Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 610: 609: Jiemeng and the corpse world are torn apart, and the supreme is present

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over time.

The leader of the realm of intuitive warfare also discovered the problem.

Because the battlefield was too fierce, all the powers had their own battlefields, fighting everywhere in the chaos, but he still discovered that his own team seemed to be dwindling quickly!

What was originally a one-on-one scene has gradually evolved into one-on-two, one-on-three...

He frowned, and solemnly reminded: "Everyone, be careful, this corpse chasing world is very evil, I'm afraid there is an ambush in secret, like yin people!"

"Hehe, Jiemeng is nothing but that!"

Emperor Lingyun sneered with disdain while holding a black broadsword.

He was fighting against Gu Yu, and felt a bit of difficulty at first, but as the Northern Shadow Guard left the battlefield and Emperor Tianchen rushed over to help him, the battle was immediately reversed.

Gu Yu's face was cold, he opened his hands and slammed his punches, and he drove a dark path above the chaos. The power of horror was enough to annihilate everything in front of him.

The origin of his life is different from that of chaotic creatures. Not only is his body naturally strong, but there are also Dao marks in his blood. He is a naturally powerful race, uniquely endowed by nature, and the same attack falls on him, but his injuries are much lighter than ordinary people. .

Moreover, the origin of life is stronger than that of chaotic creatures, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but exclaimed, "The people of the ancient clan are really strong. This is the suppression from the innate."

Taoist Junjun couldn't help but say: "Being powerful by nature, it really makes people feel helpless."

"Innately powerful? What about this?"

Yang Jian on the side opened his mouth, his eyes gleaming with fearlessness and aggressiveness, "Have you forgotten the human race in the early days? At that time, the dragon and phoenix races were not equally powerful. The human races were like ants, but ants could climb into the sky. !"

He himself has cultivated step by step from a mortal who has no cultivation base.

From the beginning of drinking and drinking blood, to fighting with wild beasts, and then fighting with monsters, nowadays, immortals are like crucians across the river, and sects are like stars in the sky, creating countless Taoisms that have been passed down from generation to generation.

This is Human Race!

"Hahaha, these words are of good quality, I love to hear them!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed and patted Yang Jian on the shoulder, "There is no trace on the road, and every creature has its own way. Being strong does not mean invincibility. In the past ancient disasters, there can be nine great nobles. Then this life will There are ten, eleven! And I, Xiao Chengfeng, will definitely cut off this ancient disaster!"

Nu Wa nodded and agreed: "Well said, don't forget, there is still an expert behind us, he will guide us and preach to us!"

"Life and death are dead!"

But at this moment, a loud shout came.

Emperor Lingyun's body law was turbulent, and a long black river unexpectedly gathered, billowing mightily, containing a strong breath of death.

The law of life and death circulates in it, yin and yang are intertwined, as if it will be divided at any time!

The long black river converged on the long sword and cut straight towards the ancient jade!


Blood spattered.

The ancient jade was cut into two halves from top to bottom, and the life origin has been eroded away.

Just as his body was about to reorganize, another violent shout came.

"Qingtian pointed!"

Emperor Tianchen also played a law of supernatural powers, the giant finger of the phantom Gaia sky, like crushing an ant, crushing the ancient jade!


Gu Yu let out an angry roar, his origin burst out with a burst of brilliance, and his body instantly condensed, his eyes were red, and his complexion was grim.

Emperor Tianchen smiled coldly, "Oh, incompetent furious!"

At this time, another corpse emperor stepped forward, his whole body was booming, the law of heaven surrounded him, the corpse was like a sea, tyrannical, raised his fist, and came toward the suppression of the ancient jade!

The three of them joined forces to repeatedly kill the ancient jade, and there is no suspense to completely erase its life origin!

"Humble ants, dare to blaspheme?!"

Gu Yu's face was so gloomy that he almost bleeds, and he looked at the leader of the realm alliance and said coldly, "Are you not ready to make a move?"

"My lord, I..."

The leader's expression stagnated, and a trace of struggling flashed in his eyes.

He swallowed the four Great Dao Supremes, and the power of the Dao Dao in his body was very unstable. Once he took a shot, his balance would be disrupted. Not only was the pain unbearable, but it also left sequelae, with serious consequences.

It's a pity, it's just the last medicine. Why did Nan Yingwei's trash die here? Where did he get the nourishing grass!

