Turbulent soul’s second chance

Chapter 6: 5. Beautiful girl title

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POV - Ezra

After I became friends with Kenzo we agreed to go to the city together, I spent time talking about various things that night, such as his story before arriving here, his adventures with the slimes and discussing what to do when we arrived in town.

Kenzo also knew my story about me becoming a champion and of course I didn't tell him that I was an ex-boy, we also became closer to the point that there was no awkwardness at all

My tastes really suit him, we have a lot in common, so approaching him feels easier and a little more fun

We are both running away from real life and he also has the same opinion with various novels I read, REALLY having friends who have the same taste is very nice

Even though I'm very close with my three friends on earth they have different tastes to me, ohh come on what's fun about Mazin who always spends time with meetings and Normie who looks at everyone with an angelic heart as if she is a naive MC who wants to see everyone happy , or the very gloomy Rufle

I had time to think about their fate when they were moved here, I also had time to check my cell phone once again and check if the contact was active which was still not

I really want to meet them and talk about many things, I'm curious what elements they have and I also can't wait to see the various races that I will meet... Will their appearance be the same as the novels I read? And how the building looks in this world I'm really looking forward to it

Among the races in this world I most look forward to meeting an elf, who wouldn't want to meet him? I'll make sure my harem members will have elf fufufu.. And how beastkins look in this world, I've seen a lot of cat girl cosplays on earth and none of them caught my eye, they don't seem to blend in with their head-mounted ears

Polygamy and same-sex relationships are allowed in this world, this world is very free and there are tools to make offspring even if the sex is the same, well that will make it easier for me to continue my plans later

I won't be too ambitious about making a huge harem or dating anyone I meet, maybe two people is enough? I'm not going to be a harem maniac who makes wishes and hangs them up like jewelry to just celebrate, I'll be very serious and give everything I can... fufufu am I so cool

My journey with Kenzo was also very smooth nothing can stop us with the strength of the group we have, the teamwork goes very well and VERY VERY comfortable when traveling with an army of slimes who can do anything

Every time we rest the slimes will build a camp and a large wall that surrounds it, plus slime that can cook or slime that makes the hot spring bath in the tent very comfortable

Well... Even though there were some problems like Kenzo accidentally peeking at me in the bath and ending up unconscious for a whole day

REALLY luck that I envy so much, if I accidentally peek at a very beautiful girl like me on earth before it will be the most beautiful moment of my life

But I'm a victim here, I feel like I'm being a heroin accidentally peeked by a cliché harem MC which irritates me even more and vents my anger when Kenzo wakes up electrocuting him until his whole body is charred

He was very sorry for his actions and promised not to make the same mistake in the future but the expression on his face betrayed his words because it was clearly a happy face, I was wondering if he was a masochist because he looked happy when I tortured him

I ignored Kenzo during the ride the next morning still annoyed, I wasn't annoyed at being peeped because it was pure accident and my quick reflex covered me with a towel and pulled an electric sword at his neck when I thought he was an intruder

I'm so annoyed with the luck he has, this feels like an MC story with luck with an inhuman woman, I did expect Kenzo to become a female magnet by relying solely on his luck BUT why did I end up in his damn harem circle

Realizing I'm still angry he bribed me by giving me slime metal which was rare enough for me to forgive him, Kenzo got slime metal while fighting a giant ant monster in an abandoned mineral mine, why does he always get lucky every time he does something?

If I had known Kenzo while still on earth I would have no doubt borrowed his hand to squeeze my gacha

Well I also didn't intend to prolong this matter so I gladly accepted the gift... and also the metal slime is very cute and small, unlike the other slimes it's silver in color and when touched it's really nice compared to other slimes

I gave him the German name Silber from silver, I think it suits him because of the silver color and do slimes have gender?... I'm sure all slimes have mimicry skills to make a human form but I need a victim to eat Silber

I decided to think about the matter later and continue the journey which is now about 1 more day's journey away, I spent a total of 5 days in the wilderness with these idiots

The dense forest began to diminish and the monsters became weaker as they went further out of the forest, my group also found a dirt road that I thought led to the city and followed it.

Supposedly if I go alone and use the lightning movement skill I should be in town in a few hours, this group is spending too much time exploring or waiting for Kenzo to tame all the slimes found on the road.

Kenzo's slime count greatly increased from 300s to 1000+ slimes, damn it increased more than 3 times the initial amount, the slime squad is now divided into Yummy in the highest general position below him there are lieutenants general of every color and below again each lieutenant has 2 majors subordinates in command of 100 slimes under him

WTF YOU JOKE WITH ME FUCKING... and here I am walking towards the city followed by thousands of slime troops behind me, I feel like I'm going to war with the city of Gehena

I'm a little afraid that Gehena city will misunderstand the purpose of my next visit, who wouldn't misunderstand if suddenly a group of slimes approached the city, hmm wait... Will the city guards take my group seriously because thousands of slimes are approaching the city? aren't slimes the weakest monsters.. maybe they will laugh to death if they see this sight

It's possible that they will ignore these slimes, well I hope the guards don't mind this too much

The Silber I was carrying also slightly trembled in fear because of the slime behind me now, the slime squad seemed to be looking at Silber with intense hostility.

