Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 651: level seal

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"Old man Huang, stop!" Old man Ling roared hoarsely.

He is not in a hurry. In such a short period of time, Huang Deheng and the other two have eaten half of them.

Huang Deheng looked at him jokingly, "Don't you look down on this meat?"

"Huh, I'm all for my granddaughter."

Old man Ling snorted hard and said: "Old man Huang, you are premeditated! It is too much to get such fragrant meat! However, it is impossible to change my spiritual root with this. condition."

"For your granddaughter?"

Huang Deheng smiled slightly, tore off a small piece of barbecue again, and then slowly sent it to Old Man Ling.

Suddenly, the old man Ling's eyes straightened, and green light appeared, but he still said stiffly: "Hehe, mere appetite, and delusional to mess with my heart?"

It's just that when I talked, because the saliva secreted too much, it dripped...

But he didn't stop at all, staring at that piece of meat, breathing quickly, and the muscles of his body were stretched, and he hated to bite it at all costs.

Huang Deheng said in surprise: "Yohoo, I can hold it back, it's a good concentration."

He continued: "Now, take it and taste it."

Old man Ling was taken aback for a moment, "Really give it to me?"

Huang Deheng said unfathomably: "You will know if you taste it. This bacon is not just as simple as its fragrance. Be mentally prepared, it will subvert your worldview."

"Pretend to be a ghost." The old man snorted, but his body couldn't help it anymore and opened his mouth to bite.

This mouth directly made his whole body tremble, all the cells were trembling, and there was a low groan in his throat.

He had just been holding back the temptation, holding it for too long, and suddenly letting go, his satisfaction almost overwhelmed his whole body.

The rich fragrance radiated from the barbecue, almost opening his mouth like the substance, and pouring into his throat madly, making him feel like an ecstasy.

As he chewed, the crisp and tender taste seemed to be massaging his teeth, giving him an indescribable comfort, and the meaty taste even exploded his taste buds.

Delicious, so delicious!

At this moment, old man Ling's old eyes were filled with tears.


He just chewed a few mouthfuls and couldn't wait to swallow the barbecue, immediately feeling full from the inside out.

Huang Deheng immediately smiled and said, "Old man Ling, how do you feel?"

"It is indeed unimaginable delicious." Old man Ling nodded in surprise, his face full of aftertaste.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he could feel that there was a force in his abdomen awakening, the powerful spiritual power even made him feel it, and... even more overflowing. Yun, let him have a profit!

You know, he is a great power in the realm of heaven!

Even if you eat Minghui Guo, you won't feel anything. However, such a piece of meat actually has an effect!

Even if there is only a trace, it is unimaginable.

He stared at the barbecue in disbelief, "This, this meat...how is it possible?!"

Huang Deheng looked at him and said in a serious tone: "There is nothing impossible, this meat is from the hands of an expert, and what I just said is true!"


Old man Ling's scalp was about to explode, his mind was blank.

He had never taken Huang Deheng's words seriously before, but at this moment, he had to face it. He realized that Huang Deheng might not be joking.

It's just... this is too terrible, too incredible, and it's simply subverting the Three Views!

Gradually, the goose bumps all over his body started to stand up.

Xiaoyun saw that his grandfather had eaten from the side, and even yelled, "I want to eat, I want to eat too!"

Huang Deheng laughed, "Don't worry, you will be indispensable."

He tore a piece of meat and handed it to Xiaoyun.

Although Xiaoyun's body was small, his mouth was big. He swallowed a piece of meat in an instant, chewing with his mouth, and his small face turned.

Immediately afterwards, two rows of wavy tears rolled down.

"too delicious!!"

She jumped up and danced on the spot.

At the same time, a powerful force erupted from her body, driving her breath to rise rapidly.

In one fell swoop, I passed the Tianxian directly!

However, it has not stopped.

Layers of bottlenecks seemed to be paper-sticky, and they were punctured one after another.

The middle stage of the heavenly fairy, the later stage of the heavenly fairy...True fairy!

Such movement also caused Old Man Ling to recover from the shock, and then shocked again.

"This is the barbecue of the Shenlong clan, but it can perfectly maintain the divine power in it for people to absorb, and it also has a strong Taoist rhyme. Compared with the so-called spiritual root, the effect is a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger!"

