Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 640: 640: Shenlong Clan, Gou Long who knows current affairs

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"Ancient call?"

Everyone in Tiangong immediately cast their gazes on Ao Cheng's body, revealing a thoughtful look.

Ao Cheng nodded, with a resonant sadness in his tone, "Yes, it came from the direction of chaos. It was a very long-lasting will to war, with indomitable and desperate, it was wailing."

"I feel that this call is very important. It is for help, otherwise something bad will happen."

Nu Wa guessed: "From the depths of chaos, isn't it the ancient battlefield?"

The ancient race is looking for the ancient battlefield, and it is very likely to have found it during this period. This voice came from the ancient battlefield.

Taoist Junjun also said: "Since it contains the breath of ancient times, it is so ancient, it is indeed possible that it is an ancient battlefield."

Yang Jian nodded, "That's good, you don't have to let the Great Demon King lead the way, but it's a matter of our mind. It shouldn't be too late, let's go quickly."

Taoist Junjun said: "This matter has something to do with the Dragon Clan. I'm afraid we have to go to an expert to talk to Girl Long'er and the Dragon Clan ancestor."

At the same time, in the courtyard.


Ryuuji was crying while sitting on his seat.

Li Nianfan sat aside, looking helpless, completely unaware of what happened.

He stunned: "What happened, why did you cry all of a sudden?"

During this period of time, I haven't seen any wrongdoing for Long Er, so she won't fight with her daughter, right?

"Brother, I felt an inexplicable call, following the power of blood. It is definitely a certain ancestor of the Dragon Clan. It is being bullied. Asking us for help. I just want to cry, woooo..."

Long Er was sobbing and crying, his small appearance made Li Nianfan distressed for a while.

In fact, she was also affected by the vicissitudes of the ancient dragon ancestors, and she felt the tragic and uncontrollable tears of the ancient catastrophe.

"The call of the dragon ancestors?"

Li Nianfan raised his brow slightly. He had seen it in his previous life, and he knew a lot of secrets after he came to the world of cultivating immortals, and he naturally knew what it meant.

Maybe there is some kind of inheritance, maybe there is still an inextricable relationship with Long Er.

It's hard to say that Long Er is going to take this trip.

On the side, 囡囡 couldn't help it for a long time, and said excitedly: "Brother, let me go with Long Er to find out."

Her eyes were sparkling and she was eager to try.

Li Nianfan felt a headache. Since it is a distress signal, it must be accompanied by danger. Even the Dragon Clan ancestor is cold. This is not a joke.

Although he knew that the cultivation base of Nun Nun and Long Er was not weak, but he would inevitably worry about the safety of Long Er and Nun.

Do you want Daji and Huofeng to accompany them?

Just as Li Nianfan was pondering, there was a call from outside the door, "Is the Lord Sage at home? Daoist Junjun begs to see you."

Li Nianfan said, "Come in."

Taoist Junjun entered the courtyard and saluted: "I have seen Lord Sage."

Li Nianfan entertained with a smile: "Xiao Bai, pour Daoist Junjun tea."

Taoist Junjun went straight to the subject and said: "Master Shengjun, this time I came here for one thing about Girl Longer."


Li Nianfan's face moved, waiting for the following.

Taoist Junjun said immediately: "We just got news from the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the father of Girl Long'er. The ancient dragon ancestors are calling for help. It seems that something important is calling the dragon."

Li Nianfan nodded and said, "So you already know, Long Er has already told me, what are you going to do with it?"

Taoist Junjun solemnly said: "This is a matter of great importance, and we are ready to explore it together."

Li Nianfan's expression loosened, it was true that when the doze came, someone would give a pillow, and he was worried about Longer's safety. With Tiangong taking care of him, he was much more relieved.

He smiled and said: "It should be so, it's better to send more masters."

Daoist Junjun's heart suddenly shuddered. It seems that the experts value this matter very much, but the experts in the palace are limited...

But at this moment, he saw the **** dog basking in the sun with its ears suddenly pricked, as if he had received an order, and then he began to run to the backyard.

Daoist Junjun suddenly felt his heart, and there was ecstasy, and the expert had made arrangements. If there were Uncle Gou and Gou Long, this wave would be much more stable.

He smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lord Shengjun, that's for sure."

Long Er and Nun Nun immediately began to pack their bags, and suddenly said, "Brother, then we can leave."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Okay, be careful."

In chaos.

