Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 650: 650: Licking the road to fight for the front, the ambition of the Luo Tian dynasty

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In the next period of time, Li Nianfan was indispensable for dragon meat. He ate everything from braised dragon meat to deep-fried dragon meat to dragon meat soup.

Of course, more are made into bacon.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed.

Then a bunch of dragon meat has been consumed seven or eighty-eight. Li Nianfan asked the people in the palace to give away the bacon. The last time he participated in the fight against the dragon clan, all of them were naturally indispensable.

Luo Tian Dynasty.

Huang Deheng stood by the door. Behind him stood the princes, princesses and outstanding disciples of the Luo Tian dynasty, all looking forward to it.

Gradually, a halo flashed on the horizon in the distance, and a cloud of auspicious clouds flew slowly.

Huang Deheng's expression was constant immediately, and he solemnly confessed: "The messenger of the heavenly palace is here, please remember not to be rude!"

Everyone was shocked.

Soon, that auspicious cloud came to the sky above the Luo Tian Dynasty, and it landed down at the same time. It was the Taibai Venus in the heavenly palace.

However, he saw a friendly smile on his face and a bundle of bacon in his hand, walking happily.

He opened his mouth and said: "The little **** Taibai Jinxing has seen the Yellow Emperor."

Huang Deheng immediately said: "Shang Xian is polite, you can come to my Luo Tian Dynasty is already flattering us."

Since the last time the Gods Domain Fighting Conference, the expert local tyrants have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which can be said to be beyond imagination, and after the last dragon clan incident, the expert’s strength is even more terrifying, so that everyone who sees it is daring. Want to split.

The chickens, the bees, and the cows are all chaotic alien species, their strength is unfathomable, and they have a terrifying existence with a supreme posture!

What's more, there is that dog wearing panties. Once the **** come out, it can suppress all enemies. Who will fight for it?

All in all, there is no ordinary person around the expert, even the most inconspicuous thing, it is also a great opportunity that the outside world dreams of!

As a confidant of an expert, Tiangong's status is naturally rising. Now, who dares not give Tiangong face to the entire God Realm?

It can be said that the expert has given Tiangong the privilege of monitoring the realm of God!

Taibai Jinxing smiled slightly, "Emperor Huang, this is the bacon delivered by me from an expert. It is a reward for the last time I attacked the dragon clan."

"Thanks for the gift of Gaoren."

Huang Deheng piously took the bacon, and then said: "These are what the Luo Tian dynasty should do. The expert is so polite. Thank you for his kindness to me."

Taibai Jinxing stroked his beard and smiled: "Remember to do things for the superior. If it is valued by the superior, it will be a real step to the sky, and I will leave the little god."

"Shangxian won't stay for a while longer? Let's do our best to be a landlord." Huang Deheng hastened to stay.

Taibai Jinxing waved his hand, "No, I have to send bacon to the next one and leave."

Watching Taibai Jinxing disappear from sight, the people of Luo Tian Dynasty stared at the bacon, and their eyes suddenly became hot.

One of the princes said: "Father, the bacon delivered by an expert has finally arrived. I heard that the taste is beyond imagination, and I am finally looking forward to it."

"Yes, it is said that there are also Taoist rhyme and spiritual power. Yesterday the young master of the Suffering Sect took a bite of bacon and broke directly."

"This is the meat of the Chaos Dragon Clan, and it is also a gift from an expert, comparable to a great fortune!"

"Hurry up, let's try it together!"

They all can't wait.

However, Huang Deheng kept his face calm, watching the crowd shook their heads, hating iron for not becoming a steel road: "Eat and eat, and you will know how to eat! How superficial is your eyes!"

Immediately, all the disciples were excited, stopped, and were very in awe of Huang Deheng.

But I was wondering in my heart, why can I use it if I don't eat it? Don’t you want to swallow bacon alone?

"Are you slandering me in your heart?" Huang Deheng stared directly at their careful thoughts, making everyone embarrassed.

Huang Deheng let out a cold snort, and then said: "This is just a piece of bacon, haven't your vision improved at the last time in the Gods Domain Fighting Tournament? The first thing we need to do now is to find a way to please the superior!"

"Because Tiangong is favored by experts, two people actually stepped directly into the realm of heavenly realm a few days ago! What a privilege is this? What Tiangong can do, and I can do it too! I can't lick the important task of an expert. Let Tiangong take it all alone!"

He spoke solemnly, with a firm and serious tone.

