Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 636: 636: You guys are too noisy

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"who is it?"


The sudden laughter surprised everyone, their complexions changed slightly, and they looked above the void.

The monk who had fought for the position of the water purifier also stopped, with a vigilant expression on his face.

Taoist Junjun saw the ancient jade, his complexion immediately changed, and he exclaimed, "They are from the ancient race!"

"What? Ancients?!"

"Their appearance in the rumors represents the arrival of the Great Tribulation of Chaos. Is it true or not?"

"An ancient tribe, feeds on chaotic creatures, so it can swallow the origin of the world!"

"They are born to be the strongest!"

Those who can be here can be regarded as a large sect that has been passed down for a long time in the chaos, so they know a lot of secrets.

During the exchange, the complexion of many disciples suddenly changed, and they were terrified.

Gu Yu's red eyes glowed coldly in the night, and he sneered: "Hehe, after eternal years, it turns out that there are still people who can remember us."

Gu Yun also said with a weird smile: "God's Domain is like a large hunting ground, gathering prey together, but it also saves us a lot of trouble."

They are tall, and the powerful power of their bodies makes the space vibrate and roar, even if they just stand peacefully in the void, it still gives people endless pressure.

Looking at everyone, it is like a hunter scanning the prey, full of joking and killing, making people feel chills.

Gu Yu also saw Tiangong and the others, the cold light in his eyes was even worse, and he said in a low voice: "Senior, there may be unknowable secrets hidden behind those people. It was them at the beginning and took out a fetish called chocolate. , So that the strength of the spirit master can be greatly increased, and my clan Gu Ming also died because of this!"

A member of the ancient tribe shouted: "Kill my tribe, you will die!"

Gu Yun also nodded and said: "No matter what the secret is, we must unearth it to prepare for the arrival of our clan and the sweeping chaos!"

Another ancient person pointed to the air purifier and said in surprise: "Don't talk about chocolate, look over there."

Looking in the direction he was pointing, the other three ancient tribes made a whisper at the same time.

"This thing can actually spray out chaotic aura? Even in the chaotic sea, you can't find it!"

"Ordinary water can be turned into Chaos Spirit Spring after one pass. What kind of treasure is this?"

"It's amazing, there really is an unknowable existence in God's Domain!"

At the same time, they realized how extraordinary this matter was, and they were shocked deep in their hearts.

Whether it is the chocolate or the ones you see now, even they are unheard of. In two words, it is magic.

But in the next moment, they reached a consensus and greedily said: "Snatch treasures and dig for secrets. We must never let the chaos grow!"


"This class of treasure physics should belong to my ancient clan!"

Gu Yu made the shot in the first place.

He raised his hand, the target was the air purifier and the water purifier, let alone the origin of these two magic weapons, it is right to receive the cyst.


Taoist Junjun yelled, and immediately raised his hand to hit Gu Yu, and the others were not slow. The several tactics converged into a vision, protecting the air purifier and water purifier.

"Huh, the light of fireflies, dare to fight for glory?"

The four people of the ancient race had cold faces and raised their hands without any scruples, condensing a giant hand that covered the sky, and enveloped everyone in it!

Boom boom boom!

As soon as the giant hand appeared, it formed a monstrous storm that overturned from the sky and wiped out the creatures on the earth!

"All the disciples listen to the order! In this inter-ethnic battle, between life and death, I will give up all my premonitions and join hands to punish me!"

An old man took the lead in flying up, his old body was tall and straight, his white beard was flying, his rickety body became tall and he rushed to the ancient clan alone.

He is an ancient monk who has risen from the ruins after the Great Tribulation, established an orthodoxy, taught countless disciples, and inherited an amazing will!

After him, dozens of younger brothers followed closely, the whole body's mana was like a rainbow, traversing between the sky and the earth, almost rushing into the starry sky!

However, compared to the strength of the ancients, they are too small, like moths that fight fire, they will be wiped out in precariousness at any time.

"There is no reason to let the elders charge, let me come first!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed, and the long sword in his hand whistling, turning into a stream of light, rushed towards the ancient clan!

Taoist Junjun shouted, "Don't be impulsive, let's work together!"

All the disciples followed the suzerain and rose into the sky without thinking. The mighty team is full of more than 10,000 people, rolling magic power to form a huge wave, and want to shake the earth!

