Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 585: 584: Forbidden land

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Everyone immediately showed a respectful look, and Taoist Junjun even urged: "Let's talk about it."

The Grand Master finally found his sense of accomplishment without delay, and said with a solemn expression: "In the chaos, there are endless races of life, such as our human race, although they are inherently weak, but they have unlimited potential, and they can grow up to change the world. , But in fact...the human race is not the master of chaos!"

"Human race is the primate of all things, and its body structure is closest to the avenue, so it has unlimited potential. Many creatures will use human beings as prototypes to deconstruct."

Qin Chongshan’s face was not surprised, and he said: “However, no one thinks that the human race can dominate the chaos.”

Unlimited potential, does not mean invincible.

Chaos is too mysterious and terrifying. As far as the current human power is concerned, who can say to dominate the chaos?

Laojun Taishang shook his head, and said: "What I want to express is that it is another race that rules the chaos!"


"Dominate Chaos? This tone is too big."

"What other race can there be? Monster race?"

Everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

If you can really dominate the chaos, then it is impossible to have no reputation at all.

Taishang Laojun said every word: "The name of that race is called the ancient clan!"

After a pause, he went on to say: "This kind of tribe, like the chaotic beast, was bred from chaos. Not only is it naturally powerful, but its potential is only stronger than human beings. Since its birth, it is doomed to it. Has the ability to vertical and horizontal chaos!"

The Jade Emperor stayed in a daze, "Why have you never heard of it?"

"Of course you haven't heard of it. This is a dusty history in the endless river of years." The eyes of the Taishang Laojun were filled with emotion, his tone was deep, and he looked unpredictable.

Taoist   Junjun immediately urged, "Don't pretend to be forceful to me, hurry up and continue!"

Taishang Laojun glanced at Taoist Junjun with bitterness, and then said: "In the chaos, if you walk along a straight line, you will definitely enter the Chaos Sea! In other words, the entire chaos will be the Chaos Sea. Surrounded!"

"And Chaos Sea also has a name that few people know, called...forbidden zone!"

"Forbidden area?"

Everyone's heart beats slightly, and the atmosphere instantly becomes dignified.

They can feel that what Taishang Laojun said is true, and...this thing is probably really extraordinary!

"I also heard this news from a very old world."

Taishang Laojun Dao: "Because there are not many people who can touch the truth, plus countless years, the old world has been erased and the new world is born, resulting in fewer and fewer people knowing it until almost no one mentions it again. ."

A hint of thought flashed in Nuwa’s eyes, and she said, “The reason why the Chaos Sea is called a forbidden zone is because the ancient people lived in the Chaos Sea?”

"Nuwa Daoist in the words!"

The old gentleman nodded, "According to the circulated news records, once the ancient tribe encounters the human race, it will inevitably fight endlessly, and... in the long river of years, the ancient tribe will walk out of the chaotic sea and enter the chaotic battle. And human beings have never won, and they will be ruthlessly obliterated! This kind of battle is called divine punishment!"


Everyone took a breath, chills in their hearts, and tremors all over.

Taoist    Junjun quickly asked: "Do you think this has something to do with an expert?"

Mr. Taishang nodded, "Thirty million years ago, it was the most recent divine punishment. At that time, in the entire chaos, our human race had nine great powers!"

Speaking of this, his voice couldn't help but pause, and there was awe in his eyes, and his tone was a little trembling because of his excitement.

Others did not urge, they held their breath, as if returning to the magnificent epic 30 million years ago.

The realm of Great Dao, too illusory, too ethereal, there is no record, and no one can imagine what kind of realm it is.

"The realm of Nine Famous Avenues!"

Taishang Laojun exclaimed, his eyes blurred, "Nine human race supreme, all of them are peerless arrogances, and punish them with the **** of war! That battle expanded the sea of ​​chaos by three points! And it is the only time that the human race can counterattack. , Chasing the ancient clan into the Chaos Sea once!"

Jade Emperor urged, "What happened later?"

"Later, who knows?"

Laojun Taishang shook his head, "Nine Supremes, no one has returned."

The hearts of the people sank, and suddenly they stopped talking.

