Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 641: 641: Sudden betrayal, clear the door

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A group of people entered the ancient battlefield mightily.

Although the people of the   Shenlong clan had a high level of cultivation, they acted extremely cautiously, allowing the people of the other dragon clan to surround themselves and set up the battlefield.

In the most central position, Ryuer and others are the most comfortable in the audience.

Not only did he not have the slightest awareness of being a prisoner, he also poked his head one by one, looking around curiously, without panic.

This formed a very weird scene. The group of people who caught people looked cautious, like a frightened bird, but those caught were extremely calm, well-protected, and in the safest place.

Gou Long’s old face smiled into a chrysanthemum, and said proudly to Longer: "Hehe, how is it? Patriarch's method is good, right?"

Long Er said happily: "Old ancestor, Niubi!"

Taoist    Junjun also nodded and said: "Gou Long, you still have a way, and we know that it’s right to listen to you."

囡囡 also thoughtfully said: "I know, this is what Gao Gao often said can bend and stretch, and bend without a fight."

"Hahaha, these are just the experiences I have summed up over the years, not worth mentioning."

Gou Long laughed, and then said earnestly: "You have to remember that the best hunters often appear as prey."

Since they have become the spoils of the Shenlong clan, the Shenlong clan is naturally reluctant to abandon them. Instead, they must protect them so that they can follow the experience in an upright manner. If they are lucky, they can still miss them.

This is the crush of IQ!

From time to time, the three old men of the Shenlong clan set their eyes on Longer's side, looking weird.

Finally, an old man couldn't help but leaned over and said with a sullen face: "You forget your identities from time to time, you are prisoners!"

He felt that it was necessary to remind Ryuuji and the others. He didn't know, but he thought they were the bodyguards Ryuuji had invited.

I don’t want face?

"We know."

"Can't the prisoners laugh?"

"Can't the prisoners chat?"

"What should prisoners do?"

Gou Long smiled slightly, and then apologized: "Sorry, that... we are the first time we have been imprisoned. We have no experience. We will pay attention next time."

The old man Shenlong's face twitched, faintly feeling a little aggrieved, but he didn't know what went wrong, so he could only leave boringly.

He was cruel in his heart, hum, wait!

When we take you back, you will know what a prisoner is, and I hope you can laugh at that time!

The team continues to move forward.

Many things in the ancient battlefield began to be exposed to everyone's eyes, a heavy breath of vicissitudes began to emerge, and the air became more and more dull.

No one will take care of Longer and them anymore.

"Oh my God, what a terrible war spear, it is obviously rusty, but it still makes me feel a heart palpitation. Before the eternity, I must have killed countless strong people."

"Look over there, it must be the corpse of my dragon clan, but it was cut into eight pieces."

"What kind of bone is this? After the ages of erosion, there is still aura."

"It's strange, but all the innate treasures should not be afraid of the passing of time, how can they embroider in this look? What power is it that makes them lose their halo?"

From time to time, there were exclamations in the team, horrified by the terrible eternal calamity, and at the same time, there were voices of uncertainty and speculation.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Be careful, everyone!"

But I saw that as it deepened, energy bodies began to emerge in the void. These energy bodies only inherited the intent of war, but did not have the intellect, and they were killing them.

Shenlong old man disdainfully said: "It's just an obsession created by the illusion of warfare. Let's fight them back together!"

In the beginning, these energy bodies collapsed at the touch of a touch, and everyone did not take it to heart. However, as they got deeper and deeper, the offensive of the energy bodies became stronger and stronger, and gradually began to have pressure.

There was a voice of grief and indignation, "My Longma clan has always been at the outermost periphery, and the losses are the most serious. I can't fight anymore!"

"Pterosaurs go on top!"

After a while, the voice of the pterosaur clan came, "It's time to change clan!"

"The Wind Dragon Clan will go up and take the lead!"

The dragon races took turns taking turns, and each race had a lot of losses. Only Long Er and the others, without any strength, paddled all the way to the depths.

Finally, they saw the keel corpse!

"This is the ancestor of the Dragon Race who called us!"

"It's amazing, I can feel that there is still Longwei in this corpse!"

"This keel bone is of great use to the dragon clan! If it is integrated into the dragon body, it can make the body further!"

Unlike other dragons, the three elders of the Shenlong clan lacked interest in the dragon bones. With their cultivation skills, they naturally looked down on the remaining residue.

