Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 615: 615: The sword points to the heavens, and should be dyed with the blood of the ancients

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In a black hole of chaos.

It is dim, like a ruined world, there is no life, it is a land of waste gas.

A layer of grayish-yellow soil was sprinkled on the ground with broken walls, nothing more.

And in this desolation, a black flag is inserted in the mud, fluttering with the wind, exuding a wild breath, as if you can feel the traces of the passage of the years, since ancient times.

Above this space, the two teams are facing each other, with a thundering aura, which is terrifying.

In the hands of Gu Ming, a fiery red spear emerged along with dazzling colorful brilliance.

The gun is like a dragon!

brought a burst of power to destroy the world, formed a huge wave of coercion, set off a roar, and shrouded toward Dahei and others!

The **** dog had a calm face, his limbs stepped forward, and he jumped up, his buttocks facing forward, toward Gu Ming!

"Boom boom boom!"

The black pants of the **** exude a burst of black light, suppressing the power that the spear brings, and pressing straight towards the door of Gu Ming!

"One Pillar Optimus!"

Gu Ming's face darkened, his eyes were murderous, and with a sharp roar, he pierced Da Hei's ass!

The brilliance circulates on the spear, swelling constantly, enough to pierce the sky!

got together with Da Hei’s ass!


The sky and the earth roared, the surrounding space trembled, and everything collapsed!

The spear collided with the buttocks, and the picture seemed to freeze. The two were in a stalemate, and only the flashing changes of the surrounding visions were frightening.

"You **** it too!"

Gu Yu's gaze fell on the others, and he couldn't help but sprinted towards him with a sneer.

"I'll do this!"

Lao Long volunteered and went to meet the ancient jade.

As soon as he raised his wrist, there was already an extra shovel in his hand, shoveling it towards Gu Yu!

The ancient jade is shrouded in brilliance, like a falling meteor, coming quickly, surrounded by laws and visions, and condensed into a lion, roaring thinking about the roar of the old dragon.

Lao Long is much more unpretentious, his old face is calm, his beard is flying, like an old farmer, holding a shovel to dig forward.

Comet hits the earth!

The shovel collided with the fist, unimpeded, unstoppable, and directly pierced through a heavy vision, shoveling on the fist of Gu Yu!

Blood splashed, Gu Yu's entire fist was pierced, and his arm was bloody.


He let out a violent roar, his whole body trembled, and he felt the primordial spirit tremble. The source of his life seemed to have been shoveled away by this shovel, and his soul was torn apart.

The old dragon held the shovel tightly, and then picked it up, and immediately picked up the ancient jade, separated his arm from the body, and the blood soared.

Gu Yu let out a scream again, his face distorted and his demeanor lost.

A shovel directly suppressed his arrogance to the sole of the shoe.

The people of the   jiemeng trembled in their eyes, revealing an unbelievable look.

"The artifact, that shovel must be an unimaginable artifact!"

"How is this possible? I can actually pick Master Fei Guyu with a shovel."

"And that pants, it can actually compete with Master Gu Ming's spear, it's so extraordinary, it's incredible."

"Great horror, there is a great horror in this group of people!"

The left envoy showed an unsurprising look, and compared to the shock of others, she was somewhat used to it.

She thought of the spatula used by the God of Cookery before, which is similar to this shovel.

Gu Yu looked at the shovel in Lao Long’s hand in horror, and said in a condensed voice, "What kind of shovel are you?"

Although his arms have re-grown, but the source of life has been selected, although there are not many, but this is already very scary!

The power of the heavenly realm, the source of life is equal to the lifespan, but it can't be cut off casually.

This means that the old dragon only needs to chop it down with one shovel, and he may be picked to death by the shovel!

"Don't make a fuss, just a shovel for dredging."

The old dragon has no expression on his face, holding a shovel in his hand, and picking it up towards Gu Yu again.

The ancient jade did not dare to neglect, and did not dare to touch it with his body. As soon as his wrist was raised, a dark green big knife appeared in his palm. The blade was surrounded by a strong murderous intent and collided with the shovel.

The leader of the world alliance said in a deep voice: "Don't just watch the show, and kill it quickly!"


Guyu and the other two great powers in the realm of Heavenly Dao, their eyes condensed immediately, and they looked at Daoist Junjun and others. The Qi machine was locked, and the situation changed.

