Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 477: 478: The love an expert gives us is really too heavy

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Li Nianfan took Gao Yue into the city, and without delay, he went straight to the Chenghuang Temple.

Although the local city **** has never seen Li Nianfan, the name of Lord Shengjun is naturally deeply imprinted in his mind.

Without saying anything, he opened the ghost gate very efficiently and took Li Nianfan to the underworld.

After a short while, I came to the edge of Huangquan, where I was familiar.

Along the way, Gao Yue's small face turned pale, even holding his breath, not daring to breathe.

After all, how can a big living person not be afraid when he comes to the Yin Cao Netherworld?

But she is also very strong and emotionally stable.

"The previous one is Naihe Bridge. The mother-in-law who served the soup is Po Meng. Her soup tastes very good. Would you like to try it? It's free."

Li Nianfan was very enthusiastic as a tour guide for Gao Yue, but it made Gao Yue's face paler, especially when he saw the long line of ghosts, he quickly looked away.

Is this the world after death?

Before stepping on the Naihe Bridge, two figures in black and white came from a distance, and when they saw Li Nianfan, they floated down quickly.

Bai Wuchang smiled and said, "Master Shengjun, I have met again, why come to my underworld when I have time?"

Li Nianfan arched his hands and said, "Don't hide from the two impermanent adults, I have something to ask for when I come over this time."

The black and white impermanence looked at each other, and immediately looked solemn and did not dare to neglect, "Master Shengjun, you don't have to be polite, but it doesn't matter what you say!"

Li Nianfan said straightforwardly: "I am here this time just for the soul that you took away the other day."

Gao Yue's face suddenly tightened, full of anxiety, she couldn't think that her father's soul was taken away by the black and white impermanence.

Hei Wuchang said: "But Patriarch of the Gao family?"


Li Nianfan nodded, and then said: "This person next to me is the daughter of the Patriarch of the Gao family. I brought her here to let them see each other again."

On the side, Mrs. Meng, who was serving soup, put down the spoon in her hand and said with a smile: "This matter is not difficult, let the old lady take you there."

Li Nianfan thanked him immediately: "Then there will be a lady."

I have been committed to making friends with various people from the underworld, and sure enough, the benefits are great, especially Meng Poke is the Houtu empress, and Li Nianfan has respect from the heart.

With the consent of Houtu Niangniang, the matter is basically stable.

"Haha, Lord Shengjun is polite." With a kind smile on her face, Po Meng told the ghost servant on the side: "You will leave the soup to you, take a long snack, don't drink it secretly! "

This is also helpless.

Since Master Shengjun improved Meng Po Tang, she really dare not give the spoon to others easily. In just a few months, Meng Po Tang has sent away eight ghosts!

This makes the underworld, which is already short of people, even worse.

at the same time.

In the Yan Luo Temple.

A soul was kneeling under the hall, with a sad face, pleading bitterly.

It was the head of the Gao family.

The General Blood Sea sat in the hall and said coldly: "Bold and Gao Guangliang, this official thinks that you have benefited the people in this place, and you have some merits. This is a good way to persuade you. If you are still unwilling to reincarnate, don't blame the official. Let's talk about it!"

Originally, it was a very simple matter. The Patriarch of the Gao family could invest in wealthy people and enjoy the blessings, and everyone would be happy.

However, he was unwilling to reincarnate. If it weren't for the special nature of Gao Laozhuang, he had already forcibly poured Meng Po Tang and sent for reincarnation.

Gao Guangliang kept squatting his head, and said: "Shang Xian, the Caomin still has a wish in the mortal world. I implore the Shang Xian to let me entrust my dream to my daughter, and leave after a few words to fulfill the Caomin's wish. ."

"Presumptuous! How many dead people have all their wishes? If they are all like you, wouldn't my underworld be messed up!"

The **** general's eyes flashed red, and he sternly scolded, "Since you are dead, the matter of the human world will naturally have nothing to do with you! This is the iron law of the underworld, no matter it is, everyone must abide by it! Meng Po soup!"

Gao Guangliang was shocked, and cried out, "No, I ask the gods to complete it!"

With grief in his heart, he kowtows while struggling, grasping the last glimmer of hope.

If you drink Meng Po Tang, you will be completely cut off from the previous life.

Many things can only be fully understood before death, but... it's too late to regret, he really has something to explain.