Numerous figures went straight in one direction.

They are not small in size, and have different body shapes. Some have four hooves and horns on their heads, some have wings on their backs, and their bodies are like lizards, and some have scales like mirrors, with halo flowing.

They are all monsters in the chaos, and at the same time, they are more or less monsters of dragon blood!

Also received the call of the dragon ancestors, and rushed to the ancient battlefield.

Those who dare to follow the call, without exception, are all dragons with noble blood, and they are all overlords in various worlds, and they are powerful.

When they came to the battlefield of Eternal Ages, they suddenly felt a mighty coercion over their bodies, causing their bodies to shake, and they felt the blood pressure suppressed.

"We are the Chaos Dragon Clan, the oldest dragon clan bred from Chaos, thousands of dragons, we should be respected!"

The three elders faced the crowd. They were all dressed in flowing black robes. The pupils in their eyes were tan, and the characteristics of the double pupils were looming, making them extremely noble and fierce.

Behind them, there were fifteen members of the Shenlong clan, and a powerful aura spilled out of them, heading toward the surroundings, as if they were invincible.

The dragons are all unruly and rebellious, and immediately there is a dragon who proudly said: "Respect you? Why?"

One of the elders of the Shenlong clan immediately saw electricity in his eyes, and suddenly looked at the person who was speaking. With a flash of his figure, he turned into a huge silver-white dragon, and suddenly disappeared in place!


The person who just shouted was cold all over, and felt a great crisis, and he showed his original shape without thinking, but it was a dragon horse with a dragon face, antlers and horseshoes, moving with four hooves, and his body was like the wind.

But the next moment, the silver-white dragon flashed like an electric light, the white light cut through the chaos, and swallowed the dragon horse into its abdomen!

The dragon was transformed into a human body again, and sneered: "A dragon horse is born to be ridden. What qualifications does it have to speak in front of my Shenlong clan?!"

All this happened so quickly that the faces of the Longma clan changed drastically, and they couldn't help but step back a few steps, their faces full of fear.

They couldn't believe it, their leader died so directly, and they didn't dare to breathe.

The other dragons were also very worried.

I originally thought that the Shenlong clan was an exaggeration, but I didn't expect the strength to be so unfathomable, coupled with the suppression of the invisible blood, I am afraid it is really a very ancient dragon clan.

The dragon horse clan has always been good at speed, but there is no way to escape. The other dragons don't think they can be faster.

The old Shenlong continued: "In this entrance, it should be the battlefield of the Great Tribulation before the eternal age. The signal must have been sent by the Xeon of the Dragon Clan. When you enter it, I respect the Dragon Clan in everything!"

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A dragon clan spoke in a condensed voice: "Then what if you encounter a chance?"

"Naturally belong to my Shenlong clan!"

The old Shenlong smiled and then said: "You can also rest assured that my Shenlong clan has the longest existence. If your performance satisfies us, we will let you join the Shenlong clan. There will be a lot of benefits at that time, enough to allow your bloodline to evolve!"

The eyes of many dragons flickered slightly, and they all chose to default.


The old man Shenlong was just about to lead the team into the ancient battlefield, but he felt something and looked in one direction.

But it was the Taoist Junjun and others who were long overdue.

"Not from my dragon clan."

The first reaction of the dragons was to disdain, that there would be dragons to unite with foreigners, which is really the shame of the dragons, it is definitely not good to be mixed.

Especially when they saw a bald dog in the group, some people couldn't help but laugh directly.

Can this also be brought out? Dragons don’t want face?

After that, his gaze fell on the two dragons.

Gou Long looked like an old man, crouching, his aura was basically not threatening, he was just a kind little old man.

As for Long Er, he was still innocent and innocent, Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian peak realm, strength is also very objective.

However, the three elders of the Shenlong clan changed their expressions at the same time, staring at Long'er with their eyes fixedly, and breathing quickly: "This, this is..."

At the first sight of Long Er, they actually felt the blood pressure suppressed!

What is this concept?

The power of blood in Long Er's body is actually stronger than that of their Shenlong clan!

But how is this possible?

They are the dragon clan, the oldest dragon clan in the chaos. They are naturally strong, and their cultivation prospects are worthy of the first, and they have always claimed to be the most noble race.

But today, they actually saw a more noble dragon bloodline!

"The blood of the Chaos Dragon, this is definitely the blood of the Chaos Dragon!"

