Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 659: 659: Great Avenue, One Fish and Two Eats

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Just caught a fish?

Everyone's hearts beat at the same time, and then all their eyes fell on the fish's body, and the eyeballs bulged out immediately and almost died on the spot.

This, this breath is...

That's right, it's that fish, definitely that fish!

No, it's not a fish, it's the big shot in the long river of years!

Sure enough, he was caught by an expert, and he turned into a fish...

At this moment, their scalp was numb and almost exploded, and they couldn't help but think of the fear and despair of being dominated by that giant palm in the long river of years.

However, in a blink of an eye, the owner of the giant palm turned into a fish, which was placed on a cutting board, letting people kill it at will.

This feeling is so dreamy, it's almost like a dream.

Big boss, super boss!

Awesome! !

Seeing everyone stunned, Li Nianfan couldn't help but smile: "How about it, this fish looks good, right?"

Qin Manyun swallowed a mouthful of water and whispered: "No... yes, this fish is very mighty at first glance."

Li Nianfan nodded and said: "That is, I told you that when it was first caught, it was full of vitality. It jumped three feet high, and the meat was very delicious. You are really lucky."

This is the supreme avenue, can it be lack of vitality?

Wait, meat quality? !

Master, is this going to eat Dao Zhizun?

Everyone's complexion suddenly flushed, and every cell in their body was trembling with excitement. Reminiscent of the craftsmanship of an expert, this meal is simply incredible!

Old man Ling shook his body and couldn't help but walked out, trembling nervously: "Um... me, can I eat too?"

Li Nianfan said: "The visitor is a guest, of course, I don't know how the friend is called?"

The old man Ling said immediately: "Poor Dao Ling Liqun, Huang Deheng's best friend, came with him."

The corners of Huang Deheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch, it's best your sister, now you know it's related to me? Why don't you usually see you so enthusiastic.

Ling Liqun continued: "By the way, Lord Shengjun, originally I brought a fruit tree during this visit, but there was an accident on the road. The fruit tree is a bit unbearable. I don't know if it can work."

Li Nianfan was startled, and then he noticed that the tree they were carrying behind had bare branches, not a single leaf, and the bark was a little wrinkled. It looked like a dead tree in autumn.

He quickly walked over, "Let me see."

"This is a walnut tree!"

Li Nianfan recognized it. He was surprised and delighted. He was a little afraid and said: "Fortunately, this tree has strong vitality, it is not completely dead, and there is still some salvation. I have to plant it in the backyard as soon as possible."

Nun Nun and Long Er ran over immediately and volunteered: "Brother, let's help you."

"Hahaha, well, be careful."

Li Nianfan was in a good mood. He got melon seeds not long ago, and now he has walnuts. He really likes these nuts.

The taste of walnuts is not only delicious, but also can nourish the brain, which is much more valuable than ordinary fruits, which is really good.

"Everyone, get out of company."

At the same time, Li Nianfan said: "Xiaobai, this fish is left to you, please deal with it quickly and prepare a sumptuous meal to entertain the distinguished guests."

Xiaobai said: "Okay, my honorable master."

When Li Nianfan went to the backyard, Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun breathed a sigh of relief. They were under too much pressure to face the superior.

They silently looked at everything in the courtyard, and from time to time they shrank their necks, deeply shocked by everything in the courtyard.

This is a real place for seeking Taoism, containing unparalleled good fortune, here, you can definitely cultivate to the extreme of Taoism, and no secret realm can match one or two of them.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi."

Xiaobai was holding a kitchen knife and was working diligently to clean up the fish scales. With each knife falling, the golden fish scales fluttered and fell on the ground, looking a bit sloppy.

However, Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun condensed their eyes at the same time, staring at the fish scales, breathing quickly.

"This is the fish scale of the Supreme Dao, and it contains the veins of the Dao. It is impossible to encounter it, and it is more precious than the treasure!"

"This fish scale can completely create a peerless Taoist artifact! The Great Dao Sovereign is full of treasures, and the corpse is enough to change the world!"

They screamed in their hearts, their eyes red when they looked at the scales of the fish.

When he saw Xiaobai holding the water pipe and preparing to wash away the fish scales as rubbish, his heart trembled, and he leaned over without thinking.

Huang Deheng flattered and said, "Master Xiaobai, can you give me the scales? I am grateful."

