Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 569: 568: Royal beast sect, the ambition of the world alliance

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The next day.

After a beautiful rest for a night, Li Nianfan got up in the morning sun, feeling refreshed and uncomfortable.

"My son, I will serve you to change your clothes." Daji who was waiting by the side immediately began to serve gently.

Huofeng also came over with the tub, and said, "Master, the wash water is here."

Seeing such stunning beauty early in the morning, and being as majestic as a goddess on the outside, and gentle as water on the inside, Li Nianfan was even more satisfied.

smiled sincerely and said: "It's really my good wife."

Waiting to be neatly dressed, Li Nianfan walked out of the room, inhaling the faint fragrance of flowers, and the beautiful day began again.

"the host……"

Aside from   , there was a whisper suddenly, expressing a sense of grievance.

Li Nianfan turned around and was almost taken aback.

But seeing Da Hei, who had no hair all over his body, was lying at the door, his ears tucking, and watching Li Nianfan, he looked alive like a large hairless mouse.

Without the majestic dog hair, Da Hei was obviously thinner, revealing the red and white skin, which was really happy.

In this state, it will naturally not return to Dog Mountain, otherwise, the fame of the first generation will really be ruined, and where is the majesty.

Li Nianfan took a deep breath and suffocated the laughter he wanted to make. Then he closed his eyes to adjust his state, and when he opened them, his eyes were full of sympathy and pity.

opened the mouth and said: "Da Hei, you have suffered! But it's okay. This season, it's just right to cut the hair, and it's cool."


Da Hei lay pitifully on his stomach, and snarled: "Master, I Da Hei wants revenge!"

It’s the truth.

The two words   jiemeng have been deeply imprinted on its psychology. It has been turned over four times to find the **** trouble, and the damage to the **** is not low. It must pay a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye!

Originally, Da Hei only wanted to live a dull life as a dog king, to be a carefree dog, why did I force me?

Li Nianfan touched its head speechlessly, and calmly said, “Come on, take revenge on your cultivation base, work hard, and be careful next time. It’s a good thing not to get caught.”

Da Hei yelled in dissatisfaction: "I don't care! This dog is a big deal! I won't let them go, pets, I want to treat all the people in the Jiemeng as pets!"

"Go on, don’t get excited."

Li Nianfan also knew that this incident was a big blow to Da Hei, and now even the words in the story he told it are used, and I don’t know what Da Hei will do in the future, so let’s enlighten him after a while.


But at this moment, a melodious piano sound came from the front yard.

The sound of the piano is like a tide, with a hint of sharpness, and it becomes more and more high-pitched, making people's hearts involuntarily quickened, which has a wake-up and inspiring effect.

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I heard this kind of piano sound early in the morning, which can easily dispel sleepiness and make people full of energy.

Li Nianfan closed his eyes and listened for a while, and curiously said: "It's the sound of girl Man Yun, she's in good spirits, she actually plays the piano early in the morning."

He took Daji and Huofeng out of the back garden to the front yard.

Sure enough, I saw Qin Manyun playing the piano. In addition, there were a lot of monsters gathered. Looking around, they were basically the monsters rescued last night.

When they saw Li Nianfan and Daji, they immediately shook their whole body, and then showed a simple and friendly smile, with deep awe in their eyes.

They all knew about Li Nianfan. When they heard that the expert had just arrived recently, they used the wine brewed from the chaotic roots to entertain the demons. Their eyes were green with envy, and they all beat their chests, and only hated why they didn't return sooner. .


In addition, yesterday I saw Li Nianfan understate the power of the two Heavenly Dao realms. Their power broke their imagination, and they were restrained without kneeling directly.

There is no need to say more, everyone said in unison: "I have seen Lord Sheng, Fairy Daji, Fairy Fire Phoenix."

The bull spirit spoke without hesitation: "We are grateful that Fairy Da Ji destroyed a stronghold of the Alliance yesterday and joined the City of Ten Thousand Monsters voluntarily and named the little fox as the demon king!"

Hippo Jing also said: "Yes, if you have anything in the future, even if you leave it to us, we will not do our best and will not let everyone down!"

"Please also take care of you in the future."

The scene was quite lively, and they showed their loyalty.