Just when he gritted his teeth and prepared to take action, Gu Yu was already surrounded by three people and couldn't wait any longer.

"You rubbish! You rubbish, you rubbish!"

Gu Yu let out a cold snort, his aura burst out, and the ultimate terrifying power rose from his body, like a river rewinding, unstoppable!

An unstoppable coercion rushed towards everyone to suppress it, making the three of Tianchen Emperorzun unable to resist backing up, showing shocking expressions.

"This is what you forced me!"

Gu Yu's eyes turned golden, and the voice seemed to come from nine heavens, unpredictable, "Ancient jade is here, please... my ancient clan supreme!!!"


Chaos oscillates, ripples like tides,

A huge phantom, with shocking power, slowly emerged from the back of the ancient jade.

Looking at his appearance, he knew that he was a member of the ancient clan just like Gu Yu. However, his aura was too strong and too strong. Although it was only a phantom, once he arrived, only a trace of aura was enough to suppress everything on the court!

This phantom is standing in the chaos, spanning the ages, surpassing the world, and observing all the laws.


The expressions of Emperor Tianchen and Emperor Lingyun changed wildly, and they stepped back for the first time. At the same time, they mobilized the magic formula in their hands to summon the other two corpse emperors to their side.

At the same time, the phantom of the supreme ancient clan had already raised his hand and slapped down from the sky!

This palm is not too big, but it seems to encompass the world, and the world in the palm of its own is enough to crush the yin and yang and suppress the heavens!

Palm landed.

The endless law swept out all around, containing the coercion of the great road, wanting to annihilate everything.

The first to bear the brunt is the three corpse emperors, who are directly turned into dust in this wave of air, and even the source of life is directly erased!


Emperor Tianchen and Emperor Lingyun spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time, Dao Xin was hit hard, and their hearts were shocked.

If it weren't for them to call the two corpse kings over as a shield, now they are properly cold.

The other people around were also uncomfortable, their faces were pale, their blood was surging, and they didn't dare to breathe.

This is the supreme power.

Just a phantom shadow is enough to suppress the eternity and chaos with one thought!

"Danger! Danger! Danger!"

Lao Long's eyes widened, his eyebrows and beards were upside down, he was ready to cut off the connection with this clone at any time, and abandon the car to protect his handsome.

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The supreme strength can only be understood by personal experience.

At this time, everyone had an intuitive concept. The original Dao Zun was far more terrifying than they thought!

Although the masters are powerful, they have never taken a shot, so they are in awe from the heart, and their fear is a little lighter.

Just like the nuclear bomb, everyone knows that it is powerful, but it is limited to imagination, and the feeling will definitely fade a lot.

I have experienced it myself, and I know the horror!

Everyone looked at the ancient supreme and held their breath.

Gu Yu said respectfully to the phantom: "Gu Jade worships Gu Li Supreme."

Coulee slowly opened his eyes, there was a river of stars turning, and the avenue rose.

Gu Li ignored him, but looked directly into the depths of the corpse chasing world, and said to himself: "No wonder you will use this phantom of mine. It turns out that you have found the remnants of the nine supreme lords of the year! It's just unexpected. Not a spiritual master."

Gu Yu immediately said: "This place is called the corpse chasing world, my strength is not good, I can only summon the supreme to help, and ask the supreme to destroy it!"

Gu Li Supreme nodded, and said casually: "Wait until I kill the Dao Supreme Origin here, if I have more power, I will help you kill everything here!"

After that, he stepped into the world of corpse chasing!

"Boom boom boom!"

As he stepped out, the entire corpse chasing world couldn't bear his power, began to be unstable, and the world gradually split!

Although he didn't make a move, his momentum was enough to crush everything he went through, and the disciples and many zombies in the corpse world were wiped out!

Emperor Tianchen and others naturally didn't dare to get angry. At this time, they just wanted to escape with their best, because the surrounding space was all blocked, they were suppressed here, and they were unable to move.

"To be finished, to be finished!"

Lao Long showed compassion, and said helplessly to Da Hei and the others: "That dog has blocked us here! My clone is no longer ready. If you have any wishes, please tell me as soon as I can. Row."

Da Hei suggested: "It's just a phantom. After he consumes a while, we are not without a fight. Get your body quickly and let's do it with him!"

"What? Impossible! This is too dangerous!"

Lao Long asked directly without even thinking about it, shaking his head like a rattle.

