Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 584: 583: Free yourself, Jun Jun Taoist

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As time goes by, bubbles have begun to appear in the pot.

Suddenly, everyone stopped talking, and stared at the dumplings tightly. The muscles of the whole body couldn't help tightening, the breath became apparent, and they looked eager to try.

The tense atmosphere is more solemn than fighting.

Although Lao Jun Taishang didn't know why, he wasn't a stupid person. Naturally, he was sitting around the pot with everyone, and was going to try this dumpling if it was different.

Different from other delicacies, dumplings do not give off a too fragrant taste, but the appearance is very regular and crystal clear. You can see the looming dumpling fillings through the dough, which is full and attractive.

Time passes by one minute and one second.

Suddenly, a dumpling in the pot trembled!

Then, following the bubbles slowly surfaced.


There is almost no time interval, the dumplings have already flew out of the water, everyone shot together, and the gorgeous mana rose to the sky, overwhelming the sky, and turned into the power of the law, just to catch the dumplings flying in the air!

Finally, a pair of chopsticks stood out from the sky full of spells, clamped the dumpling in the gap, and then retracted with a "swish", leaving the battlefield.

Taoist Junjun brought the dumplings in front of him, smiled slightly, and put them in his mouth as fast as he could.

At his level, he is naturally not afraid of food being hot, only...being robbed.

When the whole dumpling is put into the mouth, it only feels soft for a while, the dough is tender and smooth, and it moves between the tongue and the mouth, and the taste is so good that it explodes before it is eaten!

He no longer neglects, his teeth press down slightly

Immediately, it seemed to bite open the world's softest defense, the coat of dumplings was torn apart little by little, and the endless deliciousness of the seal inside was like the waves surging, the flood bursting the bank, and rushing out!

The delicious air wave overflowed in the mouth, poured into the nasal cavity, and then directly reached the brain, with a "boom", the head was completely blank.

Go up, it's too high.

But... this is just the beginning.

The teeth continue down, touch the stuffing of the dumplings, bite the stuffing away

The glutinous meaty aroma, mixed with the taste of Chinese cabbage, and combined with Li Nianfan’s special seasonings, the ultimate interpretation of the ultimate!

The ultimate fragrance, the ultimate beauty!

It's delicious, it's so delicious!

Daoist Junjun was conquered, and he could no longer control himself. He quickly chewed two mouthfuls, then made a grunt and swallowed.

This kind of means to swallow dates, but in this case, I believe no one can restrain it.

Feeling the dumplings sliding down the throat into the stomach, the warm happiness suddenly bursts, and the soul is trembling with satisfaction. This feeling cannot be expressed in words, so it finally turned into a long "ah" moan.

Everyone didn't grab the first dumpling, they cut their wrists and sighed, and they could only stare at Taoist Junjun eagerly.

From the scene at the entrance of the dumplings, I watched Taoist Jun Jun’s facial expressions. The change was just one word to describe sorrow.

Especially the last ecstasy "Ah", which caused everyone to have goose bumps.

An old man with a fairy style and bones, let out that ecstasy, and the expression on his face is also very profound, it can be called a trivial emoticon pack, a classic.

However, everyone present knew it in their hearts, but they didn’t think much, they just looked forward to the dumplings even more.

Only Taishang Laojun, as if I knew Taoist Junjun for the first time, "Taozu, do you...is it so delicious?"

The old Taoist ancestors weren’t like this!

"Remember! Don't call me Dao Zu in the future, change my name, Dao Jun Jun."

Taoist    Junjun reminded him fiercely, and then said earnestly: "You are still too young to understand, don't say I didn't remind you, grab some dumplings!"


At this moment, the boiling range of the water in the pot became larger, and all the dumplings became restless and began to rise and fall.

There is no need for anyone to remind them, the mana of all people burst out in an instant, using their own methods to get the dumplings in the pot.


The water in the pot rose directly into the sky, and the pot exploded to pieces in an instant, and the dumplings attracted everyone's attention.

They are all powerful, but their eyes are green at this time.

"Wori, you usually call me a brother, now you are going to shoot me for a dumpling?"

"Don't move! I am willing to sacrifice the affection between us and change a few more dumplings!"