Li Nianfan looked at Daji, but he didn't expect that in one night, he would be able to convince the surrounding demon emperor. It seemed that they were much more powerful than he thought.

But he also heard some important points, and couldn’t help asking: “Did you destroy the Jiemeng stronghold yesterday?”

Daji and Huofeng nodded, and whispered: "Yeah."

Li Nianfan frowned, and said: "This is too dangerous. In the future, I should think twice and behave well. Don't swell."

He has heard a lot of news about the Jiemeng. This is a target that many forces are afraid of. Daji and Huofeng have also struggled to subdue the demons, but fortunately they have returned safely.

Daji and Huofeng bit their lip, their eyes are slightly complicated.

is indeed quite dangerous, but... the biggest danger is obviously being carried by you!

We have been thinking about sharing the worries for the master, but every time, the master blocked the biggest wind and rain for us!

On the surface, he saved Da Hei, and at the same time, he has saved us. Now he still cares about us from the heart...

Daji and Huofeng felt that their noses were a little sore, and they were moved: "Don't worry, son, we can save it."

Li Nianfan looked at Qin Manyun again and curiously said: "By the way, Girl Manyun, what are you doing?"

"If you return to Lord Shengjun, I was thinking of awakening Girl Situ Qin with the sound of the piano."

Qin Manyun said while looking in one direction with sympathy.

Following her eyes, Li Nianfan discovered that in the front of the demons, a young girl was sitting on the ground.

She had no gods in her eyes, curled up, her hands wrapped around her legs, her beautiful little face was covered with tears, and she exuded a pitiful and helpless breath.

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The most conspicuous thing is that her hands and feet are actually the limbs of a white tiger, and there are a pair of long wings on the back, like angel wings, but at this time it is also in a curled state.

The first impression of her appearance is that of monsters, mixed among the ten thousand monsters, and coupled with the fact that she has been silent, Li Nianfan really didn't find her the first time.

Just... Listening to Qin Manyun’s introduction just now, she has a name and a surname, this girl does not seem to be a monster?

Li Nianfan can tell at a glance that this girl is in a state of despair. Now she is nothing more than a puppet. In short, she is autistic and extremely autistic.

Li Nianfan asked, "Is she?"

Qin Manyun said, "Hey, she was originally a disciple of the Royal Beast Sect, but unfortunately she was caught by the people of the Jiemeng. Fortunately, she was saved by Fairy Daji last night, but her mental state was very unstable."

Li Nianfan frowned, "How could this be?"

"The cultivation technique of Royal Beast School is to connect monks with monsters. From birth, they will find a monster who is extremely compatible with oneself. The two can be said to be intimate partners, and their destiny is connected."

Qin Manyun paused, and continued: "According to the other monsters who were caught together, she was forced to swallow each other with her own natal monsters. In the end... her monster voluntarily sacrificed herself and was all swallowed by her..."

"Her natal monster is Tianyi Baihu, so, although she is harmless, she has also become such a half-human and half-demon state."

"The group of beasts in the world alliance treat all the creatures in the world as their experimental products. Sooner or later, I will make them pay the price!"

"Hey, whether it is a human or a demon, once it is targeted by the people of the world alliance, it is really better to die than life."

"My younger brother also died in the hands of people from the Jiemeng."

All the demons were filled with righteous indignation, and they hated the realm alliance.

Along the way, not to mention them, it is the Suffering Sect and these sects, they also have a deep resentment towards the world alliance and avoid them.

"I know her situation because I was there at the time."

A cat girl spoke slowly, recalling the scene at the time, her pupils trembled slightly, revealing extreme panic and anxiety, even now, she was still afraid that her whole body's hair was slightly exploded.

Because she was behind Situ Qin. When Situ Qin's devouring was over, it would be her turn. If she was not rescued, then she would probably be dead.

He took a deep breath and continued: "The people in the world alliance will first give people and demons a drug, which seems to affect people's minds, and then inject a specific exercise method, and then the people and the people who are locked up. The demon will go mad, swallowing each other and fusing together."

"Originally, Situ Qin and her natal monster were indeed in madness, but I don’t know why, her natal monster actually regained a bit of sanity at a critical time, and gave up all resistance, very cooperated with Situ Qin to give it to himself. Swallowed."