Then gritted his teeth: "At most, I will send another clone over. Whether it can survive or not depends on everyone's good fortune."

"Hehe, I found it!"

The ancient supreme standing in the void, looking in a direction in the corpse world, directly raised his hand and suppressed it!


The ancient temple collapsed, and the bricks and soil directly turned into dust, evaporated and dispersed, revealing the ancient bronze coffin!

The breath is mighty, the vision is raging, and he wants to annihilate the ancient bronze coffin.

However, at this moment, a majestic voice sounded from inside the copper coffin.

"One thought extinguishes the sky, one finger traverses the years, life is invincible, and death is invincible!"

With the sound of this sound, a blood-red mist rose from the copper coffin, converging into a blood-red light, blocking all the attacks of the ancient supreme!

The ancient supreme aura burst out with full force, and a terrifying attack wanted to suppress the red mang. "The dead, lie down in the coffin!"

Affected by the powerful force, the corpse chasing world is already shattered.

The red glow from the copper coffin was even worse, turning into a scarlet color, and the same powerful aura burst out!

"This is... the breath of the ancients."

Inside the copper coffin came waves of thoughts, some confused, and some reminiscences.

Even in the endless years of death, he still remembered the aura of the ancient clan, and his murderous intent and momentum skyrocketed in an instant!

Leng arrogant voice resounded like a burst, "Even if I die, I can trample the ancients under my feet!"

The copper coffin shook violently, and then opened a hole. The red light was overwhelming, and a shocking suction suddenly burst out, and in an instant, it sucked in the phantom of the supreme ancient clan!


The copper coffin is closed.

There was a faint sound of chewing.

The whole world was calm again, all visions disappeared, and there was no sense of oppression, as if everything just now was just a dream.

Everyone's body is loose, and the restrictions are lifted.

However, they still didn't move, they all looked incredible.

"how can that be?"

Gu Yu looked at the ancient bronze coffin blankly, and his body trembled suddenly, his soul trembling, terrified.

Without daring to delay at all, his body quickly retreated.

"Not dead, that supreme is still alive back then?!"

His scalp was about to explode, his courage was almost frightened, and he ran away quickly without looking back.

Everyone in the Jie League was naturally shattered, and followed the leader and left in the direction of Gu Yu.

The people in the corpse chasing world did not pursue them, they were equally surprised, and the losses on both sides this time were so heavy that it was no longer suitable for another fight.

Emperor Tianchen and others hurriedly came to not far from the ancient bronze coffin, frowned, and looked at it in awe.

"It's worthy of being the Supreme Dao, he's already dead, and he's still not to be offended."

"He just acted instinctively, and the obsession to suppress the ancient tribe has been rooted in his corpse, so that's what happened."

"He will not attack us and think of ways to speed up the progress of refining."


"It's worthy of being the Nine Supremes, no wonder you can beat the ancient tribe so much that you can't raise your head!"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help shouting, "It's fun, awesome, so be it!"

Daoist Junjun opened his mouth worriedly: "The Great Dao Sovereign is too strong. This is just a phantom of the Supreme Sovereign of the Ancient Clan. When the ancient disaster comes, it will be terrifying. We have to hurry up and cultivate."

Nu Wa nodded and said: "Also, the ancient supreme said that the spirit master in the copper coffin is not the spiritual master, we must quickly find the spiritual master."

On the other hand, Da Hei was pulling a rope and tying up a bunch of game, and urged: "Okay, okay, don't pull the calf, I have to quickly bring these game to the master."

"Uncle Dog is right, this time we are reaping the profit, and the harvest is full. It is really pleasing!"

"Walk around and honor the superior."


However, the Jade Emperor suddenly flashed a flash of inspiration, with a smile on his face, he said: "Isn't this experience just now a big news? I have to hurry up and sort it out. The expert will love it."

"This is necessary, otherwise the title will cause the Jiemeng and the corpse world to tear each other, causing the supreme to live."

"Yang Jian, is there any other information from the News Department recently? More news is included, and it happens to be brought to the expert."

Since Li Nianfan raised a mouth, the department of Tiangong who was in charge of monitoring the Three Realms simply changed its name to the Ministry of Information, with Yang Jian as the main, clairvoyant and windy ears as a supplement, and some other gods who were specifically responsible for collecting news information.

Judging from the current situation of several newspapers, Gao Ren is quite satisfied.

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