"It's unscientific to make food a great fortune, how can it be done?"

Old man Ling said blankly, "Could it be the supreme gourmet food in the realm of the avenue?!"

"Small, the structure is smaller!"

Huang Deheng waved his hand and said, "How powerful is the power of an expert? You can take this meat. Think about the things I said. This is a monstrous good fortune. If it weren't for this spiritual root to be acquired by you, I'm crazy just to share this opportunity with you!"

Old man Ling said in shock: "Are you sure you give me all the meat?"

Huang Deheng endured his heartache and said casually: "Hehe, what is this, chaos spirit root I eat as a fruit! I am chasing a master, this is a bit of a trifle, good fortune is in front of my eyes, it depends on you whether you can catch I’ll regret it later, don’t say I didn’t take you."

He did this to irritate the old man.

Sure enough, Old Man Ling pondered for a moment, and then said: "Are you sure that an expert wants this spiritual root? Isn't the existence despising this spiritual root?"

"You still don't have enough vision. It's just a hobby for an expert to collect spiritual roots! Just like ordinary people eat and drink water, an expert treats spiritual roots as fruits and eats for fun!"

Huang Deheng said bitterly: "The Chaos Spiritual Root is not in the eyes of an expert, and he is even willing to distribute it to everyone. Just this bundle of meat, the expert is a big show in God's Domain."

Old man Ling was so silly to hear it, and rationally told him that it was impossible, but seeing Huang Deheng's swearing appearance, he couldn't help but not be moved, and asked, "Then what do you say I should do?"

"Let's dig out the roots of the spirit and send it to the expert. This is an opportunity to meet the expert. When the time comes, the expert is happy, and the benefits are hard to imagine."

Huang Deheng paused and continued: "I tell you that the flattering crucian carp around the expert is like a crucian carp. Everyone wants to break his head and want to lick the expert. We must seize this opportunity and perform well. , Lick out the height, lick out the level!"

Digging for spiritual roots?

Old man Ling's temples jumped wildly.

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Finally gritted his teeth, "Yes!"

He also thought about it in his heart. After all, this spiritual root only belonged to him for a thousand years, and the bacon sent to Huang Deheng was worth more than this spiritual root.

If Huang Deheng lied, it would mean harming the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred for himself, and the big deal would be a loss together.

Huang Deheng laughed and couldn't wait to say: "Hahaha, refreshing! Then... dig."

Immediately, the two hit it off, and under the dumbfounded gaze of the others, they immediately dug up.

Half an hour later, Huang Deheng and Ling old man took the princess, and the three of them left the world together carrying a big tree.

In the chaos, a streamer flashed past, sprinting forward at an extremely fast speed.

On the way, the old man Ling couldn't help saying: "I must be crazy, and I am carrying my spiritual roots and crossing the chaos with you."

Huang Deheng said excitedly: "Don't worry, when you arrive in God's Domain, you will not regret it, and you will even be full of gratitude to me."

He can't wait to dedicate the treasure to the master.

However, they did not notice that just as they traversed the chaos, a star not far away suddenly lit up with a ray of light.

The star was khaki. Although it was big, it was a dead star floating in the chaos, not too noticeable.

However, when the three of Huang Deheng carried their spirit roots and gradually approached, it seemed that something within the stars had awakened, and slowly opened their eyes!

A trace of weak power began to spill out, and began to penetrate the surface of this star, very cryptic.

The three of Huang Deheng didn't feel the slightest, passing by the star. At this time, a suction suddenly came from the inside of the star.

Accompanied by a "swish" sound, the fruit on the spiritual root flew out directly and was sucked into the stars!

"what happened?"

The complexions of the three of Huang Deheng changed drastically, staring at the star suddenly, their eyes solemn.

They didn't want to eat this fruit deliberately, so they were naturally prepared to offer it to the superior, and they showed their sincerity.

Huang Deheng and Old Man Ling looked at each other, and Huang Deheng said, "Who is the Daoist friend who is here to make this joke with me, can you show up?"

No one responded.

However, a whirlpool slowly appeared on the surface of the stars.

