Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 609: 608: Snipe and clam fight, fisherman fishing

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Taoist Junjun blew his beard and stared, and yelled, "You fart! Am I not as precious as a clone of you?"

"You are deceiving my feelings and ruining my tears!"

"Ha ha."

Lao Long smiled coldly, "My clone is made from the soil under your feet, matched with the water in the pond, plus the rhizomes given by these spiritual roots by the water, do you think there is any Are you precious?"


Dao Junjun's speech is sluggish. In such a comparison, he suddenly feels that his body is rubbish...

In the end he played the emotional card and sighed sincerely: "I'm a life! I'm your dear teammate! Moreover, we are even more primitive fellows, old acquaintances! Feelings are priceless!"

Old Long snorted, "Feelings are indeed expensive, and this wave has made me lose a lot."

Don’t say if the clone is gone, all the treasures taken out by the clone are gone, whether it’s that branch or the old tortoise’s shell, this is the kind of treasure that you want to come by licking your old face, and use one and one less. .

He looked at Long'er and Nun, and then at the willow tree blowing in the wind by the pond, and said with deep meaning: "Nun, Long'er, you will water and fertilize in the future, don't be lazy, be more mindful and behave well. ."

"Even the ancestors suffered a big loss, and we will not be lazy anymore."

"That is, we have to work hard to become stronger."

After this time, Ryuuji and Nunnan felt the importance of strength even more, and the outside world was too dangerous.

"Hahaha, you want me to suffer a big loss, can I eat it for nothing? They don't want to make it better!"

The old dragon laughed and said triumphantly: "A genius like me will naturally maximize the benefits. I will calculate a wave for them at the last moment."

Da Hei's dog's eyes flashed slightly, and he said, "Gou Long's calculations should not be bad. After all, he has been struggling all day long, thinking about how to calculate others to increase his survival rate."

Long Er raised his hand excitedly, "I know, I know, this is the old yin ratio mentioned on TV by my brother."

Nun Nun added: "There is also Old Goubi."

"Smart!" Da Hei gave them a thumbs up.

Nu Wa curiously asked, "Dare to ask Senior Long what is the calculation?"

Lao Long smirked: "I told them that I was a member of the Jiemeng. I may not know how they are looking for the Jiemeng now, and 80% of them can bite the dog."

"Why is a dog biting a dog and not a dragon biting a dragon?"

Da Hei immediately stood up to fight for dog rights for his race.

But when he heard that it could cause trouble to the world alliance, Da Hei's dog ears stood up with excitement, and nodded, "But your calculation is in my heart. I have to go and see such a wonderful dragon biting dragon."

at this time.

In the corpse world.

The black-robed old man and the white-haired old man stood together, their eyes twinkling, discussing something.

It is Emperor Lingyun and Emperor Tianchen.

The white-haired old man solemnly said: "Ling Yun, what do you think?"

The emperor Lingyun analyzed: "I am afraid that the person's background is not small, I am afraid that there is a chaotic spiritual root behind it!"

All spiritual roots must be born from the heavens and the earth, contain the fortune of the atmosphere, and are born gods!

However, there is a skill to balance the road, and everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Like wild beasts and flowers, by chance, they can give birth to spiritual wisdom and transform into monsters, but their spiritual roots are different. They want to transform into monsters, it is extremely difficult!

Plant transformation is extremely difficult, and spiritual roots are almost impossible! Unless you are blessed and blessed by the avenue.

And once the spiritual root transforms the spirit, it is naturally extremely extraordinary. To put it bluntly, with this one spiritual root, countless powerful people can be bred! Raise a small world directly to a higher level!

In addition, after the spiritual root transforms the spirit, many other magical effects will be born, and the power is infinite.

Therefore, some people will enshrine this spiritual root as a totem, and people in a village or even the world rely on this spiritual root to nourish!

The branch used by the old dragon last time was most likely given to him by a certain chaotic root of Lingling!

Emperor Tianchen nodded and said in a condensed voice: "The chaotic roots of the spirit transformation are too extraordinary. If we can get it, the benefits will be great!"

Emperor Lingyun said: "This person is a member of the Alliance, send someone to inquire about this force!"

Emperor Tianchen added cautiously: "Yes, and I need to find out. The people from the world alliance secretly came to me to drive the corpse world, but what is wrong with it!"


But at this moment.

The entire sky above the corpse chasing world, as if the sky was split in half by a sword, and a hole was broken.