Ling Liqun was pleased: "Master Xiaobai, you are the body of ten thousand gold. Where can this fish scale bother you to clean up, let me come, I am familiar with this."

Xiaobai didn't care: "It's up to you, just clean up here anyway."

"Master Xiaobai, don't worry, leave it to me."

"Master Xiaobai is magnificent, thanks."

Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun bowed to Xiao Bai with a flattering smile, turned their heads, their smiles disappeared, and the two of them seized each other on the spot.

Huang Deheng blushed and roared: "Old man Ling, what do you mean? I took you to an expert to share your chances with you, so you treated me like this? I said that, picking up **** is my job!"

"Fart! The viable person who picks up **** lives, forgot to tell you, I was the king of **** before I cultivated immortality."

Ling Liqun refused to give up, while burying his head in picking up the fish scales on the ground, he said, "This fruit tree belongs to me. Speaking of which, you still have my light!"

Huang Deheng cursed: "You white-eyed wolf, a dog just said I was his best friend."

The two of them fought desperately while picking up the scales, but they also had counts in their hearts. They did not forget their own job and cleaned the venue more than licked it.

After a while, Li Nianfan came out of the backyard and said to Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun: "Thank you for the fruit tree you gave me.

They hurriedly said: "My Lord Shengjun is polite, we are actually just seeing flowers and offering Buddha."

Next, Li Nianfan served juice and snacks to everyone, and entered the cooking session with Xiao Bai.

Because this fish is very big, I chose to eat more than one fish. Fish head stewed in soup, fish body braised in brown sauce, and fish skin fried. Not only is it not wasted, but it also tastes different.

Although the juice and snacks were not ordinary products, Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun screamed in their hearts, but most of their attention was still involuntarily focused on the **** of the fish.

After all, this is the Supreme Dao!


Gradually, the soup in the pot began to boil, and a scent of scent drifted out, melted into the air, and rushed into the noses of everyone, making them swallowing saliva constantly, greedy.

Is this the taste of the cooked Dao Zun? Even the scent carries the breath of avenues.

They haven't started to eat yet, just by smelling the scent, they feel that they have a sense of their own way.

Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun even closed their eyes directly, breathing hard while immersing in the fragrance, their faces full of intoxication, and their old faces looked rather wretched.

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"Brother, is it delicious?"

Long Er and Nun Nun were already sitting at the table, with the bowls and chopsticks placed in front of them, and they looked like they could be moved at any time.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Don't worry, come on, wait for me to put some coriander first."

While talking, he lifted the lid of the pot.

In an instant, a thick cloud of smoke rose from the pot and enveloped the surroundings, looking like a fairyland.

In the eyes of everyone, an endless halo burst out in the pot, which is simply a storm of spiritual energy, and the avenue is flying all over the sky.

Where is the fish cooking, this is clearly cooking the main road!

Li Nianfan put the prepared green onion and coriander into the pot, stirred briefly, and said with a smile: "Okay, everyone, get ready to eat."

Do you want to start eating?

Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun both had a heartbeat, as if the primary school students heard the teacher say that they were going to class, they immediately sat in distress, and did not dare to breathe.

They stared wide-eyed, staring closely at the dishes being picked up from the pot, and then placed them in front of them.

"I'm going to start!"

Long Er and Nun Nun exclaimed excitedly, and then unceremoniously put a piece of fish into their mouths.

"Ah, a fan, a fan, a fan, a~"

"Gosh, it's so delicious!"

"It feels like the taste is exploding in my mouth. The meat quality of this fish is better than any fish I have ever eaten."

"Such a big fish, the meat does not feel old at all, on the contrary it is very tender and very refreshing."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but patted their little heads, and said with a smile: "Eat and eat, where there are so many words."

These two little girls followed them, and their sorrows became more and more. They tasted food and tasted them by the way. They were really a pair of live treasures.

Long Er and Nun Nun stuck out their tongues, and then they were silent.

The fish is really delicious, but after they ate their stomachs, a warm breath suddenly burst out of their stomachs. This breath not only instantly blended into their mana, it instantly expanded their mana several times, and more. It rushed straight to the forehead, which caused them to fall into a strange state.

Their brains are directly empty, and the whole person seems to be floating in the chaos. With a move of raising their hands, stars are floating and then rotating around them.

There are more and more stars, centering on them. At this moment, they seem to have become the center of chaos. Between raising their hands, they can control the endless universe.