However, his struggle was naturally in vain. He was dragged out bit by bit, unable to say: "Daughter, father is wrong, father is sorry for you!"

But at this moment, Black and White Impermanence came with Li Nianfan, and was stunned when he saw such a bleak scene.

If he didn't believe in the underworld, Li Nianfan would even think that he had hit the plot of a dog's blood.

Gao Yue's delicate body trembled, tears flickering in her eyes, and she said with surprise and anxiety, "Father...Father?"

Gao Guangliangru, who was still desperate, was struck by lightning, and a Ji Ling slowly raised his head.

"Yue'er, is it really you? Yue'er?!"

Gao Guangliang's whole person is demented, but unfortunately he has become a soul, and there are no tears, otherwise there will be tears bursting, and he can't believe it: "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Gao Yue also said excitedly: "Father, it's really me. I met a noble man and would like to take me to the underworld to see you."

"Okay, you two, if you renew the past, let's wait until you meet the general of the sea of ​​blood."

Bai Wuchang spoke, and then waved his hand to let Gao Guangliang go.

The General Blood Sea naturally saw everyone. When he saw Li Nianfan, he immediately walked down from the hall, walked over, and said, "I have seen Master Shengjun."

Li Nianfan responded, "I have seen the General of the Sea of ​​Blood."

General Blood Sea had already guessed something, and said with a smile: "I don't know what the Lord Sage is here, why?"

Po Meng said, "Shengjun wants us to make it easy for the father and daughter of the Gao family to see one last time."

Li Nianfan shoved his hands in embarrassment: "Please, I know it's not compliant..."

"Hey, what can Shengjun say? There are so many rules in my underworld."

With a bold smile on his face, General Blood Sea waved his hand grandiosely, "It's a trivial matter, and a trivial matter! It doesn't matter if you want to see it."

Gao Guangliang on the side was stunned. If he remembers correctly, General Blood Sea seems to say this is the iron law of the underworld!

this one?

However, he is not stupid. There is no need to be true to this kind of thing. We don't understand the big brother's world.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Miss Gao, talk to your father as soon as possible."

Gao Yue immediately gratefully said: "Thank you Li Gongzi."

Then, he followed Gao Guangliang to the side and confessed his last words.

Gao Guangliang's first sentence was, "Yue'er, Dad was wrong, I promised you and Aniu! Only your happiness is the most important thing."

"Father, thank you."

Gao Yue cried with joy and excitement. After a pause, he said in confusion, "So, it's really not Aniu who is going to harm you?"

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"Naturally not."

Gao Guangliang shook his head and sighed: "The person who killed me was holding a horn, and he bluntly said that he wanted to blame Aniu. I was also very sorry at that time. Why should I stop you? If the other party is really successful , How can I be worthy of you, how can I die in peace!"

"Father, the other party almost succeeded. Thanks to Li Gongzi, this didn't cause a catastrophe!"

Gao Yue felt even more grateful to Li Nianfan, and then said in a deep voice, "Father, who do you know who harmed you?"

Gao Guangliang said, "The other party is too cautious, covering his face, but he must be a cultivator, and his cultivation level is not bad, so he came for the name Gao Laozhuang."

Gao Yue couldn't help asking: "Father, in Gaojiazhuang, are there really traces left by immortals?"

Gao Guangliang pondered for a moment, "Maybe, maybe not."

the other side.

Li Nianfan was not idle either, and was chatting with the black and white impermanence and others to promote feelings.

Thank you sincerely: "Thank you so much."

"Master Shengjun is polite, you are yours, everyone is yours."

The General of the Sea of ​​Blood laughed, then waved, "Hurry up and get some tea."

"Cough, no need, I brought my own drinks."

Li Nianfan was quite resistant to the food from the underworld. He took out the purple gold gourd and shook it, "I improved the wine. Would you like to try it?"

"But... can you?"

General Blood Sea swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "It's me who sacrificed my ugliness. Lord Shengjun's drink is a must-see, but I asked Lord Shengjun to entertain him."

"You guys helped me a lot, so don't be polite."

Immediately, Li Nianfan smiled indifferently, and poured a glass of wine to the black and white impermanence and others.

After receiving the wine glass, everyone sighed with all their hearts. Master Shengjun is really good, and he has given us so many benefits. It is a matter of course for us to serve him.

However, every time, he would not let everyone help in vain, often a little bit of a favor, but the Lord Sage bestowed it with great luck.