They are all the masters of a sect of the major forces, and they are also the genius elites of the sects. At this time, they gathered together to form a shocking force, lighting up the night sky!

On their heads, the giant hands of the ancient tribe slowly fell.

This hand is no longer a phantom, but like a substance, piled up with golden light, shining brightly, making the canyon shake, the rocks collapsed, and the earth cracked!


The two forces rushed together, like fireworks bursting in the night sky, releasing a burst of dazzling light.

Everything on the arena was swept away like a violent wind, instantly annihilated, and the barriers of the fighting technique were also directly erased. Inside the canyon, gravel was flying in the air like rain.

Taoist Junjun and the others were all bodies, falling from the air like rain.

"Your strength is not worthy of your momentum."

An ancient tribe sneered disdainfully, he took a step slowly, raised his hand to point at the falling crowd, and said coldly: "Broken Kong!"


The void shattered like a mirror, and black cracks crazily emerged all over the body, engulfing the mana of the body protection, and many disciples screamed and were directly swallowed or torn by the cracks!

While the mighty powers of the Heavenly Dao realm were frightened and furious, they used their own laws and supernatural powers, causing the void to be twisted.

It's just that these laws and supernatural powers were all resolved by the ancients.

The realm of heaven is in harmony with the sky, and the creation of the palm realm is the extreme of the immortal road. It is difficult and difficult to take the next step.

Therefore, even if they are both in the realm of Heavenly Dao, the gap is huge.

Although there are only four members of the ancient clan, their strength is far from the power of ordinary heavenly powers. It can be said that they are equivalent to the strength of the four sword masters who held the sword cliff at the beginning, touching the edge of the avenue.

On the side of Taoist Junjun, although there are sixteen great abilities in the realm of heaven, they are not opponents at all, almost showing a state of being crushed!

But at this moment, Huang Deheng, the emperor of the Luo Tian dynasty, looked solemn and raised his hand to take out a pagoda piled up like sand, and lifted his hand into the air!

"Gather the sand into a tower, condense all the strengths, all in one body!"

He said loudly, "Everyone who is below the realm of heaven, pour mana into my sand gathering tower!"

The other sect masters also hurriedly said: "Listen to him, pour in!"

Everyone was shocked immediately and poured their power into the sand gathering tower without reservation.

Huang Deheng pinched a magic trick against the Jusha Pagoda. Immediately, there was dust flying in the void. With the dust, these powers poured into the powers of the sixteen heavenly realms such as Taoist Junjun, making their aura here. Enhance proudly for a moment.

Gather the scattered forces into one place, in order to explode the strongest blow!

Nu Wa solemnly said: "Everyone, use the ultimate move together!"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

"Holy Flame Burning Kong!"

"Cut all the wastes!"

"Yin and Yang disorder!"

There is no trace of the law and magical powers, directly descending on the bodies of the four ancient tribes, with the sacred fire burning, and the space to collapse, shattering their bodies to annihilation!

The space around them is constantly annihilated and reborn.

Everyone held their breath, staring at this scene with eyes wide open, and their heartbeat almost stopped.

They searched for the source of life of the ancients, trying to annihilate them completely!

However, a burst of brilliance shone, and the four ancient tribes regrouped and stood in front of everyone intact.


The first old man's pupils contracted and he roared directly, "All disciples, run, how much can you live!"

Here are the children of geniuses. If they can live more, there is more hope.

"Can the food run away with legs?"

The ancient people spoke with disdain, raised his hand, and a golden statue appeared in his hand.

It was a head, with its mouth wide open, suspended above the ancient people.

The statue exudes brilliance, not dazzling, but extremely deep, with a sense of weight spilling out, like a mountain that suppresses the void, making everyone tremble, and the body is inexplicably imprisoned.

An invisible thread came out of the statue’s mouth, wrapped around everyone, like a tongue, but also like a straw, sucking everyone’s vitality!

The four Gu Yu looked condescendingly at the crowd and asked, "Quickly, where did you get these treasures?"

Taoist Junjun replied in a cold voice, "It's the existence you can't afford to offend! This time, your ancient race won't last long!"

His confidence comes from an expert. The reason why the Great Tribulation was terrible before was because there was no expert!

