Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 660: 660: Furukawa, Demon Sword

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Outside the courtyard.

After Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun respectfully bid farewell to Li Nianfan, they were slowly walking towards the foot of the mountain.

With tears in Ling Liqun's old eyes and trembling lips, he said with great regret: "So much fish soup, just dumped it out, it hurts so much that I can't breathe after thinking about it."

Such a sumptuous meal, condensing the essence of Dao Sovereign's life, can be said to be a unique great fortune in the chaos, but... they actually only ate a few bites...

This is more uncomfortable than killing them.

If they can, they would rather drink soup and drink until they burst into death. It is also happy to be a satiated ghost.

"Hey, who said no? That big pot of fish soup, I scooped a total of five teaspoons, this is what I gave my life to drink to death, oooooo..."

Huang Deheng also nodded in grief, and when he talked about the sadness, he buried his head in crying.

Ling Liqun said with envy: "It is so happy to be raised in the backyard by an expert. It is a boundless opportunity to eat some leftovers every day."

Huang Deheng waved his hand and said, "Well, even so, we should be content. Such a meal must be in the layout of the superior. If we are too greedy, we will definitely be disgusted by the superior."

Ling Liqun nodded and said: "That's right, such a meal has brought us to the peak of the realm of Heavenly Dao at the same time, and even vaguely saw the great road. This is a realm that we have been practicing for countless years!"

If you really let one person finish eating a feast that uses Dao Zhizun as the ingredients, I am afraid that he will become the strongest, but this is obviously unrealistic, even Daji and Huofeng can't do it.

The stronger you are, the more resources you will occupy, and the greater the power in your body will naturally be. Once your body falls, the power released is unimaginable, just like a whale falls and everything lives.

Just like when Pangu's body fell, it could transform into a prehistoric world, nurture powerful creatures such as dragons and phoenixes, and the essence of the supreme avenue, which is naturally countless high-end, and bred the power of the heavens is just a routine operation.

Huang Deheng suddenly smiled and said, "Old man Ling, you didn't believe me at the beginning, how do you feel about this wave of good fortune that I brought you to rub?"

Ling Liqun curled his lips and said proudly: "Okay, this time I accept your love, thank you for thinking of me."

"Yohoo, this is the first time I heard you say thank you, hahaha."

Huang Deheng laughed, joked for a while and then solemnly said: "This time we participated in such an important matter, learned the secrets, and was fortunate to have the good fortune bestowed by an expert. We must do things for the expert!"

"I need you to teach?"

Ling Liqun snorted, and then said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, our chaos actually belongs to the seventh realm, and I don't know what happened to other realms, and the ancients are just about to move. It seems that a troubled world is coming! The expert did this. I think there is a big layout, so we naturally want to look ahead."

Huang Deheng said: "Walk around, let's go and breathe with Tiangong."

In the next period of time, nothing major happened, and Li Nianfan's courtyard regained its leisure time.

Planting land, raising fish, playing piano, calligraphy and painting, and so on, occasionally I take everyone to gather around, which is very pleasant.

As for the many forces in God's Domain, after hearing the opportunities Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun had harvested from the masters, their eyes were red without exception, and they were all inquiring about the whereabouts of their special spiritual roots.

this day.

Beyond the Chaos Sea, the first realm.

There is a gathering of ancient tribes here, and they look into the depths of the chaotic sea as if they are waiting for something.

And in front of them, a black whirlpool emerged, and within the whirlpool, there was still a turbulent road turbulent, not knowing where it led.

There are four ancient powers standing on all sides of the whirlpool, exerting their magic power to stabilize the whirlpool.

At this time, a person of the ancient race stepped forward and came here in a blink of an eye, staring deeply at the whirlpool, and the whole body was full of breath, like the scorching sun, exuding a compelling golden light, directly becoming the focus of the audience.

He is one of the seven supreme in the long river of years.

The surrounding ancient people all saluted: "I have seen the Furukawa Supreme."

Furukawa nodded and asked, "How about the passage across the Chaos Sea? When can I enter the seventh realm?"