"So... do you think that the master is one of the nine supreme?" Qin Manyun covered his mouth with his hand.

Taishang Laojun nodded, "I think it's very possible. After all, with such a powerful method, who else can do it except the Nine Supremes? Moreover, the Nine Supremes are amazing, and I don't believe that all have fallen. "

Taoist   Junjun's eyes flashed, and he guessed: "In this case, I am afraid that the expert has always regarded himself as a mortal, maybe he has his own deep meaning."

Bai Chen opened his mouth and said: "Are the masters created the realm of God and sent endless good fortune, is it to cultivate us to compete with the ancient race?"

Everyone digested the news that they had just received, and they were full of hatred and fear for the so-called ancient clan, and they couldn't help but become even more in awe of the superior.


At the same time, somewhere in the depths of chaos.

A huge star.

The left envoy stepped forward and landed directly on the star, and then walked quickly, and in a blink of an eye he came to a quaint palace.

Entering the hall, the atmosphere was awe-inspiring, and there was no one around, but the left envoy felt a panic, held his breath, and lowered his head not to look around.

came to a stone gate, and said respectfully: "Subordinates ask to see the leader, there are important things to report."

There was no movement in Shimen, but the next moment, an irresistible pulling force came from it, and the left envoy could not even resist the slightest resistance, so he was sucked into the stone gate, his eyes flashed, and he entered. It's another world.

This place is empty, it looks like a dark basement. In the surrounding void, the space is distorted, giving people a sense of illusion. The air is full of the atmosphere of the avenue, but it is very messy, entangled and repelled each other. .

Broadcast, I’ve been using the book-chasing app recently, which caches books and reads offline!

Even if she is in it, she feels uncomfortable for a while, let alone practicing here, I am afraid that she will become crazy in an instant.

In the central position, sitting a burly middle-aged man, wearing a pitch-black armor, is so majestic that people dare not look at him.

Zuo Zuo cautiously saluted: "Leader."

The leader looked at her, his tone was neither sad nor happy, "I failed to explain what you did?"

"The subordinates are not doing things well, please also ask the leader to show his favor."

Zuo Shi's body trembled slightly, and quickly knelt on the ground, and then quickly said: "It's just that this failure is really because of a huge variable that I can't control."

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Leader said calmly: "Say it in detail."

Immediately, Zuo Shi made a careful statement about what he had started in the Xia Dynasty.

After    finished speaking, there was no sound in the whole hall, and it was terribly quiet.

Cold sweat, dripping from the forehead of the left envoy, every second is like a year, too nervous.

I don’t know how long it took before I heard the leader slowly say, "It's an old friend."

He is not using questions.

The left envoy dare not speak.

listened to the lord’s tone with reminiscence, and continued: "Thirty million years ago, my strength was about the same as yours."

"At that time, the divine punishment came, and the powerful of the world fought against the ancient clan. I don’t know what the previous divine punishment battle was like, but I’m sure that the 30 million year battle was definitely the most intense. World War I!"

He said to himself, “Because, each of the nine supreme lords of that battle was astonishing to the extreme, enough to illuminate the entire chaos and make the ancient tribe more embarrassed than ever!”

"That battle, the past and the present, the entire chaos is shaking, and it is destroying everywhere, countless worlds are wiped out, the blood of the ancient race is like rain, I followed the footsteps of the supreme, rushed all the way, and entered the Chaos Sea."

Zuo Shi was silent on the side, she wanted to urge, but she held back her life, she didn’t dare...

The leader fell into his own memory, with a strange light in his eyes, and continued: "However, the forbidden area is the forbidden area. Although we made the ancient tribe pay a painful price, we also suffered a devastating blow. It's too strong, and there is a big killer!"

"Fortunately, after the war, I miraculously didn't die, but...I'm dying too."

"Fortunately, there are four supreme beings not far away. Their injuries are too serious. They are dying, which is equivalent to death."

"I crawled over... swallowed them!"


The pupil of the left envoy shrank suddenly, becoming the size of a needle and thread, her body trembled wildly, and her brain was blank.

This news is terrifying.

She felt that she had heard a news that she shouldn’t have heard, and her life was about to come to an end.

Leader said indifferently: "Don't be afraid, knowing this is nothing."

