Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 567: 566: Li Nianfan’s unique moves, blinding and dizzy

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Yeyue is in the sky.

Li Nianfan held the little fox in his arms, stepped on the auspicious clouds, aimed at the direction of Dog Mountain, and slowly flew away.

I don't know if it is an illusion. He always feels that the closer he is to the dog mountain, the darker the night, and it seems that there is a dark atmosphere covering the night, smearing the night.

The little fox in his arms poked his head out of Li Nianfan's arms, with a pair of bright eyes like gems, carefully looking around, because he noticed a slight abnormality, the dull hair on his head was a little upright.

It shrank into Li Nianfan’s arms, only showing its head, and whispered: "Sister...Brother-in-law, there seems to be something abnormal here."

Li Nianfan could also detect a slight strangeness, and whispered: "Does Goushan will have an accident?"

It’s too quiet.

There were no traces of living creatures on the road, and there was no sound. Even the wind seemed heavy.

This is obviously problematic.

"Let's be more careful."

Li Nianfan thought for a while, and couldn't help making his merit and virtue brighter. It was equivalent to holding a gold medal and warning some people who didn't open their eyes.

This kind of hole card is not suitable for hiding and holding. Otherwise, if you encounter Lengtouqing, although you can die together, you will die.

Moving on, as he got closer and closer, the unusual feeling became stronger and stronger, staring at Dog Mountain carefully, there was a hazy distortion, which made Li Nianfan's heart sink slightly, and even more worried. .

"Brother-in-law, there are strong mana fluctuations around Dog Mountain, which is... dangerous."

The little fox was already so nervous that he wrapped his nine tails around Li Nianfan's waist, shivering, and his dull hair was not only upright, it was harder, and it wouldn't be moved by the wind.


The little fox exclaimed and shrank into Li Nianfan's arms again, leaving only his head above the eyes exposed.

Li Nianfan also stopped for the first time and looked at the direction of Dog Mountain. In that direction, two dark shadows were walking out of Dog Mountain, carrying things in their hands.

"Ding Ding Dong Dong."

A burst of metal sounds came from their hands, pulling something hard.

They obviously also saw Li Nianfan, and they all looked up. When they noticed the golden auspicious cloud, their eyes changed one after another, and their hearts twitched. The powerful man in the realm of heaven and realm felt at a loss.

what's the situation?

Why do you encounter the sage of merit at this time?

At the end of the critical period, the shit-chucking stick is on the scene. Can you still play happily together?

After that, they saw the little fox in Li Nianfan's arms again, and their eyes were fixed immediately.

looked at each other and started to think carefully.

Sage monarch of merit, the cultivation base is not worth mentioning, the nine-tailed celestial fox in his arms, if we have the opportunity, we may still catch it, then the harvest tonight is not a big deal!


"The two fellow Taoists, who are favored by God's Domain in Xia, are honored as the sage of merit. It is a coincidence that they can meet here. Don't be nervous, as long as you don't attack me, nothing will happen."

Li Nianfan immediately blew himself up, and even gave a reminder, the purpose is to make the two men throw a rat-avoidance device, and then observe carefully.

He could feel that under this weird situation, the two men sneaking up in Dog Mountain might be impure.

Li Nianfan looked over the two of them, looked at what they were pulling, and looked at the outline should be an animal, most likely a dog.

It's just too dark here, Li Nianfan can't see clearly.

Dog thief?

Is there any dog ​​stealer in the world of immortality?

Li Nianfan raised his brows. Because of his in-depth research on the power of merit, he developed another use of merit, that is...lighting!

just came in handy right now.

He smiled friendly and said: "Second, don’t believe me, let me lean on the merit and show you what merit is like."

After that, he raised his hand and waved, when even the light of merit flew towards the two people, it enveloped them and played a role in lighting.

And Li Nianfan also saw the dog they grabbed, all limbs were chained, and he looked at Li Nianfan with eyesight.

Poor, weak and helpless.

This is a dog?

Why is there no hair?

Li Nianfan was taken aback first, and then he felt familiar.

Nima, how does this feel like a big black?

Big black and bald? !

The two dog thieves not only caught Da Hei, but also shaved Da Hei's hair?

What habit? It's too much.