They care more about the inheritance in the battlefield.

A powerful death in the battlefield, there will surely be some that will be able to leave inheritance or good luck before death, and get will be of great benefit!

"Be quiet! Since we will receive help from the dragon ancestors, it must be something that happened in this ancient battlefield. It is very likely that someone will be the first to board!"

Shenlong old man said in a deep voice, and he began to search everywhere on the battlefield.

The weird thing is that this place is in the deepest part of the battlefield, and the front is blocked by a **** that can't see the edge, but there is no energy body manifested.


But at this moment, a mighty wave came from a distance, coming along the upper reaches of the big river!

There is no need to say more, everyone's complexion immediately condensed, swarming toward the fluctuation.

"Kill the ancients, protect the chaos, and suppress the catastrophe with my own body!"

"Kill the ancients, protect the chaos, and suppress the catastrophe with my own body!"

Numerous energy bodies volley above the void. They are the energy bodies deep in the battlefield, but they actually gather here to fight together!

There are all kinds of monsters, generals in armors, scholars in long gowns, and goddesses in jade-like figures.

All around them, the brilliance is as mighty as water, the killing intent provokes the ages, and the blood is shining into the sky.

And their opponents are ancient battles and a group of ancient energy bodies.

Because of the advent of ancient warfare, the originally silent energy and combat intent in the battlefield were all awakened, forming an energy body, and spontaneously fighting together.

"Hahaha, you have already lost to my ancient clan before you are alive, let alone after you die!"

Gu Zhan laughed, holding the statue of the deity god, the power of his body is majestic, the powerful aura can not be suppressed by himself, and he began to spill out, turning into a hurricane, blowing his clothes and hunting.

Through the Heaven Devouring God Statue, he has absorbed a lot of energy bodies, and the power in his body has been completed, he is ready to continue to swallow it, and use his strength to break away the shackles leading to the avenue!

This ancient battlefield is simply a shocking mystery born for my ancient battle!

"It turns out that I am the son of luck. This layout is prepared to help me achieve the great road!"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

Gu Zhan showed excitement, couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then aroused the statue of Heaven Devouring God, vomiting countless silk threads!

The energy body of the chaotic creatures and the energy body of the ancient race are fighting fiercely. Suddenly, they are attacked by this thread, unable to escape, and can only be sucked by the ancient warfare.

It was also at this time, the Shenlong clan led everyone to come quickly. Seeing this scene, his complexion immediately changed, and he said coldly, "Stop!"

Gu Zhan frowned slightly, glanced at the crowd, and then showed a disapproving look, sneered: "Just because you dare to disrupt the situation?"

The old man of the Shenlong clan said coldly: "The first dragon in the chaos, the Shenlong clan is here, and everyone of the ancient clan wins it!"

They couldn't help being excited when they saw the group of energy bodies.

It can be clearly felt that the energy body in the deepest part is different from the previous energy bodies, and they seem to retain a trace of their spiritual wisdom!

What does this mean?

This means that it is very likely that there will be inheritance left to yourself and others!

Seeing that these energy bodies are about to be sucked by the ancient war, they naturally have to try their best to stop them, and at the same time make a wave of good feelings.

An old dragon clan said: "You only have one person, don't you lay down your weapons quickly and get caught?"

The eyes of the energy bodies of the chaotic creatures were bright, revealing the color of surprise, and there was a giant dragon phantom roaring: "As expected, it is the descendant of my dragon clan, good come! Let's kill the ancient clan together!"

"Ancestor, that is nature, we will save you!"

Shenlong clan waved a big hand, and immediately, all the dragon clan rushed towards the ancient battle together, with great momentum!

"It's so brash!" Gu Zhan sneered.

If he had faced so many masters before, he would still be a little jealous, but now, his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, and there is still a lot of extra power in his body that doesn’t know how to use it, so naturally he is not afraid of dragons’ teamwork.

He raised his hand, and a blue sword appeared in his hand, and then slashed towards the dragon!

"Woo woo woo"

The big sword slashed the space and wailed, as if possessing incalculable power, it attracted the fear of the world!

Faced with this knife, all the dragons had their hearts beating wildly and their scalp numb.

"What kind of knife is this? Why do I feel a panic when I see it."

"This knife exudes a frightening aura, and it is enough to suppress our power!"

