Turbulent soul’s second chance

Chapter 8: 7. Very smelly

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Located on the outskirts of town away from the crowds of an area so hidden that only certain people know it looks like an ordinary building that looks like it's about to collapse at any moment

Inside the broken house there is a person who looks like he is talking to himself and going back and forth angry about something

It was a man in his early twenties with a height of around 190cm, his good build couldn't be covered by his black tuxedo. he has a dark blue edgar haircut and the same eye color as his hair

"Hey what do you mean damn system I just finished an emergency quest but you are now telling me to complete an insane level quest" -??? 

"Ha do you want to kill me if I don't complete the quest within 2 days my male symbol will disappear this is a punishment heavier than death" -??? 

"I haven't even seen the reward I got from my chaos level quest" -??? 

"Damn what do you mean if I got lucky to get that heavenly gift" -??? 

"Well that's also true I also didn't expect to get a heavenly gift that the probability of appearing is very small" -??? 

*Knock Knock*

"Enter" -??? 

When the door opened, there was an old man with middle gray hair with a thick beard and mustache with a well-groomed body and wearing butler's clothes he entered the room closing the door and kneeling in front of the man who had been talking to himself.

"Sebastian have you found what I was looking for?" -??? 

"Sorry master Lugh I only found the location of its appearance earlier in the ancient majestic forest and judging by the traces it seems to have been in this city" -Sebastian

"Ok continue your work i will go for next 2 days make sure everything goes well when i go" -Lugh

"Be understood and be careful on the path of master Lugh" -Sebastian

A portal suddenly opens causing frictionless space to look like a black hole sucking in everything around it

"Okay let's quickly finish this, the system please track the location closest to the quest and teleport" -Lugh

Then the portal glowed and disappeared after a few seconds followed by Lugh who had teleported leaving Sebastian alone

"Then I should continue my duty now" -Sebastian

The butler walked out of the house making sure no one heard or knew about this secret place then he walked between the alleys and disappeared into the darkness.

Meanwhile on the other side of the city, just south of the city on the big city street, Ezra and Kenzo walked towards the adventurer's guild which was still some distance away and spent some time chatting.

"Do you understand now?" -Ezra

"Yes thank you there are 7 levels of adventurers with different colors the more aura you have the higher the level and the quest level is the same as the adventurer level" -Kenzo

"That's good even though the guild officers will definitely give us the information later but knowing beforehand is fine right" -Ezra

"Yes it is better to know early and where do you get this information.?" -Kenzo

"Did you see the inn receptionist before?" -Ezra

"Ahh it turns out she you look close to her" -Kenzo

"Yeah it just happened and by the way why is everyone looking at us from the start is there something on my face?" -Ezra

Since leaving the inn, so many gazes have been on them it makes Ezra feel happy because her business and ideal type of girl is so attractive to everyone.

"Umm I felt a look of hostility since coming out of the inn" -Kenzo

Kenzo thinks the terror he experienced last night is related to this hostile stare, and it seems that the culprit likes Ezra and is jealous of him.

'How dare they like my Goddess I have been trusted by the Goddess of life to do whatever I like in this world and I have found my purpose' Kenzo thought

It was at that moment that Kenzo steadied himself and took the first step

Kenzo walked beside Ezra who was now busy looking around admiring the various races he saw, Kenzo puffed out his chest and raised his head as high as possible showing his arrogance in front of everyone if Ezra was his.

Everyone around him cursed Kenzo as if telling him to stay away and looked at him with scornful eyes as if Kenzo was just an idiot who didn't know his place.

Kenzo felt the gaze he was receiving became more intense and that was a sign that his guess was right

'Yummy, do the secret move, I've been training you for days for today make sure it works

Kenzo sends a signal to Yummy to take action he has done his best to become closer to Ezra but the relationship stopped and never developed

Ezra had seen Kenzo's embarrassing state when she entered his room it made Kenzo feel his world would collapse so he wanted to leave a good impression or show his manhood

Yummy started his plan and broke the small parts of his body as small as possible and put them in the way Ezra was going.

Ezra who was too busy looking around did not see the puddle in front of her, Ezra looked at the female elf at the end of the road and thought about how beautiful the elf was.

