Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 580: 579: On Dao, there is another person in our heavenly palace

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Everyone’s heart sank slightly, and there is no need to think about it. This so-called emperor certainly cannot simply let everyone go.

Taoist   Junjun cautiously said: "I don't know how you want to bet?"

"My generation of monks, we should put our emphasis on Taoism, and I want to compare Taoism with you!"

The emperor smiled and looked at the people with deep eyes, and continued: "You don’t have to worry, since I am talking about the Tao, I will not use my power to suppress others, let alone rely on my cultivation to deceive others. I just don’t know how you treat yourself. Is Dao confident? Dare to accept this bet?"

The so-called "Dao" is to be the first to find out the weakness of the opponent's Dao Heart, or to create the weakness of the opponent's Dao Heart, so that the opponent's mind will fall, and then defeat it!

On the side, Taishang Laojun suddenly spoke, and loudly reminded: "He is the piano owner, the best at talking to people, don't bet with him!"


The man next to the emperor raised his hand again. The whip was like the wind, and he couldn't see it at all. He had already beaten him on the body of the old man, causing him to lie on the ground again, hurting himself with a hideous whip. The lower part was printed on his entire upper body, the skin was ripped apart and it was difficult to recover.

After that, the long whip was like a snake, directly wrapped around the old gentleman, bound and lifted him, suspended in the void, and tightened it tightly.

"Stop it!"

Jade Emperor and the three roared at the same time, looking at Taishang Laojun, their eyes were slightly red.

They used to control the predecessor together, and they are both big brothers, and occasionally they will have calculations, but at the same time they will also sympathize with each other, after all, they are from the same source.

At this time, seeing the old man being bullied, a sense of sadness and anger could not help but spring up in his heart.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen who followed heard each other's name, their expressions changed immediately, and they exclaimed, "Piano Master?!"

Jade Emperor solemnly said: "Who is he?"

"It is a super power that travels in the chaos."

Qin Chongshan felt the heavy pressure and said in a low voice, "I heard that he enters the Tao with music, and an accordion song can evolve into the heavens and worlds. It is breathtaking and makes the Taoism fall! I especially like to find the strong in the chaos, rather than Comparing and discussing the Dao, the power of Heaven's Dao defeated in his hands exceeds the number of hands!"

This is a fighting madman, so he is more famous in Chaos.

And so and so, can still live well, enough to show his strength, I am afraid that in the realm of heaven, he can be regarded as a master!

Hearing this news, everyone's hearts are undoubtedly heavier.

Daoist Junjun said in a deep voice, "What is the bet?"

The emperor said: "If I win, your heavenly palace will serve me and become my slave!"

Nuwa said, "What if we win?"

"You can't win." The emperor shook his head, proud to the extreme.

Humanity: "Without a bet, this bet cannot be established!"

The emperor looked at Taishang Laojun, "If you win, this guy will pay you back."

Lao Jun's face was pale, his eyes were full of anger, his lips moved and he wanted to speak, but he was strangled by a whip, even speaking hard.

Use him to exchange the entire Tiangong, this is simply a very different bet, it is too unfair!

姮'e immediately said: "This is not fair!"


The emperor smiled, full of sarcasm, "Are you not awake? You actually talked fair with me?"

"This world is the world of the strong. I bet with you that it is to give you a chance. If you don’t be grateful for Dade, let’s talk about fairness with me? It’s ridiculous, you have no choice at all!"

Everyone's hands could not help but clenched their fists, their faces showed resentment, but they felt deep powerless.

The emperor is right, they have no choice at all.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Daoist Junjun and Nuwa looked at each other and said coldly, "We... bet!"

"Don't, don't!"

Lao Jun looked at them, his eyes were red, and he looked at everyone, he wanted to cry.

has always been by the side of the emperor. He deeply knows the power of the emperor. His music is enough to make the world rise and fall, the rules are chaotic, and no one can resist.

The most horrible time, he personally verified that the emperor played the piano, which caused all the creatures in a small world to lose their Dao heart, and even the world’s heaven was wiped out!

Only relying on Junjun Taoists, how can they resist?

In order to save himself, he watched them stepping into the abyss. This feeling drove him crazy. At the same time, he felt the care of his family and was so touched.

