Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 653: 653: Strange space, not guaranteed at night

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Huang Deheng was arrested?

Li Nianfan couldn't help but raise his brow, pursing his lips, sinking into a thought.

In this way, the strength of the person who shot must be very strong, and since Huang Sirou has rushed over, the meaning is very obvious, this is to ask for help.

After all, it happened when someone brought fruits to him, so he couldn't help being human.

But the problem is that he himself doesn't have the slightest cultivation base at all, even if he wants to save it, he is powerless.

I can only count on the people around him to go, this is the rhythm of letting him move the soldiers to the friends around him.

"Miss Huang, don't worry, with your father's cultivation base, there shouldn't be a big problem in a short time."

Li Nianfan first gave a comforting utterance, and then said: "I will find a way to let people find it for you."

He naturally thought of Tiangong first, and was thinking about leaving for a trip to Tiangong. On the side, Qin Manyun and Situ Qin looked at each other, and they had already volunteered to stand up.

He opened his mouth and said: "Li Gongzi, let us see the situation."

"you guys?"

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a while, worried: "The other party has even arrested Emperor Huang, can you deal with it?"

Qin Manyun smiled and said, "It's okay, we can call some friends again."

Situ Qin also said sincerely: "Young Master Li, you are kind to me. Now the fruit has been snatched away, please let me do my best."

Li Nianfan saw that Situ Qin was serious, and finally said: "This...well, remember to find some great helpers, and be careful."

Qin Manyun and Situ Qin immediately smiled and nodded: "Um, don't worry, we will definitely bring the fruit back."

Then he couldn't wait to say: "Miss Huang, it's not too late, then let's go."

Li Nianfan saw them look impatient, but felt a burst of sweat.

How does it feel that they don't take danger at all, as if they are thinking about going out to play, when have Qin Manyun and Situ Qin been so wild?

Who knows, before leaving, Qin Manyun suddenly said, "Prince Li, can I bring some fruits and wine?"

Li Nianfan suddenly became even more confused.

What are you doing to save people with this? Going out for a picnic?

How do you feel that these two are a little unreliable going out.

But he didn't say much, nodded and said: "Naturally."

After a pause, he reassuredly exhorted again, "Be careful in everything, don't be careless."

Situ Qin and Qin Manyun nodded in a hurry, "Yeah, we understand."

Then, the three women walked out of the courtyard together, and then, Da Hei also ran out.

After leaving the door, Qin Manyun said excitedly: "I just broke through to the realm of heaven not long ago, and can finally solve problems for the master!"

Situ Qin was also happy and said, "Yes, the time has come to test the results of our cultivation, and we must do things well."

Just broke through heaven?

Test results?

Hearing their conversation, Huang Sirou's heart couldn't help sinking, and she couldn't help but reminded: "Two...seniors, the person who shot is very strong. My father and another senior are both famous in the realm of heaven. The strong, but still have no resistance, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Situ Qin smiled and said, "Does Huang Girl not believe in our strength?"

Huang Sirou hurriedly said anxiously: "No, I dare not."

"Don't worry, we follow the master and won't let you down."

Qin Manyun smiled, and then said: "What's more, it's not just us."

Huang Sirou was taken aback for a moment, then looked behind, and saw a bald dog walking towards him with a cold expression.

She immediately said with surprise: "Uncle Dog is here too."

That night, she saw Da Hei's shots with her own eyes, especially the mosaic pants, which made her remember fresh and filled her with awe.

With Uncle Dog joining, she immediately felt that the wave had stabilized.

"This matter is related to the owner's fruit after all, I must get it!"

Da Hei had a solemn face, and righteously said: "Fruit is not only the owner loves to eat, but the uncle dog likes to eat with the expert! He is a dog's mouth grabbing food, I must not bear it!"

"Yes, we must do this well!" Qin Manyun nodded cautiously, "For the sake of safety, it's better to call Jiang Liu up."


After a while.

Four people and one dog set off from the foot of the Luoxian Mountains and turned into a long rainbow, except for the realm of God, shuttled through the realm of God.

at the same time.

