Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 652: 652: Dragon blood wine, backyard fish farming

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Holy area.

Luoxian Mountain Range.

Ao Cheng was carrying a big wooden barrel and was walking towards the mountain step by step.

In this big wooden barrel, there are all kinds of fish, black, blue, blue, white, purple...

These fishes are not small in size, and they look different, but they are all very handsome, one by one majestic, and they are jumping around in the bucket.


The fish tail slapped the wooden barrel, and a huge splash of water splashed out.

"Okay, I'm going to the expert, you all give me peace!" Ao Cheng said solemnly, with a rather severe tone.

One of the **** fish said in a nervous tone: "Ao Longwang, will there be nothing wrong with us like this? Will it make the masters unhappy?"

The other fish are also looking at Ao Cheng eagerly, full of anxiety and excitement.

Actually, they are not fish, but dragons, and they are all the geniuses of various dragon races who have just returned from a few days ago, after thousands of choices.

A few days ago, when Li Nianfan asked Tiangong to deliver bacon, he suddenly gave an order

That is to ask Tiangong to find some good-looking fish, and he wants to keep it in the backyard.

The water pool in the backyard changed from a prehistoric state to a god’s realm, and it became larger accordingly. Li Nianfan had forgotten to use it all the time and suddenly remembered it.

With such a big lake in my backyard, it must not be wasted!

Therefore, he thought of raising fish again, and then he fished in the backyard to make life more enjoyable.

After receiving Li Nianfan’s order, Tiangong immediately did not dare to neglect, and immediately embarked on the great cause of fish hunting, and even continued to hold meetings to formulate a series of plans.

In the end, this burden naturally fell on the head of the big fish farmer of the East China Sea Dragon King.

Ao Cheng is here to bring fish to Li Nianfan today.

He glanced at the wooden barrel and said: "It's okay, the expert has deliberately instructed again and again, to pick good quality fish with strong vitality, and what other fish has the vitality of my dragon? What's more... the backyard of the expert Among them, I have raised my ancestors! I know what an expert means."

Yinglong turned into a fish with wings, and asked: "Ao Longwang, staying in the backyard of an expert, is the treatment really as good as you said?"

"It's more than good, it's just a step to the sky!"

Ao Cheng said in a sour tone, "If it weren't for my identity, I would have to go to the expert's backyard to be a fish if I said anything! Your future status will become the expert's fish, how honorable! Sudden death! Me, don’t say anything, let’s say I’m going to cry..."

A fish raised by an expert?

Zhong Yu'er couldn't help but think of the chickens raised by the experts and the cows raised by the experts. They were suddenly full of expectation and excitement.

Gradually, the courtyard house came into view, and Ao Chengning said: "Okay, here it is, all pay attention, and behave well!"

Seeing that all the fish are ready, Ao Cheng stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Respectfully said: "Is Lord Shengjun at home?"


The door opened.

Li Nianfan smiled and looked at Ao Cheng and said, "It turns out that Lord Long is driving here. Welcome."

Ao Cheng immediately saluted: "I have seen Lord Shengjun."

Then he said: "Master Shengjun, this is the fish that you are looking for. I don’t know if these are okay?"

Li Nianfan’s eyes lit up, "Here is the fish? Let me see."

He looked at the bucket quickly, and the smile on his face suddenly increased.

The fish in the bucket are fat and strong, and you can feel their power while swimming. The scales of the fish are shining, and they are very healthy and majestic at first glance.

Moreover, there are many kinds of fish.

Black fish, flying fish, arowana...there are many varieties.

As expected to be the Dragon King, I will not worry about fishing in the future.

"Not bad, really good."

Li Nianfan nodded in satisfaction, "Lao Ao is really interested."

There are so many energetic fish, it should not disappear inexplicably like the fishes raised before.

He enthusiastically said: "Old Ao, sit down quickly. I just made a new wine called dragon blood wine. Quickly taste it, Xiao Bai, serve the wine!"

"Come on, my master."

Xiaobai came over with a jar of wine, and poured it over to Ao Cheng.

The wine is red in color and tends to be blood red, which is extremely strange.

There is a scent of wine rushing to the sky, just smelling it, you can feel it.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Ao Cheng seemed to hear the sound of dragons.