When Ezra stepped on a puddle she slipped backwards, Ezra was surprised she was too deep in thought and before Ezra could balance herself. She was caught by Kenzo

Kenzo wrapped his arms around Ezra's hips supporting her and holding her free hand pulled her to his face

Ezra froze for a moment confused as to what was going on but she realized quickly and saw herself in such an embarrassing position she felt like she was being carried princess style by Kenzo and her face was so close

Ezra couldn't think straight even though his body was now a girl but mentally he was a real man, he felt this position was very embarrassing. but because she was too shy she turned her face away and covered it with her free left hand

Kenzo who saw Ezra blush and looked away thought his plan was successful, his days of struggle paid off made him very happy and made mocking faces shown to everyone around him


Like pouring gasoline into a fire, Kenzo's actions managed to anger everyone who saw him as if he wanted to kill him on the spot but everyone restrained themselves because Ezra was there.

Kenzo miraculously turned the city against him, there was an unwritten rule about making out with a very popular person but Kenzo ignored all the stares he received and led Ezra to his feet.

"Are you okay Ezra?" -Kenzo

"Uhh...yeah I'm fine" -Ezra 

Ezra's male pride was shattered because of what happened earlier but she remained silent because Ezra who underestimated men became better thanks to Kenzo's previous actions. Ezra who really appreciates women is touched by Kenzo's actions that save beautiful women even though Ezra is in her position she doesn't mind it.

"Thank you for helping me... " -Ezra

"Haha no need to think it's my job to help... " -Kenzo


The atmosphere became awkward for a moment before Ezra broke the atmosphere inviting Kenzo to continue walking towards the adventurer's guild

"Let's continue our journey" -Ezra

"Ahh that's right I almost forgot that we're heading to the adventurer's guild" -Kenzo

Ezra and Kenzo continued their journey to the adventurer's guild now that it was noon so they quickened their pace so as not to get dark.

Kenzo did not know that his title had now changed from Stalker to King of Stalkers, everyone who saw all that immediately spread the incident making him the target of extermination.

One of the men who saw the incident ran towards the bar at an inhumane speed. He had an unusual appearance for an ordinary person, his brown hair was slicked back and his golden eyes flashed with a well-proportioned body.

After the man got to the bar he immediately hit the door walking into the middle of the room calling attention to everyone inside


Everyone there was silent for a moment watching the person who was waiting for him to convey what information he was going to say

"O my comrades in arms here to convey what happened to our Goddess, That stalker is getting more and more into action and dares to touch our Goddess in public to provoke us!" -??? 

Everyone in the bar became bustling and angry, the bar was huge and there were around 700 people here

This is a fan club that just formed a few moments after Ezra entered the city and already has 700 members and is still growing, founded by 4 people one of whom is a man who announced information

Most of the members of this club are men and some are even married and join this club and another third are women

Not long after, 2 men and 1 woman stepped out of the crowd to meet a man who announced information

The man who had bright blue eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair with a body that was no less proportionate spoke first

"Hey Roy are you sure about that information?" -??? 

"Yes I saw it myself I swear do you not believe me Clif? -Roy

Hearing that confirmation The man who had blood red quiff hair and green eyes angrily interrupted them

"Damn it even though I threw stones at him all night in his room but he never gave up" -??? 

The young woman who had been silent for a long time spoke up to calm her friend down, she had a pretty face with shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes adding to her beauty.

"Calm down Ivan you get angry and shout too often can't you be quiet for a while" -??? 

Ivan took a deep breath and slowly managed to win himself over, the four of them were silent for a while to digest the information given until one of them finally spoke up.

"Lia what do you think?" -Clif

"It's easy to get rid of that stalker but we can't do it if he's always near the Goddess" -Lia

"Yeah from the information I got The stalker is an elemental summoner and just taming the slimes he won't be a problem" -Roy

You are reading story Turbulent soul’s second chance at novel35.com

"I really want to kill him" -Ivan

"Let's continue in the meeting room we can't do it here and calm down everyone who was here first they were so noisy" -Lia

Everyone agreed to discuss what they were going to do and postponed all moves to gather as much information as possible about the stalker and free their Goddess from bad influences.

Turning to the main road, Ezra and Kenzo were now close to the adventurer's guild, they could see in the distance that many people had returned from the quest. everyone was wearing heavy clothes and weapons hanging from their shirts, and on a closer look, they were all wearing rings on their fingers

On average everyone has a ring that is orange and yellow because Ezra and Kenzo already know what the color of the ring means they are not confused and can see everyone's level

Ezra didn't really care about his level because she was confident in his abilities and was sure she would get a level that was at least above average.

In fact, Ezra is more curious about the level that Kenzo will get because he is very strong just by taming slimes

'He's a powerful isekai MC there's no way he'll get a lower level' Ezra thought

And after walking for a few seconds they arrived at the adventurer's guild yard the presence of the two of them once again caught everyone's attention, and it seemed Ezra had gotten used to the attention she received judging by how calm she was.

