Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 616: 616: League leader: I was defiled?

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"You, don't come here!"

Seeing the figure walking step by step, the great power of heaven finally collapsed.

He stopped attacking, and he couldn't help but retreat, his face full of horror.

Although this woman did not release coercion, she seemed to be above everything by nature, so she didn't dare to target it.

She stretched out her slender hand and held the flagpole.

In an instant, the world was still, the chaotic flag no longer swayed, and the chaos was silent.

Yang Jian and others were rescued, looking at the figure standing in front of them, their lips trembled, and finally there was no sound.

They didn't dare to break the atmosphere, and didn't dare to speak casually in front of this woman.

An inexplicable coercion began to envelop this space, even though there was only a ray of remnant soul left, even though she had fallen for eternity, she was still the protagonist of heaven and earth!

who is she? Everyone has the answer in their hearts.

Spirit Lord?

Gu Yu and Gu Ming felt the deepest. They were almost overwhelmed by the pressure, as if they had seen the invincible figure at the beginning, and their hearts were filled with extreme panic.

Gu Ming was frightened and yelled loudly: "Trash! She is just a ray of remnant soul, do it quickly and suppress her!"

However, at this time, the spirit master phantom had already moved.

She held the Chaos Flag and waved her hand.

The banner is flying, heavier than her body, but full of domineering.

A horrible aura appeared, emerging from the chaotic flag, turning into a black whirlwind, and swept toward the mighty power of the heavenly realm!

The Heavenly Dao Da Neng's complexion changed drastically, his body quickly retreated, raising his hand to cast countless law visions, trying to suppress the black whirlwind.

But to no avail!


The black whirlwind bombarded his body in a flash, contaminated with endless will to destroy, like a violent wind passing through the border, blowing the sky full of yellow sand, and the body of the heavenly power was annihilated!

The Spirit Lord Void had no extra words, and his cold eyes were locked on Gu Ming's body, his figure glowing with brilliance, and he walked away!

The chaotic flag was raised, and once again a ruining principle was struck toward Gu Ming's suppression!

At this time, Gu Ming was still holding the spear tightly and struggling with Da Hei's ass. He was disturbed, and his mentality was suddenly unstable, so he had to stop his gun.

The spear turned, condensing a true dragon of laws, and the spear picked up the black whirlwind to dissolve the attack of the spirit master.

"Why didn't you poke my ass?"

Da Hei feels uncomfortable, and the dog's face is full of dissatisfaction, "How dare you look down on me and see my Tarzan topping!"


It arched its butt, like a meteor rushing to the moon, from top to bottom, dashing straight towards Gu Ming!

He sat on Gu Ming's front door!


Gu Ming's entire head was seated into the body by Da Hei's butt, and his body was embedded in the ground, directly buried deep, leaving Da Hei sitting on the ground.


The earth split, and Gu Ming's roar came out.

He leaped out of the ground, his head protruding from his body with a "pop", his face full of hideousness!

"I must kill you! Especially your stupid dog!"

"Eight Wasteland Killing!"

The spear pointed at Da Hei.


The space trembles, and there are countless destroying light blades around Da Hei, lasing at Da Hei!

Where the light blade passed, the space was cut open like paper, and Da Hei's place seemed to be shattered into countless strange glass, making Da Hei seem to fall apart, and its body began to have blood flying.

Da Hei was in the destruction space, with a fierce look in his eyes, and raised his dog's paw to Gu Ming, "The dog's paw covers the sky!"


A huge dog paw suddenly protruded from the space, like a giant beast covering the sky, stomping on the ants under the feet.

At the same time, the spirit lord once again waved the flag of chaos, and the black whirlwind wrapped Gu Ming, causing his body to crack inch by inch!

The dog's paw fell, and Gu Ming's body was suddenly trampled into a puddle of mud!


Gu Ming's whole body, the origin of life was shining, his body reunited, and he roared.

However, before the completion of his reunion, Da Hei had already walked out of the destruction space and opened his mouth to take a breath. Gu Ming's body was directly sucked into his mouth by Da Hei and swallowed!

In the void, the brilliance reappeared, and Gu Ming's complexion appeared pale, with terror in his eyes.

It was too terrible for Da Hei to join forces with the spirit master. He wiped out half of his life origin in such a short period of time. If this goes on, he will not even be able to escape!

Without waiting for him to think about it, the Spirit Lord's Chaos Banner hit again, leaving him exhausted.

