Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 590: 589: Jiemeng debuts, who has the last laugh

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This pen is still mediocre?

How bad are the other pens around the expert?

Could it be diamond-set?

Moreover, how many pens are needed to give away such precious things casually.

Unbelievable, sensational, terrifying!

"Qin'er, you, you..."

Tomorrow, Situ felt that his whole person was a little floating, his head was buzzing, and he trembled: "What you said is true? Then what a terrifying existence this master must be!"

He has a dry mouth and swallows hardly.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen are right, this has exceeded his imagination, and it is too much!

"Of course it is true, the power of an expert, how can I say?"

Situ Qin pondered for a moment, and then said: "I can't describe it. In short, it is better than all the secrets. The most common things in it are the treasures that countless people from the outside world have sacrificed their lives to fight for, and they can't even imagine!"

Qin Chongshan concluded with emotion: "Everywhere is good fortune, and the eyes are full of opportunities, the end of the way, the endless holy land!"

The end of the road?

The four short words made Situ Mingri, Zhao Lao, and Xu Lao have scalp numb, and the whole body was shocked with goose bumps!

This evaluation is too high and too high. As a monk, who dares to say the end?

There are endless avenues and endless ways. Where is the end?

can be regarded as such an evaluation, is it really the pinnacle of existence in the entire chaotic world?

Situ will not say anything for a long time tomorrow, take a deep breath and calm down.

He felt that this kind of thing was a fantasy, but he knew that these people would not talk nonsense about this thing, and... Situ Qin was the most typical example!

Obviously it has been abandoned and has become a strange monster, but...because of being by the side of an expert, in just over a month, it has reached a point that others can't imagine in a lifetime. This method has exceeded ordinary people's understanding.

Not to mention, she also got a Chaos Lingbao pen!

Even their Royal Beast Sect, there is no Chaos Spirit Treasure!

"Fate, great blessing!"

In the end, he exclaimed, his whole body trembling, his eyes flushed with excitement, and said to Situ Qin: "Study boy! Qin'er, you must follow the expert to serve well, and don't be a little disobedient. A blessing in disguise, this is the biggest turning point in your life!"

"Qin'er, originally I said you were learning calligraphy, and that's what I said!"

Lao Xu was also ashamed, and then cautiously said: "At that time in the city of Ten Thousand Demons, was that...the expert already there?"

Situ Qin nodded and said, "Yes, the master has a very good relationship with Ten Thousand Demons City, and the little fox is the master's sister-in-law."

Immediately, everyone shook slightly and turned their gazes to the nine celestial foxes, their eyes in awe.

Especially Xu Lao and Zhao Lao, their faces were pale with fright, and they looked like they were about to cry, and they pleaded with themselves: "Ah, it's true that we didn't want to learn calligraphy in Ten Thousand Monster City at that time. Thinking... digging the foot of the Ten Thousand Demons City, I am really ashamed, I am guilty!"

When they thought that they had spoken badly at the beginning, and boasted that the pig demon came down to the sea, they were restless and felt that they were going to be cold.

It’s no wonder that the pig demon is more powerful than himself. I look at the door and I am glorious. It is such an honor to be able to watch the door for an expert. It is much more popular than the elder of me!

Looking back, it turns out that the clown is myself.

We really don’t know, otherwise we would just kneel down...

"Those who don't know are not guilty, brother-in-law won't care about you like you."

The little fox waved his small paws, kind of like a demon emperor, and said generously: "You can really dig away the foot of the wall. That's your ability, and you don't blame you."

Lao Zhao and Lao Xu were relieved, "Thank you, Lord Demon Emperor, Master Demon Emperor!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, coming from a distance, and appearing on the field in an instant.

was followed by a golden lion with a third eye on his forehead.

They appeared without much momentum, and when everyone noticed, they were already standing there, making it difficult to tell whether they just came or came very early.

"It is the Supreme Elder of the Royal Beast Sect, the head of the Rainbow Dao!"

"What the **** is going on? Even the Supreme Elder was alarmed?"

"This is a true power! Absolutely the pinnacle of existence!"

"Could the monster beside him be the golden-eyed lion? How domineering!"

Situ Yu was holding the black tiger and howling and crying, but when he saw the elder Taishang coming, he immediately looked straight, and hurriedly ran over and complained: "I beg the Taishang elder to call the shots for me! That one! The mad dog ruined my destiny monster! It clearly did not put our Royal Beast Sect in its eyes, it is provoking our Royal Beast Sect!"

