Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 566: 565: Surprise Da Hei

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Under the night.

The black panther spirit was so cold that it showed its original shape. It was lying on the ground, shivering, and its eyes were full of fear. It has no doubt that if it freezes for a while, it should say goodbye to the world.

How can this force be so strong just now, it seems that it contains the power of the great power?

Daji asked, "Where is the Jiemeng? Take me over."


The bully nodded, then hesitated for a moment, still guilty and said: "But we must be careful, it won't work, we can discuss it long-term."

at the same time.

In the dog mountain.

The space twisted slightly. From the naked eye, it seems that nothing has changed, but it has been isolated from the original space and formed a barrier.

At the same time, a peculiar breath is like blue smoke, surrounding the dog mountain, rising up, all the dog monsters in the dog mountain trembled slightly, a strong sense of exhaustion instantly rushed through the body, and the eyelids were heavy. Let them fall down one by one.

At the top of Dog Mountain, Da Hei, who was sleeping asleep, slowly stood up, beside him, the dog demon who was in charge of massage and fan was also unconscious. The dog's mouth was closed and he was faint.

Da Hei slowly stepped forward two steps, with the moonlight as the background, the dog's eyes were deep, with seriousness and anger, his teeth were slightly exposed, staring at the darkness ahead.

"Is this the dog in the realm of Heaven? It is really fat!"

Accompanied by a burst of joking words, the four figures stepped on the night and walked out of the void, their eyes staring at Dai Hei without emotion, as if a hunter was looking at the prey.

The breath of Da Hei's body locked the four people, the sky seemed to be lowered a little, and he said coldly: "Who has replaced you with a pig's brain, and dare to come to my dog ​​mountain?"

Of these four people, two are in the realm of Heavenly Dao, and the other two are in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In Da Hei’s eyes, the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are completely transparent people. As for the other two realms of Heaven, it’s nothing. In this way, it will slap to death one by one!

Among the four, the brawny man ignored Da Hei, and exclaimed: "The chaos is so big, it's really amazing. It's amazing to be able to breed such a dog."

"Big black dog, you seem to be pulling."

Another black-clothed elder said with a hoarse voice: "Our league catches foreign animals, and it has rarely missed. Last time you caused us to lose three high-level members. I hope you will do it. Value can make up for this loss!"

"It's really annoying, kill you guys quickly, I have to sleep."

Da Hei shook the dog's paw in disgust, as if he was driving a fly. Then the dog's paw lifted up and moved the sky, causing a huge dog's paw to cover the sky and the sun to appear above the void, like a meteor hitting the earth, hanging down. .

Facing this giant claw, the strong man smiled coldly, and then stepped out, his robe hunting and hunting in the wind, his body was not breathable, he looked directly at the dog's paw, which was countless times larger than him, just raised his hand and clenched his fist. , Slammed out!


Strong boxing strength, like a volcanic eruption, burst out, soaring into the sky, instantly submerging the dog's claws, and then, unabated, forming an angry dragon, roaring forward, enough to annihilate everything in front of you!

"Looking for death!"

Da Hei slammed on the ground, and a golden dog basin flew out. It grew in the wind and turned into a shield. Between the rotations, a deep vortex was formed, absorbing all the fist winds in.

It is naturally not afraid of this attack, but in the dog mountain, dog monsters are everywhere. If this fist is allowed to raging, the whole dog mountain will collapse, and the dog monsters will all die.

In the next instant, Da Hei’s eyes flashed with a ruthless color, his limbs stepped, and his figure shot in front of the brawny man, also a dog paw slapped out!

"Hahaha, the iron wire is closed to the sky!"

The brawny man laughed, not retreating but advancing, raising his fist, and bombarding the **** dog's claws!

At the same time, from behind him, chains are like the tentacles of an octopus, rushing out quickly, rushing towards Dahei with teeth and claws.



Immediately, his whole body flew out like a cannonball, not only the bones of his hands, but also half of his body was directly shaken, and his flesh and blood rushed.

But soon, his injury recovered as before, with a smile in his eyes, looking at Da Hei.