At first, this vortex was just a black spot, and soon, it zoomed in extremely quickly, like a vast ocean, turning into a swallowing force, shrouded in the direction of Huang Deheng and the three!

"Be careful!"

The old man Ling did not dare to neglect, the mana around his body was mighty, and a shield formed between his raised hands to block this suction.

"There seems to be something in the stars, what is it?"

"I'm afraid it is something unknown."

The three of them narrowed their eyes and looked closely at the changes in front of them. Gradually, their expressions changed, revealing shocking expressions.

But I saw that on top of that star, in addition to the whirlpool, there were also layers of gorgeous runes. These runes spread all over the star, wrapping the stars layer by layer like a shackle, as if There is something bound in it.

The splendid rune light is sacred and vast, and its brilliance is a hundred times richer than the sun's light, and it rushes straight into the chaos, becoming the brightest star in the chaos.

Even if it was Old Man Ling and Huang Deheng, they felt a surge of pressure, and they didn't dare to look directly at them.

"This is a seal?"

Old man Ling took a deep breath and said in horror: "And it's a seal of the avenue level!"

Huang Deheng nodded and said solemnly: "It's too terrifying, what kind of existence is sealed under this kind of seal?"

The eldest princess said: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go quickly."

"you are right."

There was a faint anxiety in the three people's hearts, as if even preparing to retreat.

But at this moment, there was a terrifying sound wave in the whirlpool, like a wild beast suddenly violent, full of tyrannical aura!

In the next instant, the suction force directly increased by a geometric multiple, setting off a monstrous storm in the chaos, countless stars began to converge here, and they were actually sucked into the vortex.

Old man Ling’s shield shivered, "Let’s go!"

The three of them had a difficult retreat from the magic power.

However, the growth rate of this suction force is simply appalling, and it quickly puts them under great pressure. It is like a person walking against the wind, and it is difficult to move forward.


The princess uttered an exclamation, and her body was directly absorbed by the whirlpool, but she was rescued by Huang Deheng.

In front of the three of them, the leaves of the spirit root trembled wildly, broke away from the branches, and were all sucked into the whirlpool.

Huang Deheng said in surprise: "That thing seems to be directed at this spiritual root!"

Old man Ling looked ugly and cursed: "Old man Huang, I was killed by you this time! I shouldn't listen to you. If I don't listen to you, I won't dig out the spiritual roots. I won't take the spiritual roots out. If you dig it out, you won’t encounter such a thing."

"Hurry up and shut up! What a great deal, fight it!"

Huang Deheng's eyes condensed, staring at the already huge vortex, slowly raising his hand, and instantly condensing endless laws.

Numerous laws surrounded his palms, making his hands all golden, and then slapped down!

"India Palm!"

The golden palm print is huge, like a collapsed firmament, I want to fill that vortex!

However, under their gaze, the palm print fell in the whirlpool, just like a mud cow entering the sea, annihilated in a flash, without causing a wave of waves.

Then, the tyrannical aura in the whirlpool soared again, and that suction almost shook the world!

In addition, there is a huge black hand that stretched out from the whirlpool and grabbed it towards the three of Huang Deheng!

Old man Ling saw his eyes cracked, hissing angrily: "Huang Deheng, you are a fool, I'll go to your sister!"

Huang Deheng anxiously said loudly: "Now is not the time to quarrel, we two will join hands and send my daughter out! Hurry up!"

"You really killed me this time!"

Old man Ling was full of grief and anger, but he still pinched a magic formula, raised his hand to the princess, and formed a mighty force, pushing it outward.

Huang Deheng also raised his hand and pushed, the endless rules turned into a vision, covering the princess and protecting her from the suction of the whirlpool.

The eldest princess worried: "Father, what do you do?"

Huang Deheng hurriedly said: "Go find an expert to save us!"

With the two great realms of Huang Deheng and Ling old man, the eldest princess slowly broke away from the suction, and then swiftly shot out, only to watch Huang Deheng and Ling old man holding a tree. , Was pulled into the stars by that giant hand.

"The expert will definitely have a way, I'm going to find the expert! What's more, the monster here still grabs the fruit to give to the expert, and the expert will definitely help me."

The eldest princess' eyes were red, biting her lip hard, and rushing toward God's Domain at the fastest speed.

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