Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 581: 580: Owner: I feel insulted

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The piano master looked at them coldly, with no emotion on his face.

As far as he is concerned, the group of people in front of him are nothing more than ants. There is no need to worry about any changes at all. The innermost attitude is actually indifferent.

If there is an interesting opponent, he doesn't mind.

But... but I don’t want to waste time.

"One day, I only give you one day."

The piano master said faintly, "This is your last chance. If you let me know that you are playing tricks on me, then none of you will survive!"

He pointed at Yao Mengji and commanded: "Hurry up and find someone!"

"You just wait and see!"

Yao Mengji gritted his teeth, greeted Yudi and the others, and headed straight for the Luoxian Mountain Range.

He did not dare to neglect, and drove at his fastest speed. Two hours later, he saw the Luoxian Mountain Range, landed at the foot of the mountain, and climbed quickly.

Not long after, the familiar courtyard house appeared in front of him.

He took a deep breath and quickly reduced his inner anxiety to prevent him from losing his stance in front of the expert, which affected the expert’s mood, and then slowly stepped forward, and knocked respectfully "dongdongdong" three times.

"Yao Mengji asks to see Lord Shengjun."

Soon, with a "squeak", the door opened.

It was Qin Manyun who opened the door. She smiled at her master and said happily: "Master, why are you here?"

Yao Mengji asked with concern: "How did you learn the piano from Master Shengjun?"

Qin Manyun felt Yao Mengji’s urgency, and thought for a while: “Although it’s just a little bit of Li Gongzi, I think I have benefited a lot and reached a height that our entire sect was unimaginable before.”


Yao Mengji frowned, a little worried.

Compared with the previous sect, this compelling box is instantly low-end. Today's opponent is the piano master in the chaos, can he win?

He was worried and worried, but he couldn't lose his courtesy, and he quickly saluted: "Yao Mengji has seen Lord Sheng, Fairy Daji, Fairy Huofeng."

He only noticed that the peaceful courtyard was quite lively, and Li Nianfan and the others were making dumplings and playing.

It seems to have just made the dough, and the hands are covered with snow-white flour, and even on the face there is some powder. It looks happy and very homely.

Looking at the flour again, it was a big bucket with meat foam used to make dumplings, and a burst of aura overflowed, making Yao Mengji feel that the meat foam was glowing, very, very dazzling.

He could guess that this is properly dumpling stuffing made from gluttonous meat and various spiritual roots.

One word, luxury.

However, his inner anxiety is slightly certain.

Even the dignified gluttonous has been reduced to this end, then no piano master will be better than gluttonous, how can I not have confidence in the master?

"It's a fellow Mengji, welcome."

Li Nianfan wrapped the dumplings in his hands and put them down, rinsed his hands with water, and beckoned Yao Mengji to sit down.

asked curiously: "What? Come to see Girl Man Yun?"

"It's true that I am here to ask Man Yun to deal with an opponent."

Yao Mengji directly opened the door and said: "I want her to compete with someone!"


Li Nianfan knew that Yao Mengji was also a good player at the piano. Since he came, it means that he had lost properly.

The high probability is that he thinks that Qin Manyun has learned the piano art with me, so he wants to ask Qin Manyun to find the place.

Yao Mengji tangled for a moment, and finally did not dare to hide it. He said, "Originally, we practiced with Fairy Chang'e. The other party not only snatched the two scores you gave us, Lord Shengjun, but also laughed at us over and over. A good song."

He felt guilty, after all, he failed to protect the master's song.

"That's it." Li Nianfan nodded.

Aside, Qin Manyun felt a burst of pressure, and it was possible that the master could come over specially. It was not a small matter.

Yao Mengji cautiously said: "It's just...I wonder if Man Yun's piano can grow?"

"Hahaha, under my tune, can I grow less?"

Li Nianfan laughed, looked at Yao Mengji interestingly, felt his faint anxiety, and then said: "But to be on the safe side, I can teach Girl Man Yun again temporarily."

Teaching temporarily?

Qin Manyun and Yao Mengji were both ecstatic in their hearts, and suddenly felt that the situation was stable.

"By the way, when will you compete?"

"Master Shengjun, it will be tomorrow now."

