Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 587: 586: Big black leather pants, I won’t agree

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There are no years in the mountains, and the days in the courtyard quietly pass by in the ordinary.

In a blink of an eye, another five days have passed.

"One, two, three, four, okay, take your left leg back and open your right leg."

"Relax, relax again."

"Imagine yourself in the water, swinging and swinging with the water, swinging and swinging..."

Daji, Huofeng, Qin Manyun and Situ Qin each lay on yoga mats and lined up in a row, showing their unique figures to the fullest. They are as slim as willow branches and soft as spring water, posing in various poses.

Xiaobai is acting as a coach, playing the explanation password to them.

Yoga may be really attractive to girls. Since the last time, the four girls have been addicted to it and practiced happily. Several new poses were unlocked every day, and they were full of rewards.

For this kind of phenomenon, Li Nianfan was naturally happy to see it at the beginning. This is simply the bright brilliance that suddenly pops out of the unpretentious life, which is pleasing to the eye.

But soon, he felt distressed. Who can stand this kind of scenery all the time.

Furthermore, he has to maintain his own image and must not lose his temper, which will test his acting skills even more.

It’s really painful and happy.

In order to divert attention, he had to find something for himself to do.

"Da Hei, come here."

Li Nianfan put down the needle and thread in his hand and beckoned to the big black.

Hearing this, the **** dog’s ears suddenly stood up, and he rushed forward with his limbs. The dog’s eyes were barking, "Wang, Master, are my pants ready?"

In the past few days, Da Hei knew that Li Nianfan was making shorts for himself, and he had been waiting with full expectation.

Li Nianfan raised the trousers in his hand, pulled it with a hand, tried the elasticity, and it felt quite good. He smiled and said, "Let’s try it out."

These pants are made of gluttonous leather. Li Nianfan considered that the **** was bald and it was too unsightly. He would embarrass himself if he walked out, so he had a whim and made it a pair of pants.

Materials are also readily available.

After all, gluttony is a fierce beast. The animal leather looks very good. It is not only elastic and not easy to damage, but also very breathable. It is properly made of the top material of the clothes.

Da Hei didn’t know if Li Nianfan made this pair of black pants for him, he didn’t want to lose face. He thought it was his master’s love for him, and he was so excited.

excitedly said: "Master, you are so kind to me."

Without a word, she couldn't wait to put her pants on her body.

The size looks very suitable, the black leather pants in the **** twisted buttocks looks black and shiny, very sexy.

Li Nianfan asked: "How do you feel?"

"Okay, great! These are my ideal pants."

Da Hei nodded in a hurry, and the dog’s mouth curled up with a smile. It felt that although he had lost all his dog hair, he had bought these pants, which was so worth it!

After all, this is the only one in the world sewn by the master!

With the new clothes, it immediately began to jump up, and it seemed to be floating when it walked, and its **** was about to rise to the sky when it was lifted up high, and at the same time it was swayed and dazzling, for fear of the leather pants on its body. Not conspicuous enough.

"The master made me a pair of leather pants!"

"The master made me a pair of leather pants!"

Da Hei wanted to tell the world, and while showing up in front of the group of chickens in the corner of the courtyard, he ran to the backyard in a hurry, looking for peacocks, cows, and others.

These pants are a unique mark of being the host’s pet dog, and I will have to wear it every day in the future.

Li Nianfan looked at its mean and coquettish appearance, and suddenly regretted it. How could he feel that with these pants, this silly dog ​​seemed to be even more embarrassed...

"Boom boom boom."

But at this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

The four women stopped practicing yoga and opened the door. Unexpectedly, unexpected people came.

A small and exquisite figure shot in, got directly into Daji’s arms, and said cutely, "Hehehe, sister, don’t you think I don’t?"

It is the little fox, and with him is the Kunpeng Demon Master.

Kunpeng respectfully saluted: "I have seen Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Don’t be polite, please sit down."

It took almost a month to come back from Ten Thousand Demons City last time, and the other party would come to visit if he didn’t want it so soon.

The little fox stuck his head out of Daji's arms, his little nose twitched, and his bright little eyes rolled around. He immediately jumped out of Daji's arms, jumped into Li Nianfan's arms, and began to act like a baby.

Sadly said: "Brother-in-law, I miss you so much~"

Li Nianfan saw all its small movements, laughed and said, "Do you miss me or want to eat?"

"Hmm...I want it all."

The little fox’s eyes are shining and his tail is erected, “Brother-in-law, you must have cooked food, what smells so fragrant?”

"Now, look over there."