Some elders shouted loudly, their voices were a bit sharp, and they stared at Long'er with burning eyes.

People of various dragon races also discovered the extraordinaryness of Long'er, and some of them were so excited that they wanted to bow down and were shocked.

"Since ancient times, even the Dragon Sovereign of my Shenlong clan hasn't had this bloodline! If the Dragon Sovereign bloodline is a gem, then this dragon girl is a **** product!"

"Terror, there are such dragon bloodlines in the world, it is the blessing of my dragon clan!"

"This is a natural treasure of the dragon clan, it may grow into the supreme dragon clan, and is our leader!"

Long'er's brows were slightly furrowed, his big eyes glared, and he said viciously, "What are you looking at?!"

Gou Long said in a low voice, "Let you practice the technique of restraining your breath. You are always lazy. It's not very good now."

Three old men from the Shenlong clan stepped to Long'er's side, and one of them excitedly said, "I don't know where you all come from?"

Taoist Junjun answered truthfully, "We come from God's Domain."

"Holy area?"

The person's eyes flashed slightly, God's Domain has always been magical, and there are endless possibilities. This dragon girl may have some adventure, and thus transformed to this point. Once she grows up, it will be extremely terrifying.

We must take advantage of this kind of good thing!

The three elders of the Shenlong clan were silent. They looked at each other and did not need to say more. They had reached a consensus.

This dragon girl must be a member of my Shenlong clan!

The old Shenlong said: "My name is Tianfeng. We are members of the Shenlong clan. We are the oldest dragon clan in the chaos. The entire dragon clan respects us. Would you like to marry my Shenlong clan prince?"

He had a natural tone with a trace of pride, and he didn't think Long Er would refuse.

In his opinion, Long'er was not mixed up very well, so there came two dragons, she and the humble old man, and called a bald dog for foreign aid. If they can be seen by their dragons, they will probably sleep with excitement. Not aware of it.

When the other dragons heard this, they naturally guessed what the Shenlong clan had calculated, and they were extremely envious. They also wanted to let their race marry the dragon, knowing that they could not compete with the Shenlong clan.

"Marry, marry?"

Long Er's eyes widened, then his head shook like a rattle, "This is impossible!"

She actually refused?

The three elders of the Shenlong clan suddenly turned gloomy, staring at Long'er and their eyes flickered.

An old man immediately said solemnly: "My dragon clan is the most noble dragon clan in the chaos, no one is qualified to marry you except us! Who will you marry our prince?"

Long'er married to the Shenlong clan is the dragon of the Shenlong clan, and the bloodline of the little dragons he gave birth is definitely noble, and it is exciting to think about it.

She couldn't help it anymore, and she cursed directly: "You are sick. If you don't marry, don't marry, just leave me alone!"

"No one has dared to reject my Shenlong clan!"

The old man of the Shenlong clan said coldly: "Come here, take them down for me!"


Immediately, the people of the Shenlong clan surrounded Taoist Junjun and others in the middle.

The three elders of the Shenlong clan have sharp eyes like swords, and they are determined to win.

Whether you agree or not, this dragon girl must be caught back, the big deal is to use strong, raw rice to cook mature rice, and besides her friend is her friend, caught back and used to threaten her, she must give up!

This time I really belonged to my god-dragon clan. I actually met such a dragon girl. After I brought it back, I would definitely be rewarded.

Just getting this girl is the most precious treasure, it's a worthwhile trip!

Thinking of their pride, their faces couldn't help but smile.

The mana in her body is running and she is ready to fight, "Why, still want to use it? Who is afraid of whom?"

The Shenlong clan sneered: "Take them down!"

"Wait a minute."

Gou Long suddenly shouted and stood up to stop it.

The elder said: "Everyone makes money with qi, and discuss things slowly. We want you to go."

"A person who knows the current affairs is a Junjie, or an old man, you can see through it, otherwise, how can you say that there is a treasure in a family."

The old man of the Shenlong clan laughed loudly, "Once we do it, you will die or be disabled, it will not look good!"

Another old man stood up with a rope in his hand, "Just in case, let us tie you up obediently, so as to avoid the suffering of skin and flesh."

Gou Long sighed: "Okay, come on."

"Hehe, count your acquaintances."

The old man Shenlong waved his hand, and the rope of brilliance stretched out in a flash, binding everyone's hands around his waist and strung them together.

"Go, follow us into the ancient battlefield!"

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