"As long as one of you can take my song, even if you win."

The emperor smiled, stroked the piano in front of him, and looked at everyone calmly, "You...who will come first?"

"I come!"

Nuwa took a deep breath, stepped out with a dignified face, and then sat cross-legged, getting ready.

As soon as she raised her hand, the Baolian Lantern slowly flew out, hovering above her head, and brilliance pouring out from the Baolian Lantern like water waves, rushing to Nuwa, playing an auxiliary role in centering.

After that, Nuwa closed her eyes, and a wave of Taoist rhyme spilled out of her body, causing the surrounding space to twist, with a colorful halo surrounding Nuwa's body, covering her whole body, dimly.

As far as Taoism is concerned, deep down, she is still somewhat confident.

After all, in the process of getting along with the master, her understanding of Tao is much higher than that of the normal monk. Moreover, whether it is listening to the master playing the piano, or playing chess with the master, even Eating high-level things can more or less enhance everyone's understanding of Tao.

This is not a small plug-in, enough to make them look down on other monks.


The emperor raised his brows slightly, then stopped saying more, and raised his hand slightly to tick the strings.


The sound of the piano first appeared, turning into a gentle breeze blowing towards Nuwa, touching with the colorful light around Nuwa, silently.

The people around are staring wide-eyed, watching nervously.

Although the Dao is as powerful as the no fighting method, it is even more dangerous than the fighting method.

The words in   's eyes are likely to destroy the Taoist heart. It is affirmative to get into the evil spirit. Many people may directly doubt themselves, and thus become depressed and become useless.


The emperor’s hands began to strum quickly on the strings, and the sound of the piano came up quickly. In the blink of an eye, the originally gentle breeze turned into a storm and swept across Nuwa.

In the end...turned into a tornado, wrapped in Nuwa, everyone could even hear the howling of wind in the storm.

Through the powerful tornado, you can see that the colorful light in the center is still shining.

"It's "Ambush on Ten Sides"!"

Although    is only the beginning, everyone is naturally familiar with it. When even recognizing the piano music played by the emperor, he blushed and became even more angry.

Hong'er stared at the emperor unwillingly, and said unwillingly: "Damn it!"

This is a piece given to them by an expert. It contains a very high artistic conception. For Qin Xiu, it is a good fortune that can be met but cannot be sought.

Nowadays, not only has this song been taken away by others, but it has also dealt with everyone in turn. This kind of thing makes them feel like they have eaten flies, and it is extremely disgusting.


The sound of the piano is fierce, getting more and more rapid, and the killing aura emerges like a mountain, and the powerful sound waves crush the surrounding laws, and it is unparalleled!

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"Da da da!"

Even the sound of horseshoes and the screams of thousands of horses sounded in the ears of everyone, and the heartbeat could not help speeding up, like a drum.

The tornado surrounding Nuwa is getting stronger and stronger, and there seem to be countless soldiers in it. Jinke iron horses, swallowing mountains and rivers, rushing towards Nuwa with an unstoppable momentum, shouting around Nuwa.

At this moment, Nuwa seemed to be reduced to a weak woman, standing alone and confused on the battlefield, weak and helpless.

And what she is facing are countless terrifying soldiers, rushing towards her like a tide, wanting to engulf them!

She couldn't help taking a step back.

It was this step, her way suddenly fell apart, and she burst into blood with a "poof", her expression wilted, and she was hit hard.

The emperor opened his mouth and said: "You are already pretty good if you can last so long."

An irrelevant sentence, but it made everyone feel contemptuous.

Bai Chen sighed: “It’s too difficult and too difficult to win the piano master.”

Qin Chongshan nodded and said: "In the chaos, the whereabouts of the piano master has been uncertain, but once he is followed, no matter who it is, it will feel a headache."

The people in Tiangong don’t understand, but they have heard of the violin master, and even the ancestors of their sect don’t want to face the violin master without talking about them.

The piano master said: "Next, who will come?"

"I come."

Daoist Junjun stepped forward, his robe fluttering, his face was heavy, and he waved his hand, but there was a big drum in front of him.

He is going to suppress the sound of the piano with drums!

The violinist didn't say much, and he raised his hand and moved the strings.

"Boom boom boom!"