Someone replied: "Going back to the Supreme, the turbulent flow in the chaotic sea area has been significantly weaker, and many auras are also awakening. It is estimated that in less than five years, the sky will come, and we are working hard to get through. , This entrance will be stable enough to enter the seventh realm."

"Five years? Too slow."

Furukawa frowned, shook his head and said: "Not only does the seventh realm have the God's Domain, but there is also a sign that the Great Dao is supreme. This is not a good sign, and something we can't predict must have happened."

Five years is a long time for mortals, but for the ancient people who have lived for endless years, it is just a blink of an eye.

But now, there were warning signs from those who remained in the Seventh Realm, coupled with the accidents that occurred during the years, making Furukawa feel uneasy and couldn't wait any longer.

"What does Furukawa Supreme mean?"

Furukawa said indifferently: "I will cross the border first, and I will go there, no matter what happens, I can easily suppress it! No accidents will be allowed this time, we will surely level the seventh world!"

Is that person embarrassed: "Furukawa is supreme, the stronger the stronger the turbulence of the road will be stronger, I am afraid it is difficult to do it."

"I dare to say that, naturally there are ways."

Furukawa’s tone was full of arrogance, "Listen to me, I will enter the seventh world in a month!"

After a pause, a strange light gleamed in his eyes, and then he sneered: "Before this, I have to create some trouble for the Seventh Realm!"

When the voice fell, he lifted his wrist, and a black gold ancient knife appeared in his hand. The body of the knife was surrounded by black energy. The monstrous ferocious aura spilled out, and it contained endless killing aura. I don't know how many slaughters have been killed. Creatures.

"My partner, you go first, World Devil Sword!"

Furukawa raised his hand and threw the magic knife directly into the whirlpool!

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

On this day, a black sword turned into a black streamer, shuttled in the chaos.


The big knife made a howling sound, and the terrifying black energy unexpectedly transformed countless ghosts around it, hideous and terrifying, and the shocking power condensed into a vortex, causing a shock in the chaos.

It didn't know where it came from, and it was unstoppable along the way, but all the stars on its path were slashed out, turned into a terrible torrent of energy, and spread to the four fields.

In the end, he came to a small world, passed through the firmament, and froze somewhere in this small world.


This small world vibrated endlessly, and the world changed color in an instant, and the wind was surging. Countless creatures were photographed by this earth-shattering might and crawled to the ground.

The upper limit of the small world on this side is average, and there is no power in the realm of heaven. There are three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and ten saints.

At this moment, all of them suddenly opened their eyes and were shocked.

"What on earth came to this world from outside the sky, can actually cause such a big momentum."

"What a terrifying aura, this thing must be a shocking treasure!"

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"The sky has been cut through a huge hole. If you can get this treasure, you can definitely take the next step!"

"Great opportunity, great luck has come!"

Without saying a word, they all set off, using the fastest speed to head towards the place of the fall.

When they came to the place where they fell, their pupils shrank and they were terrified.

This place was originally a huge mountain, but at this moment, it was cut from the top by a black knife. It was chopped in half. The two halves of the mountain were pushed apart by ten meters, with the black knife in the middle. On the ground!

The knife is six meters long, and the whole body is dark, reflecting on the earth. It seems that you can see the image of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, surrounded by black air, blood glowing, and destruction light blooming.

"The artifact, it must be a peerless artifact!"

"This knife fell on the boundary of Jieshandi, and it belongs to me."

"This statement is wrong, this knife has a fate with me."

"It's nonsense. This is obviously the treasure I lost yesterday. I finally found it today."

They stared at the black knives closely, their eyes were full of greed, and they started arguing on the spot.

But at this moment, above the black knife, the black air burst into full bloom, spreading towards the surroundings like a tide.

Wherever I go, everything is black!

The earth has become black, the grass has become black, the mountains have become black, and the water has become black water!

At the same time, all the vitality was swallowed by the black knife, the black air passed by, everything was dead!

"What a terrible power of destruction, what is going on?"

"No, this knife actually has the will to destroy the world, and it will come to us, I am afraid it will be a misfortune, not a blessing!"

"Peerless weapon, this knife is a peerless weapon!"