There was a trace of unbearableness in all people's eyes. They looked at the absent-minded Situ Qin, and sighed in sympathy.

The relationship between the monk of the Royal Beast Sect and the natal monster beast is naturally beyond doubt, and at the most critical moment, her natal monster can make that choice, which is enough to prove their relationship.

This kind of thing happened, how can it not make people regret it.

As for Situ Qin, after she woke up, she thought of everything that happened. I am afraid that only she knew about her inner suffering. No wonder she became like this.

The mosquito person on the side of    said: "The Royal Beast Sect can connect people with monsters. Therefore, the people in the world alliance seem to like to catch the people of the Royal Beast Sect. This is more conducive to their experiments.

Forcibly let the two best partners swallow each other, which shows the madness of the people in the world alliance.

Li Nianfan had already heard about the notoriety of the Jiemeng, and still feels chills today.

couldn't help sighing: "What do these people want to do?"

Daji opened his mouth and said: "My son, after we destroyed that stronghold yesterday, we learned about some things about Jiemeng."

"tell me the story."

Daji said with a solemn expression: "The experiment conducted by the Jiemeng has only one purpose, and that is to create a technique that can swallow everything in the world and turn it into one's own use!"

After a pause, she continued: "This kind of swallowing is different from swallowing in the general sense. It swallows everything from the opponent, including mana, perception, talent and supernatural powers, etc. It may not be accurate to say that it is swallowed, it is better to say it is. Melt together!"

Everyone was amazed.

This kind of exercise can feel overbearing just by listening to it.

Speaking of swallowing, Li Nianfan's first thought was 囡囡, but the swallowing route taken by the 囡囡 was merely the aura of swallowing everything and transforming it into his own power.

Although both of these are swallowed, the kind of 囡囡 transforms other powers into their own power and still retains the original self. As for the swallowing of the world alliance, it should be said that it is fusion. In the end, creation I don’t know what kind of monster it is.

Li Nianfan said: "Since it's an experiment, then it means that they have been perfecting this technique?"

"That's right."

Daji nodded and said: "Every creature is different by nature and has its own talents and supernatural powers, and no one is perfect, more or less incomplete, plus the three thousand Dadao, each has its own enlightenment.

The original intention of Jiemeng to create this technique is to feel that it only needs to swallow the creatures in the chaos, make up for the incompleteness between each other, obtain enough talents and supernatural powers, and integrate different insights to achieve their own strength. An unprecedented height, even beyond the limit, to control the chaos! "

Ambitious thoughts, and extremely crazy.

While talking, Daji couldn't help taking a peek at Li Nianfan, with a trace of worry in her beautiful eyes.

The ambition of the other party is so big, it is enough to prove how powerful the leader of the world alliance is. The information she found is more than that.

She also knows that the realm of the leader of the world alliance is above the realm of heaven, stands at the realm of the avenue, and is at the pinnacle of the realm of the avenue! Prepare to rely on this idea to achieve the goal of becoming the master of the avenue!

Dominate the avenue! It sounded amazing, and she couldn't imagine how terrible it was.

Even if there is only a trace of the power of the avenue, that is not what the power of the realm of heaven can bear. To become the master of the avenue, does it mean that you can control the avenue?

This is terrible, but it's invincible.

Kunpeng showed a look of worrying about the country and the people, and said with emotion: "In this case, if the Jiemeng is really allowed to create this exercise successfully, I am afraid that the entire chaotic creature will be embarrassed!"

Once the exercise is successful, it is no longer the mutual engulfing of the experimental products, but the entire chaotic creatures swallowed by the world alliance, and they will properly treat everyone as their prey.

Anyone who has a brain knows that this kind of exercise must never appear!

"kill me!"

But at this moment, Situ Qin, who had been silent and had no gods, suddenly spoke.

But she saw her eyes red, tears bursting out of her eyes, without lifting her eyelids, she seemed to mutter, "Kill me!"

Qin Manyun couldn't help but said: "Girl Situ, death cannot solve the problem."

"Have you forgotten? I practiced the practice of the Jiemeng. It is not human or demon. It is about to be overwhelmed. I will soon become a monster that only wants to devour. Kill me!"

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