Gu Ming was embarrassed and wanted to ask for help, but his eyes saw the leader of the league who was watching the battle not far away. He suddenly became angrily and said: "Gu Yu, isn't that guy also ours? What's the matter? Just watch the show. ?!"

Gu Yu was named, and one inadvertently was stabbed on the **** by the old dragon with a shovel, causing his **** to split into four petals immediately, and his blood surged.


Gu Yu ran away, clutching his ass, and at the same time said angrily at the leader of the world alliance: "What's the matter with you? It's too bad going back to the show! Hurry up and do it for Lao Tzu!"

"Here is it."

The leader of the Realm League also knew that this was an extraordinary period. He took a deep breath and took out the life spring and the bloodthirsty spirit wood. There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes. After all, he still lacked the nourishing grass.

"I can help you!"

Gu Ming suddenly spoke, with a cold voice in his voice, and with a wave of his hand, a few drops of blood fell in front of the leader of the alliance, "With my original blood, it is also enough to suppress the restlessness in your body!"

The original blood is precious, but now is no longer the time to hide it privately, otherwise everyone will have to finish playing.

"Thank you, Gu Ming!"

The leader of the world alliance was overjoyed and immediately opened his mouth and ate the three things in front of him.

After that, he no longer suppressed the power in his body, and a terrifying aura began to rise. The powerful aura turned into a powerful storm and rushed straight into the sky, forming a huge whirlpool above the dome!


The vortex continued to expand, releasing terrifying power, causing this space to begin to tear, and even the chaotic thunderstorm outside began to be chaotic, and then engulfed by the vortex!

"Boom boom boom!"

Outside of the chaos, this black hole shattered suddenly, like a cave that had been smashed open, revealing its true content.

"Ok... so scary!"

Daoist Junjun and the others stared wide-eyed, looking at the leader of the world alliance in horror, feeling unmatched.

Even if it is also the power of the realm of heaven, but... still can only look up.

"Is this... the avenue?"

The eyes of the leader of the world alliance showed madness and obsession. He felt the breath of the avenue, and he seemed to be able to touch it with his hand. An unprecedented powerful feeling enveloped his whole body, making him feel that he could dominate this chaos.

He is only one step away from the real Dadao Supreme!

"This feeling of invincibility is really wonderful, wow, so strong, I'm so strong!"

In his body, there are four breaths moving, making his body bulge, and it is the power of the four great masters he swallowed that year is unleashing.

The unmatched coercion condensed into a monstrous storm, blowing towards the surroundings, making everyone out of breath, and the body couldn't help but retreat.

Visible to the naked eye, his body was swelling rapidly, and it was more than ten feet in a blink of an eye!

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With a soft sound, new arms grew out of his back. The huge body had eight arms, and the pressure shook the chaos and silence.

The leader of the Realm Alliance lowered his head, his eyes were gazing at the world, and he looked at the people condescendingly, "A group of ants, don't they consciously kneel down and pray for mercy?"

However, just under this tense atmosphere, a very abrupt voice sounded

"You drank my urine."

Da Hei looked at the leader of the Jie Meng with contempt, and his tone was flat, but it spread to everyone's ears.

The leader of the world alliance was shocked and angry, "What did you say?"

Da Hei didn't say more, he was going to prove it to him with actions.

I saw, it slowly raised its dog paw, and beckoned to the remaining life spring, "Ufe!"

The voice just fell.

A part of the light yellow liquid in the life spring slowly peeled out, flying towards the black, shining with shining brilliance, and a little bit of anger.

This taste... the leader of the world alliance is very familiar.

"This, this is impossible!"

His brain buzzed, unable to accept this fact, hissed: "You are bluffing me! This is the golden holy liquid! The rest of the life spring is still yellow!"

Da Hei said lightly: "Oh, those are other people's urine."

"Ahem, I'm not talented, it's also mixed up a bit."

Daoist Junjun stood up, raised his hand weakly, and shouted, "Ufe!"

Immediately, a small amount of yellow liquid flew out from the spring of life.

The scene fell into silence.

Only the wheezing of the leader of the world alliance could be heard.


His face is distorted, and his mentality has exploded.

I drank? More than one person's urine?

I am defiled! I am not clean anymore!

How awesome the previous moment was, and how embarrassed it was at this moment. He could feel the eyes of people around him looking at him, and he could barely comprehend himself, and was socially dead.

"I must, vomit... kill you guys! vomit!"