Huang Deheng also said hard: "We won't say it!"

"Hahaha, interesting."

Gu Yun laughed mockingly, "I really thought we were asking you? It's just teasing you. After smoking you, we can also know the answer we want!"

"Okay, it's time for dinner!"

The light of the statue began to deepen, and the wide open mouth began to emit blood-red light, which eventually formed a whirlpool and began to swallow everyone.

"Fight with them!"

Huanongying's body trembled. She didn't want to sit and wait for death. She directly burned the mana of the whole body, broke free from the suppression, and burst out her own strong attack.

The same is true for the other fifteen great powers of the realm of heaven, with red eyes wanting to give it a try!

"Lie down for me!"

The four members of the ancient tribe shot together, condensed into giant hands, like a mountain of five fingers, suppressed them on the spot, and pressed them firmly on the ground!

"The ancients are too strong."

"Are you finished?"

They gritted their teeth unwillingly, and their eyes were cracked.


A cold voice sounded abruptly, containing a trace of misty, like a sky whirling above the void.

The desperate people were shocked and looked up.

But I saw that in the night, two shadows walked slowly in the void.

Daji was wearing a pure white dress, and the white ribbon was fluttering in the breeze. Moonlight fell on her body, making her whole body enveloped in a halo, looking like a moon palace fairy, aloof and beautiful.

Huofeng is wearing a long red dress, walking barefoot, like a beautiful flame, burning in the night sky, with stunning appearance.

In an instant, whether it was the ancients or everyone, their eyes were fixed on them.

"Someone, did you come here to die?"

When Gu Yu saw Daji and Huofeng, his eyes lit up with hot brilliance, and he smiled and said, "These two foods need to be tasted carefully."

Gu Yun also nodded again and again, "Yes, it's okay, it's a great harvest for a trip to God's Domain!"

Another person of the ancient race showed shocked expression on his face and speculated: "I feel threatened from both of them. Their cultivation is not weak, and it should be the source of the unknowable God's Domain!"

Taoist Junjun and others were always excited.

"Fairy Daji, Fairy Fire Phoenix!"

The people of Tiangong stared at them blankly, exclaiming in excitement, tears involuntarily.

The two fairies are figures who accompany Gaoren. They are here now. Is it an decree granted by Gaoren?

Their confidence immediately rose, we were saved, and the wave stabilized.

The other people's hearts were also ups and downs, but they didn't know the strength of Daji and Huofeng, and they looked complicated for a while.

"They are people of the ancient race, and their strength is unfathomable. Take care of the two fairies!"

"Don't worry about us, your lives are the most precious!"

"Two fairies, are you here to save us?"

They all spoke, expecting, hopeful, and caring.

Daji shook her head, and said calmly: "You are too noisy, I'm afraid it will make the son go to bed, so come and have a look."

Huofeng glanced around and frowned, "The battlefield competition venue specially shown for the son is actually destructive, you...unforgivable!"

"Unforgivable? Just come and try!"

The ancient people laughed with anger. His mana surged and pointed at the statue. Suddenly, a strange aura locked Daji and Huofeng, imprisoning the universe, and there were also two silk threads that attacked Daji and Huofeng. go with!

Daji and Huofeng still stood quietly in place, and the space around them was rippling with layers of ripples, not only breaking the confinement space, but also directly shaking the two silk threads apart!

"How is it possible? They actually blocked the Sky Devourer of my ancient race!"

"The rhythm of the great road, they can actually produce the rhythm of the great road around them!"

"Can't let them grow, otherwise they will become supreme in the future, and they will be the enemy of my ancient race!"

"This is the source of the instability in the chaos, kill them at all costs!"

The four people of the ancient race had their eyes solemn to the extreme, and they all exclaimed.

When other people saw this scene, they couldn't help but marvel in their hearts.

It is indeed the existence that can accompany the expert, and the strength is really unfathomable, which shocked the four ancient tribes.

The four ancient tribes shot at the same time. They no longer had the calmness and arrogance they had before. They all flipped their hands and took out their magic weapon to kill Daji and Huofeng!

At the same time, the god-devouring idol spouted endless silk threads, like countless tentacles, entwining Daji and Huofeng from all directions!

Daji's face remained unchanged, the ring on her ring finger glowed, and she said calmly:

"You are too weak!"

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