Within that star.

Huang Deheng and Ling Old Man were in darkness.

On their heads, a golden pagoda exudes a strong golden light, covering the two of them to form a shield.

Since their huge palms have been pulled in, they have come to this strange space, this is an independent world, completely separated from the outside world.

Old man Ling said: "Old Huang, I was really hurt by you this time. The black energy here is devouring our strength. If we can't find the way out, then we really have to confess here. "

Huang Deheng rolled his eyes and said: "Old man Ling, can you not be so pessimistic? I have heard this sentence no less than ten times. There will definitely be a chance, and I have already said that my daughter has gone to rescue soldiers. "

"Rescue soldiers? Is that the expert you mentioned?"

Old man Ling sighed, "It's been more than a month, and I can get it even if I save the soldiers too slowly! You are still lying to me."

Although they are trapped here and can't feel the rising and falling of the moon, their grasp of time is already extremely accurate, and they naturally know how long has passed.

Huang Deheng opened the mouth and said: "It may just be an accident, don't worry."

The two of them were walking in this dark space, but at this moment, their eyes condensed suddenly, but they saw that in the darkness ahead, a huge portal appeared, beside the portal, there was also a big blood-red seal printed on it. !

The moment they saw this word, both of them felt a strong blood rushing toward their faces, as if there was a river of blood rolling, and the tyrannical breath pierced their eyes.

Huang Deheng and Old Man Ling exclaimed at the same time, "Sure enough, it is a road seal!"

This kind of handwriting is definitely left by the Great Dao Sovereign, so what is sealed within this portal?

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They stared in the door with horror.

Inside, it was pitch black, but faintly felt an incomparably terrifying atmosphere bullying, and at the same time, it seemed that there was a black shadow watching the two of them, causing them to have a shocking chill at the same time, and their hairs were standing upright.


Abruptly, a call came into the ears of the two, with a bewitching power, as if the avenue was calling them in the opposite direction, leaving their minds blank, and they couldn't help but step into the door.

When they came to the edge of the portal, the golden pagoda above their heads trembled suddenly, and the golden light shone down, causing their bodies to be shaken, and they recovered from their loss.


Inside the portal, there was a desperate roar, and then a huge black hand burst out like a giant python, rushing towards the two.

However, when they came in front of the two, the word "Feng" suddenly flashed with bleeding red light, and a red shield appeared on the door, blocking the black hand.

The black hand slammed on the portal, making an unwilling roar.

Huang Deheng and two were shocked in a cold sweat, and quickly backed away, away from the portal.

Old man Ling said: "What's wrong with us? This thing that is sealed can actually mess up our minds?!"

They are the mighty powers of the realm of Heavenly Dao, and the Dao heart is perfect, and they almost got to the Dao, which is simply unbelievable.

Huang Deheng also exclaimed with lingering fears: "Who would have imagined that there is an existence of the Dao Realm sealed here."

This is the supreme avenue!

They can't imagine that the Supreme will be sealed here, and whose handwriting is it?

They looked at the portal again, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

But I saw that at the edge of the door, a looming black shadow was standing, seeming to be staring at the two of them, and would rush out at any time.

Old man Ling's scalp was numb, "It's so terrifying, I feel that once he walks out, I'm afraid I will be killed in seconds."

Huang Deheng was very fortunate, "Fortunately, there is a seal, this must be some kind of big unknown, otherwise it is impossible to be sealed here."

"It's just that, even so, the situation is very unfavorable."

Old man Ling frowned and looked at the darkness around him and said: "This darkness is eroding power all the time, and Shita in Hunyuan Town can only last for a hundred years at most."

Huang Deheng said, "Don't worry, in a hundred years, my daughter will definitely let an expert come to save us."

Old man Ling shook his head.

He is not optimistic about Huang Deheng's self-confidence.

This is where the Great Dao Supreme is fighting. They are trapped here. Who can save them in the entire chaos? Does that expert really exist?

He opened his mouth and said, "Cross-legs and breathe, you can hold it for a longer time."