For a moment, Li Nianfan even felt a little distressed. After all, Da Hei was the first pet he adopted in the immortal world. The two have depended on each other for many years and are definitely the most loyal partners.

Now seeing Da Hei being like this, an angry mood began to spread in my heart.

Abominable dog thief!

Salvation is definitely to save, you have to find a way.

At the same time, he also noticed that the two of them were still looking at the little fox, and there was an undisguised aggression in their eyes, as if they were looking at their prey.

This is the villain, **** it!

Li Nianfan immediately defined it and began to plan what he should do.

Naturally, I don’t have to say more about my defensive advantage. The attack advantage can only rely on the double flying stone.

Da Hei is just a little dog monster. The two of them should not be too strong when they catch it. They can definitely deal with it with the double flying stones.

The biggest problem is that Da Hei is now in their hands, so he must be more stable and not let Da Hei get hurt.

"Ha ha ha..."

The two parties who were pregnant with ghosts but were jealous of each other looked at each other, and suddenly burst into awkward laughter.

Li Nianfan opened his mouth and said, "Two fellow Taoists, who are you?"

"Oh, Shengjun, that's the case. The two of us still like small animals very much. Seeing that this dog's hair is bald, we thought to take it back and see if we can find a way to recover."

The old man in black robe is worthy of being an old fritters, so nonsense does not need to go through the brain at all, and the face is not red and the heart beats, and he opens his mouth.

Another brawny man immediately admired him, and nodded following the words of the old man: "Yes, yes, we like small animals very much. Is the nine celestial fox in Shengjun's hand? It's really rare. I don't know if you mind letting it. I hug?"

Of course mind.

The fool will believe your words.

Your so-called likes are the kind of likes that can’t be missed.

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Li Nianfan complained in his heart, but he continued to lie on his face. He smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the case. That's just right. I also know a little medical skills. Why don't I give this dog to me. How can I help?"

He silently took out the double flying stones, as long as Da Hei came to his side, he immediately launched an attack, giving the two people a second.


The two immediately stagnated. The black-robed old man forced a smile and said: "The holy monarch knows something. This dog is very cruel. If you let go, I'm afraid it will be violent."

Li Nianfan frowned slightly, and for a while, both sides froze a little.

The black-robed old man and the strong man took a deep look at Li Nianfan, not wanting to delay any longer, and said casually: "There is still an urgent matter today, Sage, I forgive us for not being with you! Goodbye"

After the words, he was ready to leave.

Naturally, Li Nianfan couldn’t watch Da Hei being taken away. His eyes sank slightly, and he hurriedly said, “Two fellow Taoists, please stay.”

The two stopped, but they looked a little impatient.

They dare not deal with the sage of merit, it does not mean that they are afraid of him.

The strong man said coldly: "What else can the sage tell me?"

"Two fellow daoists, I am going to show you a big baby! Please look at it with your eyes wide open."

Li Nianfan said mysteriously. As soon as the voice fell, he slowly raised his hand. Immediately, the whole world seemed to have heard the order. The endless golden light gathered from all directions, not only dyeing the sky, but also the earth into gold.

With Li Nianfan as the center, it is like a bottomless pit whirlpool, returning all the merits. The most important thing is that under Li Nianfan's control, most of these merits are gathered around the two old men in black robes.

The golden light is shining, reflecting the entire dog mountain into gold, endless merits, and without suspense, it makes the black-robed old man and the brawny feel a trance.

Good... a lot, a lot of merit!

is so bright and dazzling.

is almost blind.

"This is the time!"

Li Nianfan's heart was cruel, and his thoughts moved, the double flying stones suddenly changed into a dim light, and a strong layer of frost burst out, and under the cover of golden light, they hurried toward the two!

The black-robed old man and the strong man were still immersed in this massive amount of merit, and suddenly felt a monstrous chill. It was a crisis that caused their scalp to explode, a crisis of life and death!

The cells all over their bodies were trembling, and they all signaled to escape.

It’s just that they desperately find that they can’t move! An unspeakable atmosphere of terror suppressed them, and all time and space were frozen!

This... Is this the power of the great road?

How can it be? !

Why does this power appear? Could it be the power of the Great Dao Realm? It is impossible!

