Turbulent soul’s second chance

Chapter 9: 8. Duty from God

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POV - Ezra

After I returned to the inn, Kenzo went straight to the bathroom while I lay on the bed not knowing what to do, Silber was still making the sword and it was shaped like a rapier it might take a few more days to finish.

I don't feel the need to sleep and I don't feel hungry at all I'm still a bit confused as to why I'm like this One of the things I think about is my different race

I decided to go see my new little sister, looked for her downstairs and the kitchen couldn't find her, but I could hear people talking in the backyard of the inn.

When I peeked I saw 2 people talking I couldn't hear them but one of them was Grace and on the other side was a man with the same hair and eye color as Grace

'Is it just me if they look like brothers?' Ezra thought

Maybe it's fine to bother them for a bit I'm also curious about the guy who looks a lot like Grace

"Hi sister Grace I was looking for you everywhere but you are here" -Ezra

"Ehh.. Ezra you're back?" -Grace

"Ha do you know the goddess why don't you tell me" -Roy

'Does my presence bother them?' Ezra thought

"Ezra are you okay I heard that stalker is doing something again" -Grace

"Stalker..?" -Ezra

"Yes, I saw it myself this afternoon" -Roy

Wait was it midday when Kenzo and I walked towards the guild, did they think of Kenzo as a stalker? Lmao Is that why Kenzo looks so hated oh so poor, but I need to confirm it

"There seems to be a misunderstanding here, can you tell me what news actually spread" -Ezra

After hearing their explanation I froze for a moment, I didn't expect I'd be so popular in 1 night but I kinda feel sorry for Kenzo

It turns out that slime in this world is used for things like that, it's hard not to misunderstand if someone is going to carry slime around town

Ahh this is how it feels to be so popular this feeling isn't bad hehe, they also do it for my good too, indeed this world is only fair if you are a beautiful woman

But I have to defuse the rumors about Kenzo, there's no way I'll let my female magnet fall

"Sister it seems that everyone has misunderstood" -Ezra

"Misunderstanding?" -Grace

I explained so much about my adventure with Kenzo and explained that if he was a good person they wouldn't believe it at first, but since I brought out the secret tear skill, they immediately believed.

"That's how it turns out that we all misunderstood" -Grace

"I'm glad you can understand, Erm and who is sister?" -Ezra

"Ahh.. he is my brother his name is Roy hey why are you hiding there hurry here.." -Grace

"I'm still not ready to meet the goddess please" -Roy

Goddess? I also heard earlier that he called me a goddess, well I would be happy if someone saw me as a goddess but after I met the god of war I feel I don't deserve to be called a goddess

"Idiot brother.. sorry Ezra he is a bit shy" -Grace

"It's fine but why is he calling me a goddess?" -Ezra

"Ahh that's the name the fan group came up with to describe your beauty" -Grace

"What's a fan club?" -Ezra

"Ekhemm.. if you have free time please visit our headquarters Me and everyone in the group will be very happy with your visit" -Roy

"How could Ezra go to that disgusting place you idiot" -Grace

Wow they have also created my own fan group, it seems I am also a little interested in meeting them, I can also try the benefits of my divine protection, with the combination of the goddess of beauty and the god of war I seem to have a very high charm

"Alright I'll visit you guys later" -Ezra

"Ehhh..?" -Grace and Roy

After talking for a while about my fan group, I went into the room again and sat on the bed practicing my aura, I also made a very useful skill just by imagining a waterwheel but replacing water with an aura made it always spin like a power plant making my aura increase along with it. time

I stopped practicing at sunrise to cleanse myself with magic and seeing Silber still making swords, I exited the room and headed for Kenzo's room.

But I stopped when I saw Yummy who was in the hallway as if calling me closer, really this slime is very smart

After I approached Yummy telling me that Kenzo wouldn't be leaving the room today because he was busy practicing, well maybe yesterday's incident motivated him to become stronger.