The two sat cross-legged, although they were adjusting their breath, but in this weird space, they couldn't play a role at all, and the strength in the body was even still being lost.

At this time, the two of them are like water without a source, and the situation will get worse.

Although a cultivator transcends life and death, he only transcends the limit of life, and there are many ways to die.

Since it is for cultivating the Tao, then the most indispensable is the spiritual energy, for the ascetic, the spiritual energy is like the food for the mortal.

Once the source of the aura is cut off and in an environment where there is no aura for a long time, then the monasticism will inevitably be affected, just like drowning and walking and retreating, and the monk will die because of the drying up of mana!

At the beginning, the reason why Honghuang was able to pass through heaven and earth was because the spiritual power between heaven and earth was not enough, which made many gods fall into the seal.

In the same way, even if it is the power of heaven, the supremacy of the great road, or even stronger, it cannot lack aura. This is also one of the reasons why the cultivators will compete for the resources of the world.

At this time, Huang Deheng and the two were faced with a lack of spiritual energy. What's more, this space was still devouring their power, which was simply killing them.

In a blink of an eye, ten years passed.

The shield brilliance of Shita in Hunyuan Town has dimmed a bit, and the faces of Huang Deheng and two of them have been showing signs of time, and they have become quite old.

Old man Ling couldn't help it again, and said, "Lao Huang, is your daughter coming? How about an expert? What's the matter?"

"My daughter will definitely find a way to save us."

Huang Deheng was full of confidence in his daughter. After a pause, he said again: "There are only three possibilities for this situation."

He continued: "The first possibility is that an expert is not willing to come to save us. If that is the case, then no one can help us at all. We can only wait for death."

"The second possibility is that after this weird space has caught us, it disappeared in place, hidden away, and therefore could not be found."

"The third possibility is that this space is its own world, and the time inside it is its own law, which is different from the flow rate of the outside world. We have been here for ten years, maybe there is not a day outside."

Huang Deheng sighed: "I think the third possibility is the greatest."

The old man Ling suddenly became ill, and said desperately: "Then you have a fart, aren't we hopeless, waiting for the cold?"

Huang Deheng said helplessly: "Let’s talk less, save some stamina, and hold on for a while."

The two were still adjusting their breaths on the spot, so another fifty years have passed.

In the past sixty years, they woke up from time to time and could see the dark shadow in the door, standing still in place, staring at everyone as if they showed this weird smile.

This makes their hearts more restless.

During this period of time, the brilliance of Hunyuan Town Shita had dimmed to the extreme, and it turned dark and bright, without zero-point nourishment, and the magical charm of the magic weapon was gradually lost.

In order to last longer, the two had to reduce the area of ​​defense, which reduced the scope of the shield to three inches, allowing the two of them to get close, and the two old men stared with big eyes.

Then, another twenty years passed.

The scope of the shield has become smaller again. It is already within two inches. Huang Deheng and Old Man Ling can no longer cross their knees. The bodies of the two are tightly fitting together, like a hug, making their old faces blush.

Old man Ling said: "Old Huang, never thought that we two would actually have such a close one day."

Huang Deheng cursed with black lines all over his head: "Old man Ling, what you said is too ambiguous, I'm going to throw up."

Old man Ling was also angry, and he said, "Spit your sister, it's not you. Is the old man falling to this point? You said that if we were dead, what would an outsider think if we were hugged in this pose?"


Huang Deheng's face suddenly turned green, and he was horrified: "It's not guaranteed in the evening festival, and it's not guaranteed in the evening festival! Why don't we stop it, take advantage of some strength at the end, and rush in to fight with that thing?"

At this time, four people and one dog were suspended in the chaos, looking up at the huge star in front of them, their eyes solemn.

Huang Sirou said, "Uncle Dog, this is the star that sucked my father in."

Jiang Liu frowned and said in surprise: "There is nothing on the surface of this star. It is completely a dead star. However, I just cut out a sword aura and failed to destroy it. It seems that there is indeed something weird. !"

Qin Manyun smiled and said: "About this, I had prepared before I came here. If this star really attracts people because of fruit, we can also try it out!"

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