Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 591: 590: Sit to death

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The complexion of Situ Qin and others changed again.

Unexpectedly, Situ Yu had been frantic early on. If he hadn't said it personally, I'm afraid I would really not believe it.

Situ cursed sharply tomorrow: "Scum!"

Lao Xu also sighed long, "I've noticed that the Qin'er thing last time was strange, but I didn't expect it to be your ghost!"

Lao Zhao shook his head and said regretfully: "I just have a soft heart, otherwise, I should have wiped out you!"

Situ Yu’s father Situ Haoyue saw that the overall situation had been set, and his sons had already jumped out, so he no longer tolerated, smiled coldly on his face, and said, “Now you are fish, and we are Dao Tu. I didn’t expect it. Well, you will have such a day! Everyone here must die today!"

The power of a heavenly realm is self-evident to the battle situation. What's more, the royal beast sect originally had the power of two heavenly realms, the rainbow chief and the god-eyed lion. Together, the strength is extremely extraordinary.

Therefore, even Jiemeng will feel a bit tricky, and it is not easy to deal with it openly.

At this time, the appearance of the internal response directly caused the most peak force to lose its combat power, and the victory or defeat naturally became without suspense.

East Shadow Guard looked around, as if looking at his own trophies, and smiled triumphantly: "This harvest can be called the biggest harvest in my history!"

Not only is there a large number, but there are also many masters who fill up a large number of experimental items for the experiments of the league in an instant, and the leader will definitely reward.

"Are you from Jiemeng?"

The abrupt voice interrupted Tokage's fantasy. He frowned and looked intently, only to see a bald dog in leather pants.

Walking over, looking at herself calmly, "Unfortunately, the people in the Jiemeng I hate the most!"

"Is it your dog?"

Dong Kage Guard's expression became cold, apparently seeing Da Hei's performance just now in his eyes, and being able to be qualified to let him remember it is also Da Hei's ability.

This is a strange...a pretty dog!

Situ Yu’s eyes were full of resentment, and he immediately said: "Master Dongyingwei, I have a great feud with this dog! Please call the shots for me, and let it pay the price!"

"Don't worry, I won't let this dog go!"

Dong Yingwei smiled slightly, "The more weird the monster, the more I like it, and... what just happened gave me some inspiration. Since your black tiger baby is gone, I'm going to use this The replacement of a bald dog in a different way may lead to more progress in the experiment."

This is to treat both Heihu and Dahei as experimental products.

Situ Yu flashed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "My natal monster is willing to contribute to this experiment of Master Dong Yingwei!"

"Very good!" Tokage guard gave him a teachable look.

But at this moment.

A graceful figure came from a distance, and with a glance, it appeared directly beside Dongyingwei.

She was wearing a red dress and a grimace mask on her head. An invisible pressure spilled out of her body. At first glance, she was hazy, and she only felt the endless pressure.

Seeing the visitor, Dong Yingwei smiled immediately, and said complacently: "Zuo Shi, you came just right."

Left Envoy opened his mouth and said: "Is it done?"

"It was natural. Although there were some accidents in the middle, I have always been reliable, and the gains this time were far beyond expectations!"

East Kagewei is extremely proud. Not long ago, the right envoy gave a wave of free, his weak chicken just can set off his ability to do things, I am afraid that the left envoy will worship it directly.

"Look, everything here is my harvest!"

He waited for the left shock.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed.

"This, this is..."

The left side opened his eyes wide and swept across the field one by one. When he saw the familiar bald dog, his pupils immediately tightened, and he opened his mouth and took a breath.

is the dog, definitely the dog!

Although it is now wearing leather pants, such a shameless bald dog can never find a second one!

Why is it here? Didn't Tokage Guard fight with it?

Looking at Da Hei's calm and arrogant eyes, his left limbs were cold, and an ominous premonition surged into his heart.

This ominousness is too familiar, I'm afraid it will be cold again!

The other people on the field saw the arrival of the left envoy, their faces were ashamed, one by one was terrified to the extreme.

Originally, one East Shadow Guard was enough to crush everyone on the court, but now another one comes, and there is no hope of being proper, and it is simply invincible.

"Left caster has good eyesight! I caught this dog at a glance."