Everyone also nodded their heads in deep agreement.

Huang Deheng began to release the test and said: "I asked you to study the licking road. How did you study it? Tell me what to do next?"

The disciples looked at each other, looking at each other, full of confusion.

On the side, the eldest princess said thoughtfully: "Is the father wanted to use this piece of bacon in exchange for the opportunity to please the superior?"

Huang Deheng finally smiled, "Yes, my daughter's talent is high."

The eldest princess frowned, "It's just that my daughter is confused and doesn't know what to do."

"The bacon given by an expert is naturally extraordinary. Just because it is extraordinary, we can exchange it for something. Once this thing enters the eyes of an expert, then naturally we can indulge in an expert!"

Huang Deheng paused and said, "I heard from Tiangong that experts like to collect all kinds of special spiritual roots as fruits."

The eldest princess suddenly realized: "Father, I understand!"

Jiang is really old and spicy.

After a while.

Huang Deheng took the eldest princess and left God's Domain with the bacon in his hand, appeared in the chaos, and then swiftly moved in one direction.

There is exactly the world where the Luo Tian Dynasty is located!

This world is also full of dynasties and sects. Although the Luo Tian dynasty is the top power here, there are still three powers that can compete with it.

One of them is Lingyun Dynasty.

In fact, the relationship between the Luo Tian dynasty and the Ling Yun dynasty is not friendly, and there are often frictions, and it is commonplace for disciples to fight against each other.

And the reason for this phenomenon is because of a congenital superb spiritual root!

This spiritual root is located between the two dynasties, and it can bear a fruit every 100 years. Its preciousness is self-evident to the monks. In order to compete for this spiritual root, the two dynasties naturally have to fight.

But in the end, the Luo Tian Dynasty and the Ling Yun Dynasty reached a consensus, that is to hold a competition within a thousand years, and the winning party can have this spiritual root for a thousand years, and then compare it after a thousand years!

The last competition was the victory of Lingyun Dynasty.

At this time, Huang Deheng came for this spiritual root.

at the same time.

An old man was standing under a tree, looking up at a fruit hanging on the tree, with a smile on his face.

Beside him, there was a little girl who was also looking up at the tree with her head up, her eyes sparkling.

The old man spoiled the little girl and said: "Hahaha, Minghui fruit is about to mature, Xiaoyun, this one is prepared for you by grandfather grandfather. It can improve your roots of wisdom, and maybe it can help you break through to the realm of heaven in one fell swoop. !"

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Xiaoyun looked forward to saying, "Thank you Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa Grandpa is the best!"

At this time, the old man felt something in his heart, looking in one direction, his face gradually sinking.

There, Huang Deheng and the eldest princess quickly approached.

At this moment, the monks guarding the roots of the plant exuded their power and locked Huang Deheng on. The old man also stepped out, looking at Huang Deheng with a watchful face, and said coldly: "I don’t know if Daoyou Huang is coming, so What's the matter?"

Huang Deheng smiled and said, "Friend Ling, everyone is old acquaintance. Isn't it okay to see acquaintances with stinky faces?"

Old man Ling sneered: "Hehe, this plant of spiritual roots is now owned by my Lingyun dynasty, and it is a forbidden place for my dynasty! Today is another day when the fruit just matures. You come here now, it really makes me look good! Hurry up and go. you."


Huang Deheng glanced at the fruit, with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

That's it?

Who do you look down on?

I'm a person who drank all the chaos spirit spring and ate a lot of chaos spirit fruits!

He opened the mouth and said: "Ling old man, please don't use your poor thoughts to insult me, I can't look down on this fruit."

"The two of us have been fighting for this spiritual root for countless years, what are you pretending to be?"

Old man Ling said proudly: "We have harvested three fruits in the past three hundred years, and there are still seven fruits to be harvested in the next seven hundred years. Tsk tusk tusk, it would be great to win your Luo Tian Dynasty."

Huang Deheng said indifferently, "I really have to thank you if you lose your horse. It's not that you won. How could I have a huge chance."

It is precisely because of the loss that he will go to God's Domain to find opportunities, so that he can meet an expert.

Old Ling frowned, "A huge chance?"

"Do you know what I experienced when I went to God's Domain? Do you know what is the experience of drinking Chaos Spirit Spring to full? Do you know what experience eating Chaos Spirit Fruit peeling is?"

Huang Deheng showed his face, his eyes were filled with awe and exclamation, and he almost trembled and told what he had experienced.