The moment the two entered the adventurer's guild the smell of sweat pierced their noses and saw the sight of many people eating or talking like in a bar and there were several people taking missions in a place like a quest board.

Ezra walked first ignoring everyone's gazes and walked straight ahead towards the reception desk

And just as Ezra was about to reach the reception desk, she was stopped by a muscular man who had been watching him with a large sword on his back.

Ezra could only complain about the cliché incident that happened about the main character being stopped by an npc adventurer who only had a muscle brain.

'Really do all adventurer npc have a hobby of stopping everyone new to adventurer guild?' Ezra thought

Kenzo who saw that immediately stepped forward protecting Ezra behind him

"Hey why is a beautiful woman like you visiting the adventurer's guild if you want to join then just come with me instead of that skinny guy" -Adventurer A

Ezra shook his head feeling sorry that he challenged the wrong person all adventurer npc who stopped the main character would usually have bad luck

"Never and my friend is stronger than you" -Ezra

"Hahahaha how can a little guy like that beat me, is he going to throw slimes at me to death?...hahaha" -Adventurer A

Everyone in the guild laughed mockingly, making Kenzo even angrier. Yummy who was on his shoulder also trembled a little, wanting to kill everyone who mocked his master.

Only Ezra is still calm and silent behind Kenzo she waiting for MC isekai's action to punish the idiot who gets in his way

"Come on lady I will treat you well and you don't have to work to be an adventurer just a stupid guy who lets a pretty girl like you work hahaha" -Adventurer A

Kenzo was at his limit. The muscular man's last words hit him hard, he took a stance and intended to hit the person in front of him.

'Ohhhh here it is' -Ezra thought

The wooden floor that Kenzo stepped on creaked as Kenzo's body turned and was ready to be hit with full force with his left hand which was filled with black aura.

Before Kenzo's punch hit his head, the muscular man raised his right hand to counter Kenzo's punch with astonishing speed, as the fists collided with each other, a small shockwave was formed and the result of the fist fight shocked Ezra.

Kenzo bounced very hard against the wall leaving a clear impact mark forming a person's body

Ezra quickly stayed by Kenzo's side ignoring his surprise. Ezra pulled Kenzo off the wall and put him to sleep checking all the wounds and healing him with neutral magic.

Ezra was worried seeing Kenzo's dying condition as if he would die at any moment, Yummy who was now in Kenzo's left hand also tried to heal his wound but neutral magic could only be first aid.

Everyone in the guild laughed at Kenzo's behavior, Ezra who watched all that happened felt that everyone here really liked it when Kenzo was hit.

'Do they really hate Kenzo? what made Kenzo so hated, even the guild receptionist let all the fuss happen and did nothing' Ezra thought

Ezra did everything she could to save Kenzo, she also thought how Kenzo could lose to the adventurer npc

When Ezra noticed the punch that was launched she thought Kenzo was holding himself back from killing the adventurer npc

'Am I wrong to think that Kenzo is very strong?' Ezra thought

Dozens of yellow slimes suddenly appeared from the door and approached Kenzo who was lying down, Ezra who saw that moved away and let the slime handle it.

Everyone who saw it stared with disdain as if seeing very rotten dirt, the slime emitted a yellow liquid that covered Kenzo's body which slowly made the wounds on his body heal.

After a few seconds Kenzo's hands began to move followed by his legs and eyes opening, Ezra didn't approach to help him get up because the smell of the liquid that came out of the slime smelled like rotten eggs even though the healing effect was amazing.

Ezra covered her nose when Kenzo started to stand up and stretch his body, Kenzo was embarrassed by the ridiculous defeat he received, especially when he lost with 1 hit and ended with a pungent smell of rotten eggs.

'I'd rather just disappear from this world' Kenzo thought

The stench quickly spread throughout the guild hall making everyone cover their noses or vomit on the spot

One of the crowd suddenly raised his wand and chanted a spell. Ezra caught a glimpse of the ring that gleamed blue on his index finger.

"Purifying water" -??? 