Seeing Zuo Shi’s gaze fixed on Da Hei’s body, Dong Yingwei immediately exclaimed, and said with a smile: "This dog seems a little extraordinary, leaning towards strange flowers, but his cultivation seems not weak, and his intelligence is also a little unusual. Kind of is barely regarded as one of the gains."

Do you regard it as a harvest?

This is great, what are you going to do to provoke it?


Can't afford to offend, I have to run!

I have to save myself!

The leftist makes a decisive decision, and when the thought is alive, it is acted upon.

"Ah, by the way, it's going to rain this day, I have to go home quickly to collect my clothes, so I'll say goodbye first, bye..."

Before the voice fell, her figure had already rushed out, and disappeared into the distant sky step by step, leaving much faster than before, and there seemed to be smoke rising behind her buttocks...

"What clothes are so precious and need to run in such a hurry?"

Tokage Guard felt a little surprised, but after a while, there was a flash of light in his mind, and he was suddenly moved.

"I understand! It must be the Zuo who made her know that she was not doing anything and was unwilling to take my credit for nothing, so she found an excuse to leave! Hehe, sensible, count her acquaintance!"

He looked at Da Hei again, his eyes flashed sharply, and he said in a low voice: "Puppy, consciously cooperate, take off my pants, let me castrate, and reduce your pain!"

Da Hei walked towards Dong Yingwei, the dog's mouth opened, "You are already a dead person, just then you come to try the power of my leather pants!"

"Stupid dog is looking for death!"

Dong Yingwei smiled contemptuously, simply raised his hand, and grabbed it towards Da Hei!

In the void, the powerful palm phantom contained endless aura, quickly suppressing Da Hei.

Facing this palm, Da Hei lifted his **** and aimed at the phantom.

The next moment, I saw the leather pants glowing black and shiny, exuding a strange breath, rising up a vision, soaring into the sky, like the wind blowing sand, easily blowing out the phantom shadow of the palm.

Tong Yingwei was surprised, "Huh? I actually underestimated this pants."

After that, Da Hei's limbs bend, and then he soars into the sky, falling straight toward Tokage Guard from high altitude!

While he was in mid-air, Da Hei turned around and turned to face Tokage Guard with his butt, tilting up high, like a meteorite falling from the sky!

The scene is eye-catching.

"So courageous! Do not live or die!"

East Kagebei was smirked with success, looked at the dog's butt, felt the biggest insult in his life, and the killing intent around him was almost boiling.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

Dare to use your **** to face me, then I will let your **** bloom!

He screamed furiously. Behind him, the power of endless laws gathered, and the mana was even more like a turbulent river, covering the sky, so mighty to the extreme, the horror aura overflowed, causing most of the people on the court to collapse and collapse. Some of the ground was suppressed by the breath, the five bodies dropped to the ground, and they were firmly pressed to the ground.

However, under this monstrous momentum, that **** is fearless, unaffected, and still falls without hesitation!


Behind   East Shadow Guard, the Law of Thousand Thousand Great Ways condenses a powerful humanoid phantom, facing Da Hei's ass, raising his hands and preparing to hold it up!

On that ass, the leather pants were shining with flickering light, and they collided with those hands!


The humanoid phantom was directly penetrated, and Dongyingwei's eyes were splitting, and it was too late to hide.

Looking at the **** power, he sat down on Dongkage's body!


With a clear sound, Tokage Guard had disappeared in place, appeared under Da Hei's butt, and there was no sound.

Until Da Hei patted his **** and slowly stood up, everyone came back to their senses.

"He...he, he, dead?!"

"Unbelievable, the majestic power of the realm of Heavenly Dao, was slapped to death by a dog!"

"What a terrifying pants! Not only can it withstand attacks from the realm of heaven, but it can also sit to death! No solution!"

"I actually laughed at that dog and that pair of pants before, I'm so stupid."

"This dog turned out to be a great hero!"

This reversal makes everyone's brains almost confused, and the three views are broken.

In the distance, the left who kept her mind here staggered, and she felt that the breath of life belonging to Dongkage had disappeared!

This comrade, who has just become his teammate, has not been able to shine his own glory, so he gloriously received the box lunch...

so horrible!

Thanks to my running fast enough!

