Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 586: 585: The beauty of fitness, Situ Yu's plan

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The dumplings just out of the pot are steaming hot, filling the courtyard, with the smell of fireworks, making people feel more cordial.

The scene is warm.

Just before the start of the meal, Qin Manyun also returned, making it even more lively.

Everyone gathered around a table, eating dumplings, having fun.

Li Nianfan asked curiously: "Girl Man Yun, what is the result of comparing the piano with others?"

Qin Manyun immediately said sincerely: "It's a lot of thanks to Li Gongzi's teaching, Manyun won by luck."

"Oh, good thing! You still work hard and have talent yourself."

Li Nianfan laughed, not surprised, he had confidence in his piano skills, and also gave Qin Manyun a classic score, the probability of losing is unlikely.

Qin Manyun looked at Li Nianfan, a trace of deep admiration and admiration flashed in the depths of his beautiful eyes.

Just heard the secret of chaos from Taishang Laojun, her admiration for Li Nianfan reached its peak.

Originally, everyone guessed that Li Nianfan was a great power in the game world, just to add a bit of fun to life, everyone just accompanied the master to act and add joy.

However, at this moment, this speculation has ushered in a huge flip!

It turns out that a master is a supreme! Bear the burden of the human race, guard the chaos, and fight against the heroes of the ancient race for endless creatures!

He is so approachable now, he must be full of deep meaning, 80% is planning for the future, compared to the game world, I don’t know how many times the high-end! He is a great man!

And I was fortunate enough to be valued by him and become a piano boy.

In the future, on the road to fight against the ancient tribe, I will definitely be there, Qin Manyun!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but become more excited, her heart fluctuating, and her pretty face flushed.

Li Nianfan watched Qin Manyun’s face change, and he secretly sighed in his heart. She just asked casually, she was so excited that it seemed like a hard fight.

Fate and drink enough, the work of washing the dishes was naturally handed over to Xiaobai, while Li Nianfan lay on the recliner comfortably and led a life of salted fish.

As for Qin Manyun and Situ Qin, they focused on the pile of fitness equipment.

is full of curiosity.

Da Hei looked at them and said, "Are you going to try? It's very easy to use."


Qin Manyun nodded and carefully stood on the treadmill.

Da Hei stood upright and began to choose a mode for her, and then the treadmill began to move.

Qin Manyun stepped hurriedly.

Originally, she didn't really take it too seriously, and thought it was an activity toy of Da Hei. After all, in her opinion, the speed of the treadmill is not fast, but... it's just running. What technical content can it have? ?

However, as she took the first step, her pupils suddenly widened, her body was tight, and her whole body was exerting force.

At this moment, the endless pressure suddenly enveloped her whole body, making her seem extremely laborious even if she only took a small step.

She was shocked and wanted to stop, but the treadmill didn’t allow it. She could only run as hard as she could.

I have to say that Qin Manyun has a very good figure, with a bumpy figure. As she takes her steps, she perfectly demonstrates the advantages of her figure, especially a pair of exquisite long legs that drive the muscles of the waist and buttocks, which is pleasing to the eye.

Li Nianfan watched this scene, and immediately said kindly: "Keep a steady breathing, control your pace and frequency, running is still good for your physical and mental health, don't stop, run more."

Qin Manyun must have a certain heart, and immediately ran even harder.

Immediately after, she felt the blood in her body begin to flow faster, and a rush of heat rose up and spilled into every corner of her body.


Extremely powerful force!

Qin Manyun has an illusion that at this time, he has inexhaustible power!

At the same time, even the mana in the body began to move around.


Only after a short while, the volcano erupted directly, and her cultivation base began to soar at a speed that was too terrifying to imagine.

The strength of the original Daluo Jinxian in the early stage, one breath reached the Daluo Jinxian mid-term, and another breath to the Daluo Jinxian late stage!

Go straight to Quasi-Holy!

"This, this is..."

Qin Manyun was horrified, his mentality trembled, and almost fell to the ground in an unstable state.

"This treadmill can actually help me digest my accumulation!"

You must know that from meeting an expert, up to the food you eat, down to the air you breathe, every cent contains good fortune. However, no matter how much good fortune, there is a limit to what can be absorbed.

Because there are too many, so no matter who it is, it is difficult to fully absorb it. This also causes most of the power to accumulate in the body, and part of it will come out in the future, but it is too difficult and too difficult to completely digest in a short time.