The blood in his whole body was surging, and he had an extreme desire for this cup of wine, and the blood in his whole body seemed to boil.

It's not just him, even the school of fish in the bucket gets upset and starts to jump around in the bucket.

"Hahaha, really energetic, good thing, good thing!"

Li Nianfan is more satisfied with the group of fish, and can’t wait to lift the wooden barrel, and say to Ao Cheng: “Old Ao, you drink here first, I will send this group of fish to the backyard water pool, and let’s get lost.”

Ao Cheng nodded immediately, "Oh, Master Shengjun, please go ahead."

Wait until Li Nianfan turned around, he took the wine glass and slowly brought it in front of him, his throat rolled, and then he couldn't wait to take a sip.

In just an instant, his old face rose with a blush, and the powerful force exploded in his body with the alcohol, rushing into his mind, and the extremely high head made him swing his head, feeling dizzy. of.

Dragon Blood Wine.

Using the essence and blood of the dragon race, there is no shortage of the blood of the dragon in the realm of heaven!

After being processed by an expert, this wine contains the supernatural power of dragon blood, which is of great significance to the dragon clan. It has great benefits and is extremely precious.

After a brief period of dizziness, Ao Cheng only felt that the blood in his body was burning like a fire, his whole body was hot, and he could burst out fire when he opened his mouth.

That sip of wine was actually like blood, circulating in his body, motivating every cell in him, strengthening every inch of his meridians, and actually making his blood veins evolved!

At the same time, the mana in his body was even more ready to move.

"This feeling... is so wonderful!"

Ao Cheng flushed, he felt an unprecedented sense of strength, and he couldn’t wait to roar from the sky.

Take a deep breath, he drank the rest of the wine in the glass!


The monstrous power was instantly ignited and burst out.

When he first met Li Nianfan, he was only in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Ever since he hugged the thigh of an expert, he had already surpassed the Daluo Golden Immortal and reached the quasi-sage level.

This speed is already incredible, he couldn't even think of it before.

However, at this moment, the power against the sky exploded, sending him directly across the sage’s moat and becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

However, this is not the end.

After reaching the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the endless power was still surging, and he directly stopped him in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

He slowly opened his eyes, shocked to the extreme, and even thought he was dreaming, like a dream.

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at the same time.

Li Nianfan carried the barrel and walked into the backyard.

At the moment of entering the backyard, the fish that was still alive in the bucket stiffened at the same time, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something terrifying.

"Here, there are endless laws and verticals, and it is full of great power!"

These fishes were suppressed by the wanton force in the space, as if they were feeling the coercion of an incomparably powerful boss and did not dare to move.

They carefully looked at the outside world. At this look, their fish scales stood upright in terror, and they all took a breath.


The cows, the bees, and the peacocks are nothing more. They have seen them before, but they dare not even dream about it. There will be spiritual roots here.

The grass, the flower, the tree, without exception, are all the roots of chaos!

Furthermore, judging from the faintly exuding aura, these spiritual roots have grown to the level of spiritual sacrifice, even if they raise their hands, they will be enough to turn the world upside down!

This is the world of horror to the extreme, and here is the space to subvert the chaos!

"What kind of fairy place is this! Are we going to live here in the future? I feel stronger when I breathe here!"

"Developed, we are really developed! Oh, mom and dad, your son is going to be developed!"

"Look at that water pool, is that the place to raise us? It is actually Chaos Spirit Spring?!"

"Speak out you may not believe me, I can swim in the chaotic spring, I'm going to cry with excitement! Uuuuu"

"Is this the world in the dream? And it's a corrupt dream to the extreme!"

"From now on we will be the fish of the superior, so happy."

"Boss, it's really unimaginable!"


Ryuer and Nun ran over and curiously asked, "Brother, what are you holding in your hand?"

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Long'er, it's the fish sent by your Dongwang father. You can keep it in this pool in the future. You have to watch it carefully, don't die or disappear, save it for our future fishing entertainment."

Ryuer and Nun patted their chests together, "Hmm, don't worry, brother, wrap it around us."


Li Nianfan raised his hand and poured the fish in the bucket into the pool water.

Immediately, the group of fish swam excitedly in the pool. If it weren't for Ao Cheng's repeated warnings, they would surely roar cheerfully.