"Everyone sacrifices a magic weapon together, and it will surely be able to suppress him!"

Led by the three elders of Shenlong, the mana of all the dragon races surged towards the ancient battle. The halo of the sky almost pierced people's eyes, and the world was also trembling.

The cyan blade light of the ancient war is like a curtain covering the sky, colliding with the dragon’s mana, and the brilliance is entangled with each other. After a while, the blue blade light suddenly becomes rich and straightly cut everyone's mana!

The dragons shook their bodies, and their faces showed incredible expressions.

"The ants hug in a group, and after all, they are ants."

Gu Zhan smiled coldly, and said to the people: "My sword is a Taoist tool made with the help of the last catastrophe! It is attracted by the vitality and soul of countless chaotic creatures, and it has absorbed hundreds of people. The power of the origin of a small world is inherently restraining the creatures of chaos!"

"This is a butcher knife specifically for chaotic creatures! Killing you will get twice the result with half the effort!"


The chaotic energy body is suddenly short of breath, and the power of the whole body surges, and it will be immortal with the ancients.

It's just that they were entangled in the energy body of the ancient race, and they were all suppressed by the gods of the sky, and they couldn't make many waves.

The dragon energy body roared, "Descendants of the dragon race, follow me to kill the ancient race, protect the chaos, and swear to the death to suppress the catastrophe!"

All the energy bodies roar, just like the great calamity before the eternal age, they are not afraid of death and fight to the end!

A tragic atmosphere spreads. It is with this spirit that can make Chaos be reborn from the fire and create higher glory after the catastrophe. As long as this spirit continues, then one day it can be suppressed. Catastrophe!

"Fight to the end!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The eyes of a group of dragons immediately turned red, and they were also roaring, displaying their strongest power, and rushing to the ancient battle.

"Go and die!" Gu Zhan raised his butcher knife with cold eyes.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The three elders of the Shenlong clan suddenly rose up, displayed their magical powers, and drove away from the surrounding area. In a blink of an eye, all the other dragons were wiped out!

The old man of the Shenlong clan respectfully said to the ancient warrior: "My lord of the ancient clan, my Shenlong clan is willing to take refuge in you, and can be your mount, just to let us have a way out."

A hint of flattery appeared on his face while speaking.

This incident appeared too fast and too abruptly, no one at the scene reacted, even Gu Zhan was taken aback.

"Hahaha, hahaha"

Gu Zhan looked at the Shenlong clan, the smile on his face continued to expand, and finally laughed sarcastically, extremely triumphantly and extremely jokingly.

"The first dragon of chaos, the dragon family! Hahaha..."

Gu Zhan looked at the giant energy body, and said with a smile: "Is this the most outstanding line of your dragon race? Now you have seen it too, and it will be the mount of my ancient race in the future!"


The giant dragon phantom let out a huge roar, revealing endless sorrow and anger, and the dragon's body trembled and trembled.

If it weren’t an energy body, I’m afraid that tears will slide at this time.

"Unreasonable, unreasonable!"

The voice of the giant dragon phantom rolled, shaking the earth, staring at the dragon clan, and furiously said: "You are the shame of the dragon clan, die to me! Death!"

Its monstrous coercion rushed to the Shenlong clan, bursting out of unprecedented power, and killing it towards the Shenlong clan!

However, the ancient battle is also a step forward, the **** of the sky bursts with light, and a palm shoots it to suppress the shadow of the dragon!

chuckled lightly: "Don't get angry, your dragon clan is also knowledgeable about current affairs, you should be happy."

Other energy bodies also began to roar, and they all stared at the Shenlong clan.

"Traitor who is greedy for life and fear of death, die for me!"

"The shame of chaos is disgusting!"

"Kill them, kill them!"

They have been fighting throughout their lives, and they have always been inexhaustible. They are all Tianjiao figures, and they are endlessly dying with the ancients.

The traitor is the most hated. At this time, he is so angry that he can't wait to kill and then quickly!

It’s just that it was naturally suppressed by the ancients!

"Don't blame me, do what you know is mortal, only fools can do this." The old man of the Shenlong clan said, not feeling guilty.

"I, bah, some things are to be defended with death. You are actually my dragon clan, I am going to vomit!"

"Hey, even me, Goo Long, feels ashamed. Today, I have to clean up the door!"

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