After hearing that I waved at Yummy and left the inn alone and how could I understand what Yummy was saying when she just said Blurgg and Blurgg? it's just instinct

I'm thinking of going to the adventurer's guild today and selling the monsters I killed on the way to the city, I really need money bro

When I arrived and entered the guild, everyone's attention turned to me again, but I got used to it and after hearing the true incident from Grace, I kind of enjoyed it when someone worshiped me. so I don't really mind it

"Ahh Miss Ezra did you come here for a quest?" -Receptionist

"Yes do you have any recommendations for me?" -Ezra

"The guild master told me to tell you to do the infinite subjugation quest, you can kill all the monsters and sell them to the guild" -Receptionist

Wow I didn't expect to be given special treatment like this, it seems this guild master is quite good at finding good relations with promising adventurers huh, well then let's have a good relationship

"Well then, pass on my thanks to the guild master" -Ezra

"Yes I will pass it on" -Receptionist

I leave the guild heading outside the gate, I intend to hunt a somewhat powerful monster but before that I want to visit the army of slimes living outside the gate.

I use one of my proudest creation skills which allows me to walk on air, I run magnetic currents in my feet making them face each other making the feet feel like they are walking on air

I named it the electric trail, I used it in the middle of the city and combined it with the lighting movement it made me look like I was flying, I immediately exited the city and headed towards the slime army camp.

Haha it's really fun to fly at high speed, after seeing the slime camp a bit far from the city wall I slowed down and landed in the middle of the camp making all the slime troops look at me

"Hey how are you guys" -Ezra

All the slimes dispel their hostile intent when they see me coming and gathering around me

I spent a few minutes chatting with the slimes, I also asked the location of the strong monsters but the slimes didn't know and I thought going deeper into the forest would be the answer

But suddenly the slime assassin announced that a carriage with knight horses was seen on the road, I told them to stay in the camp while I checked the carriage.

I sneaked closer and saw a carriage with a tight escort heading towards the city, it seems they won't disturb the slime camp

It seems that the people on the carriage are very important, and the crests of the chariots and knights look the same as the bandit knights I killed, but they are wearing clothes in a dominant blue color in contrast to the bandit knights who are red.

Could they be the other party in conflict with the bandit knight group? it's very possible

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But there doesn't seem to be any profit if I get involved, I don't even know my own background, but judging by their appearance, they look quite friendly and kind, they might be from a good group. maybe if i want to get in touch with their family i have to interact with the knight who wears blue dominant clothes

*Tingg Tingg*

'Hmm what is this.. ' Ezra thought

I like hearing notification from my phone, I open my phone and see there is an unread notification it's a message from God of war

Damn, I thought my friend who contacted me turned out to be a message from a god, why did a god contact me? I opened the message and read its contents

'Yo what a coincidence you meet a member of the duke helium family I have found a suitable task for you there is an ancient trumpet in the duke treasure room it was my item lost accidentally so take it back good luck' God of War

Damn why is he so sudden but I can't complain it's a requirement I made myself when I was sent here, I have to do it but what should I do?

There are no monsters around me that can't be the hero that saves them, should I ask the slimes for help to attack them and play the hero? no, I'm not that bad

Hmm that seems like the only solution, I should use my acting skills now, but if I were to suddenly appear and stop them, I might end up being seen as a beggar or a robber.

Well maybe being so equal is the most likely here, well let's do it

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Our Miss Eterna is close to the city" -Maid

"Yes I will soon meet that idiot big brother again" -Eterna

"Miss Eterna..." -Maid

"Yes yes I know Pica, I have to stand up for the heir struggle otherwise everyone in the city will suffer if that idiot big brother takes the lead." -Eterna

I have to be strong and be recognized by everyone if I want to be the successor but my brother's side is too brutal compared to me who is only the second child and doesn't have any influence.