"I ask the elder Taishang to avenge me!"

Situ Yu’s eyes were full of resentment, and he almost had to choose someone to eat, shaking with anger.

The feeling of going from heaven to hell, he just had a deep understanding of it.

Originally thought that he was already at the pinnacle of his life, and was waiting to express his acceptance speech. Suddenly, one after another, he was deeply shocked, but his natal monster was also severely damaged.

Both body and mind are created, it is simply miserable.

Situ Haoyue's father, Situ Haoyue, also ran over, and said painfully: "I beg the Supreme Elder to be the master of my son!"

Da Hei looked at them, his brows were slightly tufted, the dog's eyes were deep, and he said in a low voice: "For the face of Tiger Whip, I can give you a chance to reorganize your language!"

"Situ Haoyue, Situ Yu, you are presumptuous!"

Situ shouted out loudly tomorrow, hurriedly stepped forward, and yelled: "Everyone here can see it. It's this uncle dog who bet with Situ Yu. If you lose, you will admit it! This behavior is meant to Is the face of our Royal Beast Sect shameless?"

He has to be anxious!

This dog is the pet dog beside the master. If you really dare to do anything with it, then the Royal Beast Zong will be done properly.

Father and son Situ Yu didn’t know anything, so they dared to force them there. When they knew what they were facing, they would pee out in fright.

"I have also seen what happened. Taoism is also cultivating the mind. If you are willing to gamble, you have to surrender!"

The long white beard of the Rainbow Road is flying, the bones of the fairy wind are all around, the whole body is surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere, and he speaks indifferently, adopting a calm attitude towards Situ Yu.

Then he smiled, looked at Situ Qin, and said kindly: "Qin'er's performance is very good. Although he suffered a severe injury, he can break and stand. He uses calligraphy to enter the Tao, and his talent in the way of calligraphy far surpasses the others, so it is still It is the young master of our Royal Beast Sect! Not bad, not bad!"

The rapid change in attitude made Situ Yu and his son embarrassed.

Elder Tianhong was obviously biased towards Situ Qin, but it was a pity that Situ Qin was in a disaster, the position of Young Sect Master was vacant, and his own destiny monster unexpectedly recognized Situ Yu’s black tiger inexplicably, so he could only agree to Situ. Yu's request to become the Young Sovereign.

Now, the situation has changed and he is happy to accept it.

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Situyu and his son were resentful in their hearts, but they were helpless, they could only lower their heads deeply, retaining the last trace of reason, and roar in anger in their hearts.

not far away.

A figure has been paying attention to this place secretly, and can't help but frown.

He is the East Shadow Guard of the Jiemeng.

"I gave Situ Yu and his son so much help, but I didn’t expect to let me down in the end. It’s really a waste!"

Dong Kage Guard shook his head, in a sharp tone, "Fortunately, I also laid a dark hand. I still have to look at me at the critical moment!"

The voice fell, his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand to pinch a magic trick, and a strange breath shook out.

On the field, Daochang Tianhong is giving a speech.

He was originally the supreme being. Since he chose to show up, he would naturally be the only focus. He had to say a few words, reveal his force, and then leave happily.

Just as he was about to leave, the golden-eyed lion beside him trembled suddenly and his face was twisted.

In its eyes, there seemed to be an image of another monster, affecting its mind and manipulating its body.

All the changes only happened in a flash. In the end, a trace of extremely tyrannical aura flashed in the eyes of the golden-eyed lion of God's eyes, and with a roar, the third eye on its forehead suddenly burst into divine light, a terrifying aura of destruction. Start gathering!

The golden divine light emerged, transformed into a dazzling beam of light, and slammed into the Rainbow Daoist!

The light of extinguishing the world is enough to slay all the laws and annihilate all the origins!

This is the strongest talent and supernatural power of the God Eye Golden Eye Lion!

The Daoist Rainbow Daoist did not have the slightest defense against the god-eye golden lion. When he felt the aura of ruining the world, it was already too late. The defense he hurriedly set up was directly penetrated by the light of extinction, and then went straight through. Through the body!


Rainbow Daochang’s chest was pierced with a hideous hole, blood soared, and his body flew out quickly.

This blow is extremely terrifying!

Essentially erased most of the life origin of the Rainbow Daoist, and it also contained the law of destruction, which made the recovery speed of the Rainbow Daochang’s wound extremely slow and directly entered a severely injured state.