The leader of the world alliance was full of blood, retching, but couldn't vomit it out.

Those urine had already merged into his body with the life spring.

He cried…

"I want to tear you to pieces!"

The leader of the Realm League had red eyes and looked mad, his monstrous aura locked on Da Hei, and his eight arms grabbed him at the same time!

A great energy machine fell on Da Hei's body, forming a powerful oppression, blocking everything in it, making it look like a fish.

A cold smile appeared in Gu Ming's eyes, "Finally, it's a bit worthwhile, and I didn't waste my blood."

Gu Yu smiled slightly, "After swallowing the Four Supremes, after so many years, I finally touched the edge of the Supremes. That bald dog is finally dying!"

Daoist Junjun and others showed concern, and said worriedly: "Master Dog!"

But at this moment, a black banner suddenly appeared in front of Da Hei, and the spirit master stepped out, with no intention of retreat, and killed it towards the leader of the world alliance!

The flag of chaos flies, provokes a black whirlwind of destruction around the body, the vision is like a dragon, killing decisively.

"Lord, do you think it's still the same year? A ray of remnant soul dared to stand in front of me?"

The leader of the Realm League smiled grimly, showing proudly, "I am not what I used to be!"

He raised his palm and slapped towards the spirit lord!

Eight palms flanked from the four directions and came together towards the Spirit Lord to suppress them, just like eight huge mountains, sealing the Spirit Lord in the center, turning into a cage, halo flowing, exuding a terrifying aura, and wanting to make the Spirit Lord Refining!

The spirit lord at the center was waving the Chaos Flag, setting off the turbulent flames, the momentum was like a rainbow, and he made a long howling sound, but he couldn't break through!

The leader of the world alliance smiled coldly, "Goodbye to the spirit master, today I will refine your remnant soul!"

Da Hei was entangled by Gu Ming and said loudly, "Gou Long!"

"I know, I'm thinking of a way!"

Lao Long responded, picking up the ancient jade with a shovel, groping quickly in his arms, and then raised his hand to take it out.

"Old tortoise's shell!"

Then hurried away towards the spirit master!

The shell of the tortoise quickly grew bigger during the flight, turning into a huge shield, resisting a lot of damage for the spirit master.

The spirit master stepped across and took the opportunity to get out of trouble.

"Ant Ears, struggle fearlessly!"

The leader of the Jie Meng spoke disdainfully, and his hands were put together, and the old turtle's shell was photographed to pieces on the spot.

The other six arms continue to kill towards the spirit master!

In his attack, he could already see a trace of the power of the great avenue, which could suppress the law, which could not be resisted by the extraordinary power of heaven.

"Boom boom boom!"

The chaos shook, the distant starry sky was hit, and many stars turned into meteors, falling toward the depths of the chaos!

A torrent of pressure shattered the space around the spirit master, and the phantom was dimmed.

Under the crisis, in her cold eyes, her pupils trembled, she recovered a trace of sanity, there was a sense of loss, and she seemed to think of something.

Seeing the attack towards her, she instinctively raised her hand, and an indescribable breath rose suddenly.

This is an almost invincible aura, even overwhelming the leader of the world alliance, becoming the center of the entire chaos.

The leader of the Jie Meng widened his eyes, "What is this?!"

"Dry, Kun, Ji, Die!"

The hesitating voice came from the spirit master's mouth, whirling over the chaos.

The six arms stretched out by the leader of the world alliance burst instantly and turned into pieces.

"Do not!"

The leader of the Realm League screamed and retreated, and the strange power chased him, making his body also annihilated.

He felt fear, this was the power he couldn't resist, this was the magical power that was enough to stir the avenue!

Let him fall!

The other two arms of the leader of the world alliance and half of his body soon burst apart, spreading to the shoulders and then stopped.

"I'm not dead?"

The fear on the face of the leader of the world alliance has not faded, and then there is a more frenzied laughter, and the body is growing again.

"A ray of remnant soul dare to scare me and kill me!"

The leader of the realm alliance became angry and slapped it with a palm, slapped the spirit master back and forth, the space shattered and the ghost flickered.

"It's over!"

He raised his eight arms high, and above his head, a space swamp appeared, and layers of black hole vortices emerged, and from the vortex, eight huge palm images came out!

These palms are completely black, and on the horizontal and dome, they contain the power to suppress everything!

"The **** of the town confines the demons, I am the only one!"

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