"This feeling is... the feeling of controlling the avenue?"

"Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, I am the peak at the end of the heavenly path! This is the supreme perspective of that avenue!"

"When my elder brother made the fish, he integrated the Tao of this fish into it."

Long'er and Nannan were amazed, and the Tao of their sentiment naturally began to spew, and together with the magic power, they directly pushed up their cultivation base quickly.

Just a bite of fish meat, let them go from the early days of Heavenly Dao to the middle of Heavenly Dao realm!

You know, they just broke through to the realm of Heavenly Dao not long ago.

Situ Qin and Qin Manyun also picked up a piece of fish and put them in their mouths.

Immediately, they only felt that their bodies seemed to rise with the wind, became extremely light, blended into the wind, and floated out of the realm of God, standing above the chaos.

They watched the changes in the stars and felt the birth and annihilation of thousands of worlds in the chaos.

Qin Manyun couldn't help but beating his fingers, as if he was about to play a chaotic movement using the trajectory of the stars. Situ Qin also had an impulse to paint the entire chaotic change with a brush.

Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun couldn't bear it no matter how much they expected, they picked up the spoons, slowly scooped a spoonful of white milky fish soup, and then sucked them into their mouths little by little.

Immediately, their bodies shook wildly, their faces flushed directly, the powerful force almost stretched their bodies, and their stomachs swelled directly.

But as soon as they gritted their teeth, their hearts became fierce, and they suppressed them, desperately digesting them, for fear that they might cause some abnormality in front of the superior.

With their strength, they almost failed to suppress the power in this bite of fish soup. This is so precious that there is no lindane miracle in the world.

"It's too powerful, it's incredible, cooking can actually make the essence of Dao Sovereign in this bowl of soup."

"The expert is really too big, just this way of cooking, I am afraid it is the supreme level of the Dao!"

They were very shocked thinking, and at the same time, a trace of helplessness and sorrow was born in their hearts.

Such a heavenly delicacy is placed in front of him, but because of his limited ability, he can't eat happily. This is simply torture.

The most painful thing in the world is not to ask for nothing, but to put the most beautiful things in front of me, but I can't enjoy them because of my limited ability.

I'm depreesed!

Daji and Huofeng also opened their red lips and started to move.

"Ok... so hot!"

Their postures were twisted, and a thin layer of sweat actually appeared on their delicate bodies, and a fiery force wandered through their bodies, making them seem to be soaking in a hot spring.

They were already in the realm of a half-step avenue. The appearance of this fish directly promoted their cultivation base and made them get closer and closer to the avenue supreme. This powerful force needs to be digested with heart.

Li Nianfan's meal was unscrupulous. The braised fish with the delicious fish soup was absolutely perfect. The meal was extremely comfortable and satisfying.

He drank a bowl of fish soup, and couldn't help but say to Huang Deheng and the others: "You are really welcome, eat whatever you want, and eat too little."

They don't know what's going on. They all use spoons to drink the soup, spoon by spoonful. What kind of ladies are the two old men dressed as ladies.

Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun hurriedly said: "Ahem, we are really not polite, we have eaten a lot, it's really enough."

Li Nianfan looked at the leftovers on the table coldly, and said: "Hey, so many of us have not eliminated this fish yet. Your fighting capacity is really not good. Isn't it true that no one has eaten it?"

"My son, I'm so full."

Daji and Huofeng stood up and walked towards the fitness equipment together. They need to practice yoga to digest the income of the meal. They really can’t digest it. If they practice with the son at night, they should be able to enter the road soon. Up.

Jiang Liu's belly was bulging, and it seemed to be a bit difficult to speak, "Master Shengjun, I can't hold it anymore."

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "Never mind, Xiao Bai, pour the leftover vegetables into the backyard as fertilizer. By the way, pour some in the pool and feed the fish."

Xiaobai immediately took the order.

As it entered the backyard with the leftovers, the whole backyard was lively in an instant, and the leaves were rustling.

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, give me a bite."

"Good fragrant fish soup, pour a little under me, I need to moisturize."

In the pool, the fish couldn't wait even more, jumping out of the water one after another, tracing arcs in the air.

"Wow, the food made by the expert is here, it's so fragrant!"

"This is delicious made with Dao Zhizun, it's beyond imagination, it's so exciting!"

"Great opportunity, great luck, we are so happy!"


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