Taoist Junjun said nothing, raising his hand and banging on the drum frantically.

and the sound is out of order.

Unlike Nuwa, Taoist Junjun is ready to attack and defend!

At this moment, he communicated his own way through the drums, confronted the piano owner, and wanted to disturb the rhythm of the piano owner.

Two different sounds intertwined in the void and collided with each other, making the void like a lake, constantly rippling.

Taoist Junjun's eyes were drooping, and his face remained unchanged. In his mind, the endless avenues that Li Nianfan had seen when he put the discs for him emerged.

He was immersed in the avenue, released through drums, trying to influence the way of the piano master.

However, the piano master’s piano sound has not changed at all, it is steady and deep, like a mountain standing, and like a river flowing, always maintaining its own rhythm, extremely crisp, and gradually overwhelming the drums, becoming the only sound here!

"It's our song, "Mountain and Flowing Water"."

姮E's helpless wry smile, this person is so shameless!

Actually took the two songs that the master gave us to show off his power, what kind of pretense? shameless!


Taoist Junjun's body trembled suddenly, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression in a trance, and he was shaking.


The piano master did not hesitate to praise his praise, and said in amazement: "I didn't expect your understanding of Tao to be so profound, but it made me admire it with admiration."

He thought of the two tunes he had obtained. The tunes are good and the people are not bad. They are indeed God's Domain, and they do have their merits.

He glanced, looked at the people calmly, and asked, "Who else?"

Everyone was silent.

My heart is extremely bitter.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen wanted to come forward, but they looked at the match just now, knowing that they were also not opponents.

Qin Chongshan solemnly said: "I can go back and ask our Supreme Elder to come forward!"

Bai Chen said in the same way: "I can also ask our ancestors to come forward!"

Their ancestors are all powerful in the realm of Heavenly Dao. If you talk to the piano master, you still have a chance to win!

"If it is..."

Jade Emperor opened his mouth, but did not say anything.

However, everyone can already guess what he meant.

If there is an expert, this **** piano master is a scum, and he will be suppressed by the expert casually.

Although the Taoist Junjun and Nuwa lost, they have been with the masters and experienced the avenues that the masters occasionally show, and they can naturally feel the gap.

If the way of the master is the vast ocean, then the way of the piano master is just a small ditch, and it is about to dry up.

Just, how can they let an expert do it? Just think about it.

I am incompetent, and I still want to disturb the master's clean cultivation, it shouldn't be!

However, the words of the Jade Emperor reminded Yao Mengji who was staying in the Guanghan Palace, his expression moved slightly, and an idea came into his mind.

Although this idea is a bit absurd, he vaguely thinks it is feasible.

The piano master stood up and said, "Is there no one? If so, then you lose!"

The old gentleman was still hung in the air, his eyes showed grief, and his body was trembling slightly with discomfort.

He naturally knew that there was no one in the temple, and even Hongjun Daozu had lost. Who else could figure it out?

A desperate mood rose from his heart.

Qin Chongshan looked at the piano master and said, "I am the Sect Master of Suffering, give me a few days, I can invite our Supreme Elder to come!"

"Bitterness Sect?"

The piano master shook his head, "I will go to the Suffering Sect for a while! However, it is my business with Tiangong, there is no need to waste time with you!"

"There are still people in our heavenly palace!"

But at this moment, Yao Mengji spoke loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

The violinist frowned, "Oh?"

Nuwa also moved her heart, "Daoyou Yao, you mean Fairy Manyun?"

"Not bad." Yao Mengji nodded, "I think I can give it a try!"

Others also thought of Qin Manyun, and there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts. After all, Qin Manyun has been practicing Qin Dao by his side for this period of time. He has been guided by him, and his strength must be improved by leaps and bounds, especially for Qin Dao. The understanding must be extremely deep.

However, thinking of Qin Manyun's strength, it felt a little impossible.

Although Taoism is not the same as strength, it is still related to a certain degree. If there is too much difference in strength, then there is basically no suspense about Taoism.

However, at this time, it seems that there is no other choice but a dead horse to be a living doctor.

No matter what, she is next to Gaoren...Qintong!

Thinking of this, Daoist Junjun raised his head, his eyes were deep, and he said: "Yes, we still have someone else to talk to the predecessors!"

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