"That's just too late. I have to hurry up."

Li Nianfan directly sat next to the guqin placed in the yard, and said to Qin Manyun: “Don’t make dumplings. Wash your hands quickly. I will take you to a ensemble to try to improve.”

Since Qin Manyun learned the piano with him, and now he wants to compete with others, it is the best to win, and he has a good face.

"Oh, here comes."

Qin Manyun was flattered, washed his hands as quickly as possible, and sat respectfully in front of his piano, somewhat restrained and expectant.

This feeling is like a mediocre musician who suddenly gets the opportunity to play with a super music master. It’s really exciting.

Li Nianfan said, "Are you ready?"

Qin Manyun sits in a jeopardy face, "Well, well!"

"Let’s start then, you try to follow my tunes, and the piano tunes will choose Guangling."

After Li Nianfan finished speaking, his hands were already on the body of the piano. Seeing this, Qin Manyun immediately followed.

No need to speak, the two played the piano at the same time very tacitly.


The sound of the piano began to reverberate in the courtyard. Others held their breaths and listened to them, and instantly merged into the piano sound.

There are waves of piano sounds, flying like elves, dancing and dancing in the space, this is the elves of the avenue, the avenue is dancing!

In this ocean of avenues, no matter who it is, you will be submerged in it. No matter who it is, you will feel your own insignificance, and you can’t do anything except marvel.

Yao Mengji knows that if the piano owner is allowed to come over at this time, he might not even have the courage to play the piano, just like a child, where can he have the courage to play with an adult?

As for Qin Manyun

Yao Mengji's eyes are full of envy and comfort.

Obviously, it was because an expert was driving her to play. Otherwise, she would have been unable to bear the baptism of so many avenues. How could she be able to participate in this level of piano sound? It is an expert who is supporting her!

It is foreseeable that under the leadership of an expert, what a terrible harvest she will get when she shuttles through the avenue.

I don't know if it is an illusion, everyone feels that the space around Qin Manyun has become erratic, like ripples in the water, beginning to rippling and twisting.

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And these rippling waves flowed from Li Nianfan's fingertips, wrapped around Qin Manyun's body, forming an invisible coat.

"Avenue... outside, coat?"

Yao Mengji looked silly, never expected that there could be such wonders in the world.

At this moment, although Qin Manyun’s tune is far inferior to Li Nianfan, it is already rich in charm.

If he was a little bit guilty about Qin Manyun’s chances of winning before, then now, he has no trace of worry, and he can’t wait to see what that awesome violinist was like when he lost.

Unconsciously, the song ended.

Li Nianfan and Qin Manyun stopped their hands at the same time. Li Nianfan was very calm, while Qin Manyun opened his small mouth slightly, with shock in his beautiful eyes.

She has some incredible memories.

Just now... I actually played that kind of tune?

She knew in her heart that this was because of Li Nianfan, and she was both excited and moved.

Li Nianfan looked at Qin Manyun and asked, “What were you thinking when you just played the piano?”

"What do you think?"

Qin Manyun straightened his body, thought hard, and finally said: "It seems that I didn't think about anything, just devoted himself to the music."

"That's what you want, remember this feeling."

Li Nianfan nodded, and then said: "You must know that music is related to your own heart. Only when you sink your heart into it and truly resonate with music, without changes in external objects, can you play the best. Good music."

Qin Manyun nodded thoughtfully, "Young Master Li, I see."

Li Nianfan smiled, and said: "Okay, I will ensemble with you a few more times, I hope you can win beautiful."

Qin Manyun stood up and said solemnly: "I will definitely not let Li Gongzi down."

That night, Qin Manyun did not sleep or play the piano, but he was holding the piano, seeming to be in a daze.

Li Nianfan did not bother her either.

The next day.

Qin Manyun wears the guqin, his eyes are as calm as water, and the whole person is like a secluded pool, exuding an unfathomable breath.

is preparing to go out with Yao Mengji.

"Right, wait a minute."

Li Nianfan called them, and then walked over with a bag, which contained dumplings.

smiled and said: "There are too many gluttonous meats. I have made a lot of dumplings. It is a waste to put them on. Take them back to the daoists in Tiangong to have a taste."