"Quickly, let's take action together, first suppress this knife!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they roared in horror, and then they shot together.

The light of mana rises all over the sky, and there are many magic weapons flying, all together towards the suppression of the black knife!

However, those mana powers were directly annihilated when they touched the black air, and the magic weapon was also eroded by the black air, and there was no meaning of struggling at all, and the same turned into black, and the aura was lost.

"how can that be?!"

The crowd was already overwhelmed and horrified to the extreme, and they retreated one after another.

However, the spread of black energy is more than a few times faster than at the beginning, and it is getting faster and faster. In a blink of an eye, one-third of this small world is covered by black energy, regardless of whether it is a living thing. Still dead, all deprived of their vitality.

After another moment, none of this small world was spared. Even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the saint could not escape. The whole world's vitality was swallowed instantly and turned into a dead star.

Not only that, the black energy is still mighty, surrounding this small world, overflowing and beating.

Seeing from the chaos, this star has already turned into a black star, and it is still exuding black energy, and the breath of billowing death is spreading towards the chaos.

God's domain, Tiangong.

Erlangshen’s third eye shot into the chaos with a golden light, his face was shocked, "That, that's..."

After learning about the secrets of the Great Tribulation, Tiangong naturally paid more attention to Chaos and kept observing it all the time.

God Erlang received Li Nianfan's gift last time, breaking through to the realm of Heaven, enough to detect a major change in the chaos, but this time he noticed the thick death black air floating in the chaos!

He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately reported the matter to Tiangong.

"Death black gas? Covered endless stars?"

"Who is it that dares to be so rampant, evil cultivator?"

"The one who can do this is at least in the realm of Heavenly Dao. What happened there?"

The people in the palace were surprised.

The Jade Emperor asked Yang Jian, "Yang Jian, what do you think?"

"I don't think this matter will be easy."

Yang Jian's face was solemn, and he said: "The black death aura is extremely rich, enough to swallow even one world, and it also contains a terrible killing aura. I think... this aura not only kills a world, absolutely It is the killing of countless creatures to create this kind of breath."

Not only kills one side of the world?

Doesn't that mean that several small worlds have been slaughtered, even more!

The Jade Emperor solemnly said: "If this is the case, then the people behind it must not be underestimated, I am afraid it is not weaker than the original alliance!"

Yang Jian volunteered and said courageously: "This matter is too unusual, and the little **** is willing to go and investigate."

The Jade Emperor nodded and said, "Okay, then you and Xiao Chengfeng will have a look together."

Xiao Chengfeng immediately said cheerfully: "Hahaha, let me go out and then this wave will be stable, Lao Yang, let's go."

Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng left God's Domain and ran straight in the direction of Heiqi.

And this breath of death in the chaos naturally attracted the attention of other people, and many people also rushed in that direction.

When Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng came to the edge of Black Qi, many people had already gathered here, looking at the Black Qi one by one, with strange eyes.

Yang Jian stretched his hand to the edge of the black energy, his complexion changed slightly, and he was surprised: "What a powerful death air, it can actually swallow life!"

Xiao Chengfeng said: "The key is that this breath is still spreading outwards, even in the most marginal area, it will be directly sucked up below Da Luo Jinxian!"

Suddenly, someone opened his mouth and said: "These breaths do not dissipate. Obviously they have a source. In addition, the fluctuations are not violent. This is a vision of the birth of a strange treasure. At the center, there is a high probability that there is a treasure of killing!"

As soon as these words came out, many people's faces showed a change of color.

Just relying on the breath can have such a powerful vision, if it is obtained, the power is absolutely unimaginable, it may be the legendary chaos treasure!

Those who have a high level of self-sustaining cultivation have already turned into a stream of light, directly submerged in the black energy.

Yang Jian's eyes sank, and he immediately said, "Let's go take a look too."

After the conversation, he and Xiao Chengfeng's body mana was mighty, and they stepped into the black energy.

Behind them, more and more bold people also entered.

However, there are many people whose strength is not directly proportional to greed. They can't hold on for long after entering the black qi. When they want to quit, it is too late. They are dyed black and lose their vitality.

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