Old man Ling was still shocked when he first heard it, but gradually his expression began to become weird, and finally looked at Huang Deheng with sympathy.

When Huang Deheng finished his energetic speech, the old man Ling looked at the princess and sighed: "How long has he been with this symptom? What did the doctor say?"

Huang Deheng:...

The eldest princess said helplessly: "Senior Ling, what my father said is true."

Huang Deheng was full of grief and indignation, "Old man Ling, I only rushed back to share this earth-shattering destiny with you because of the friendship between us for many years. It hurts my heart to say that!"

Old man Ling looked at Huang Deheng suspiciously, "Really share with me?"

"That's natural."

Huang Deheng nodded solemnly, and then said: "The superiors have a special love for the great spiritual roots, so that they can collect the chaotic fruits of all colors. Please listen to my persuasion, as long as we dedicate this spiritual root to the superiors, the superiors are happy and ready to go. It is an unimaginable good fortune to bestow!"

"Hehe, I can't imagine that in order to deceive my spiritual root, you actually made up such an excuse for being so mentally retarded. It would be too small for me to underestimate my IQ."

Old man Ling had already seen everything, waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, where to go back and forth."

"Well, I guessed you wouldn't believe it a long time ago, so let's use this in exchange!"

While talking, Huang Deheng took out the bacon.

Want to change my spiritual root for a bundle of bacon?

Old man Ling blinked, thinking he had hallucinations.

Then the old face flushed with anger, and said angrily: "Old man Huang, are you insulting me?"

Huang Deheng said: "This is not ordinary bacon, please take a closer look."

Only then did Old Man Ling stare at him, and his face suddenly appeared astonished as he looked at it.

In addition to the unique smell of this meat, there was also a terrifying wildness spilling out, which shocked him.

He was surprised: "Is this dragon flesh in the chaos?"

Huang Deheng smiled and said: "It's Chaos Dragon Meat! The strength is much higher than you and me!"

Old man Ling retracted his gaze, and said lightly: "This fleshy background is indeed not small, but it is far behind this spiritual root."

Huang Deheng shook his head and said, "Your eyesight is too bad. The most important thing is that this meat comes from an expert! You'll find out later."

With a wave of his hand, a fire was set on the spot, and then he began to barbecue.

Old man Ling said contemptuously: "Xiaoyun, go, let's ignore this crazy old man."

They stood under the tree again.

But soon, a scent of extreme scent drifted into their nasal cavity directly, caught off guard, causing their hearts to jump wildly, and their saliva was secreted wildly.

Xiaoyun's neck stretched involuntarily, his eyes fixed on the bacon, and anxiously said: "Grandpa Grandpa, it smells so delicious, it's the smell of that grandpa's barbecue!"

The bacon was made by Li Nianfan. At this time, after a flame roasting, the aroma contained in it was instantly ignited, and it came out directly, and the fragrance wafted thousands of miles.

"It's so fragrant! There can be such a fragrant smell in this world."

"This is the taste of food, it's hard to imagine, I actually feel hungry!"

"No way, this kind of long-lost feeling, I really want to eat it!"

"That barbecue is so delicious, let me have a bite, Gudong."


In an instant, the scent conquered all the people present, and the sound of swallowing saliva was endless.

The temptation of food comes from nature, and no one can resist it.

Xiaoyun's small body was about to float with the smell, and he stomped his feet in a hurry, "Grandpa Grandpa, I want to eat, I want to eat that barbecue!"

Old man Ling wiped the corner of his mouth silently, and then walked over, "Old man Huang, you meat..."

His voice stopped abruptly, and his throat began to roll quickly.

Because Huang Deheng had silently torn off a piece of meat, and was tasting it with the princess, and it was delicious.

After grilling, the fat on the meat was thicker and shiny, and the color of the meat began to be yellowish. It seemed to have a light emission. It was difficult to look away just by looking at it, and the appetite was greatly increased.

Watching Huang Deheng and the eldest princess chewing the meat, there was oil flowing out of their mouths, forming a kind of extreme temptation, making all the viewers stomach twitching, and they wanted to rush to grab food.

Old man Ling licked his lips and swallowed heavily with a grunt.

As for his granddaughter, Xiaoyun, she had already reached Huang Deheng and the princess with a ‘swish’, her mouth wide open, with shiny saliva hanging from the corners of her mouth, and a lovely look waiting to be fed.

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