Yao Mengji didn't even think about it, but he declined: "Master Shengjun, this can't be done."

He knows the preciousness of these dumplings, let alone this bag, it's just one, they are all priceless treasures, things that will drive countless people crazy outside.

I came to ask for help. I have already accepted too much love. How can I accept such a precious thing.

"It's just a little bit of food, what's the point?"

Li Nianfan said amusedly, "Besides, the capture of gluttonous gluttons is indispensable for the nvwa empress, don't refuse!"

Recommend an app that is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and can change the source books!

Yao Mengji can only bite the bullet and accept it sincerely: "Thanks...Thank you Lord Shengjun."

Leaving the courtyard, Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun quickly walked towards the Moon Palace.


Above the Moon Palace.

Since Yao Mengji left, the violinist has been sitting cross-legged in front of the violin, motionless, eyes closed, as if he was closing his eyes to rest.

In fact, he has been comprehending the two scores of "Ambush on Ten Sides" and "High Mountain and Flowing Water" in his mind.

The more you comprehend, the more you feel the extraordinary of these two songs, and I still remember that those scores that I was proud of, compared with these two songs, seemed extremely naive.

Smart, really smart!

He felt that he had taken another step on the piano track.

The man beside    couldn’t wait. He looked at the crowd and sneered: “The day agreed with my master has passed. It seems that your people have run away!”

The violinist suddenly opened his eyes and said lightly: "Get out, they're here."

Not long after, the voices of Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun appeared in everyone's field of vision, quickly approaching.

The man jumped over Yao Mengji and looked directly at Qin Manyun. He couldn't help but was taken aback, thinking that there was something wrong with his perception, "Daluo Jinxian in the early days?"

This is the hope you are waiting for?

A large group of Chaos Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, after a long time of trouble, the last helper they found was actually a rookie who had just become Da Luo Jinxian.

Forcibly added funny links?

The old gentleman, who was still hung by a long whip, saw Qin Manyun and closed his eyes in pain, and couldn't bear to look again.

He knew that there was no hope for a long time, but it was inevitable that he still had a hint of miracle. However, it turns out that he thought too much, and Tiangong had obviously given up resistance a long time ago.

The reason for doing this is probably the last stubbornness, wanting to get sick of the piano master.

The violin master noticed the violin held in Qin Manyun's hands, and suddenly smiled.

This is an angry laugh. The monstrous killing intent immediately freezes the space in the audience, and everyone wants to act, it takes a lot of effort.

"This is your rescuer? Just a little bit Luo Jinxian, also trying to play against me?!"

The piano master has a sharp tone, as if from Jiuyou, it seems that the next moment, he will raise his hand and annihilate the ants in front of him!

She vowed to move the rescuer, so she waited for a day, but it was just a big Luo Jinxian. This is obviously playing him!

And this big Luo Jinxian, actually holding the piano, wanting to play the piano with him, the master, is completely insulting!

It’s amazing. The piano owner said that he had never dreamed about it. There are still people in the world who dare to die like this in front of him!

Everyone felt the coercion from the violinist. They only felt that their blood was in chaos, and the mana in the body had stagnated. There is a kind of great terror that the violinist only needs a thought, and he will fall.

"What? Do you dare to compete with the Da Luo Jinxian in my neighborhood?"

At this moment, a voice was under pressure, and it was difficult to say it. It was not too big, but it was heard by everyone.

The piano master looked at Qin Manyun, "Okay, very good, I have to say, you successfully aroused my anger."

"Since I said I would give you another chance, I won't break my promise! But wait, it's useless for you to ask me to accept you as slaves, because I have decided that you can't live or die!"

Qin Manyun did not speak, she slowly straightened the piano, and sat cross-legged on the auspicious clouds, with her hands hanging on the piano, she was already ready.

Yao Mengji slowly left Qin Manyun, and everyone in Tiangong held their breath, staring wide-eyed, waiting for the next scene.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen looked at each other, at a loss.

They know that an expert is extraordinary, but they have never seen an expert play the piano, but it does not hinder the miracle.

They feel that they must be crazy, and they actually have hope for the great power of Da Luo Jinxian and the realm of Heavenly Dao.

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