"It's too much, save me some, don't force me to explode!"

They are also able to restrain their own impulses when eating with an expert, even a very gentleman. Without the suppression of an expert, it is simply a beast rushing for food, and the six relatives do not recognize it.

But there are a lot of dumplings in this bag, and no one can do everything right, so everyone grabbed some.

Holding the bowls one by one, looking at the dumplings in it, his eyes were as translucent as light bulbs, with crystal saliva hanging from the corners of his mouth. Without saying a word, they couldn't wait to send a dumpling into the mouth.

next moment




Voices one after another, the expression on his face is more than that of the Taoist Jun Jun just now, and the scene is magnificent.

If disciples from outside see this kind of sight, they will definitely be eye-catching, and the image of the fairy tale bones they maintain will be properly destroyed.

As for Nuwa and Yun Shu, as the goddess, they naturally have to take care of their image. Therefore, they ran aside while holding a bowl, and tasted the dumplings quietly.

Tao Shang Lao Jun was reminded by Taoist Jun Jun, and he kept his eyes on him, so he tried his best and grabbed five dumplings!

Listening to the various groans of old friends from around him, his whole body shook involuntarily, and he also curiously put a dumpling into his mouth.



His pupils were wide open, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably. At this moment, he deeply understood the meaning of the word ‘sublimation’.

is going to fly, I am going to fly.

His hair fluttered and stood upright.

closed his eyes, fluttering and ecstatic, there are actually two lines of tears, slowly flowing down his face.

Delicious to tears...

Others are prepared in their hearts, and have eaten some of the delicacies of the masters. It is the first time for Taishang Laojun alone.

This is simply unbearable, and the mentality bursts directly!

Thousands of thoughts came to my heart, and I was in vain. I used to be in vain! I can eat this kind of delicacy, and I have no regrets in this life. Even if I die immediately, my life is complete...

Woo, how can I be so happy?

He doesn’t care about other things, leaving only the most instinctive idea to eat dumplings!

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"Huh, huh, huh."

Dumplings are sucked into your mouth one by one, it’s so cool...

And just as he was immersed in the delicacy, a strange breath burst out, causing his whole body to be shocked, like being struck by lightning.

"This, this is..."

He was breathing fast, only feeling the unprecedented clarity of his brain at this moment, the pores of his body were relaxed, and an explosive force in his body was awakening.

Between the heaven and the earth, endless laws began to interweave, the avenues appeared, and the spiritual power was beyond description, and it merged into his body with the attitude of the sea watering.

When he left the prehistoric land, he left as a prehistoric saint. After having been in the chaos for so long, it was a blessing to be able to survive, and his strength naturally did not reach the realm of the real Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

This bottleneck is too difficult and too difficult, just like the sky, making him feel powerless and desperate. Therefore, he will be so disappointed when he hears that the Jade Emperor has surpassed him and proves the Dao Hunyuan.

However, he never expected that the bottleneck would be like a thin film at this time. It didn't take much effort at all, just a little stabbing... it would break!

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

I had a meal of dumplings, and then...Is this proving that it’s a Hunyuan?

He stood in place, feeling a burst of dreams, bewildered.

By the way, dumplings!

What kind of fairy dumpling is this? Not only is it delicious to explode, but it is clearly priceless! It actually contains the laws of the Great Dao, which can help others to realize the Tao, which is an unimaginable great fortune!

Deep amazement appeared in his eyes, his heart thumping wildly, awe, ecstasy, and other emotions, making his old face flushed.

Laojun Taishang calmed his mind, looked at the people who were still enjoying the dumplings, swallowed hard, and immediately got close to Daoist Junjun.

opened the mouth and said: "Taoist Junjun, I...I've proved Dao Hunyuan."

Taoist Junjun glanced at him casually, not surprised at all, and calmly said: "Oh, congratulations."

"This is Hun Yuan! Should you be surprised?"

Tai Shang Lao Jun feels that his mentality is a little broken, such a big matter, you should give the most basic respect.

Daoist Junjun waved his hand and said, "Isn't this a basic operation after eating an expert's dumpling? There is nothing to be surprised."

