Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 570: 569: What is good and what is evil

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Situ Qin curled up, as if saying something inconsequential, without paying attention to his own life and death in the slightest.

In her eyes, there was no nostalgia for life, her body twitched and she was immersed in endless grief.

Others looked at her, and although their eyes were full of sympathy, they fell silent together and sighed.

Qin Manyun's mouth was also pursed, without speaking.

Although I can’t bear it, Situ Qin is right. Once he becomes an experiment in the world alliance, it will be difficult to turn back. When he starts to swallow, he has become a beast since then. Humanity is no longer and he becomes a person who just wants to swallow. All monsters.

This is also the biggest drawback of this exercise, and the Jiemeng is still being improved.

Situ Qin whispered sobbing in the audience.

But at this moment, a voice sounded abruptly, and calmly said: "Are you willing?"

Situ Qin's body trembled suddenly, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but lift up, staring at Li Nianfan with wide-open eyes, the pear blossoms were raining, and I felt pity.

She is like a small flower in a storm, there is no hope, only the last breath is left, which will overturn at any time.

This man Situ Qin didn't know him, and she hadn't paid attention to other things, but she had heard a little about it. It seemed that this man was very extraordinary and made everyone present in awe.

She averted her gaze, not daring to look at Li Nianfan, and she was silent.

What about reconciliation? What about unwillingness? She has no other way to go.

Li Nianfan continued: "Your natal monster sacrificed voluntarily in order to protect you. If you die like this, are you worthy of its sacrifice?"

When    mentioned the sadness, Situ Qin cried again, choked up and said, "I'm sorry for it."

The way Li Nianfan looked at her was also unbearable, but it was precisely because of sympathy that he wanted to enlighten her even more.

She has been miserable enough, she can't helplessly watch her fall away.

He opened his mouth and said: "No matter who it is, there will always be a period of time that is too small and unimaginable. It will be fine. You must forget everything in the past, because those are not important. What really matters is the choice you make now. "

Situ Qin desperately said: "But, I...do I still have a choice?"

"Naturally there is."

Li Nianfan smiled, his tone was full of deep meaning, "Just like your natal monster, it can choose to restore its sanity and save you at the last moment, you can do the same!"

"Your monster beast does not need to bow its head. If you give up now, what is the meaning of its efforts? It sacrifices itself because it thinks you can live better instead of it!"

Li Nianfan’s words were like thunder, crashing into Situ Qin’s mind, causing her pupils to shrink into stitches and a layer of goose bumps all over her body.

Yes, my monster can have the will to fight against that technique, so why should I show weakness?

If I lose, doesn't it mean that my monster also loses?

It did not lose!

I can’t shame it!

Situ Qin's eyes gradually began to show a look, and he firmly said: "Abai, don't worry, I will work hard with your share!"

Seeing her like this, Li Nianfan showed a smile, and the chicken soup from the previous life had done something again.

Although it has no substantial effect, it is truly unparalleled in inspiring people's hearts. No matter who it is, a bowl of chicken soup can hardly escape the end of brain fever.

I have to say that no matter where it is placed, the mouth is the strongest skill.

As for other people, seeing Li Nianfan's few words can make Situ Qin reinvigorated. It is all shocking to heaven, but he feels that it is natural and even more powerful.

Casually speaking, they are all shocking, thought-provoking, pointing directly to the Taoist heart, and it is impossible to do without a high level of realm.

The original heavy atmosphere was instantly diluted a lot.


However, the next moment, Situ Qin's muffled hum made the atmosphere tense again, and a blood-red mana began to spill from her body, with coldness and tyranny, as if she wanted to choose someone and eat it. The peerless beast will be violent at any time.

This breath makes people feel uneasy and disgusted.

The monsters around all changed their complexions and backed up one after another, looking at Situ Qin very vigilantly, many of them even more panicked.

"That's awful, this is the practice of Jiemeng who has begun to react!"

"No way, once you become an experiment in the world alliance, swallowing and fusion becomes instinct, just like eating and drinking, how can it be controlled? It is more uncomfortable than death."

"It's true that life is better than death. If it were me, I would have lost my mind."

