Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 637: 637: Eat, drink, sleep and sleep, then invincible

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Between the sky and the earth, ice crystals suddenly appeared, the temperature dropped sharply, and a layer of cold air seemed to freeze even time and space.

Everyone shuddered uncontrollably, and the whole body's mana stagnated!

The silk thread rushing from the statue of the Devouring God was frozen in place in an instant, turned into ice silk, suspended between the heaven and the earth, and became the most dazzling picture.

These ice filaments spread to the Heaven Devouring God statue, and without any suspense, the God statue was also frozen into an ice sculpture, and then the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" came, and the God statue split.

"How is this possible? The Heaven Devouring God image is cracked?!"

"What a terrifying power, why is there such a terrifying power hidden in the chaos?"

"That ring is the jewel of chaos! And it is actually contaminated with a trace of the atmosphere of the road!"

The complexion of the four people of the ancient tribe changed drastically, and they screamed, their bodies that had attacked them quickly retreated.

In this short instant, their bodies were also covered with a layer of frost, and if you take a step slower, they will become ice sculptures!

"Sister Daji, let me try too."

Huo Feng said with a smile, eager rays of light surged through the fiery red pupils, as if flames were beating.

After such a long period of hard work, both she and Daji were a little curious about their current strength. Now that they have encountered a few sandbags, they naturally have to join hands.

Moreover, the wedding gift the son gave him has never been used before. I want to try the power, hehehe.

She walked forward two steps barefoot and said: "I heard that the ancient clan is very powerful, then let me test your strengths. Don't let me down."

On the ground, everyone saw Daji and Huofeng like this, with their mouths wide open, their faces full of shock.

With the ancient clan as a test, are the strong ones so self-willed?

This is the enemy of the chaos, the horrible existence that caused the chaos of the chaos, the one-to-four return of such domineering, it is really eye-catching.

"You woman is so rampant!"

"These two women must be the source of chaos and instability, and they must be obliterated!"

"Don't stay, sacrifice the sacred artifacts of the avenue!"

The four ancient tribes gazed glaringly, and roared in a low voice. The aura of the whole body condensed into four long rainbows, which traversed between the heaven and the earth.

One of them looked solemn, slowly raised his hand, and took out a **** axe!


As soon as this big axe appeared, it was surrounded by blood soaring to the sky, making a screaming sound, and the sound wave made the space continuously shattered.

The four ancient tribes looked at the battle axe, with enthusiasm and piety in their eyes, while biting their fingers, submerged the blood into the battle axe.

Loudly said: "Call the Supreme Sacred Artifact with the blood of the ancients!"

Beyond the Chaos Sea.

Here is another world, this is a great world, larger than the realm of God, but the whole world tends to be dim, giving people a sense of depression.

In this world, an ancient clan who was asleep suddenly opened his eyes, and his body radiated light, looming.

This ancient clan did not stay, left the place of resting place, and came to a palace.

In this hall, there were three other ancient tribes who saw him coming and immediately said: "Gu Ling, why are you here?"

But the next moment, they noticed the halo on Gu Ling's body, their eyes condensed, and they were surprised: "This is..."

"Yes, someone is calling me." Gu Ling nodded, staring in a distant direction and said: "And it comes from chaos!"

"The sea of ​​chaos is still very obstructed. It took a lot of money for my clan to send the ancient jade over first. I think he awakened the ancient clan that was left in the chaos before the eternal age."

Another ancient clan spoke, and then said: "It's just... the eternal years have passed, is there anything worthy of them calling you in the chaos? It seems that something has changed."

"It seems that this is not a small matter, so hurry up."

Gu Ling nodded and said, "I just take this opportunity to take a look at the current chaos!"

In the realm of God.

The battle axe began to tremble.

A phantom appeared slowly, it was just a shadow, without a face, but otherwise, a shocking coercion erupted from his body, making the law here tremble and directly surrendered to his feet!

Being able to surrender the law, this figure definitely contains the power of the great power!

"Boom boom boom!"

The space blasted out, and it seemed that he couldn't bear the power of this figure, and it directly solidified into one piece, so that everyone couldn't even move!

Holding the handle of the battle axe, it stands proudly between the sky and the earth, seeming to step on everything under its feet.

"Ancient clan... Supreme!"

The crowd stared at the phantom with their pupils widened, and their hearts trembled crazily, terrified to the extreme.