This makes... they owe more and more, and they already can't afford it.

"Our group of ants, what are we talking about repaying gratitude? It's really silly, we only deserve to say that we are working for Lord Saint!"

Everyone immediately corrected their mentality and recognized themselves. Repaying kindness is not qualified to repay kindness...

After a while, they focused on the wine glass.

At this look, the pupils suddenly shrank, and they all took a breath.

Especially Meng Po, she was very knowledgeable, and even more aware of it. With a trembling of her small hand, she almost spilled the wine in the glass, but she was able to stabilize it in time.

If it is really spilled, even if there is only one drop, she will probably be heartbroken and chop her hands directly.

On the surface it was stabilized, but inside was a stormy sea.

This, this is...

Wine brewed from Chaos Linggen grapes? !

The two roots of chaos, the Primordial World is impossible to be born, the chaotic spiritual roots above the Primordial World!

Don't talk about yourself, it's the primordial way of heaven, the root of chaos that Hongjun Taoist ancestor can't get at all!

However, this chaotic spirit root turned into wine at this time, lying quietly in front of him.

It's so dreamy, it's horrible!

"With this glass of wine, I am afraid that my cultivation base will be able to recover faster, even...because samsara was rebuilt by an expert, I have the opportunity to get rid of the restriction of being unable to leave the underworld..."

Houtu Niangniang quietly looked at the reddish wine in front of her, feeling a lot of emotion for a time, and her throat was a little dry.

The love that an expert gives us is always so abrupt. It is really too heavy to be ashamed of it!

Other people naturally don't know the existence of Chaos Spiritual Root, but... they can feel that although this wine is still called wine, it is different, and it is so much different than the previous wine!

All aspects are crushed, and their inner heart instinctively gives birth to a desire. Drinking this glass of wine has incalculable benefits for them!

The previous wine was brewed from Innate Spiritual Root, then this time...could it be on Innate Spiritual Root? Detached?


The scalp is numb, terrifying!

Experts have evolved again!

Is this the fun of being with the boss? Such thick thighs are so touching.

After a glass of wine, they suddenly wandered into the world, with endless aftertastes, their souls and souls trembling, and their hearts were ups and downs.

Li Nianfan looked at everyone's obsessive expressions, and suddenly smiled: "Come on, don't be polite, and have another glass."

Empress Houtu was taken aback, "Will... still drink?"

Such a divine wine, let alone a glass, can drink a drop, that is priceless creation, I didn't even dare to think about it before, can this... a cup after a cup?

Woj, it's too embarrassing!

Li Nianfan said strangely: "Could it be that one cup is enough? Don't you want it?"

Hou Tu wakes up in time, and says in a hurry: "If you want, I want, thank you Shengjun."

Everyone was drinking and chatting here. After a while, Gao Yue and his daughter finally ended their conversation and walked over slowly.

"That's it?"

The General of the Sea of ​​Blood reluctantly put down the wine glass, feeling a little disappointed.

Let's talk a little longer, haven't you seen us drinking and chatting with Lord Shengjun? It can be said that every minute is priceless!

However, everyone is just thinking about it in their hearts, and has no other meaning.

It is absolutely impossible to be greedy, especially for an expert, who dare not give birth to any other thoughts.

Gao Yue's parents knelt down together, kowtow respectfully, thanking them for their kindness, "Okay, thank you all for giving us this opportunity."

"We are also looking at Master Shengjun's face." The General Xuehai said, "Since it's all right, then don't delay it, and reincarnate with peace of mind."

Gao Guangliang nodded very cooperatively: "Oh, good!"

Gao Yue's eyes were red, but her spirits improved a lot, and she said to Li Nianfan: "Thank you Li Gongzi for giving me this opportunity. The little girl didn't repay me. Please accept me."

Li Nianfan quickly helped him up and said, "Miss Gao doesn't have to be like this, this matter...I should do it."

"Journey to the West" was made by him and indirectly harmed others. If it doesn't help, it will be uneasy.

Then, he stood up and said to the black and white impermanence: "Since the matter has been resolved, then we should return to the mortal world and leave."

"Master Shengjun, you have nothing to do with you, and you are in a panic. Why don't we let our brothers send you off."

Black and white Impermanence got up, they really didn't know how to repay Li Nianfan, so they could only show their diligence as much as possible, and the service must get a place.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Then there are two people."

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