A heavy thunder gleamed, covering the sky, and the barrier began to tremble.

Emperor Lingyun and Emperor Tianchen suddenly looked gloomy, and shouted: "You are so daring, someone dares to break into the barrier of my corpse world!"

Outside the enchantment.

The North Shadow Guard of the Realm League is leading a group of men, forcibly breaking the barrier.

Gu Yu looked at the enchantment in front of him coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He squinted his eyes and said: "It is really unexpected that there is still a barrier hidden here. It seems that it has ulterior motives!"

The leader of the Realm League looked cold and snorted: "The mouse in the hole, watch me push them out!"

"too slow!"

Gu Yu shook his head, and then personally shot, raised his hand and pressed forward, his palm exuding brilliance, pressing on the barrier in front of him.

Then, as if eating, chew the enchantment into a mouth!

At the moment when this opening was formed, a figure suddenly appeared from the inside, bursting out like a mountain with a punch, slamming straight toward Gu Yu's face.

Gu Yu's eyes sank, and it was also punched out, touching it!


The aftermath violently, directly tore the barrier open, and the two parties confronted each other.

Emperor Ling Tian said: "Who is here? How dare to break into my corpse chasing world!"

"Shooting the corpse world?"

Gu Yu glanced at the corpse king who had just fisted with him, his eyes showed a thoughtful color, and he said: "It seems that there is indeed a corpse of Dao Sovereign here! The picture is huge!"

The Northern Shadow Guard spoke condescendingly: "We are members of the Alliance! We are here for one thing, to hand over the corpse of Dadao Supreme!"

"Are you from Jiemeng?"

The faces of everyone in the corpse world changed, and their eyes suddenly became unkind when they looked at them.

"Do you want us to surrender the corpse of Dadao Supreme?"

Emperor Lingyun and Emperor Tianchen looked at each other, their eyes were full of cold colors, and they hummed inwardly.

They were thinking about investigating the intelligence of the Jiemeng, so as to **** the chaotic roots behind them, but they didn't expect the other party to send it to the door.

"Do you know this person?"

Emperor Tianchen waved his hand, and Nan Yingwei suddenly appeared in the screen.

Zuo Shi frowned and said: "He is our Southern Shadow Guard, what did you do to him?"

Emperor Lingyun said in a low voice: "Hehe, then you can't go wrong, this person came to me to drive the corpse realm into the wild, and we directly destroyed it!"

"court death!"

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"It's you who are looking for death. They come to me to chase the corpse world three times and four times. Do you really think I am trying to bully when I chase the corpse world?"

"Ah! Kill this world!"

"Let go of zombies!"

Immediately, the two men and horses directly fought each other, as if they were unshakable enemies, and they quickly became red-eyed.

Endless power began to sweep through the chaos. This was no longer a simple fighting method. There were even several powers of the heavenly realm that shot at the same time, directly hitting the entire chaos.

The fighting was fierce.

not far away.

Several figures stared at the court silently, with awe in their eyes.

Who is it if it's not Dahei and others.

"Come early is not as good as coincidence. I didn't expect that the actors on both sides of this drama started acting so impatiently."

"Gou Long, I have to say, this trick of yours is really wonderful."

"The battle is fierce, and the corpse chasing world is too terrifying. It can actually cultivate zombies in the realm of heaven."

"Jiemeng actually has a connection with the ancient clan!"

"Jiemeng and this corpse chasing world are too fierce, there are so many strong people."

Everyone hid in the dark, relying on the old dragon's breathing technique to cover their breath.

Counting the strong, I couldn't help being shocked.

The people of the world alliance rely on Gu Yu and the leader to take the lead. In addition to the Northern Shadow Guard and the Left Envoy, there are actually four great abilities in the realm of heaven!

The corpse chasing world is also hidden. In addition to the Emperor Tianchen and the Emperor Lingyun, a square-faced man stepped out in the depths of the world, and the corpse emperor with four realms of heaven roared and ran out. !

The leader of the Jiemeng has no way to take action, just watching the battle from the sidelines.

And in the world of corpse chasing, I don’t know if there are any other hidden powerhouses, even if there are not, there is still a copper coffin with the corpse of Dadao Supreme!

All in all, the fighting between the two sides is evenly matched, fighting against the chaos of Yin and Yang, and the chaos is ruined.

On the other hand, on Da Hei's side, except for Da Hei and Lao Long, there is no other power in the realm of heaven.