However, the more he said so, the more feared the left envoy.

"I know that they were so amazing and gorgeous at the beginning, and there must be someone who will not die completely and can wake up from the long river of years."

The leader smiled, "Unfortunately, I am in a special situation now, otherwise I really want to meet this old friend!"

Zuo Shi tremblingly said: "League...Leader, me, what shall we do next?"

The leader said: "If you can avoid the conflict, you should avoid it first. In addition, since the right envoy is dead, I will send a new person with you, and try to find three things for me first!"


On the other side, Royal Beast Sect.

On a hillside, a graceful young man stood facing the wind. Beside him, stood a black tiger with black wings and black wings. Two sharp fangs were drawn from the upper jaw to the lower jaw. Fairy orange, looks extraordinarily cruel.

The young man stroked a handful of black tigers, his brows frowned slightly, and said coldly: "So, those old immortals still disagree?"

Not far away, the middle-aged man with the national character face nodded with an ugly expression, "The old people rejected our proposal on the grounds that it is important to change the young master."


Shaoyoung snorted, "They really don’t give up. Although the **** Situqin is not dead, he has become half-human and half-demon. Is there any hope?"

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and said: "Yu'er, this matter is not in a hurry. They can only wait for a while. Situ Qin is obviously abolished. The name of the young master is yours!"

Situ Yu sneered, "Father, they are obviously afraid of our line of power, so they dare not let me become the young master! But...in the near future, I will let them kneel down and beg me to be the young master!"

The middle-aged man also showed a sullen look, slightly unwilling to say: "Jiemeng is embarrassed to boast that he is safe in doing things. We deliberately disclosed Situ Qin's whereabouts to them, so that they can easily capture people, and finally let Situ Qin escape. It's really making people laugh out loud!"

Situ Yu asked: "Father, I heard that Situ Qin was frustrated and was hit, and went straight to learn calligraphy. Is this news true?"

"Indeed it is."

"That's nothing to worry about." Situ Yu smiled relaxedly, then licked his tongue, and said, "However, Situ Qin's body has the blood of the Tianyi White Tiger. This blood is great for my black tiger. Make up, think of a way to draw her over and eat it!"


In the courtyard.


Da Hei was sweating like rain on the treadmill. It stretched out its long tongue and gasped for breath, but the dog's eyes were full of seriousness.

Four hooves moving, it is a model in the fitness industry.

Beside, there are many other fitness equipment, which is very complete.

Li Nianfan opened the lid, looked at the smoke rising from the pot, smiled and said: "The dumplings are cooked, Xiao Daji and Huofeng, hurry up and serve the bowl."

"By the way, there is also big black, you can also stop me for a while, bite the dog pot and come over, eating is important."

He urged to Da Hei.

After this silly dog ​​came back, he didn’t know what he was going crazy, so he insisted on shouting that he wanted to exercise, and he wanted to work out. He also asked himself to take out the fitness equipment, and then he went into the fitness state without stopping.

The appearance of sweating like rain made Li Nianfan speechless for a while.

He can faintly guess that Da Hei must still be brooding about what happened last time. Its dog hair is gone, and it was almost taken away. If it was not saved by himself, I am afraid that it is already a pot. Dog meat, no, it's a mess.

is so stimulated, it should also want to become stronger.

It’s just... its brain is stimulated so that something may go wrong. If you want to become stronger, you should practice. What is it to run to your side to work out?

Before, it was the most afraid of fitness, because it was forced by itself. Now it is positive, but can it be useful?

Considering that he couldn't stimulate Dahei again, Li Nianfan let it go foolish.

Hearing Li Nianfan’s voice, Da Hei immediately jumped off the treadmill, ran over with the dog pot in his mouth, “Master, give me a few more dumplings. I’m working out and I need nutrition.”

The former Da Hei did not try to cultivate, but just wanted to be a carefree dog. Now it has a goal, it wants to become stronger, and it finds its place back!

Anyway, it’s with Jiemeng Mao! We are not easy to bully!

"You are not welcome at all."

Li Nianfan laughed and filled it directly, "I can still have less of yours? Not enough for Xiaobai to serve you again."

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