Four iron ropes pierced through Da Hei's body, and a drop of blood flowed along the iron ropes.

Da Hei's face was calm, and with a random wave of the dog's paw, all the chains broke.

However... the injury on its body has not been recovered, it is hideous and terrifying.

Da Hei's brows couldn't help but frowned, and he realized that it was wrong.

From the beginning, with its power, the attack shouldn’t be so weak. It’s not that the opponent is too strong, but you...weak!

At the same time, these injuries on the body can be recovered at will for the realm of Heavenly Dao, however, they have not been able to recover, which is more indicative of the problem.

"Spirit, Sealing!"

A weird voice doesn't know where it comes from, majestic and weird.

Above the void, I don’t know when, a huge gray grimace actually condensed, directly facing the top of Da Hei's head.

As for the whole body of Da Hei, it was also wrapped in a layer of gray air current, with a long gray line in between, connected to that grimace.

is like a straw, absorbing the power of Dai Hei, making it greatly restricted.

"Big black dog, today you are the turtle in the urn, are you still obediently grabbing?"

The old man in black robe smiled coldly, his face was full of pride, he was holding the winning ticket, and he leaned forward like electricity.

Folding your fingers into claws is like grabbing an ordinary wild dog, straight to the **** neck lock!

Big black fangs, his eyes full of killing intent, "I hate the person who pretends to be in front of me the most, you must die!"

The black-robed old man smiled sarcastically, "Oh? Do you still want to resist? Come and try?"

As soon as his voice fell, Da Hei's body squatted slightly, and disappeared in front of him in the next instant.

"how can that be?!"

The black-robed old man's heart was cold, and he felt unbelievable. He was about to dodge quickly, but the sky was spinning, but his head was already separated from his body!

Da Hei stood behind him, the dog had no emotion in his eyes, and his two forelimbs waved desperately, "Let you pretend, let you pretend, let you pretend!"



The figure of the black-robed old man has disappeared and turned into powder under the **** dog's claws, but the **** still never stops, the dog's claws are flying, and every blow contains the law of heaven, which makes the space in front of it twisted and wrapped. With the sky full of powder, refining.

"Give me...lock!"

The burly man's complexion condensed, and he did not dare to neglect, and the law was determined, and several iron chains were born like pythons, tying the **** tightly.

Da Hei's mana gushed out, his body shook, and the iron cord was quickly shattered.

However, after such a delay, the black-robed old man had already reorganized his body, fleeing quickly, looking at Da Hei, his face was pale, and he had a lingering look, no longer the way he had just been arrogant.

He never expected that this dog could be so powerful under the control of the goddess technique. If the brawny man hadn't intervened and saved him in time, his life origin would definitely be wiped out by Da Hei.

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This is really scary.

The power of the Heavenly Dao realm is extremely difficult to be wiped away. If Da Hei can do this step, it means that his strength is much higher than his. The most important thing is that Da Hei originally encountered the witchcraft of the right envoy. The strength is greatly reduced!

"It’s no wonder that you can kill three senior members of the World League. It's really an extraordinary dog!"

The old man in black robes cautiously backed away a certain distance again. Although he seemed to have no injuries on the surface, the life source that had just been wiped out would probably take endless years to make up for it!

Thinking of this, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he said with a cold face: "Let's do everything together, don't keep it, and make a quick decision!"

"Knot Lock Sky Formation!"


This time, even the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian also intervened. The mana on the four of them was agitated at the same time, and endless chains shot out from the void behind them, rushing straight towards the big black.

Wrap all the dead corners up, down, left, and right, making the **** inevitable!

Each of these chains contains the power of the law of heaven, which can imprison mana and the soul, even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian dare not wipe the side and avoid it.

Not only that, the Right Cause who used to cast the god-descending technique in the City of Ten Thousand Demons also slowly opened his closed eyes, and there were bursts of cold laughter in his mouth.

"Interesting, interesting."

He raised his hand, bit his index finger, and a drop of blood was suspended in front of him. The blood seemed to be red, but it exuded a faint green light, which made people breathless.