A wave of water floats in the air and washes away all the stench in the room as the smell dissipates The wave of water suddenly dissipates into a thin blue smoke

The water cleaned everything except Kenzo who was still slimy with yellow liquid, Ezra felt sorry for Kenzo's condition and wanted to end all this

'Will the guild guards not act and will the guild masters here let all this happen? many questions in my head now but i have to solve this problem soon there is nothing to hope for but strength of self' Ezra thought

Ezra remembers the rules in this world, strength is everything so the weak will be oppressed and vice versa, Ezra thinks to show his strength to silence this situation

When the adventurer npc approached Kenzo again after a few steps forward, he was bounced away followed by a shockwave that swept across the adventurer's guild room

Kenzo was shocked by what had just happened and looked back to see the source of the shockwave

Kenzo was stunned when he saw the scene behind him it was Ezra who was enveloped in a rainbow colored aura with electric sparks all around her, her very long hair was blowing smoothly following the breath of her aura and her shiny eyes became even shinier when emitting her aura.

Not only Kenzo but everyone who was there was also stunned by Ezra's appearance, the guild room became silent instantly

People who saw Ezra as a beautiful woman who couldn't defend herself or an arrogant rich young woman collapsed in an instant were replaced with gazes of admiration.

Ezra who saw the guild room becoming quiet and attracting everyone's attention became a little nervous, she pulled back her aura and walked to Kenzo's side and looked at the guild receptionist.

"We just want to join the guild can you do that?" -Ezra

The guild receptionist replied after a few seconds had passed still shocked by what she had just seen

"Ahh yes I can do it please wait a moment" -Receptionist

Ezra told Kenzo to follow her to the front of the table ignoring everyone's surprise and waiting for the receptionist to return with the crystal ball she had brought with her.

"Please put your hand here to determine your level after getting the adventurer ring then you are officially an adventurer" -Receptionist

When Ezra was about to put his hand down, everyone in the room looked curiously at the result

As soon as Ezra's hand touched it, the crystal ball slowly turned from red to blue and after a few seconds the crystal ball emitted a flash of lightning indicating that Ezra had the element of lightning.

Everyone was shocked by the results shown by the crystal ball, the lightning element was so rare that only a few people ever possessed it could even be counted on the fingers.

Kenzo doesn't look surprised by the crystal ball results because he gets electrocuted by Ezra every day while traveling in the forest

A ring with a blue pattern then appeared in front of Ezra it was B tier, in the B tier Empire there weren't too many, most cities only had a few B tier people and the number of A tier adventurers was less than B tier, S tier until now there were only a few people in the whole this world and Empire has 5 people with S level

Ezra took the ring and placed it on the ring finger of his left hand and smiling contentedly stepped back allowing Kenzo to check his level.

Kenzo nodded and walked towards the front of the crystal ball

Everyone seemed unconcerned about Kenzo's results no one noticed him as he placed his hand on the crystal ball, everyone was still busy watching the new birth that would stand on top of the world there was even someone who had recorded everything that had happened since the adventurous npc faced Ezra.

Ezra was currently very focused on watching the crystal ball begin to react, waiting patiently, curious about the outcome.

However the ball of light did not change for 5 minutes and before the light went out the crystal ball showed a heart indicating that Kenzo's element was a Summoner, after the light disappeared a ring with a red pattern appeared in front of Kenzo.

Ezra who saw that was surprised because the person who mastered thousands of slimes only had the lowest aura. she couldn't imagine if Kenzo's aura was more than that maybe the number of slime troops would number in the hundreds of thousands

In contrast to Ezra's reaction everyone laughed mockingly at the measurement results, Kenzo looked distraught with the results he got, he had raised his image in front of Ezra a while ago but was easily crushed when he lost by 1 hit not only that he got the measurement results which cannot be compared to Ezra's

Ezra who saw Kenzo's desperate face stepped forward and grabbed Kenzo's hand to wake him up from his despair. and pulled him out of the adventurer's guild

'Come on you are an overpower isekai MC something like this is just a small problem for you' -Ezra thought

"Success does not belong to smart people, success belongs to those who always try so don't give up with just this small problem" -Ezra

Ezra tried to encourage Kenzo with words of encouragement that he remembered from his time on earth and he was his first friend while in this world so Ezra wanted to cheer him up a little

"You can practice to improve your aura in the future" -Ezra

Kenzo felt better when he heard Ezra's motivation and now he saw the girl who pulled him even though he couldn't see her face Kenzo could feel the worry from his words

'Really thank you my goddess I swear to be stronger and be able to take care of you and....' Kenzo thought

"Stop the disgusting delusions and walk fast stupid, you stink so much" -Ezra 

Kenzo immediately stopped his delusions and regretted the fact, there was still a long way to go until he reached his goal. The first step he had to do now was to go to the inn and take a shower.

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