Gu Yu and others were so excited to salute, and said in awe: "See Gu Ling Zhizun!"

"Call me out, what's the matter?"

The Ancient Clan Supreme spoke silently, his divine thought swept away, and he immediately saw everything on the court, revealing a trace of mood swings.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

The conditions of the chaos are truly unique, and another god's domain has been bred so quickly, which is enough to make a lot of money for my ancients, and these monks are all delicious food!

Gu Yu pointed to Daji and Huofeng and said: "Gu Ling is supreme, great variables have appeared in the chaos, it is those two women, and the gods of the gods have been destroyed as a result!"

Looking at Daji and Huofeng, Gu Ling once again showed a hint of amazement, "The law is perfect and the marks are circulating. It seems that this is a new generation of protagonists bred by chaos."

He paused for a while, and suddenly said jokingly, "I'll give you a chance to be my slave and live!"

Huo Feng said lightly: "I refuse."

"Heh, do you think I am letting you choose?"

Gu Ling smiled, and slowly raised the battle axe in his hand.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth were quiet, as if this axe even felt fear in the heaven and the earth, and the sky was crying.

Everyone was even more distraught, and was enveloped by a deep despair.

Huo Fengfeng's eyes flickered, and said proudly: "I don't need you to let me choose, I can choose by myself!"

When the voice fell, her slender hand lifted, and a golden hairpin floated in the air, and bursts of golden brilliance flowed, like the center of the world, attracting everyone's attention.

This is the gold jewelry that Li Nianfan specially created for her when she was married.

Huofeng flexed his fingers and flicked at the end of the hairpin!

Immediately, the hairpin turned into a golden rainbow, heading straight towards Gu Ling!

As a target, the people of the ancient race only felt a destructive aura added to their bodies, making them tremble, as if they would be annihilated at any time, without the thought of resistance at all.

"What kind of hairpin is this? How could such a terrifying hairpin exist in the world!"

"The aura of the avenue, like that ring, is actually the aura of the avenue."

"Don't be afraid, we have supreme to be pioneers!"

"Gu Ling Zhizun, behind them, I am afraid that there are secrets related to the Supreme!"

They were shocked in their hearts, but they weren't too panicked, they turned their gazes on Gu Ling, looking forward to his action.

"What is this? This hairpin actually surrounds such a dense avenue!"

Gu Ling was equally shocked. He ignored the ancient people's cry for help, so he turned around without hesitation, and then started to run away with his axe.

Although this is just an afterimage attached to the sacred artifact, it is equally precious, and it is really worthless to be erased so worthlessly!

Ran... ran? ? ?

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

Gu Yu was dumbfounded.

Gu Yun was dumbfounded.

The other two ancient tribes were also dumbfounded.

That's it?

It's because they were full of awe of the ancient supreme, and at this time they couldn't help but yell, "Your uncle!"

If you want to run, let me know!

I was still pretending to be arrogant, and slapped my mouth. When I actually started, I turned my head and ran?

However, fortunately, the hairpin passed them directly and went straight to the Gu Ling.

In a flash, leap into space!


Gu Inspiration was under pressure, knowing that it was inevitable to avoid it, and stopped with a roar, the battle axe in his hand slashed towards the hairpin!

Above the axe blade, there is the circulation of the great road, this is the remaining power of the great road supreme, this axe is unstoppable, it is the supreme blow!

However, when the hairpin and the battle axe collided, the aura of the avenue on the battle axe was directly obliterated. The golden light penetrated the battle axe without any hindrance, splitting it into two, and then the ghost of the ancient spirit was also annihilated in an instant!

"Do we still have holes? Do we still have holes?!"

"Great terror! There must be a great terror hidden in God's Domain!"

"Run, escape!"

The four Gu Yu were scared to pee on the spot, their faces twisted, Tian Ling Gai was cold, and they scattered and fled.

Huofeng's face was calm, his jade hand turned slightly, and the hairpin immediately shot at the four members of the ancient clan.

Wherever they went, dragging a long path of flame, interspersed with the four ancient people, the flame burned all of them, and the origin of life turned into nothingness!

"Ok... so awesome!"

"Oh my god, the ancient people just died like this? It's just like a dream."

"Hahaha, it's so showy that the ancients are running away. It's no one to make the ancients so embarrassed."