The right envoy coughed slightly, but his eyes became brighter, "I knew that this dog is not so easy to handle! But this is more interesting, isn't it? It seems that I have to work harder! Extremely debilitating!"

Following his tactics, the blood flew into the flames in front of him, and the flames suddenly rose, almost soaring to the sky, covering the room.

Above the Dog Mountain, the gray grimace became larger and turned into a gray cloud covering the sky, almost pressing down from the sky, covering the entire Dog Mountain.

A weird but unstoppable aura poured on Da Hei's body, causing Da Hei's power to be weakened again, and even the unhealable wound became more serious.

Da Hei arched slightly, bared his teeth, and with a wave of dog paws, the golden dog basin returned, like a huge bowl, and he directly covered it in.


This dog basin is like a turtle shell, blocking all the chains outside.

However, these chains are endless. Every second, there will be endless impacts on the dog basin, causing the dog basin to tremble.


Only the time of three breaths, the dog's pot was dimly lit, and it was shot directly into the air.

Da Hei revealed his figure from it.

It's just that, seeing Da Hei's appearance, all the four of them were stunned and almost didn't recognize it.

The brawny man widened his eyes, and said in a daze, "Bald... bald?"

This is really too visually impactful. Just now, it was so windy, the dog's hair was flying in black, and it was bald in a blink of an eye. It looked like a big meat mouse, almost like magic.

Making a live dog?

During this stupefied time, Da Hei had already dashed out, his dog's face was full of seriousness, as if he hadn't paid any attention to the fact that he was bald, and calmly rushed to one of the Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, the dog The claws slapped out!

"Fight as long as you fight, and actually sent two scums over to besiege me, do you look down on my uncle dog?"

Da Hei's tone was cold, and this unremarkable claw made the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian shatter his nerves and lose his soul.

He wanted to escape, but found that he was bound by the law, making it difficult to even move.


Always aloft, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who is admired by thousands of people, is like a toy under the **** dog's paw, instantly annihilated, and erased with the wind!

However, Da Hei's figure had already disappeared in place and appeared beside another Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian ran away early, but it was obviously in vain.

"help me!"

"Stop it!"

The strong man and the black-robed old man had a gloomy face, and they yelled fiercely, the endless chains trembled, and they all entangled toward the big black!

"Silly hat."

Although Da Hei is bald, his demeanor is especially good.

With a cold smile, the dog's paw slapped down without hesitation.

Everyone has become a mortal enemy, and they shouted to stop, is this funny?


The same voice, the same end, two powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian disappeared silently one after another.

But those chains also arrived, from behind, they all penetrated into the back of Dahei, pulled tightly, leading to bloodstains!

Da Hei was only slightly stiff, with no sense of generality, his figure was swaying, just like this, he rushed to the black-robed old man again, and went forward!

The black-robed old man was almost wiped out by Da Hei before. At this time, his courage became weak, and he began to retreat when he panicked. He was completely crushed and beaten by Da Hei, and his body continued to collapse.

"What a brave dog! I'm afraid it is not weaker than the chaotic beast!"

The right envoy was not surprised and rejoiced, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and his heart moved, and a faint green dagger hovered in front of him and burned on the fire.

"This dog is proud to be able to force me to use this trick!"

The right envoy spoke faintly, raised his hand and pinched a magic trick, and said quietly: "God descending, curse of fate!"

After that, the dagger suddenly turned around and pierced his chest straight!


Blood soars!

At the same time, Da Hei, who had been fascinated, suddenly shook his body, and his abdomen began to bleed inexplicably. At the same time, even his soul seemed to be stabbed severely, and he almost collapsed directly to the ground.

The brawny man and the black-robed old man laughed, not daring to neglect, and immediately threw out the endless chains, tightly binding Da Hei's limbs, not giving him a chance to breathe.

Ten Thousand Demons City.

The bored Li Nianfan was teasing the little fox.

Daji and Huofeng went to Fox Mountain. He was the only one left, alone with the sister-in-law, one by one with big eyes and small eyes, which was really boring.

He looked in the direction of Dog Mountain, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said: "Long night, sleepless, little fox, why don't we go to Dog Mountain, visit Dahei, and give it a surprise."

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