Li Nianfan pointed to the dumplings on the table not far away and said, “I can only say that you came by coincidence, and there is just the last bit of dumplings left, gluttonous meat stuffing, for you to eat.”

The gluttony is indeed big, although the dumplings are delicious, but I have been eating dumplings during this period, Li Nianfan feels a little unbearable. If it weren’t for considering the rare gluttony meat, he would want to throw it away...

It’s ready now, just for snacks.

"Wow, thank you brother-in-law." The little fox immediately dropped Li Nianfan, jumped on the table, and sniffed the dumplings with his nose.

Li Nianfan directly reminded: "The dumplings are still raw, don't eat them directly."

The little fox nodded, "I know, I'm going to pack it away."

Aside, Kun Peng looked at the little fox, with envy in his eyes.

It’s so happy to be an expert sister-in-law. Hey, why don’t you have a good sister?

But... another way of thinking, I'm already super lucky to follow the little fox and be able to follow it.

Although I don’t have a sister, I have followed a good master! Round it up, and that is the equal sign.

Da Hei heard the movement and came back from the backyard. There seemed to be a pair of invisible wings on his buttocks. He pouted high, and said excitedly: "Little fox, look at how I am different."

The little fox blinked and said innocently: "Da Hei, why are you deformed? Did you hurt your butt?"

Da Hei stiffened his butt, and said anxiously: "No, you look again, what's the difference on my butt."


This time, the little fox widened his eyes and gasped.

was surprised: "Your **** is growing again? No, it's not hairy, but it has grown into black skin! You...have you mutated?"

"It's leather pants! The leather pants my master made for me!"

Da Hei was desperate, and he pulled his leather pants with his paws, "Have you seen it? There is still elastic."

Li Nianfan felt that his face was lost, and he wanted to throw Da Hei out. He quickly changed the subject and said: "Little fox, why are you here?"

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Kunpeng Demon Master glanced at Situ Qin and said, "Master Shengjun, it is because this time we received an invitation. This matter is related to Girl Situ Qin."

Situ Qin was taken aback, "Is it related to me?"

Kunpeng Demon Master said: "It's about the Royal Beast Sect. Over there, we are invited to participate in their Young Sovereign Conference, and I hope we can convey this news to Girl Situ."

"The Young Sect Master Assembly? The Royal Beast Sect wants to establish a Young Sect Master?!" Situ Qin's pretty face paled slightly, feeling a little unacceptable.

Although she is no longer interested in the position of the Young Sect Master, this Young Sect Master has also established too fast, and the Sect should not be able to do this.

Unacceptable, but at the same time it feels very unreasonable.

She bit her lip, "Do you know who the Young Master is?"

Kunpeng Demon Master said: "It's called Situ Yu."

"It's him!"

Situ Qin frowned suddenly, his face changed a little, "How could it be him?"

The little fox curiously asked: "Sister Situ, is there any problem with this person?"

"He is the child of my second uncle's family, that is, my cousin, but he has always been in a different line with my father, and he wants to become the sovereign of the Royal Beast Sect."

Situ Qin sighed slightly, and said unwillingly: "Moreover, I suspect that the reason why I was caught by the Jiemeng might also be related to them."

Before, she was the young master of the Royal Beast Sect. In addition, she was extremely talented, and the natal monster was still the Skywing White Tiger. Naturally, she was the key protection object of the sect. The theoretical ascent should be absolutely safe.

But something happened, and it was easily succeeded by the people of the Alliance.

Li Nianfan asked: "What are you going to do?"

He didn't feel strange at all. It was no wonder that things like this happened in the fight for power. The previous life's Gongdou drama was much more clever.

Situ Qin looked at Li Nianfan, "Prince Li, I want to go back and have a look, but... is that okay?"

Li Nianfan said without hesitation: “Of course it is possible. There is such a big thing in the sect, so I should go back and see it, and if it is really Situ Yu’s hands and feet, it is best to expose him, and let him become the young sect master is definitely not a good thing.

Situ Qin gratefully said: "Thank you Li Gongzi!"

Kunpeng Demon Master immediately said: "We can walk with Girl Situ."

Da Hei widened his dog's eyes and said, "Take me, I have to go too."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said: "Silly dog, what are you going to do?"

Da Hei slapped his butt, stinky, and said: "I can't go out with leather pants, like a night walk in Jinyi, who knows?"

The black line at Li Nianfan's end waved to rush people, "Go, go, get out of here!"

He started to miss the old Da Hei. At that time, he couldn't speak. It was quite normal. Since Da Hei started to talk, he has become more and more irritable. A good dog just ruined a mouth like this.