But at this moment, she just ran a few steps with the treadmill, and the power contained in her body was directly absorbed? !

Shocking and terrifying!

This ability is even more precious than Chaos Spiritual Root!

The expert knows that he has too much power to absorb, so he allows himself to run on the treadmill, thus, he also makes his own strength improve by leaps and bounds.

It's like being a milk and a mother again, with a very good intentions!

"Hey, what is this?"

Situ Qin naturally didn’t know Qin Manyun’s heart at this time. She was curiously looking at the yoga mat, looking at it, "A mat?"

"That's a yoga mat. The yoga moves are quite interesting. I'll show you one."

Li Nianfan was also on a whim, and immediately got up and walked over.

"Come on, lie down for me first."

"Take your abdomen, hold your chest up."

"The legs are curled up and spread out, the waist is lifted up, and the buttocks are tightened..."

"Yes, it's up a little bit."

Li Nianfan dragged her to correct her posture.

I have to say that the body of a cultivator is soft, and it is easy to practice yoga. With the help of Li Nianfan, he quickly assumed a very beautiful posture.


Situ Qin only felt her lower abdomen suddenly heat up, and a stream of heat, like electricity, shot all over her body, causing her tender body to tremble slightly.

Not only the spiritual power of the various spiritual roots that she eats, but also the mana that caused the chaos in the body because she swallowed the Tianyi White Tiger, and it was instantly calmed down and quickly integrated with the body!

Daluo Jinxian late stage, quasi-sage, quasi-sage peak!

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Situ Qin was shocked endlessly, short of breath, and his chest was straightened, "This posture is clearly a posture that fits the avenue!"

Li Nianfan turned his head, but saw that Da Hei’s forelimbs were grasping on the horizontal bar. He lifted his body and laughed immediately, "It’s OK Da Hei, it’s a good way to make a horizontal bar, and strive to become a muscle. dog."


Time is like water, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Deep night.

Two figures meet in the night.

One of them is the left envoy, and the other is a middle-aged man with a thin face and a goatee.

Left Envoy opened his mouth and said: "East Shadow Guard, in the name of the leader, tell us something important."

Among the   Boundary League, the leader is the largest, and then it is divided into two envoys, left and right, four shadow guards in the southeast, northwest and north, collectively called the six guardians.

These six people are not only the powers of the realm of heaven, but also the best among them, and their strength is very amazing.

Under their hands, there will even be a mighty power in the realm of heaven, who are called high-level members of the world alliance.

"Leave it to us?"

Between the six guardians, they are equal in strength and position, so they will compete with each other. They will not accept each other. They are both strong and naturally arrogant.

Tongkage sneered, "You can't do a small task well. Not only did you die several high-level members, you also lost the right ambassador. I am very worried about cooperating with you."

Zuo Shi gave a cold snort, and said: "This is the order of the leader, you can choose to refuse, it just happens that I don't want to cooperate with you!"

Tongkage Guard opened his mouth and asked: "Finally, what is the mission that the leader has given you?"

"These are the three things the leader needs." Zuo Shi sent a piece of paper to Tokage Guard.

East Shadow Guard glanced, and suddenly said in amazement: "Heart-keeping grass, life spring, bloodthirsty spirit wood, the lord leader needs these three things now, is it because the experiment has made progress?"

Left Envoy opened his mouth and said: "This is not what we should ask, hurry up and act according to the leader's will!"

Tongkage Wei smiled slightly, "Just let my hands find out about these three things. I have one more important thing now."

Zuo Shi's brows couldn't help but frowned, "What's the matter?"

"A big thing!"

Tokage Guard’s eyes showed a strange expression, “Once this matter is successful, there will be a huge harvest, and the leader will definitely be pleased.”

At this moment, the expressions of Zuo Envoy and Tokage Guard both moved, looking in the same direction.

Dong Yingwei smiled and said, "Hey, this has just been talked about, and the master is here."

In the night, a young man sat on a black tiger and stepped forward.

Is exactly Situ Yu of Royal Beast Sect.

He looked at East Shadow Guard and saluted: "Situ Yu has seen Lord East Shadow Guard."

Zuo Shi was surprised and said: "You are actually cooperating with people from the Royal Beast Sect."

The Royal Beast Sect is following the route of fellow practitioners with monsters. The monks are closely related to monsters. This special relationship is also a target that the world league likes to capture, which is conducive to making breakthroughs in their experiments.

