for the sake of his fiancé and inheritance?

I will find out when I get there and also it looks like it will take a few days to get there, this world is HUGE like 3 times the size of the earth

There are thousands of small Kingdoms with the human race having the most kingdoms, and as the god explained at the beginning that this world has various races living together, there is no word for the territory of this race or the special territory of that race all living together as if nothing had happened.

There is also a very large Empire that leads various small countries around it, one of which is the Edenbell Empire which controls 1/4 of the land stretching from the north to the west of the continent.

You are reading story Turbulent soul’s second chance at novel35.com

That's the territory I'm currently in and the city we're going to is one of the big cities belonging to the Edenbell Empire it might take around a few days to get there.

'Huftt I seem to be delaying my service further for things I need to do first'

I returned to the slime camp when it was dark, of course I set up a domain so that nothing untoward happened

When I reached the camp I saw a handsome boy who had woken up sitting in front of the bonfire and talking to the purple slime

'Hm looks like he looks really good'

I walked over and it seemed like they knew where I was because the handsome boy looked like he was preparing himself to go into battle with the purple slime on his right shoulder trying to cheer him up.

'Damn what kind of situation is this, and also where are the other slimes? , ahh let's just sit down and warm up'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The ancient great forest, that's the nickname given to that dangerous area by all the inhabitants of this world, the area is very wide and filled with various monsters

Only a few people can come back alive while exploring the area in the great ancient forest because it is inhabited by various exotic monsters where the legendary monsters live to build their nests.

Most people will only explore the middle of the forest even though it's still dangerous monsters in the middle of the forest can still be handled by making a party or really strong people to explore the middle of the forest alone

And here we are outside the great ancient forest to the west of the forest there is a campsite with a very awkward situation, sitting around the bonfire is a very beautiful woman accompanied by a handsome man with slime on his right shoulder who is trying to talk to the woman next to him.

"P-pardon my rudeness earlier m-my name is Zero Kenzo and this is Yummy, thanks for taking care of me and my slime squad haha" -Kenzo

Kenzo nervously spoke to his savior, even though he had spoken to many types of people and could follow various directions of conversation, BUT the current situation was different, he was now dealing with a goddess... Not not a goddess but the goddess of all goddesses

"Fufufu.. It's okay it's not a big problem, everyone will help if they see the person he's greeting suddenly faints" -Ezra

Ezra answered kenzo with an understanding smile that showed his sincerity

Silence overtook them for a moment after Kenzo woke up from his daydream and tried to find a topic to stop the awkward atmosphere

"No.. not everyone helps like you do Miss Ezra, I really appreciate the help you give I am indebted to you" -Kenzo

Kenzo's whole life only saw everyone in his life doing things with ulterior motives and when he met the pure Ezra made him very happy

Even though Kenzo now doesn't have the wealth and fame like on earth and there's no profit whatsoever to take advantage of it he's very sure that Ezra won't be the same as those tycoons.

He feels comfortable being around him like all good things will happen if it comes to her

'Oh the goddess of life I am very grateful for moving me here, I will live proudly and make the reputation of the goddess of life rise, I will also take good care of your children please help mother-in-law'

Ezra tilted his head subconsciously, he was confused to see Kenzo looking like he was brooding like reminiscing about the past and suddenly raised his hand like praying with a strange expression on his face

'Is he an idiot? why did he do something like that in front of me, anyone who saw him would think he was stupid'

Yummy who saw it all felt sorry for her employer and wished the best for her sanity

After a while kenzo immediately came back from his busy life and looked at Ezra full of confidence in his eyes

"So rest now Miss Ezra let me and the slimes watch the night for you" -Kenzo

Kenzo's tone is filled with pure concern and concern

"Ahh it's fine I've created a domain around the camp area so nothing bad will happen" -Erzia

Hearing that Kenzo felt annoyed with himself for being protected by a beautiful woman, he should be the one who should start all the initiatives, he felt bad being helped and cared for by his savior

'Damn I'm so stupid'

"I owe you Ms. Ezra so let me take care of everything, my assassin slime will monitor the area and the dirt slime will build a wall around the camp so it will be very safe" -Kenzo

Ezra was a bit surprised to hear about Kenzo's slime assassin and the various skills that his slime squad possessed, Ezra imagined that very cute slimes could do things beyond common sense.

'What the hell is this too much isn't the slime army really scary, oiii someone please nerf this bastard he's too strong for someone new to another world'

Ezra didn't realize that it was not only Kenzo who was very strong but she himself was also very unreasonable

"Okay I will accept thanks and can I call you Kenzo? I don't want anything from you but if you insist I will be happy if we are friends in the future" -Ezra

Ezra decided to accept Kenzo's help considering his aura was running out and the problems on Kenzo's face, and now Ezra was holding out his right hand like a handshake position waiting for Kenzo's reaction to Ezra's friend request.

And sure enough Kenzo's troubled expression disappeared like never before and was replaced with happiness at hearing his goddess' friend request

"I would be very lucky to have a friend like Miss Ezra" -Kenzo

Kenzo shook the hand of the goddess which felt so soft and small, it was so unexpected that this tiny hand that slaughtered all the orcs

"Please just call me Ezra, I'll be counting on you for the future Kenzo" -Ezra

'Why are his hands so big, were my hands like this before too'

"T-then ask for your help as well for the future Ezra" -Kenzo

The cold night sky and the eerie atmosphere of the forest filled with monsters became a symbol of the friendship between the overly careful genius beautiful girl and the handsome man who found his new destination which he was about to go through, leaving the forgotten Yummy that made him cry in his heart.

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