'Ohh what a pity my adorable Silber... Silber when shaking is really cute too! '

"Hey Kenzo tell your soldiers not to scare silber like that" -Ezra

"Ahh I've warned them many times but it's still useless" -Kenzo

"Hmm? how can they dispute their own master" -Ezra

'That's so weird.. I get goosebumps imagining the slimes carrying out a coup and plotting to rule the world'

"Well I can't do anything... the slimes seem to have a will of their own when it comes to you, looks like they're jealous of silber" -Kenzo

"Is that so... seems a bit troublesome" -Ezra

"It's very very troublesome you know, I was surprised when they denied me the first time" -Kenzo

I continued to chat with kenzo for a while until I saw a strange sight

Some distance from my current location I saw a simple campground with 6 tents surrounding a bonfire with a few carriages and horses, I also saw a group of about 30 people around the camp

If I judge from what I've seen it's clearly a bandit group, but it's not like the clichéd bandits I imagined... even though the clothes are shabby and unkempt the face and body are very different

His face is sculpted and looks dignified with a proportioned body that looks like a trained knight... really if they intend to disguise themselves as bandits then their disguise is very poor.

If I think about it again, the camp looks like it's just been built, looking at the surrounding area that doesn't leave any traces of any activity, and looking from the direction they're coming from, it looks like they're from the city we're going to.

Is there a noble conflict in that city?…are they making trouble by planning to pretend to be bandits to suppress or slander the other party? And who is the good side?

Many questions in my head right now, I don't want to get involved in noble politics but I need to know them to decide what I will do next

If I turn out to be an unknown noble's son then I will still be involved later with noble politics

Knowing which side will favor me is the best for now, I need to make a little bet here... okay good plan

"Kenzo wait here a minute I want to do something with them" -Ezra

"Not too dangerous I'll come too" -Kenzo

"Hey I'm very strong you know, you already know my strength right Kenzo" -Ezra

"Yes indeed you are strong but it never hurts to be more careful" -Kenzo

"Tch.. well quickly hide your slimes and follow me" -Ezra

"Okay captain" -Kenzo

After kenzo finished hiding the slime troop, me and kenzo walked towards the bandit camp and after half way from the camp everyone noticed our presence

Everyone's attention immediately turned to me and ignoring Kenzo who was next to me, I wonder how the natives of this world think about my appearance

But it seems I understand what they think just by seeing their reaction the first time they see me... and it seems I had my hopes up for them and was a bit disappointed

They all looked at me lustfully with disgusting smiles clearly on their faces, and now I know who's on the good side here

I honestly wanted to talk to them for a bit but since they quickly show their true nature then talking is not necessary

"Hahahahaha what a coincidence I really need entertainment because I mostly work.. slurpp.." -Bandit A

"A very beautiful woman hehe.. just looking at her makes me want to fuck her" Bandit B

"Who is fast he will get it" Bandit C

"Catch the woman alive and kill the man to be used as dog food" Bandit D

REALLY did they think I would obey or a weak beautiful girl who couldn't protect herself? well if i were in their position i would probably think so too

But shouldn't they be more careful did they never think this was a trap... or they couldn't think straight because they were too lustful?

And seeing Kenzo's reaction next to me it seems like he will torture them and kill in the most painful way

I kinda feel sorry for the bandits but they have pissed me off, I respect women above all you know, and they will bully me who is now a woman

You are reading story Turbulent soul’s second chance at novel35.com

I am not a hero who saves everyone, nor am I a naive person who wants everyone to be saved but I am very angry when anyone harasses women

So I will kill them all quickly, if I don't kill them here then there will be another victim to be targeted

I circulated my aura throughout my body to the maximum extent and emitted it in all directions around me which created a huge energy wave centered on me and destroyed everything around me.

"What the hell is this?!" - Bandit B

"Preparing something will..." -Bandit A

"Bruttle burst" -Ezra


"""Gyaaa...! """



Everything around me was blown away including the bandits, the camp was razed to the ground and there was no sign of life left from the bandits.. leaving a big crater around me

I'm also not stupid to leave evidence when doing something, I use this skill in addition to instant kill because if I kill them with another skill and leave evidence that they were killed by the lightning element then it will trouble me later

With this they might be considered dead by elements other than lightning fufufu..

