Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 478: 479: It turns out you are such black and white impermanence

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Immediately, the black and white impermanence personally led the team and escorted Li Nianfan back to the earth.

Along the way, Gao Yue was somewhat relieved, and at the same time, she looked beautiful and thoughtful.

Li Nianfan asked curiously: "Miss Gao, did your father say who killed him?"

Gao Yue shook her head, and said in distress: "I have already determined that it is not Aniu, but I still don't know who it is, but... it is obviously for the remains of the immortal in Gao Laozhuang."

"Is that so?"

Li Nianfan raised his brows, pondered for a moment, felt that it was time to mention something, and said, "Miss Gao, are you suspicious?"


Gao Yue frowned and shook her head: "Too many people have come here recently, I really can't think of who did it."

Li Nianfan reminded: "In fact, as long as you figure out the other party's motives, you can guess easily."

"Motivation for committing crime?"

Not to mention Gao Yue, black and white impermanence are all dumbfounded.

The words of an expert are profound, very understandable.

Li Nianfan continued: "Simply speaking, it's a benefit. Think about it carefully. If you want to kill Master Gao, why do you have to do it extra, blaming the bull demon, who is the most beneficial?"

"Who is best for..."

Gao Yue pondered, her eyes showed the color of thinking. She was already extremely clever. At this time, Li Nianfan was a little bit more thinking about it.

He whispered: "Young Master Li meant... the one who killed my father was the person around him?"

Yes, if it is a cultivator from the outside world, there is no reason to blame the bull demon, and 80% of them are not interested in the love-hate entanglement between themselves and the bull demon, and the most direct result of setting the blame on the bull demon is... Break with the bull demon!

As for the biggest beneficiary, naturally...

Sun Yun!

Gao Yue's mouth opened slightly, and she quickly raised her hand to cover it, her eyes widened, and an incredible luster gleamed in it.

Sun Yun has always been courteous in front of Gao Yue, and he did not hide his purpose. He could see his purpose, and he also expressed his thoughts in this respect in front of Gao Yue.

However, at that time, Gao Yue was only thinking about the bull demon, and Sun Yun had no chance.

Gao Yue still felt uncomfortable, and she said, "No, Sun Gongzi is the young master of Qingling Mountain. He has a passion for old ways. He has also suppressed many ambitious immortals for Gaojiazhuang. My father even persuaded me. Let me accept him, why is he killing my dad?"

Li Nianfan spoke indifferently, continued to make up the knife, and said: "Miss Gao, Sun Yun's target is not necessarily just you, but there may also be others. He helps you to block other immortals, doesn't mean he has no ideas."

Gao Yue's complexion changed slightly, "Young Master Li meant that he was also for the remains of immortals? This..."

If Li Nianfan said these things before, Gao Yue would probably not believe it, because she had always regarded Sun Yun as a good person, and Qingling Mountain had always sheltered Gaojiazhuang, so how could mortals suspect immortals.

The murderer behind the scenes turned from a demon... to a fairy?

This is too...too subverting the Three Views.

Hei Wuchang spoke directly: "Hehe, what else is there to think about, can the Lord Shengjun say something wrong? Just listen!"

Bai Wuchang also hurriedly talked, and opened his mouth, "Master Shengjun's analysis is reasonable and well-founded, and he has clearly seen everything in his mind. It's amazing, really amazing!"

This wave of forced embarrassment made Li Nianfan very embarrassed, but he couldn't slap himself in the face, so he could only be silent, appearing unpredictable.

Black-and-white impermanence realized that this was an opportunity for him to express, and immediately said, "If you feel troubled by the Lord Saint, we can use our hands to hook out Sun Yun's soul. This person has wolf ambition, and death is not a pity!"

Li Nianfan pursed his lips, and quickly stopped, "It's not necessary. I'll talk about it if I have conclusive evidence."

"Convince people with reason, Master Shengjun is really a model of my generation!"

"Master Shengjun is wise, grand!"

The black and white impermanence is another flattery shot, and the shot is extremely comfortable in my heart, with a smile on his face.

Fortunately, I have been studying licking dao recently and have made some progress. I will feel very comfortable if I want to come to Master Shengjun.

It's a pity that I'm still stuck in the hard licking stage, and I still need to work hard. When I can lick it invisible, it's a big deal.

Gao Yue was stunned and forced to bite the cold.

Unexpectedly, you are such black and white impermanence...

at the same time.

In Gaojiazhuang.

Sun Yun and the others gathered together. At the very front, there was an old man standing. The old man's expression was gloomy, and he looked disappointed.