"Hmm why did the carriage stop?"- Eterna


"Standby position and form defensive position protect lady carriage" -Knight

"Huh what is it?" -Eterna

I peeked out of the window and saw a huge 25 meter tall sword covering the road, it was a very strange situation if the sword landed on the carriage then I would definitely get seriously injured

I looked up and saw a beautiful girl sitting on the sword visor looking down with her legs crossed

"Yo forgive me if I greet you informally like this

Introduce I am the first princess of Elfrida kingdom, My name is Ezra Elfrida nice to meet you" -Ezra

"Elfrida Kingdom?" -Knight A

"I never heard of it before" -Knight B

"The world is wider than you know, I'm also not here to argue with you guys, I want to cooperate with the person in the carriage" -Ezra

She wants to work with me? what she wants from me and there doesn't seem to be any hostile intent from her, her demeanor and speech even her appearance is unquestionable if she's a princess.

But why did she come alone, why would a princess from another kingdom go straight to another country's noble alone

"You don't have to worry I have no ill will towards you guys, it seems you are having trouble with your family matters and it just so happens that our enemies are the same, I can support you but I also want something from you" -Ezra

It was a very tempting offer. I can get the support of another country's Princess makes my position strong but what does she want in return, It's very rude if I stay in the carriage, I have to greet him and discuss this cooperation

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

POV - Ezra

Uwaaaaa.. It's so tiring, I didn't expect to have a discussion with him until the afternoon, there's nothing special about the story

This isn't even a discussion, it's just a story about a young woman whose position is very vulnerable, I'm so amazed by her patience

The discussion ended with a cooperation agreement I will take the trumpet in return for my support

But I'm not even a real princess from the story I heard from Eterna also her position is really bad, this is going to be really tiring

Judging from Eterna's nature she wants everyone to be happy and minimize casualties as much as possible, it makes me have to start everything from her brother's faction, I have to pull out all the roots to tear down the tree. if I only target her brother then it will be a waste if there are no supporters on Eterna's side

I was a little surprised when I saw a beautiful woman get off the carriage and introduce herself that she is Eterna Helium, she is a beautiful woman with silky white hair and beautiful sky blue eyes, to be honest she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the world this

I'm now on my way to the inn, finally I didn't hunt 1 monster today maybe next time, I took the time to stop by the adventurer's guild to exchange the monster I killed for Kenzo on the way here, I got 40 gold coins that's quite a lot

After a few minutes I arrived and went into the room lying facing the ceiling thinking about the plan I was going to do

Hmm wait I almost forgot about my fan group, maybe I can make it my personal squad and make me like a real princess haha that's a good idea

Alright let's do it I don't have much time I walked out of the room downstairs looking for Grace, when I entered the inn I didn't see her here maybe she's back by now

And sure enough I saw Grace cleaning the table, I went over to her and hugged her from behind

"Hi sister.. " -Ezra

"Ahh Ezra when did you come back I didn't see you earlier" -Grace

"I just came, by the way sister I want to see my fan club now" -Ezra

"Are you sure?, it's a strange person's place" -Grace

"Is it not allowed?" -Ezra who put on a sad face

"O-of course you can..! " -Grace panics

'Lmao got you' Ezra thought

"Then wait for me to finish work" -Grace

"Okay sister" -Ezra with a triumphant smile

Hoho I've practiced all kinds of expressions, there's no way someone would reject me now

But where is Kenzo now he is still training? looks like he hasn't come out from this morning, well let it be bad if I bother him too much

It will be very troublesome if I act alone, having my own troops will be of great help

I hope they are reliable, I have thought of a plan I will do but the first thing I want to do is dispel the rumors that Kenzo is a stalker, I really feel sorry for him, and if I want to spread my identity as a princess then I need their contribution

I need to announce to everyone that I am a princess who is on good terms with Eterna and supports her, unfortunately I kinda regret claiming to be a princess but since it's like this I will continue it till the end

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