"Perhaps killing her is the best relief for her."

Everyone could not help but talk in a low voice, with anxiety and pity, and a deep fear of this technique.

The mana flowed through their whole body, ready to defend at any time. After all, Situ Qin at this time was a time bomb, and it might pounce on it at any time, biting and devouring.

Situ Qin's whole body began to tremble, and a tyrannical blood red rose in his eyes, muttering to himself: "I can't admit defeat, Abai, look at it, I can also keep my sanity!"

While talking, she raised her hand and brought it to her mouth, restrained firmly, and opened her mouth without hesitation to bite it.

Two lines of blood, gurgling down, dropping to the ground, shocking.

Qin Manyun began to play the piano again, the sound of the piano was like a tide, gurgling flowing past, surrounded by Situ Qin, trying to help her hold on to her heart.

Li Nianfan raised his eyebrows. Seeing Situ Qin who was desperately supporting him, he could not help pursing his mouth, feeling a little hot on his face.

Nima, do you want to slap your face like this?

Seeing that my mouth has just reaped some effects, which directly broke out the sequelae. Is this provoking me?


Situ Qin's hand, a bite of meat was bitten by himself, and did not spit it out, but chewed in his mouth, with a lot of tiger hair stained on the corners of his mouth, the scene was extremely frightening.

Her hands are fluffy snow-white tiger claws, which have been stained with blood at this time.

"Is she eating her own meat or tiger meat?"

Li Nianfan couldn't help but arouse this curiosity, but then he shook his head and discarded this untimely distracting thought.

At this moment, Situ Qin's body has slowly stood up, and her eyes showed extreme struggling. The manic breath drove her long hair to dance wildly, and the muscles all over her body were obviously bulging. The state of being ready to attack.

Qin Manyun’s piano sound is getting more and more rapid, and there seems to be sweat on his forehead, but the effect is obviously minimal.

This piano sound... Li Nianfan had to complain.

Originally, if the sound of the piano is correct, it can indeed have a soothing effect, but Qin Manyun is obviously not a professional in this area, and he does not use any good piano music. It gives people a messy feeling, and there will be ghosts if they can calm down.

Maybe the piano tone is just a technique, she just wants to use magic power to forcefully suppress Situ Qin.

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Da Ji beside Li Nianfan raised her hand slightly without expression.

Immediately, under Situ Qin's feet, a wave of ice was born, which quickly spread up, wrapping Situ Qin's legs.

Only Li Nianfan was in her eyes, and she would not allow anything that might threaten Li Nianfan.

Now, Situ Qin is showing signs of madness. She just blocked her actions, which is already a special kindness. Once Situ Qin takes any more radical actions, there will be an additional ice sculpture here!

"Let me die with dignity while I still have reason."

Situ Qin’s face was already distorted, extremely painful, and a beast-like roar broke out in her body. She looked at Li Nianfan and desperately said: “Sorry, I don’t want to become a monster, I want to die...”

"The son."

Daji looked at Li Nianfan, waiting for Li Nianfan's instructions.

As long as Li Nianfan nodded, everything would end.


Li Nianfan sighed softly, with a trace of melancholy in his voice, and said: "Since you still have a sense of reason, why don't you try to give it a try? As long as you have hope, you will be invulnerable!"

In his opinion, Situ Qin now seems to be a drug addict. As long as he can maintain his sanity, he still has the opportunity to carry it. The most important thing is to have that faith in his heart.

Regarding this, he feels that he can still help. This requires a little trick in his heart.

Situ Qin obviously has reached the limit. He raised his hand again and bit off a piece of meat, crying hoarsely: "I really can't control myself. I don't want to experience that evil feeling anymore."

"Then you should not use death to escape."

Li Nianfan shook his head, and then said: "Little Daji, take out the pen and ink."

Daji was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said: "Okay, son."

Qin Manyun and Yao Mengji shook their bodies at the same time, and endless light burst out in their eyes. With extreme anticipation and excitement, their hearts throbbed, almost exclaiming with excitement.

Master, this is moving compassion...Are you going to make a move?

Finally, I'm going to see the master again, and waiting for the heroic posture is really admiring and looking forward to it.