"I'm a bit disappointed with them... I think they're an authoritative knight of justice" -Ezra

"Don't judge someone by their appearance Ezra is a lot of people who are only good on the outside and rotten on the inside" -Kenzo

"Looks like you're very skilled with people like that huh fufufu..." -Ezra

"O-of course... I always deal with tie-down rotten people every day on earth that I doubted if there were still good people in the world, but..now I found them..." -Kenzo

"Hmm? You look really happy" -Ezra

"Yes I am very very happy" -Kenzo

"Well that's good then.. we should hurry up and continue our journey, if we are on time we might arrive at noon" -Ezra

"Okay captain I'll call the slimes and continue on their way" -Kenzo

"I told you not to call me captain.. hmph.." -Ezra

"Keughh.. o-okay then wait for me here I'll be right back" -Kenzo

"Quick.. if for 1 minute you still haven't gathered, I still have a lot of skills that I haven't tested.. fufufu.. " -Ezra

"Ehh why so fast, isn't that too cruel?" -Kenzo

"50 seconds left" -Ezra

"Ready to carry out" -Kenzo


Am I so scary that he runs that fast? I thought he was a masochist but he's still a normal person.. and what I'm going to do with these corpses, maybe letting him go is the most appropriate step

Hmm maybe looting some money can still be done fufufu.. it will be very necessary if you have to pay when passing through the city gate

"... woaah there are 7 gold coins, 12 silver coins and 21 bronze coins here..luckyy" -Ezra

"Capt.. I mean Ezra, the slime squad is ready, we can go now" -Kenzo

"Ohh you came back early, well there's no need to waste any more time let's continue our journey" -Ezra

"Okay" -Kenzo

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Near the ancient great forest just west of the forest section is a large city fortress that protects the Empire's territory from monster invasion

The city is called Gehena... yes it is the city where Ezra and Kenzo are currently headed, this city is ruled by a duke in the Empire, the city's buildings resemble medieval

This city is very peaceful, seen from the sight of many people doing activities with peaceful smiles on their faces

There are no homeless people anywhere, the security of the city is also very good with a 100 meter high stone fortress surrounding the city and patrolling guards seen everywhere.

The sunny days add to life the atmosphere of the city with adventurers who have just returned from quests

Decorated with various kinds of shops and traveling merchants lined the city streets, it really adds value to the peace of this city

It was the condition before the great chaos occurred… not because of the bandit attacks or the invasion of the monsters that attacked the city

Chaos happened because of the person who just entered the city with the boy following behind

Yaaa it's Ezra and kenzo...everyone saw Ezra who looked like a child who got a new toy, Ezra was very amazed and happy to see the first city she had just visited

Ezra looked at the various shops and walked around the city seeing all the things he had never known with a happy expression on his face.

Ezra also bought some meat skewers which ended up getting a bonus from the seller who now had a satisfied expression on his face seeing the beautiful girl in front of him happy for the bonus.

Ezra didn't realize that she was being watched by everyone because he was too happy with the city she had just visited

The various activities in the city stopped... pedestrians stopped, people eating or at the shop came out wondering what was going on, followed by the horse-drawn carriage driver crashing into the building in front of him out of focus... Everyone was paying attention to the beautiful girl who just visited the city

Normally everyone would scoff at looking like a country bumpkin who had just seen the city, but this situation was very different... everyone was mesmerized by Ezra's beauty and the reaction on his adorable face captured the hearts of all who saw her.

Ezra quickly became the topic of conversation for everyone in the city, to the point that there was no one who didn't talk about the news of a beautiful girl visiting the city.

Various nicknames were made by everyone in the city...and this is where the nickname Diosa del arcoiris which means goddess of the rainbow was agreed upon by everyone because Ezra's hair and eyes sparkled like a rainbow

Meanwhile Ezra who was looking for an inn didn't know what was going on, she was too busy to pay attention to his surroundings

On the other hand everyone looks at Kenzo with different eyes from Ezra, everyone thinks Kenzo is a stalker because he always follows Ezra from behind like a fly

Kenzo was given a very bad rating by everyone... seeing how Kenzo brought some of the slimes that followed him made Kenzo looked down upon and depraved which had a bad influence on Ezra because everyone now knows where the silver slime that Ezra carried while walking around the city came from

It turns out that slime in this world is often used to molesting women or to create protection during sexual intercourse, slime can also be used as a stimulant

And this is the story of how our two characters who accidentally win the hearts of everyone in the city and on the other hand accidentally misunderstand everyone in the city who ends up hating him.

Ezra and Kenzo decided to find lodging for today and go to the adventurer guild tomorrow to register and become official adventurers

Ezra was looking forward to tomorrow to go to the adventurer's guild, on the other hand Kenzo got a very unpleasant feeling when entering the city.

Ezra and Kenzo were now at the inn recommended by the gatekeeper when Ezra said he would stay in the city

And it's true that the inn looks comfortable and clean even though it's not too big, and the price is also affordable... After booking a room for 3 days they went into their respective rooms and rested from a tiring day's journey in the forest

The room is not too big but there is a bathroom here, the room design is also simple ... there is only a table and chairs with some decorative paintings and flower pots, the wardrobe and mattress are also quite large with a window on the side of the mattress

Ezra lay on the bed and stretched all his muscles, enjoying the sensation of a soft mattress after days in the forest making him sleepy for the first time.

'Tough day but not too bad, the city is also very nice... but why does the inn receptionist look unhappy when she sees Kenzo? '

Yes, that was Ezra's thought before actually falling asleep and leaving all his thoughts behind, he decided to enjoy his sleep as his body began to relax and release all the burdens in his body.

On the other hand Kenzo couldn't sleep because of the bad feeling that had invaded him since entering the city... leaving him awake all night

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