Junjun Taoist and Nu Wa stepped forward and each found an opponent, while the others teamed up to deal with another great power in the realm of Heavenly Dao.

Although they did not get any artifacts from the masters, their weapons were nourished by the merits bestowed by the masters, and they were already extremely extraordinary. They were sacrificed together, with dazzling brilliance and visions soaring to the sky.

Yang Yan looked solemn, and said loudly, "Kill the star battle array!"

As soon as one enters the realm of heaven, life transcends chaos, and it is no longer possible to win by quantity.

However, although Yang Jian and the others are only in the realm of Chaos Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, they have long been extraordinary, and their understanding of the Dao is far beyond the same level. Along the way, even if they face the realm of Heaven, they are not at all empty and powerful.

"Let me come to the main attack! What I love most is to leapfrog the challenge, because among the same level...it's too boring!"

Xiao Chengfeng volunteered, his tone was arrogant and unparalleled.

He is holding a long sword, and the sword spirit is vigorous all over his body, and a long roar that soars into the sky, turning into a strong light, is like a meteor under the night, slashing towards the great power of heaven!

This sword already contains the true meaning of kendo, enough to cut the law, reverse the cause and effect, and kill all enemies!

However, the great power of Heaven only sneered, letting the sword qi rush in front of him, and then raised his hand!

The finger    slowly clicked on the sword light, as if time had frozen the frame, immediately stopped the unparalleled sword light, and then collapsed and disappeared!

That day, Dao Da Neng smiled disdainfully. After suppressing it for so long, he was finally able to enjoy the thrill of pretending that his strength brought him. He proudly said: "The gap between you and me is too big. With just one punch, I can take yours. The formation is broken!"

"Xiao Chengfeng, you are still talking about sorrow, and you will be ridiculed when you attack. Look at my axe!"

The huge phantom of the giant spirit **** emerged, holding a giant axe, and slashing towards the power of the day, wherever the axe passed, the space was cut into cracks, leaving a long black path.

"I can't help myself!"

Before the axe fell, Dao Da Neng sneered that day, and slapped the phantom lightly with a palm.


The gust of wind whistled, condensing a huge palm phantom, not only shot the phantom of the giant spirit god, but also penetrated, breaking the Zhoutian Star Dou formation into a hole!

After that, his hand was slightly pulled, and the body of the giant spirit **** was pulled out of the formation abruptly, suspended above the void, bound by power.

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"Kill you like a chicken!"

The mighty arrogance of the heavenly realm is like a rainbow, and the five fingers are slowly squeezed.

In an instant, the law of initiation formed an overwhelming coercion, squeezing around the giant spirit god, and the terrifying force made the bones of the giant spirit **** crisp, and there was blood flying in the body.

"Stop it!"

The eyes of other people were about to split, and bright stars were shining within the formation, and the brilliance formed countless attacks, shrouded toward the great power of heaven!

However, the opponent just waved his sleeves and blocked all the light of the stars.

Everyone was anxious and displayed their strongest means, but they could only watch the vitality of the giant spirit **** fading quickly.

"Want to squeeze Lao Tzu to death? Impossible!"

The giant spirit **** has a hoarse voice, his body has been distorted, and he is making the final resistance.

He is rippling mana, clenching his teeth, and with extreme pain, he has to grow bigger and open the law that is pressing on him!

His eyes are red, blood spurts in his mouth, and he raises his hand to support him, "Wow! My giant spirit **** just wants to highlight a giant character!"

Tian Dao Da Neng jokingly said: "Hehe, then I will crush you into a ball!"

But at this moment, his face was a slight pause, watching the figure slowly emerging in front of the giant spirit god.

"If you can't beat it, don't force it, don't forget, you still have us! Call for help, can I save you?"

Xiao Chengfeng's hair was flying, his eyes were like electricity, and the corner of his mouth was a faint smile. An extremely sharp breath radiated from his body, which was unstoppable.

"You are forced to come and not be free, and the dragon and the phoenix are difficult to harvest. The house is full of flowers and drunk three thousand guests, and one sword is frosty and cold in fourteen states."

Xiao Chengfeng slowly closed his eyes, and the copybook written by an expert appeared in his mind. The mood seemed to have reached the peak at this moment, bringing him endless insights.

Although this copybook was given to Jiang Liu, how could he calm down after learning about it? With jealousy to the extreme, he often ran over to comprehend with Jiang Liu.

Sword repair, fearless!