This little girl is saved!

Other people's heart beat likewise. The demon's power against the master only exists in the words of others and their own guesses, but the master suddenly planned to make a move.

As for Kunpeng, his eyes widened even more.

It was heard from the people of Tiangong. The reason why it was arrested was because the master drew a "coming in the bowl" painting, so he easily accepted it. This time he can finally see it with his own eyes. See the master's calligraphy!

so excited.

Daji soon prepared the ink and spread it out in front of Li Nianfan, and at the same time began to polish the ink well.

Li Nianfan was holding the pen, looking at the white paper in front of him, and did not rush to write down.

At this moment, a strange breath began to slowly overflow from his body.

This breath is like a calm ocean, endless, but calm and calm, and like a harbor, where any manic and restless heart can rest.

At this moment, everyone present was infected, and the inner expectation, tension and excitement gradually disappeared, quietly waiting for Li Nianfan to write.

Situ Qin, who was about to fall into madness, also regained her sanity. She stared in Li Nianfan's direction blankly, only feeling that she was wrapped in an irresistible rule.

It's like...When Li Nianfan writes, the world will stop and become a foil!

All instability must be suppressed!

"What is good and what is evil?"

The long voice came from Li Nianfan's mouth. Although it was not big, it resounded in everyone's ears and shook their souls.

If they were in peacetime, they would sneer at this question, but now, the brain is involuntarily thinking deeply, and constantly questioning inwardly, it's like...Daoxin torture!

Li Nianfan’s voice sounded again, "Little Daji, do you think there are absolutely kind people in this world?"

Daji thought for a moment, and said: "No, after all, everyone will have selfishness and sex."

"Yes, in this world, good and evil are not difficult to distinguish, and everyone has good thoughts and evil thoughts. The difficult thing is how to choose, stand on each side of your feet, this is humanity!"

Li Nianfan nodded, and said, "Good and evil can't be done in a single thought, Situ Qin, since there are choices, how come you can't help it? Ask yourself whether you want to be good or evil! "

After the words were finished, Li Nianfan started writing, and along the middle of the white paper, gently drew a trace, dividing the white paper into two!

As his pen point fell, everyone felt that the world was being divided, and even their souls were divided into two!

Half is white and half is black!

And Li Nianfan's pen didn't stop, he wrote a good character on the left, and an evil character on the right!


Everyone looked at the copybook, and their brains were suddenly blank. They only felt that there was a black and white gas intertwined to form a Tai Chi pattern. Sometimes they were on the black side of Tai Chi, and sometimes they jumped to the white side of Tai Chi.

A burst of great rhythm spilled out of the copybook. In front of this force, everyone was like a child, trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

All kinds of their past, at this time, they have poured into their hearts. Every thing, every choice, every mental activity they experienced back then, all came to mind in their minds, both good and evil.

These things, one by one, tortured their hearts one by one, scrubbing the past and strengthening their hearts.

No matter who it is, there will be no pure goodness. Not only will there be good thoughts, but evil thoughts will also be born. The key is choice.

Situ Qin had already fallen into a sluggishness, she felt that she was in the boundless darkness, without the slightest light, and she was so depressed that she could not breathe, as if she wanted to swallow her.

Just when she was desperate and about to give up hope, a bright light suddenly appeared, and a white tiger phantom was glowing brightly all over her body, floating in front of her, flying with her wings spread out.


Situ Qin shook suddenly, and rushed forward excitedly, "Wait for me, Abai!"

I don’t know how long she has been running, she was panting with exhaustion, and light gradually appeared in front of her, and it became brighter and brighter, stinging her eyes.

Vaguely, she saw herself when she was a child. At that time, she was a little girl and met Abai for the first time.

She lifted the little white tiger high in excitement, and said loudly: "Abai, we will be partners fighting side by side in the future, and we will... slay the devil and defend the way!"

Ahead, the white tiger phantom stopped and turned to look at the desperate Situ Qin.

"Master, I believe you can keep yourself and stick to your heart, just like I was able to overcome all evil thoughts and choose to protect you!"

After the words, it spread its wings and directly turned into light, which merged into Situ Qin's body!

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