"It's worthy of being the person next to the expert, too strong, too shocking!"

"I can't believe it, even the phantom of the supreme has been wiped out, this is the real boss."

"This is over? How do I feel that they haven't done much yet?"

Everyone was excited.

They knew that Daji and Huofeng who were with Gaoren were definitely not weak, but they didn't expect to be so strong.

Outrageously strong!

As for the people in the Celestial Palace, they were shocked a lot, their brains hummed, and even a little sluggish.

"Are Fairies Daji and Fire Phoenix so good?"

"I'll go, this is too scary!"

"This growth rate can't be imagined by my imagination, but it happened."

"Superior, awesome!"

They just watched Daji and Huofeng walk all the way.

Although I know that they have been by the side of Gaoren after they get married, their strength is expected to improve very quickly, but how can they not think of it so outrageous!

It can be said that the way of heaven is perfect, and the rhyme of Taoism is born.

Although the realm of Heavenly Dao is only one realm, it can be divided into ten layers and one hundred layers, and each layer has a huge gap!

Because every small step is important!

Daji and Huofeng followed the expert, eating, drinking, and sleeping.


Taoist Junjun stood up and said in awe: "Thank you Fairy Daji and Fairy Huofeng for helping me."

Daji shook his head and smiled: "No thanks, but the ancients should be killed."

Taoist Junjun asked curiously: "I take the liberty to ask, but the two fairies have... have proved the way?"

"How easy is it."

Huofeng shook his head, and then said, "The avenue is invisible and illusory. So far no one can tell how to do it. Every avenue supreme has his own unique way, but he can't tell why. By chance."

But at this moment, Daji's hand slightly lifted, and several ice sculptures were pulled over.

Inside the ice sculpture, the great devil opened his mouth miserably, his eyes widened, and his face was full of horror.

As Daji's thoughts moved, the ice cubes melted, and the great devil knelt on the ground for the first time, and said in tears: "Don't kill me, I'm a good man! I was forced to lead the way by helplessness, too. After being brutal, in the chaos, many worlds have been sucked up by them!"

"I'm a small person, I just want to live with peace of mind, I'm too difficult! I..."

Huo Feng scolded, "Shut up!"

The big demon immediately trembled, and the weak one didn't dare to speak.

He naturally recognized Daji and Huofeng. He still remembers that when Buddhism was established, he used to make troubles and saw Daji and Huofeng with the sage of merit.

Never imagined that they are so awesome today, it's just like dreaming.

At the same time, he also faintly realized that there was no reason why he had done so many things successfully.

Taoist Junjun looked at the Great Demon King and asked, "Are you a member of the Demon Race, Luo Hu's subordinate?"


The Great Demon King nodded and hurriedly said, "Seniors, although I am not a good person, I really haven't done any bad things. The Demon Clan never came out of the mountain, and I kept hitting the wall as soon as I came out of the mountain. It's too unjustified."

Daji asked, "Why did you bring people from the ancient race here?"

"I'm also completely unlucky." The big devil told his experience immediately.

Daji's eyes flashed suddenly, and she said, "You just said that there is another person from the ancient race looking for the ancient battlefield in the chaos?"

The big devil nodded, "Yes, the villain dare not lie."

The old man in the realm of Heavenly Dao stood up and excitedly said: "In the ancient battlefield, it is the place where our ancestors died in battle. It contains the soul of the ancestors and cannot be desecrated!"

Nu Wa nodded, "The ancient battlefield is of great significance to the human race and the ancient race. We can't just sit back and watch!"

Daji opened his mouth and said, "You decide this by yourself, and Huofeng and I can't leave the son."

After hearing those words left by the spirit master last time, Daji and Huofeng were extremely cautious.

Since the spirit master said that the son has a deep meaning in doing this, maybe it is a special state, then they must take good care of this state, and they can't easily leave the son.

Huofeng opened his mouth and said: "I think the most urgent task is to clean up the stadium and restore it as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, everyone woke up like a dream, and suddenly became anxious.

"Yeah! Time is running out, we must restore the stadium to its original state before dawn and arrange the speed!"

"Sect Masters, what are you waiting for, join hands to re-establish the barrier of the arena!"

"Xianfa, the art of mountain restoration!"

"Xianfa, the art of closing the earth!"

"Xianfa, the art of the green grassland!"

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