This accident was caught off guard and exceeded everyone's expectations.

Who can imagine that the super power surrounded by the rhyme of Dao, who was still giving a speech just now, was half lying on the ground, dying.

For a time, no one can accept it.

And then, it is a piece of horror!


"The Rainbow Daoist will also be injured!"

"Why would the God Eye Golden Lion attack the Rainbow Dao Chief? Isn’t it a natal monster?"

"If you attack your own master, you will be beaten back, right? What happened? Go crazy!"

"It was indeed backlashed, and I am afraid that the injury of the God Eye Golden Lion is not light!"

"Look, the eyes of the God Eye Golden Lion's eyes are red, it is obviously crazy, and it quickly backs away, it is obviously going to cramp!"


The golden-eyed lion roared, the whole body trembled, a tyrannical aura erupted from its body, overflowing impact, the whole body was surrounded by demon power, and the mania continued.

Fortunately, the Rainbow Daoist hastily suppressed it with his heart, and this barely caused the God Eye Golden Lion to erupt, otherwise, most of the people here would be shaken to death during this period of time!

"what is the problem?"

Daochang Tianhong's mouth overflowed with blood, and he stood up with difficulty, the big hole in his chest was still not good, and his eyes showed an incredible look with vigilance.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

To highlight his specialness and horror, the East Shadow Guard gave out a burst of weird laughs, and then appeared on the stage, appearing in front of everyone like a ghost.

The atmosphere is suddenly suppressed to the extreme, and the space freezes!

"Did you do the ghost?"

Tianhong Daochang's face was pale, and he said in horror: "How did you do it?"

"How to do it?"

Dong Yingwei smiled coldly, "Thanks to your good disciple! How does it feel to eat my Melting Spirit Refining Demon Pill?"

Rongling the demon pill is also the result of research by the world alliance.

The spirit of smelting monsters makes the monsters who eat it go crazy, and can temporarily control their behavior, but the conditions for refining are also extremely harsh. For example, the one just now makes the golden eye lion go crazy because of its inherent content. The soul of a monster in the realm of heaven!

But the effect is really remarkable!

Effortlessly, it caused the Royal Beast Sect to lose two battle powers in the realm of heaven!

What a terrifying record this is!

Rainbow Daoist was seriously injured and weak, and the golden eyed lion of God's eyes was not afraid of backlash, and it is still in a violent state, and will violently hurt people at any time!

Daochang Tianhong's heart sank, and his eyes slowly swept across everyone, and finally settled on Situ Yu's body!

There are not many people who can have the opportunity to feed the god-eye golden-eyed lion. When contacting the god-eye golden-eyed lion, he will abnormally identify with Situ Yu's natal monster, he has already guessed.

"Haha, yes, it's me!"

Situ Yu smiled bitterly, took the initiative to confess, then slowly got up, and respectfully saluted East Shadow Guard: "I have seen Master East Shadow Guard!"

Dong Yingwei coldly snorted: "Huh! You are a waste, waste my resources, and said that it will be foolproof! If I left behind, all efforts will be in vain!"

Situ Yu was not angry at all, and pleased: "Master Dong Yingwei is wise, it turns out that the pill that I fed to the God Eye Golden Eye Lion has such a great effect, it really opened the eyes of the subordinates!"

The Rainbow Daoist said angrily: "Situ Yu! You are the big apprentice of the Royal Beast Sect, and you actually connect with the people of the Realm Alliance?! We have long noticed that your heart is not right, but we never expected that you would be so frantic. !"

Father and son Situ Yu did a lot of small actions behind his back for his own ambitions. They displayed some cleverness and wrong intentions, which easily made people unhappy. This is why most of the elders support Situ Qin's line of reason.

However, many times they adopt the attitude of opening one eye and closing one eye, but I didn't expect to get to this point.

"I am frantic? I was not forced by you!"

Situ Yu's face was cold, and he said in a low voice, "Why do you prefer Situ Qin? I even helped her find the Heavenly Winged White Tiger and become her destiny monster! I just don't accept it, my line is to replace Situ Qin's line! "

"It’s up to now, I have a showdown! The reason why Situ Qin was caught by the Jiemeng was also because I revealed her whereabouts, but I didn’t expect her life to be so bad!"

"What about joining forces with Jiemeng? You don't take good care of me, but I have the last laugh! Whoever dares to stand in the way, I will kill him!"

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