Hate iron is not a steel road: "Yun'er, you have disappointed your father too much! It's just a little bull demon, can this little thing be done well?"

Sun Yun said bitterly: "Father, I don't want it either. Whoever thought that someone would disrupt the situation halfway through, and pull out a theory of horns dividing males and females. It's just a little bit short!"

Originally, according to the plan, the bull demon should have become a substitute for the dead, and then he took the opportunity to calm Gao Yue's wounded heart, his words were gentle and considerate, and he embraced the beauties. Since then, he has become Gaojiazhuang's son-in-law.

As for the relics of the immortals of the Gao family, once he becomes the son-in-law of Chenglong, is he still afraid of not finding the relics of the immortals? It's simply a good way to get the best of both worlds.

It's a pity... the plot didn't follow the script, it was very sad.

The old man yelled: "Trash! It's all trash! You can make mistakes if you find a horn, what use I want you to do!"

The crowd was shocked, bowed their heads and dared not speak.

The old man sighed and said anxiously: "Once the bull demon is proved innocent, then our suspicion will be great!"

"Master, the bull demon is still being held, or let me go... Click!" One of them made a decapitating gesture.

"Keep your head! Killing the bull demon now, isn't this not a confession?"

The old man was very disappointed with his apprentice’s IQ, and shook his head and said, “This plan doesn’t work, so I can only think of another plan. According to the information I got, Zhu Bajie must have left something in Gao Laozhuang back then. In general, the mountains and water are not visible, and the fastest way to force it is... to slaughter Gaojiazhuang! However, this plan is very involved and requires a long-term consideration!"

Sun Yun said bitterly: "It's all those brothers and sisters who are doing my good deeds. We must not spare them!"

The old man's heart suddenly moved, and he said: "By the way, you said that the brother and sister have a chance?"

Sun Yun nodded and said: "I can't go wrong! It's not a small chance to allow a small fairy to enter the Golden Core Stage or above the Golden Core Realm at such a young age!"

A cold light flashed in the old man's eyes, "Then you can't let it go anyway!"

Just at this moment, a disciple hurriedly came and knocked on the door of the room.

The old man frowned, "What's the matter?"

The disciple said immediately: "Return to the Sect Master, that little girl went out alone, and she walked out of Gaojiazhuang, and was hanging out outside."

"Oh? What are you talking about! This is good news."

The old man smiled coldly, and said casually: "Send two disciples from the Nascent Soul Realm, and remember, I want you to do a good job without knowing it, and be foolproof!"

"Yes, Sovereign!"

Immediately, two people recommended themselves, "This matter is simple, it will not take much time, you are waiting here, we will come when we go!"

Before the voice was over, he couldn't wait to turn into a escape and flew out.

At this time, Nun Nun had already arrived in a forest twenty miles away from Gaojiazhuang.

The terrain here is undulating, there are several low hills, and it is inaccessible.

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She was sitting bored on a big rock, shaking her little feet, and said in distress: "Then why is there no one at Qingling Mountain? Could it be that I failed fishing again?"

"Huh? Wait, the fish seems to have taken the bait."

She looked at the distant sky, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile, quietly waiting.

Not long after, two dodges came as expected. They were two middle-aged people. When they saw the girl, their eyes lit up and looked at the girl condescendingly.

One of them sneered: "The little girl really doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, the wild mountains and ridges here, and you are alone, so you dare to play here!"

She looked at the two innocently, blinked her big innocent eyes, and asked, "Why, do you want to rob me?"

"Robbery? Hahaha, wowhahaha..."

The two laughed wildly together, and their eyes were full of joking, "You are right! We are very interested in the great opportunity you encountered. If you hand it over, maybe you can save a life!"

Nun's eyes grumbled and said with a smile: "Well, let's play a game. If you can catch up with me, I will tell you."

"The little girl was still thinking about playing when she died, well, I will fulfill you."

One of them spoke coldly, disdainfully said: "Run, just run!"

"Hehehe, come, come chase me!"

The girl laughed, and there were clouds under her feet, flying out in one direction.


The two middle-aged men didn't even think about it, like wolves smelling meat, their eyes turned green, and they chased their heads down.

However, as they chased them, they suddenly discovered that the speed of 囡囡 was not much slower than them, and it was extremely difficult to catch up.

The key is, let them explode, and always keep them at a distance, which is very intriguing.

One of the middle-aged men couldn't help but frown, and took a closer look at the girl. His heart beat faster, his scalp numb, and he almost stared out his eyes.