Zuo Shi suddenly felt a cold behind his back, he shook slightly, and couldn't help speeding up a bit.

At the scene, Da Hei looked at the direction where the left envoy disappeared, and the dog's eyes showed thought.

"That breath is a bit familiar, every time I run fast enough, selling teammates is so decisive, but also interesting, should you catch it for fun?"


Just as it was thinking, the golden-eyed lion with its god-eyed eyes could not be suppressed at last, with red eyes and golden hair standing upright all over its body, making a fierce roar.

Out of the fear of Da Hei in his heart, it lost its reason and took the lead to bite towards Da Hei!

Da Hei's brows wrinkled slightly, and one of the dog's paws was raised randomly, and the neck was strangled with one hand, the hind limbs stood upright, and the golden-eyed lion was raised in the air.

Next, another dog's paw waved

"Pop, papa!"

Covering the lion’s head, he slapped three times on the spot.

The golden eyes of the gods are drawn from the lion's eyes, the eyes are staring, and the lion head's hairstyle is messed up.

became a weak growl.

"Pop, papa!"

Without hesitation, Da Hei took out three more slaps.

Now the golden-eyed lion in God’s eyes was settled, and there was a look of fear in the eyes, and a weak roar was made with his mouth open.


"Well, it's restored."

When the **** hand loosened, he threw it on the ground and said to the dumbfounded Tianhong: "This kind of crazy situation is easy to handle. Just like what I did just now, it will stop if you slap a few slaps. Up."

Dao Chang Tianhong opened his mouth, and in the end he just swallowed hardly, and said weakly, "Thank you...Thank you, Uncle Dog."

Others are also silly, and have nothing to say.

Slapped the beast of the realm of Heavenly Dao, is it easy to handle?

You are as perverted as you are everyone!

At this time, all the talents in the audience had to recognize a reality. Da Hei is not only abnormal in appearance, but also abnormal in strength. This is a abnormal dog from the inside to the outside.

Flying over tomorrow, Situ shouted, "Master Dog is mighty! Thank you, Master Dog for your help."

His heart was shocked, and he once again had a clear understanding of the power of the Supreme.

Word of mouth, after all, is not as convincing as witnessing.

The pet dogs of the master are so powerful, it is hard to imagine how strong the master will be!

Da Hei said indifferently: "No thanks, this leather pants was just woven for me by the master. I just want to try its power, and I don't think the Jiemeng people are pleasing to the eye!"

However, this remark caused another uproar in the ears of Situ Mingri and others.

Is such an awesome leather pants woven by an expert?

艹! What kind of fairy ability is this? !

It’s no wonder that you can give away Chaos Lingbao's pen casually, and you can really create Chaos Lingbao at will!

Scary, terrifying!

Situ's heart trembled violently tomorrow, and immediately said with a serious face: "Uncle Dog, your master has great kindness to our Royal Beast Sect! Not only this time, but also saved my daughter Situ Qin last time. This is too great a kindness. , We can hardly repay it!"

"I will give Qin'er the position of suzerain now. Since she is the book boy next to your master, then our Royal Beast Sect is a little **** under the masters. Please give orders as much as you like when you have things in the future, please feel free to call."

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen screamed carelessly in their hearts when they saw this operation. Situ will be the king of dog licking tomorrow, so he licked it thoroughly.

Where are they willing to show weakness, they hurriedly said: "Uncle Dog, I am also willing to be a **** under the master. If there is anything, please let me come!"

"It is true that it is my ultimate dream to become a **** under the hands of a master, please fulfill it."

Da Hei doesn’t care much about this, but thinking of the news of the ancient clan he learned from Qin Manyun last time, he felt that the master might also need a pawn, so he said: "As you are, remember to help my master."

Qin Chongshan and others were overjoyed, nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said excitedly: "Definitely, surely!"

Next, everyone will focus on Situ Yu and his son.

The two of them were ashamed and muddled, and their mentality was obviously broken.

The original good situation suddenly reversed. This kind of blow is simply desperate.

This is really caught off guard. The two great powers of the realm of heaven, what a powerful and gorgeous lineup, and a wave of vigorous preparations to flatten the opposite.

However, without warning, one sold his teammate, and the other was killed by the krypton artifact leather pants, leaving only two supporters who could only shout ‘666’...

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