The realm of God is vast and vast, with diverse terrains. In the southeast, there is a mountain forest, dense forests, undulating mountains, and many beasts and monsters. It is called the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The Royal Beast Sect is built on a high mountain in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest.

Being neighbors with beast spirits is good for training disciples, and it is also conducive to finding monsters with good potential to conquer.

On this day, the sky above the Royal Beast Sect appeared frequently, and there were countless people coming and going.

The crowd is crowded, the gongs and drums are noisy, and it is very lively.

As a large sect, the Royal Beast Sect is unquestionable in terms of fame and strength. There are naturally many sect vassals under his hands. Today is the day of the newly established young sect master, and the small sects have the most.

Above a conspicuous rock, a young man wearing a splendid gown with a smile on his face, chatting and laughing with the guests, happy in the spring breeze.

"He is Situ Yu, the newly established young master of the Royal Beast Sect. He is indeed a talent. At first glance, he is a dragon and a phoenix among people."

"He took the initiative to apply for the assessment of Royal Beast Sect, and became the Young Sect Master by virtue of his true ability!"

"Awesome! Look at the black tiger next to him, so majestic, is it the black gold flying tiger? You can say that this tiger can crush my entire sect."

"Young people have something to do, young people have something to do!"

"Giving birth is like Situ Yu."

Many people do not even have the qualifications to come forward to talk, and can only discuss in the audience.

Not far away, Situ Yu’s father also smiled and greeted everyone with great enthusiasm.

As for the Situ Master of the Royal Beast Sect, tomorrow, he was sitting in the position, his eyes were deeply looking at the lively Royal Beast Sect, and he let out a faint sigh.

Her daughter was arrested. Although she was not dead, she also suffered a huge blow. Today, her Young Sovereign position has been snatched away by others. The series of blows have kept Situ tomorrow's mood at its lowest point.

As a large sect, the Royal Beast Sect has its own mechanism and is not the one of the Sect Master. Therefore, when Situ Yu passed the assessment of the Young Sect Master, he had no choice but to admit his fate.

Beside him, there are two old men standing with their faces equally ugly.

They are the last time they went to the Ten Thousand Monster City to find Situ Qin.

"Situ Yu and his son are so deep that they have the ability to make Situ Yu reach the quasi-sage overnight. The bloodline of the natal monster beast has also been improved by a large amount, and it has reached the conditions for being able to actively apply to become the lesser master."

"This is normal. I never expected that the black tiger could be recognized by the natal monster of the Supreme Elder, which is really incredible."

"Damn it, if it wasn't for Qin'er, how could it be his turn to be the Young Master."

But at this moment, an excited voice sounded

"Sect Master of Suffering, Qin Chongshan arrives"

"Baiyun observes the subject, Bai Chen arrives"

Immediately the entire field fell into silence for a period of time, followed by an uproar, staring at the two figures as they stepped, shocked.

"The Suzerain of Suffering Sect and Bai Yunguan actually came?"

"Fantastic, how much face is Situ Yu, can you actually invite them?"

"These two sects are not necessarily weak at the Royal Beast Sect. It seems that they are very optimistic about Situ Yu's potential and came here to make friends."

"Horrible, is this the treatment of genius?"

Situ Yu and his son were also stunned, and then they were ecstatic.

Generally speaking, for things like Sect Master Li Shao, all you need to do is to inform the sect of the same strength. Those who give face will send some disciples over. As for the Sect Master personally, this will properly give Tianda face, almost nothing. Will appear.

However, the sect masters of the Suffering Sect and Bai Yunguan actually came, the key to the relationship between the Royal Beast Sect and them can not be called too familiar.

But no matter what, Situ Yu felt that his face was shining, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

This must be an operation only available to the children of luck.

The reaction of the group of Situ tomorrow is the opposite, their faces sinking even more, and their hearts are extremely bitter.

Unexpectedly, Situ Yu still hid such a hand, and he was able to give such a big face to the Suffering Sect and Bai Yunguan. The hiding is really deep!

Situ Yu hurriedly straightened his body, stepped forward to greet him, and said: "The new Young Master Situ Yu of the Royal Beast Sect, I have seen two seniors, and I am extremely grateful to the two seniors for being able to join us."

"Don't get me wrong, we are not here to congratulate you."

Qin Chongshan raised his hand to interrupt, and said unceremoniously: "Did you get Situ Qin's permission from Young Sect Master Ren? If you rob her as Young Sect Master, I won't agree!"

Bai Chen nodded, and then said: "Yes, I won't agree either!"

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