Therefore, the Royal Beast Sect and the Jiemeng should be a situation where they will never die once they meet.

"He is not an ordinary disciple of the Royal Beast Sect. In a short time, he will be the young master of the Royal Beast Sect!"

Tokageback's words made Zuo Shi's heart jumped slightly, and it was even more shocked.

If this is the case, the Young Beast Sect’s Young Sect master cooperates with the Jiemeng, then... In the future, the Jiemeng wants to capture the disciples of the Jiemeng Sect. Isn’t it like the back garden of their own, and they can catch as many as they want?

This fact is too extraordinary.

She directly asked: "Why would he cooperate with you?"

"It's easy!"

East Kagebei smiled slightly, quite contented, "He has opinions on the people of the Royal Beast Sect, and I can help him for mutual benefit."

Stunned, this is technology.

East Shadow Guard secretly cried to himself, the left envoy just failed miserably in the mission, and at this time, seeing such a great achievement of his own, he would feel inferior properly.

Situ Yu said: "My line wants to control the Royal Beast Sect. Once things are done, all the people in the line of the Royal Beast Sect Master can be handed over to your world alliance and let you handle it!"

East Shadow Guard said that Situ Yu was credible, and said, “The daughter of the Sect Master of the Royal Beast Sect, Situ Qin was only betrayed by him before we could capture it.”

The left envoy took a deep breath, and said in a serious tone: "The Royal Beast Sect has a lot of background, not only the monks of the heavenly realm, but also the fairies of the heavenly realm. The key is that the two will work together to be stronger. What are you going to do?"

Dong Yingwei did not answer, but looked at Situ Yu.

Situ Yu smiled and said: "Two seniors, things are not complicated. Now Situ Qin has been abandoned. The position of the young master of the Royal Beast Sect is vacant. The first step is to let the junior become the young master, and the second step is to find A chance to make the Sect Master of Royal Beast Sect disappear, then this matter is basically 80% successful."

Before   , Situ Qin perfectly crushed Situ Yu from all aspects. He was a righteous young master, so even if Situ Yu’s line was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

But now, Situ Qin is over. As long as Situ Yu becomes the Young Sect Master, and then the real Sect Master disappears, then Situ Yu's line can directly take the position and quickly control the Royal Beast Sect.

Relying on the powerful external forces of the world alliance, coupled with internal problems, even the most powerful forces will fall apart in a short time.

Tong Yingwei laughed strangely, and said directly: "How do you need us to help you?"

Situ Yu said: "The younger generation wants to become the Young Sect Master. There is no small obstacle, but only two conditions need to be met. Then, whether they want it or not, they can only make me the Young Sovereign!"

After a pause, he took a peek at Tokage, and said: "It's just that these two conditions are more difficult."

Tokage Guard saw through his caution, "You don't need to test, just say it!"

Situ Yu said: "The first condition is to make me and the Black Tiger further strength! Especially Black Tiger, if the bloodline can go further, then both talent and strength are impeccable, leaving others speechless. Say!"

Tokage Guard’s expression remained unchanged, "The second condition!"

"The second condition is..."

Situ Yu gritted his teeth, "My Royal Beast Sect is based in the realm of God, and there is a Supreme Elder guarding it. We need to let the black tiger get the approval of the natal monster of the Supreme Elder!"

This condition...difficult!

The elder    is undoubtedly a great power in the realm of heaven, and as his natal monster, the strength is naturally comparable.

Whether these monsters will recognize the black tiger is completely uncontrollable.

And since Situ Yu came out and said it, it means that this monster beast probably does not recognize the black tiger. It is even more difficult to change this monster beast than killing it.

Tokage Guard did not speak, and the scene fell silent for a while.

Situ Yu Chuncchi is also betting, and the gambling league can help him become the young master.

"Hehe, since it is mutual benefit, you are a favor, we will naturally help!"

Finally, Dong Yingwei spoke. He raised his hand and turned it over. Two boxes appeared in his hand and threw them to Situ Yu.

"This is also the test result of our world alliance. One box can be used to increase the strength, and there is another box called Tongxin Pill. You can find a way to let the monster beast eat this pill together with the blood of the black tiger. It has a good impression of the black tiger within three days."

Dong Yingwei's gaze flickered, and once again tossed Situ Yu a pill, "For the sake of insurance, you can take it together with this pill!"

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