Taishang Laojun licked his lips and stared at Taoist Junjun's bowl, "This dumpling..."

Taoist   Junjun immediately said seriously: "Mine!"

"I know it's yours."

Taishang Laojun's eyes are straight, weak and weak: "It's just... you said before. The reason why the master gave this dumpling is because I came back to celebrate the reunion. Is it better to divide me? ?"

He just didn't know that dumplings were so precious, and because of the cultivation base, he grabbed five, but Junjun Taoist grabbed more than ten, which made him envious.

One, and another one is fine!

"Ha ha."

Taoist Junjun smiled, "Old gentleman, it's the same sentence, you are too young, this is obviously impossible."


Daoist Junjun turned his words, making Taishang Laojun’s eyes suddenly bright, but he heard him continue: "I don't mind helping you popularize knowledge, you look at it."

When   's voice fell, Taoist Junjun once again picked up a dumpling and gave it to his mouth for a light bite with incomparable enjoyment.

Show the bite part to the old gentleman.

"Gudong." Taishang Laojun swallowed.

"You take a closer look at the stuffing of this dumpling, do you know what it is?"

Taoist   Junjun became an understanding speaker and replied self-consciously: "This meat, but gluttonous meat!"


Tai Shang Lao Jun's heart trembled, shocked.

"Look at this cabbage again, this is the root of chaos!"

Junjun Taoist was full of people in amazement, and then under the direct gaze of Taishang Laojun, he stuffed half of the dumplings into his mouth, and it was delicious.

Laojun Taishang was introduced by him, and his heart suddenly became more itchy. Unfortunately, Taoist Junjun not only didn't mean to share with him, but deliberately became more and more fragrant...


Why didn’t I find Daozu so cheap before?

Pretending to be tall, right? Now you start to let yourself go?

The people who finished eating all looked at people with dumplings around them eagerly, fidgeting, and finally waited until everyone had finished eating, which ended the suffering.

To say that the ones who enjoyed the most were Yao Mengji, Gu Xirou, Qin Manyun and Tusun.

Dumplings were brought by Yao Mengji, and they naturally hid some of them privately. The three of them steadily drove a small stove on the side, and there was no need to compete with others.

There will be no ignorant complaints, only envy.

Gu Xirou wiped her mouth and couldn't help saying: "Man Yun, why don't you eat a dumpling?"

"I don't need it."

Qin Manyun smiled and shook his head, "I stay with Li Gongzi, and I will not eat less, and Li Gongzi also said that the gluttony is too big, and the dumplings can't be eaten at all. When I go back, it will be enough to eat. full."


The plain words were passed into the ears of everyone present, leaving them speechless and envious of each other.

This blow is not a big deal, it makes people want to cry...

Feast, what a simple and unpretentious life, we want it too!

Jade Emperor even took off the crown on his head, looked at it, and let out a long sigh.

As long as one can watch the door by the expert, he won’t be the Jade Emperor.

Tai Shang Lao Jun finally knows how perverted the master is in everyone’s mouth.

was so shocked that he added: "This expert is simply...too unimaginable, I can't believe it."

"There are so many things you don't know."

Nuwa took a deep breath, and randomly listed a few examples of masters, which made the feeling of Taishang Laojun even more profound.

Taoist    Junjun concluded: "Our prehistoric world has been favored by an expert, otherwise, the prehistoric world and us will be over!"

Bai Chen and Qin Chongshan also knew some secrets and were shocked: "It turns out that God's Domain was brought out by an expert on the day of their wedding. It's incredible."

The eyes of Laojun Taishang showed thoughts, pondered for a moment, and said: "The master is undoubtedly the great power of the Dao realm."

Taoist Junjun raised his brows, and immediately said, "What do you seem to know?"

"Hehe, you think I have been in the chaos for so many years for nothing?"

The old gentleman smiled triumphantly, finally regaining a trace of his image, and said proudly: "I do know some secrets about the deeds of the Great Dao Realm!"

In fact, the violinist was looking for people in the chaos to discuss the Tao, and he has been to many places in the chaos. Although the old man has no status, his knowledge has increased a lot.

But it is up to him to speak out, and of course he has to reshape his image.

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