"This world is really dangerous."

Lao Long looked in his eyes, sighed with deep emotion, and immediately began to analyze, "In the vast chaos, endless years, there will definitely be many amazing and brilliant characters, such as the corpse world. , And that ancient clan can cause chaos, and even the nine supreme lords can't hold it, but it's unfathomable."

"I shouldn't have gone out of the mountain."

"You don't make sense. I just lost a clone, so I just want to pull me out. How can my clone be enough?"

"Shut up, you! Don't interfere with my fishing."

Da Hei looked at the old dragon contemptuously, "Since I ran into it, I can't come here in vain. There are a lot of good game in the world alliance."

While talking, its dog's paw was lifted, and a fishing rod was already taken out in its hand.

Seeing the right time, he waved towards the battlefield.

At the same time, in the battlefield, a woman from the league was fighting against her opponent, and the two were competing for magic weapons. It was a joy to come and go.

But at this moment, the woman felt her body tighten, as if something was wrapped around her waist.

Before she could react, an irresistible great will was added, suppressing her power, causing her to twist and reveal her original form.

But it was a brown pangolin, following Da Hei's pull, it immediately left the battlefield and caught Da Hei in front of it.

There was still confusion and panic on his face.

"This is the best game."

Taoist Junjun and the others immediately hurried away, holding the rope that was already prepared, "Hurry up, tie it up, and bring it back to the master."

Da Hei continued to throw the hook.

Soon, another elk was caught.

It always looks at the right time and then shoots, just like an accurate fisherman, and does not focus on the power of the heavenly realm, so it is very efficient.

In a blink of an eye, twelve game meats were already strung together.

Da Hei's dog's eyes flashed, and this time he set his gaze on the North Shadow Guard, and the hook waited for an opportunity.

At this time, the opponent of the Northern Shadow Guard was Emperor Tianchen.

The two of them manifested the law and collided with visions. The bodies of both of them had been destroyed several times, and then they were reorganized.

"Shinto, Qingtian pointed!"

Emperor Tianchen took a deep breath and pointed towards Beiyingweiyi.

A huge finger vision emerged, and he pointed towards the North Shadow Guard from behind him.

The body of the Northern Shadow Guard was frozen in the air, and as the giant finger approached, there was pressure to suppress his body into a crack!

However, his eyes condensed, and the same law was played out by magical powers.

"Against the chaos!"

The law of destruction is like adding a sharp knife to the body, directly acting on the body, unable to dodge.

According to the rule, Emperor Tianchen's body was instantly torn into pieces, and blood rained all over the sky.

However, the Northern Shadow Guard was also spotted as fleshy by the phantom of the finger.

The origin of life flickered at the same time, and their bodies gradually reorganized.

When it was said that it was too late, a fishing line that was invisible to the naked eye suddenly came, silently appeared next to Beiyingwei, and hooked his mouth directly.

A black rhinoceros manifested itself, holding on tightly, fighting against the hook, and stalemate.

Not far away, Zuo Shi was fighting with a corpse emperor. Seeing this situation, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

"Help me, save me! Someone is in danger and wants to fish me in secret!"

The North Shadow Guard repeatedly called for help, and his body had begun to follow the hook, pulling it in one direction little by little.

It stared at the left envoy, eyes full of the last stubbornness.

Zuo Shi looked in the direction of the hook, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

But in the distance, a bald dog was standing upright on its hind limbs, pulling the fishing rod **** its forelimbs, trying to catch the Northern Shadow Guard.

The North Shadow Guard was extremely anxious, "What else to watch? Hurry up and save me!"

Zuo Shi's expression was cloudy and sunny for a while, and finally under the desperate gaze of the North Shadow Guard, he arched his hands, "Take care, and do it for yourself."

Then, turning around, he walked directly in the direction of the chaos, jumped a few times, and gradually disappeared...



The North Shadow Guard's forehead was covered with question marks, and his body took off directly and landed in front of Da Hei.

"Full of harvest, comfortable."

Da Hei and others showed a comfortable smile. Such a large wave of high-quality game has brought Gao Ren, Gao Ren will be happy.

Taoist Junjun rubbed his hands and said, "Uncle Dog, can you let me catch my hand too?"

Da Hei exclaimed, "Take it, remember to be steady and cruel! Don't be big-hearted, start with a few small fishes over there."

One after another, the number of Jiemeng quietly decreased without knowing it...

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