The companion couldn't help but wondered: "What are you doing?"

"She, she, she!"

The middle-aged man’s lips trembled, and his speech was uncomfortable, as if he had seen the most terrible thing in the world, with an expression of crying, "It seems like she is driving under her feet... it's a cloud!"

Driving the cloud, this is the treatment that only the queen of the fairy has.

There was a sharp spirit in the same class, who had just been chasing him, but he didn't notice it for a while, turned his head and looked, suddenly transformed into a cold, and took a breath.

This little girl is not a golden pill, or an infant, but a fairy? !

This, this... how is this possible! How could this be so!

We actually chased a fairy for a long time in a brash manner?

It's cold, we're going to be cold!

The brains of both of them are blank, and there is only one word left in their minds-run!

However, they just turned their heads, only to find that they didn't know when they had already appeared behind them, and they were looking at them with a smile.

"Boring! Why don't you chase?"

"The villain has eyes but doesn't know the fairy, the fairy is forgiving, the fairy is forgiving!"

The other person was a little calmer, knowing that blindly begging for mercy was useless, and tremblingly said: "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! Fairy, we are Qinglingshan disciples, and our master is also an immortal. Now we have entered the heavenly palace and become a patrol heavenly soldier. Own person, fairy."

"Tiangong? Take a small heavenly soldier to suppress me?"

The girl curled her lips, looked at her little palm, and smiled: "Since you are not chasing, then change to another game. If you can catch my palm, let you go!"

When the voice fell, she already raised her hand gently, then stretched forward lightly, and pushed away!


Like a gust of wind and rain, the entire front, a powerful mana storm like a bulldozer, crushed and passed, and everything passed was turned into dust.

Even the mountain not far away was pushed across and directly erased!

"Oh, too much force has damaged the environment again."

The daughter spit out her tongue, "Fortunately, brother didn't see it, he escaped, he escaped..."

After half an hour.

Sect Master Qingling Mountain personally appeared at the scene of the incident, looking gloomy at the mess all over the ground.

"It seems that there is an expert behind the little girl, maybe she has become immortal! The purpose of coming here, 80% is also for the remains of Zhu Bajie!"

The old man's eyes flickered and his brain was running fast, "It seems that this matter must be reported to Master!"


In Li Nianfan's room.

"Really a disciple of Qingling Mountain who attacked you?"

Gao Yue took a deep breath and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "I didn't expect them to do such a thing!"

"The disguise on the surface is just to win people's trust and achieve the goal better."

This kind of hypocrite, Li Nianfan has long been familiar with it. He looked at the 囡囡 in surprise, frowning and said: "Are you sure the ancestor of Qinglingshan has become a heavenly soldier?"

The girl nodded, "I heard absolutely nothing wrong."

This is difficult.

Otherwise, you have to fight backstage for everything.

If this matter is done by himself without saying hello to the Jade Emperor, then this is not giving the Jade Emperor face. Although the heavenly soldiers are nothing, they are still gods, representing the face of the heavens.

Li Nianfan groaned, "I don't know if the ancestor of Gaojiazhuang has been involved."

"Whether he was involved or not, this guy must at least have a sin of teaching his disciples and grandchildren disadvantages! Lord Shengjun does not need to consider the feelings of Tiangong, my old black will now go to find out who the master of Qingling Mountain is, and directly give his soul Hook it up!"

Heiwuchang rolled up his sleeves and couldn't wait to express himself.

Damn, being able to share worries for high-ranking people is exciting when I think about it. This is the value of my existence!

"No, you still have to ventilate the heavenly court about this matter."

Li Nianfan naturally didn't want to be separated from the big guys because of a small matter. He had to be cautious in everything, and said: "Also, I have to think of a way to determine whether this matter has anything to do with the ancestors of Qingling Mountain. You can't blame the good guys. "

"Convince people with reason, consider everything, Master Shengjun is really a model of my generation!"

"Master Shengjun is wise, grand!"

The impermanence of black and white is immediately another awkward blow.

Gao Yue let out a long sigh, her pretty face full of bitterness, "I can't imagine that the immortal ruins of the Gao family have caused such a big trouble, even the immortals will covet it."

Bai Wuchang opened the mouth and said: "Miss Gao, you don't know anything. If there is a Dinghai Shenzhen or a nine-tooth nail rake, they are all first-class treasures.

Gao Yue's eyes widened, only then could he intuitively realize the importance of this treasure.

She hesitated for a moment, and said to Li Nianfan: "Young Master Li, my father told me that if there are immortal relics in the Gao family, the most likely place is there..."

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