Facing the great power of heaven, Xiao Chengfeng lightened the long sword in his hand and raised it high.


The whole world seems to light up, this is the cold light of the sword!

Endless sword energy filled this space, exuding the breath of cutting everything, and the light pierced people's eyes.

Being in this world, it seems that he will be cut into powder by countless sword qi at any time.

For a long time, the brilliance dissipated.

The laws that crushed the giant spirit gods have all been cut off, the great power of the heavens stared at Xiao Chengfeng in shock, and then his body suddenly spurted blood, cracked a little, and was cut into pieces. A few dollars.

"Huh, huh."

Xiao Chengfeng panted heavily, but his face was filled with excitement, "My sword didn't shame the expert, anyhow it contains a trace of the power of the expert's copybook! I actually cut a heavenly power, I knew that my kendo was possible!"

The expert gave Jiang Liu the avenue, and even left the kendo copybook, Xiao Chengfeng's heart is naturally complicated.

He is addicted to swords like his life, and what he hopes most is that an expert can recognize his kendo. However, the appearance of Jiang Liu made him feel a great challenge.

The sky does not give birth to me, Xiao Chengfeng, kendo is like a long night!

I am the sword that pierced the long night!

Jiang Liu, although you are favored by an expert, but wait, I, Xiao Chengfeng, will fight you sooner or later!

But at this moment, the severed Heavenly Dao's power exudes a halo, and the breath recondenses and gathers into the body.

He looked at Xiao Chengfeng, and his extremely cold voice came out, "The gap in realm, it is destined that no matter how hard you work, you will not be able to wipe out my life origin!"

The impatient voice of the leader of the world alliance came, with a cold murderous aura, "Quickly solve them and end this farce!"

The great power of heaven did not speak any more, raised his hands, and a terrifying breath rose rapidly, "Splitting the heavens and chaos!"


Inexplicably, the sky and the earth are shaking.

A series of spatial cracks began to appear around, making the entire sky look riddled with holes.

Only the starlight formed by the star formation of Zhou Tian, ​​and a pitch-black hole was cracked in the middle.

Like a picture of the starry sky, it was cut in the middle with a knife!


The figures of Yang Jian and others all appeared, suffered heavy injuries, spurted blood from their mouths, and fell to the ground.

Not far away, the black flag is still moving with the wind.

"Da da da!"

The power of the heavenly realm slowly stepped forward, looked at everyone with contempt, and said calmly: "It's over."

He took it out with a palm, forming a storm, shrouding everyone in it, enough to turn them into fly ashes together.

Feeling the power of this palm, Yang Jian and others gritted their teeth, there was no timidity in their eyes, only a trace of sigh.

In this life, you can meet an expert and taste the delicacy that you could not even think of before. This life will have no regrets!

It’s a pity that I can no longer accompany an expert.

The great power of heaven was about to turn around and join other battlefields, but his expression moved.

The original inconspicuous chaotic flag suddenly made a hunting sound, and also set off a storm, blocking all his palms!

The face of the great power of heaven changed slightly, but he heard a misty voice resounding from the void——

"I was summoned in the long sleep of the eternal years, and I woke up today to be dyed with the blood of the ancients!"

The voice is ethereal, and there is an indescribable majesty. Even a simple sentence has caused chaotic resonance and ripples.

At this time, everyone felt their hearts at the same time, and their eyes were attracted by one direction.

On the cliff in the distance, I don’t know when a figure was standing.

It was a figure bathed in light.

The body seems to be made of light. Even if you look hard, you can’t see through its face. As soon as it appears, it is like the protagonist between heaven and earth, and everything is willing to bow its head.

This is a beautiful woman!

Her temperament can no longer be described, and her beauty cannot be known by everyone!

Wearing a light white skirt, he walked out barefoot, with a graceful figure, shuttled in the space.

"Block her quickly!"

Gu Ming and Gu Yu saw this woman, their pupils contracted extremely rapidly, after endless years, their first reaction was still fear, and they hurriedly shouted, "Don't let her get the Chaos Flag!"

The great power of the Heavenly Dao realm just woke up like a dream. He hurriedly raised his hand and launched an attack on the figure.

These bombardments tore the sky and the earth, smoothed the surrounding mountains, and the earth collapsed. However, there was nothing to do with that figure.

She has no extra moves, just stepping on countless scenes of destruction, step by step!

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