They wanted to scream, but found that they couldn't even open their mouths. At this moment, they felt pitiful, weak and helpless. The despair of death almost drove them crazy.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last long, and it turned into two ice sculptures in the next instant.

Before dying, their only thought was-Why could the sage of merit launch such a terrible attack? Too ferocious!

He is so fierce, why do he even pretend to be cute and make us play?

"Get it done!"

Li Nianfan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

This move is considered a unique move he created based on himself, and it was also devised after getting the double flying stones.

Blind the opponent's eyes with the golden light of merit first, and caused shock, achieving the effect of blindness and dizziness, and then used the double flying stones to surprise the opponent and give the opponent a fatal blow.

This first attempt, it seems that the effect is very good.

He quickly looked at Da Hei, pulled the chain of Da Hei with his hands, and said with concern: "Da Hei, are you okay."

As for the little fox, he hurriedly rushed out of Li Nianfan's arms, evading the chains, feeling that the soul was trembling, and really did not dare to approach.

It can't be done like Li Nianfan, and it can be solved as an ordinary chain.

jumped on top of the two ice sculptures, patted the ice sculpture's face with his small paws.

"Woo woo woo." Da Hei rubbed his dog's head against Li Nianfan, whimpered, and said affectionately: "Thank you, Master for saving me."

"You, how can you get such a low cultivation base? If you hadn't met me, you would have been caught by a dog thief and made dog meat."

Li Nianfan shook his head, and then said: "Fortunately, I can rely on Xiao Daji and Huofeng, and I can practice well in the future, don’t you know?"

Da Hei secretly rolled his eyes, and nodded frantically, "I see, Master."

Li Nianfan looked at the bald black, and felt an ugly breath suddenly hit his face. He couldn't help but said, "These two dog thieves are also strange things. Just catch you, and shave your hair. Don't talk about it. Moral."

at the same time.

It's only a thousand miles away from Ten Thousand Demon City, in a dense forest.

Daji and Huofeng were followed by many fairies, slowly walking out of a cave.

The three demon emperors such as the bull spirits naturally followed. Some of the demon kings who followed were severely wounded and bleeding, some were mutilated, and some had loose eyes. They were all the monsters who were captured by the world alliance nearby. .

Daji looked at the **** suspiciously, "This is what you call the stronghold of the league?"

The bull spirit scratched the horns, and said unsure: "Uh...this...is it."

Its bull-eyes are round, and it also feels incredible.

As we all know, the Jiemeng is very terrible. As the stronghold of the Jiemeng, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as Longtan Tiger’s Den. They were all prepared to fight to the death.

Daji and Huofeng naturally also know the importance. When they came, they were cautious, and even repeatedly confirmed the enemy’s situation, and then... unknowingly gave this stronghold to a pot...

Although they have encountered considerable resistance, there are only four Hunyuan Daluojinxian realm powers that are comparable to the Barbarians. Daji and Huofeng can easily get them in the fastest time. Set them up.

That's it?

Didn’t it mean that there are still great powers in the realm of heaven?

Could this be a fake stronghold?

It's not right, it really rescued everyone, and also discovered the secret of Jiemeng.

The bull spirit didn’t care about other things, and he said sincerely: “Fairy Daji, Fairy Fire Phoenix, my old cow speaks for words, you save my brother, and I will listen to you in the future! Little fox demon king, I admit it!”

The hippo spirit and the black panther spirit looked at each other, and said, "We are the same."

"Okay, don't resist next." Da Ji nodded, took out the golden demon gourd, and absorbed all the primordial spirits of the three demon.

General magic weapons naturally cannot restrict the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but this golden gourd is different. A proper chaotic spirit treasure naturally cannot help the three monsters play their minds.

The eyes of the three demon emperors all showed green light, and they couldn't help but sigh with Daji's wealth. From the previous fights, I felt the clues. This is a hard-fought magic weapon that has improved how many combat powers.

Sure enough, the power of krypton gold can be applied anywhere, and the others are not unjustly defeated.

Not to mention that they are just Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they are the power of the realm of Heavenly Dao. It is very possible to have Chaos Lingbao.

But at this moment, they all felt their hearts and suddenly raised their heads.

But I saw that layers of golden light appeared above the sky without warning, like a tide, flowing in one direction...

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