Just when they were spreading joy, the dragon under the water opened his eyes, and Long Wei burst out loudly. The voice transmission said: "Newcomers are here to report, let me tell you a few things to note!"


Li Nianfan returned to the courtyard and smiled at Ao Cheng and asked, "Old Ao, how about Dragon Blood Wine?"

Ao Cheng said sincerely: "Good wine, the only good wine, I am really lucky to drink this wine, Lao Long."

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "Old Ao is too acclaimed."

Ao Cheng stood up and said: "The fish has been delivered, and I will leave Laolong. Thank you Lord Shengjun for your hospitality."

Li Nianfan directly ordered: "Xiaobai, pack a pot of dragon blood wine for Lao Ao and take it home."

People sent fish here specially, so Li Nianfan got the point.

Ao Cheng's whole body trembled. He was shocked by the sudden surprise, and said in a trembled, "This... how is this embarrassing?"

Li Nianfan laughed and said, "It's all old friends, so don't be polite."

Ao Cheng’s eyes were red immediately, and he held back his tears and said, "Thank you, Lord Shengjun."

Serving an expert, I am touched, I am proud!

He saluted again: "Master Shengjun, Xiaolong is leaving."

Li Nianfan smiled and waved, "bye bye."

sent away Ao Cheng, Li Nianfan looked at the dragon blood wine on the table and smiled, poured himself a glass, and drank it all in one go.

"Ah cool!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, enjoying the sensation of alcohol churn in his stomach.

Dragon blood wine is the strongest kind of wine he has brewed. It has to be said that it tastes good when drinking it.

He happily ordered: "Xiao Bai, go and copy a plate of peanuts and save it for tonight's drink."

Then, he smiled at Qin Manyun and Situ Qin and said: "Miss Manyun, Miss Qin'er, I tell you that literature has always been inseparable from wine. The drunkenness you bring with wine can definitely make the sound of the piano follow. Free and easy, writing is more elegant."

Qin Manyun and Situ Qin responded with a smile: "Then we have a good drink with the son tonight."

Li Nianfan immediately said: "That's great. I just have a drinking boxing game here. Let's try it at night?"

Wait until night falls.

The usually peaceful courtyard suddenly became lively.

"Hello, brothers, Samsung photos, Si Xi Cai, five leaders, Liu Liu Shun..."

Li Nianfan took Daji's four daughters and started punching and fighting alcohol. For a while, he laughed and was happy.

囡囡 and Long Er joined the fun, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, followed by a little wine.

At the end of the game, only Li Nianfan was left standing, and the others were all down.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "It seems that after the fairy is drunk, she sleeps on all sides, regardless of her image."

But soon, he was in trouble.

It’s okay for Daji and Huofeng. They are their own wives, and they can just hug them to bed. Qin Manyun and Situ Qin are big girls of Huanghua, so it’s not a bad idea to hug them to bed.

But they can’t be left in the yard either.

Hey, that's fine, then just bear the torture yourself.

Finally, Li Nianfan gritted his teeth, still holding their tender bodies like water, restrained the restlessness in his heart, and sent them back to the room.

The next day.

Everyone got up a lot later than usual, and the alcohol on their bodies has not disappeared.

Li Nianfan asked Xiaobai to make a cup of tea to sober everyone up.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom."

"Huang Sirou of Emperor Luo Tian asked to see Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan of the Luotian Dynasty had the impression that the emperor was named Huang Deheng, and he also served as a commentator for Li Nianfan at the Gods Domain Fighting Conference.

Why did    come over suddenly?

He ordered: "Xiao Bai, go open the door."

Soon, Huang Sirou entered the courtyard and saluted Li Nianfan: "I have seen Lord Sheng, Fairy Daji, Fairy Fire Phoenix."

Li Nianfan nodded and replied: "Hello Miss Huang, is there anything going on here?"

"Master Huishengjun, I originally came with my father, but the last time we received your bacon, we wanted to give you a gift in return, so I found a fruit tree specially."

Huang Siro paused, his eyes suddenly red, and he said sadly: "Who knows, on the way here, there was an accident. My father was taken away by an unknown existence, and he desperately gave me away. come out."

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